Looks like the cucks have finally been fully forced to bend the knee. The Bush dynasty is finally fucking kill and GOPe resistance has been utterly crushed.

Other urls found in this thread:

I hate to use a meme but he literally cannot be stumped

In some ways that's unfortunate. The best case scenario was the one where both party establishments openly opposed Trump and he won anyway. It would make it obvious to everyone who the weasels are who need to get primaried next election. Some of them have revealed themselves, but not all.

Don't ever let your guard down around these fucking snakes. kikes at least have the excuse that it's in their blood, these traitors chose betray their race and serve kikes. They will not give up.

The only reason that's happening is because he absolutely killed it at the debate. We won over the public a hell of a lot faster than they anticipated, and are forced to back off. There will be another "surprising leak" and they'll force their shit even faster, mark my words.

Nigger what the fuck are you doing here?


that was quicker than expected

It was already obvious to anybody paying attention. Trump surely knows all his enemies now. Hope he kicks all the cucks out and renames it the Nationalist Party.

They're panicking and will flip flop every time they think they see a way out. They only care about saving their own skins and furthering the kike agenda. Remember their names.

Actually why don't we rebrand it as one of the older American political parties? So what should we pick?

Federalist party?
Anti-Masonic Party?
Democratic Republican party?
No Nothings?

Fuck you.



regardless, stay vigilant of these flip flopping cucks and kikes

I'm 100% okay with this. It's almost like Trump is the combination of our 2 best presidents.

You know what this means right? These scum who tried to leave did so to throw Trump under the bus and give the election to Clinton, but they quickly realized their constituents are all completely on board the Trump train and would never reelect them.

If they want to keep office, they HAVE to stand by him. The people are practically forcing them to using their greatest weakness; their own lust for power. It's beautiful.


I'm not going to lie. I was genuinely worried the GOP cucks would sabotage the election. Trump is truly the God Emperor.

Also on another note Trump might be the reincarnation of Teddy.
And Wilson was the fucking asshole who got us in WW1 and created the federal reserve.

We might finally undo the immense damage that Wilson did which lead to pretty much all our problems today.

Did anybody HONESTLY believe Trump liking pussy was going to stump him? You know women soaked through their panties around the country when a strong alpha billionaire bantered about snatch. The only people in the world who were offended was pic related

What's the deal with Reince Preibus? He's apparently not jewish at all, doesn't seem to cuck out for the (((establishment))) despite being at the helm of their party and openly supports Trump. How is someone like this allowed to run the RNC?

I was hoping he was Mussolini. But maybe he comes next.

Too late Priebus. Trump has marked his enemies.

yeah, show how quickly you're willing to flip-flop in terms of political support. that'll certainly get you reelected.

Based Priebus.

Priebus is not to be trusted.

What happened is that polls showed 4 in 5 Republicans were four-square with Trump, so he retreated.

He's waiting for the next WaPo release, to gauge reaction. The GOP will abandon Trump again, and hope it resonates.

Not buying it, we thought we'd killed these cucks before and they jumped back out of line.

Reminder that for any reelection campaign any of these people ever have again, this should be the major talking point against them.

based penis

And still no one will care. Nobody voted Trump in the primaries because of how much they luv the GOP establishment. I think they really burned their bridge with this stunt - more than they had to begin with.

Some get this hothead outta here

Teddy would have made Mussolini or even Putin his bitch. There never a more manly leader in American or post-renaissance Western history.

Man was fucking made of iron.

Kill yourself faggot


Worst coup since the one in Turkey. At least the Bush crime family is going to burn for this.

We don't call them cuckservitives for nothing. Being controlled opposition for decades robs someone of the ability to face a genuine threat.

Victory defeated them.

Shame about Franklin being the goodest goy in history. He shamed the entire family for all time.

Know Nothings. "No Nothings" sounds like a nog party.

He was a crippled commie faggot compared to Teddy who got shot in the chest and gave a 2 hour speech anyways because fuck it.

Weakness makes bad people every single fucking time.

The GOP doesn't care about what its base thinks. It wants to keep its mostly liberal donors happy and in fact that means telling their base to fuck off as much as possible without depressing voter turnout too much.

