Nigger mods still letting pedo shit pollute the board

nigger mods still letting pedo shit pollute the board

fuck this place

fuck the mods

fuck jim the kike

and fuck the fat cunt bo

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Waa waaa! Mods won't make Holla Forums into a safe space! Waa waa!

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OP is right, you are garbage.

Whats with all this toxic behavior today

on Holla Forums I mean

it also has zoo, furries, low quality memes, Holla Forums shills, unironic rick and morty fans, that one autistic faggot that rants about dysnomia 24/7, Holla Forums, attention whores and ponies … and the only thing that bothers you is pictures of girls?

Why? Because im a free speech absolutist and i believe that pedos should be able to voice their opinions, without fears of repercussion, so as long as they behave according the law? In that case, i am garbage.

their opinions are shit and they voice them here every day, I don't see the problem

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The ponies are ok as long as there aren't sexualized pics of ponies
Nothing wrong with the ponies. The ponies are my only friends. It's just those fags who jerk off to the ponies that trigger me beyond belief

Whats wrong? You don't like my free speech? Die you degenerate moral relativist piece of shit.

and i'm voicing my opinon as well: fuck human rights, pedos must be killed

Dude, i'm all for you being able to say whatever you want to say, and be protected. But you re the ones with a double standard. You want people to resect your free speech, but when it comes to things you dont like or disagree with, you clutch your pearls. I dont like them either, but here i am defending pedos.

a picture of a little girl is not an opinion dude

Sure, you have all the right to say that. But you can't turn around and censor them when they decide to voice their opininon.

It is, in the same way, a picture of a horse pussy is an opinion. As long as the children aren't naked, or engaging in sexuala acts, i dont see the fuzz tbh.

How cucked can you get.


Sure, call me what you want, for actually believing in something. Doesn't make it true, tho.

wrong, a picture of a horse pussy is also not an opinion. are you retarded?

ITT anons practicing free speech and expressing their opinions

It is, man. By posting a picture of a "horrse pussy", your voicing your opininon. Your saying what you are into. Your preferences. Thats an opinion.


Reminder that there's absolutely nothing wrong with having sex with a child if the child consents.
Stop the persecution of pedophiles!
You anti-pedo fascist bastards need to hang yourselves!

Anything can be technically dost nowadays, because as dysnomia said:
"I think it's (Holla Forums) quite balanced right now. Anons do what they want whatever they feel like it, and mods do as well" (03/11/18).
So, if mod feels like something is dost, it's dost.


wrong, all you're saying is that you wanted to share this picture for some reason. that's it. not an opinion.

Its the essence of Holla Forums. Pure anarchy

And that reason, is to tell what you like, when it comes to your sexual preferences. Why should that be censored?

When I post pictures of horse pussy, it is a form of self expression. I look at the catalog and ask myself "how can I make this more obnoxious? what changes can I make to this in order to increase the irritation a viewer would experience looking at it? which threads should I derail and why? who do I want to annoy today?"
It is not just a random picture of a horse pussy. It is a singular act of art and creativity.

you can say what you like without having to post a picture of it, nothing is censored.

it's not an opinion

Where have all the pedo kikes gone?
Gassed by Hitler, every one

But if i want to post pictures, about a certain subject that gives me joy and plesure, why should i be banned? As long as they dont break the rules, i dont care. I like gore, i like watching peple being butchered and killed like pigs. Should i be censored, because someone doesn't like it? Hell no.

I express my opinions through artistic shitposting.

This is why we can't have nice things, you enable and support behavior that has driven away all the good posters. You feel as comfortable in piss and shit as on silk. I truly despise you.

ok! i don't care what you think about me. But if you think, anons left, because there was too much free speech, youre either a retard or a newfag. Probably both.

arctic shipwreckposting

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Spam is not free speech. Apparently there are individuals who can't tell the difference, as i said, you are garbage, a destroyer of everything good, you are such a person that can improve the world by committing suicide. Sounds harsh? Don't worry, its just free speech.