They more or less know the base is the equivalent of niggers for the democrats - they are on a plantation. All the conservatives voted for Romney and McCain. They would have voted for Bush #3 if not for the God Emperor.

Trump was a seismic shift because he actualy listened to the GOP base. Note this could be a winning strategy but they don't want to do it. They would rather lose, because they are largely homosexual and cosmopolitan.

The GOP's goal is to kneecap Trump so that he loses but they don't get too much blame for it. Then they can say that 'populists have no place in the GOP' and shut them out in favor of Willard Bushes and runner-up trophies for the next two decades.

he also had ashtma and told it to fuck off by running up mountain trails.

They don't seem to realize that if Trump loses, this exits the realm of politics. This is their last chance to stop jerking us around, and be open to reforms.

The age of populism has come to the GOP and absolutely nothing can fucking stop it.

Romney's dad was the same kind of retard who thought that giving Goldwater the finger would make his supporters go away.

And for the life of me, I just don't get how they still don't see that.

user, why do you have this picture?

They will back stab again. These rinos only care about whose ass they have to kiss, to maneuver themselves into the best power seat. They don't care about us, they don't care about the party, they don't care who is president, they only care about how much power they hold and what lobbyist is handing them the highest payoff. Quite frankly, I am hoping the party ruptures, we need a new party away from these turn coats.

I post it on kiked media every time somebody says "Drumpf." Usually it shames the target into silence.

they honestly think they'll be safe in Israel. I'm serious, most of them have dual citizenship.

Wasn't the whole drumpf thing started by that stupid 'current year' jew who also changed his name when he came to america?

The American Party

It did more or less go away. The left has won nonstop for four decades largely because the right let them and libertarians are retards.

We have free trade, interventionist wars, rampant degeneracy and an aging white population giving way to third world peasants.

he started it, yes but it was in defense of John Stuwert whose real name is Leibowitz or something. his brother is a billionaire investment banker and he wants to look hip with the goyim.

That was the source for the "Drumpf" retardation. I dunno, is John Oliver Jewish? Nothing fucking surprises me anymore.


John Oliver (15th century surname: Alfihar) started it, and we have proof from leaked e-mails that the clinton campaign gave him instruction.

O, I beg to differ.


I thought rinse penis threw a shit fit about the tapes. The GOPe really has no principals. They saw Trump fuck up Shrillary and instantly gave in. I'm glad they've bent the knee now, but of course we can expect them to cuck out when the next big scandal comes. At least for a few days.

Fat man with tiny hands*

this still exists? goddamn the ,left is so pathetic

You CTR faggots don't let up, do you?

It's Marco!

When you've had your fingers up as much supermodel gooch as Trump has, come back to us, lad.

….not even go back to cuckchan tier. Wew lads what have we here?


The American Nationalist Party, at least at first.

Later on we can add in the "White" before Nationalist

The reason I cautiously trust him at the moment is that Trump's spoken positively of him. After their first meeting before the RNC Trump said the guy's alright, so as long as Trump signs off on Priebus he's alright as far as I"m concerned.

Lol as if they think this will save them from the gallows. Don't think you can just change to the winning side after committing treason against the people. These cucks will swing.

You mean like how they were forced to bend the knee when Khan turned out to be a fraud?

Don't kid yourself. As soon as the next "campaign-ending video" is "leaked" by the press, all these same pieces of shit will be ONCE AGAIN demanding Trump drop out. They did it after the DNC. They did it after the first debate. They'll do it again. This is their fucking strategy.

wouldn't be the first time they'd swing but definitely the first they could be called hung.


that's just another 88D chess move
On another note Cernovich is still saying that GOPe fuckery is still going on.

this would work if we didn't already have the republicans by the balls

A lot of fresh meat membership since 2010 has been hard nationalist, and the influence is starting to show in less and less subtle ways.

The future of the republican party is to bend the knee to nationalists, third parties are to be expected on the left, however.

There WILL be a purge.

These rats can play fair-weather politician all they want. Nothing will save them.

Hopefully after the debate they'll soon be fully brought to heel.

mussolini was an irrelevant faggot who helped sink the german war effort by being a pussy country of wogs who couldn't even defeat the serbs or greeks .

Shit, Trump all but named the (((Rothschilds)))



Pretty slick but when Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand visited the USA and was told he couldn't use weapons in a nation park he tore a branch off a tree and bagged several squirrels with it. If "anarchist" "communists" hadn't gotten lucky he'd have killed every last fucking faggot in the Western Hemisphere.

Those quads are pretty slick too

Is it possible for Trump to kick these cuckolds out of the party? These salty fucks are going to keep trying to fuck him over until the election day.

Our meme has become reality.

They stabbed him in the back once, they'll do it again. Make no mistake about it. Cucks like Reince, Ryan, and Jeb are vile traitors and never to be trusted.

Good. Fuck those pieces of shit. Here's some equally satisfying news about Paul "Let niggers fuck my wife while I'm cryin'" Ryan: features/paul-ryan-needs-trump-more-than-trump-needs-ryan/

Quads ducking checked. Can't agree with user though that Roosevelt was the greatest President, that will always be Jackson. If Jackson were running today, we'd literally have RWDS militias guarding Jackson 2016 rallies numbering in the hundreds of thousands. The man specialized in two things: removing proto-globalists, and removing shitskin

You will hate a lot of things while new, but stay and just watch. It will get better, trust me.

Even after he wins, the cucks will probably do passive-aggressive bullshit.

Man thay fucker was responsible for the extinction of several bird species. He loved murdering animals.


We're reaching rekt cuck levels that shouldn't even be possible

I was actually going to make a thread about a similar topic. There are many voices of dissent within the party attempting to sabotage the God-Emperor's inevitable victory. The most prominent the come to mind are the traitor cuck Paul Ryan, and the show hosts Mark (((Levin))) and Glen (((Beck))). Now I'd say that glen has been dealt with already and that Ryan will get his comeuppance come election time. Leaving Levin as our biggest problem right now within the party.

For those who dont listen to him or really care to, Levin is your stereotypical "conservative" who talks good but doesn't really act on it. Now the problem with him isn't so much his message rather than the size of his audience. Now he wasand still isa diehard Cruz supporter. Whenever he mentions Trump he cannot help but backhand him. Even if it's something positive he typically adds on something to the effect of "he's not a true conservative" or some nonsense. It actually turns my stomach, how passive-aggressive this coward is. What we need to do is either bring him in line with the others or bring his career as a talk show host to an end. We cannot afford to have this jewish behavior running rampant behind our lines.


So just another day then?

Know-nothing's might work. They were a nativist party in the decades before the civil war. However they were more akin to a secret organization rather than a real political party. Whenever asked, members were to pull a Dr. Pavel and say "nothing, I know nothing!" Hence the name "know-nothings"

Honestly I just feel sorry for some of these people. It's obvious their self-esteem has been completely obliterated by government skool and then university SJWism. You have to have balls - and a stomach - of steel to make it through all that without getting all twisted up and confused.

I think the source of the leak is from the Romney camp. The Mormon Mafia are like the Bushes in regards to power in the GOP.

Cernovich has done some reporting (or at least talking about) the massive closeted homosexual pederasty ring in the GOP upper echelons.

None of those guys like a heterosexual like Trump.

I know what they (may) have been through (though a sizeable portion copies this behavior even if they're not directly exposed to it, just to become more…acceptable? Tolerant? I don't really know, since this is an individual matter).

But you can't give them support which isn't hugbox-like, since you have to first explain to them that seeking validation from women on the internet is actually something pathetic and that they should stop (something they are much less than willing to accept, especially so if you do it in a demeaning way). That's why most of them are irredeemable, because all of the process of changing starts 90% from self-realization, and very rarely from "helpful advice" (which they ignore because, as I said, their mindset is blocking out things constantly and is constantly on a defensive position). Nobody's going to realize it for you, and nobody's gonna want to help if you don't want to help yourself.

That's why you need to humiliate cucks until they understand that there's something wrong with them and that's where the self-realization kicks in. I see no better way tbh.

I dont, I used to have a lack of self-esteem too due to various reason, beating my depression fixed a lot of that. I was even a bit lefty all "all ppl r teh same" while actually knowing that niggers are dumb shits and jews are the main problem. Also blind to mudslims.

However at no point did I ever feel compelled towards SJW-ism or cucking myself like that.

In the end however it doesnt matter, a lion is a lion and a snail is a snail. Ppl need to be judged for who they are, not for who they could be or could have been.