I have seen this board drown in pedoshit often enough, so in this case I'd say it should be removed. there is no such problem with people posting gore.

Spam is indeed free speech. Its annoying as fuck, but so are you and you're still posting. Doesn't mean you hsould be banned for talking shit.

I've seen it as well, many times in fact. In my opinion that doesn't constitute a reason ffor them being censored.

The difference is i'm defending quality while you are degrading it.

censoring spam is a slippery slope towards totalitarianism

You're defending you're definition of quality. I'm defendng equality. The opportunity for anyone to say whatever they want, as long as they dont break the law.

How many times do I have to explain before it gets through your thick skull. I'll write it out in the simplest terms you can understand:

Your right to freedom of speech ends where my feelings begin.

Get used to it.


No, SJW. Its doesn't work that way. My free speech doesn't give a fuck about you're feelings.
i know you're trolling me

k bud

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People like you is why totalitarianism is gaining support.

You are not defending equality, you are wishing for it where there is none. A kick in the balls is not equal with a kiss on a cheek. Because of people like you millions of people died under communist totalitarian regimes, you're a social marxist. As i said, you are garbage, help the world and erase yourself. There is a fine line between stupidity and evil, and you're crossing it.

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because you liked it that way I guess, I didn't

I want to make out with her after she's sucked horse dick

We believe you.

t. authoritarian right-winger

i didn't like it either, but they weren't necessarily hurting anyone, were they?

t. a murderer by proxy

Care to explain? How is allowimg everyone to speak freely, murder by proxy?

Flyer for anyone that is interested.

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I already explained it to you. You are short sighted. People striving for equality already killed millions of people.


You already killed Holla Forums

they aren't hurting anyone by posting cp either, what does that matter? a random board should remain random and a catalog full of little girls in dresses and borderline cp isn't random.

You have a point, indeed. And that is where mods come in. To assure Holla Forums stays random, not to purge a portion of the userbase they dislike.

Where's the best place to post these?

Can't have both random quality content and random degenerate content, because one drives away the other.

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I thought you were fine with it drowning in pedoshit. anyway, you gotta acknowledge that this particular portion of the userbase acts like a disease..

No, i always hid the pedo threads. Yeah, theres always someone that used to derail their threads.

waah waah! mods won't let me post shit that will get the site taken down!

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I don't support the posting of CP. Please refer to wikipedia to see definition of CP
However, its not pictures of fully clothed kids, or in bikinis that will take Holla Forums down. By that logic, Instagram would have been tken down, long time ago.

No. They have money.

me too

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What do you actually mean with board? Holla Forums or Holla Forums? If you don't like these boards then do go there… You want to insult every ethnic or racial group and spread silly theories about them, but OH NO THERE ARE SOME FANTASY PICTURES I DONT LIKE!!! ON THE INTERNET! IN MY BELOVED SLIME PIT OF THE INTERNET!!!

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no rules for mods = no freedom of expression for anons
You can have one or the other, but not both. They are mutually exclusive.
If mods delete whatever they feel like, valid opinions and expressions of ideas are being removed from the community. That is NOT freedom of expression, it is censorship.
Ultimately no rules for mods is the equivalent of more rules for anons, it is just that the rules are arbitrary, unwritten, and constantly changing so that nobody knows what is going to be allowed to stay at any given time.

Dysnomia has opted for there to be no rules for mods, allowing them to impose whatever rules they want on to anons at any given moment. So calling it "no rules" for anons is in fact a lie.

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based user


Omlet is going to be pissed that you figured that out.

go back to 4chins

you too

underage nudity isn't automatically illegal, brainlet

It is on Holla Forums because of context. Same reason a parent having a photo of their kids in the bath in folder named "family pics" is different than having that same photo in a folder named "sexy loli bath time" If anyone has the screencap of HW explaining this feel free to post it.

Poo Poo Pee Pee etc

based nigs