Damn son, I didn't even thing about that.


Unlike your pic they are horrible human beings who care only for self aggrandisment. If it were trendy to be national socialist, if it were cool and socially promoted to be that, then they would. And they would be the most harsh of enforcers. But they were raised to believe that they are the reason shaquanda in detroit got shot 37 times in a drive by because magical racism beams while being parentally neglected and left to fend for themselves as the media and education system told them all that they needed to hear to hate their parents and families.

In the end most are unsalvageable. We should do to them what they intend to do to us. Infiltrate the education system and teach the white kids growing up now to be proud of their heritage, to not feel ashamed and to reject modern decadence and depravity. We can't go back and do it all over so we have to build a better future from the ashes of the past.

If Trump looses, we will have a cruise-missile the next election, as he will copy Trump next time around.

Trump is Trump, there is no one else who can be him. Demographics will preclude a democratic solution by that point anyway.

I'm starting to doubt there will be a "next time" if Trump loses.

Leftists are openly calling for gulags.

Their punishment hasn't even begun.

Where the fuck has this faggot Penis been for the past two days? As soon as hardcore cucks began squawking he should have been dropping the hammer on the fuckers. I'm glad he's finally saying something but it's pathetic when his boss was giving the party warnings to knock it off before Rinse acted.

If Trump loses, there is not next time.
Its time to fight, or its time to get out if you're not prepared to face what the folks in South Africa are facing.

Anyone who thinks there is another election after this if Trump loses have totally lost perspective on the state of things.
In four years' time, there will demographically be no hope of anyone being elected who is not a complete racial-cuckold globalist.

Rothschilds are kinda famous. Plausible deniability of it being some nameless hedge-fund baby keeps them from outright attempting an assassination over naming them on TV though which is great.

Exactly, if he loses, especially to her, even if 100% of the white population votes Republican, it won't override the vote of the non-whites.

You'd have to pick the racewar option assuming you can find a contingency of America that is still mostly white. That's what the diversity push is all about. In South Brasil where almost everyone is white, they are wanting to succeed into their own country. If you make every place 'diverse', then you avoid what's happening in Brazil.

Haha, they were actually a strongly anti-immigrant party.

I just read a book on American history with a section regarding him. His exploits, especially those in the Spanish American war, seemed to have been hugely overhyped by the yellow journalists of the time. His Rough Riders were personally chosen by him as he had powerful friends, and they always had the best supplies and equipment. I guess I won't claim he wasn't a badass, especially compared to our contemporary leaders, but there have been countless military men in America who have done more while provided with less.

Agreed, and interesting the movie that screenshot was from is suggesting something similar :^]


Good but it still won't save them from the purge.

Fuck off with the animal violence and abuse.

Just keep this list handy so we can execute the traitors and give land grants from liberal estates to the supporters.

They have either unendorsed Trump or said they're not voting for Trump.

RNC Phone 877-340-8969 and 202-863-8638 / Fax 202-863.8654
Report: phone puts you on hold infinitely, use fax instead.

[x] Ann Wagner, Representative (MO 2nd District)
[x] Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor (CA)
[x] Barbara Comstock, Representative (VA 10th District) Phone 202-225-5136 / Fax 202-225-0437
[x] Ben Sasse, Senator (NE) Phone (202) 224-4224 / Fax 202-228-0436
[x] Bradley Byrne, Representative (AL 1st District) Phone 202-225-4931 / Fax 202-225-0562
[x] Bruce Rauner, Governor (IL)
[x] Carly Fiorina
[x] Charlie Dent, Representative (PA 15th District)
[x] Cory Scott Gardner, Representative (CO 4th District)
[x] Cresent Hardy, Representative (NV 4th District)
[x] Dan Sullivan, Senator (AK)
[x] Deb Fischer, Senator (NB)
[x] Dennis Daugaard, Governor (SD)
[x] Entire Bush Family
[x] Fred Upton, Representative (MI 6th District)
[x] Gary Herbert, Governor (UT)
[x] Jason Chaffetz, Representative (UT 3rd District) Phone 202-225-7751 / Fax 202-225-5629
[x] Jeffrey Flake, Senator (AZ) Phone 202-224-4521 / Fax 202-228-0515
[x] Joe Heck, Representative (NV 3rd District)
[x] John F. Kirby, Retired Rear Admiral
[x] John Kasich, Governor (OH)
[x] John McCain, Senator (AZ) Phone 202-224-2235 / Fax 202-228-2862
[x] John Thune, Senator (SD) Phone 202-224-2321 / Fax 202-228-5429
[x] Kelly Ayotte, Senator (NH)
[x] Lindsey Graham, Senator (SC)
[x] Lisa Murkowski, Senator (AK)
[x] Mark Kirk, Senator (IL) Phone 202-224-2854 / Fax 202-228-4611
[x] Martha Roby, Representative (AL 2nd District) Phone 202-225-2901 / Fax 202-225-8913
[x] Mike Coffman, Representative (CO 6th District) Phone 202-225-7882 / Fax 202-226-4623
[x] Mike Crapo, Senator (ID) Phone (202) 224-6142 / Fax 202-228-1375
[x] Mike Lee, Senator (UT) Phone 801-524-5933 / Fax 801-524-5730
[x] Mitch McConnell, Senator (KY)
[x] Mitt Romney
[x] Nikki Haley, Governor (SC)
[x] Paul Ryan (WI) phone 202-225-3031 / fax 202-225-3393
[x] Rep. Chris Stewart (UT 2nd District)
[x] Robert Bentley, Governor (AL)
[x] Rodney Davis, Representative (IL 13th District)
[x] Scott Garrett, Representative (NJ 5th District)
[x] Shelley Moore Capito, Senator (WV) Phone 202-224-6472 and 304-347-5372 / Fax 202-224-7665
[x] Susan Collins, Senator (ME)

They've all expressed continued support for Trump.
[✓] Ben Carson
[✓] Bob Dole
[✓] Jeff Sessions, Senator (AL)
[✓] John Cornyn, Senator (TX)
[✓] Kevin McCarthy, Representative (CA 23rd District) (House Majority Leader)
[✓] Mike Pence, Governor (IN)
[✓] Rudy Giuliani
[✓] Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr
[✓] Steve Scalise, Representative (LA 1st District)) (House Majority Whip)


Checked for Truth.

This is our Thermopylae.
This where stop them.

I want every single one of you to understand this.
Our future hangs in the balance.

My guess is that he legitimately wants Republicans to win because he wants to take credit for schlonging the Dems. He's basically Paul Ryan lite but he will actually see personal benefit from a Trump win so he's unlikely to outright sabotage him.

It's either that or he's a lot smarter than I give most of these traitors credit for.

Goys I just searched up "Trump rally" and saw this.

148,888 views. Is this a sign?



They've only temporarily retreated, they won't ever fully submit until our man sits upon the throne and they've been given an ultimatum.

What are you fucking gay?

The Northern coast is full of niggers and is a useless desert, correct?


God fucking dammit, is nothing sacred?

if he doesn't have that 3/10 spic housemaid pussy he gets angry, the fucking degenerate
you're family supported the reich you faggot and now look at you disgracing their name.

twitter. com/hateful_heretic/status/784953402190995456

It's a real shame about Arnie though, had an enormous amount of respect for him before this


Reince and the GOP have a better plan. Get Trump elected and then steamroll him with impeachment proceedings. Then, install Pence, and viola. Neo-cons back in power.

Yeah because that won't straight up cause revolt.

dont worry men. These traitors will share a traitors fate.

looks like we found ourselves a hot new meme lads


The GOP establishment lost itself before, to the neoconservatives. The time has come for them to be thrown out in favour of the new era, just as they did before them. Politics.

It's like they're doing our job for us.

Stop being memelords.

The entire internet is a meme now and we need to be above normalfags.

This. They'll try again.

Then we're going to need a final solution.

So they're working to subvert and stop Trump just not in the open, due to public backlash.

This is only a good thing to the extent that they help Trump (via canvassing, etc). Are they doing so or not? The other (scorched earth) thread claimed not, and that they're firing pro-Trump elements.

then you haven't been paying attention
he's been pozzed since he first got into politics

Trump's still talking shit on some Republicans at rallies. He forgives once, not twice and they already burnt the first one with Ryan's bullshit earlier in the year.

I hate to use a meme but

you're right

Trump should use his words and shekels to make the GOP pay. Especially Ryan, that slime with the most punchable face.

What a bunch of fucking faggots. They stood to gain nothing by backing off of supporting trump, even if he lost, because all it makes them out to be are traitors to the guy who people chose as their nominee. and now that he fucking crushed shillary at the debate, they want back on board, showing they have zero integrity and just go whichever way the wind blows. I hope trump remembers every one of these cunts

Ted was a retarded faggot

Many of them are working with the Clintons and the DNC. Legitimate RINOs who were waiting for some bombshell to jump ship.

They thought this locker room talk bullshit was going to be the final nail in the coffin. The DNC, being as retarded and out of touch as they are, though Trump would nosedive in the polls, humiliate himself, and his campaign would be done, overnight. They were that confident in this shit and even more desperate for it to work with all the new leaks coming out.

And it didn't, and now Paul Ryan and the rest of the faggots have shot themselves in the dick and they are whining that it's Trump's fault.

Trump's on the warpath this morning.

Remember; the mission is not over when Trump becomes president. Our goals require the destruction of the Republican Party. You see the Republican Party has to be destroyed because the two party system has to be destroyed. If a power vacuum is created it can be filled with memes and a hydra of new parties that the Dems cannot compete against on a level playing field. For the destruction of the two party system will only be complete when normalfags realize that voting 2-party is no longer in their own interest. Death to the Dems and Republicans.

All hail HYDRA. All hail KEK!

Man, were about to become the weirdest timeline possible.

I don't have a twatter, I wonder if he'd retweet this. it might not be high energy enough for him

CNN's says this tweet is problematic for niggers. God just kill me now.

If we can replace the Elephant and Jackass with the Frog and the Lion, then I can die a happy man.

CNN's twitter page is problematic for me because it implies those niggers can even read.



No you fucking idio-…. allow me to explain.

If you have a dictatorship then the illusion of choice is removed. If your dictator is benevolent then the people will tolerate it, but should the dictator become a tyrant he will have nothing to hide behind and the people will overthrow him.

If you have a three, or even a ten party system then all of the major parties have to be infiltrated to gain control, and if the normies realize they are being swindled they can always switch over to another party and thwart your efforts to subvert their government.

You see, any system is better than the two party system. The two party system locks people in to a mindset of ALWAYS having to vote 2 party because they are afraid their team will lose if they don't vote with the party. This creates the perfect illusion of freedom of choice which allows for subversion. The 2 party system is the cancer that is killing mankind.

How naive can someone be? "Overthrow him", yes, like people overthrown Fidel, the Kims, Stalin and the rest of the hardliners in the USRR… people don't overthrow shit, not without some form of external help, anyway (see: Romania 1989, Lybia 201X).

Except that every country that currently has a multi-party system is at least ten times as cucked as the USA. I defy you to give even one example of a country that has ten parties and isn't fully corrupt from top to bottom or an absolute multicult shithole.

Europe is doing exactly what I described; far-right nationalist parties are popping up all over the place and gaining power. A multi-party system made that possible in spite of the lugenpress and butthurt lefties. If Trump had not run in the US we would have no candidate and no hope for change. Our victory is not based on a sound system, it is based on luck and great memes overthrowing the system.

I'm thinking a bit more old-fashioned here; the Great Rebellion of the British Navy was one of the first cases of the common man using the military to rebel against the authority of their government. That was a monarchy, so at least we know it can happen.

Also, I suspect a dictator is more likely to be overthrown in a Western/European nation, but that's because literally every other race on the planet loves being enslaved by their leadership. I suspect only Europeans are capable of having large scale personal freedom, government transparency, etc.

Though I will say this much; the Chinese only have a single party and over the years that party has been forced to change and adapt to stay in power. The result was that it brought greater prosperity to China. Compare that with the American 2 party system which over the years has conditioned Americans to their own enslavement, destruction of the middle class, and genocide through population replacement.

All government is probably evil. I think the multi-party system is the least evil, but who knows how that would play out in the US?



I love how we took memes back, it fills me with joy.


Remember during the dark ages when the word meme was almost a dirty word and anons where ashamed of our own culture?

Kek, Paul Ryan was so goddam cocky a couple days ago, I betcha nowadays he looks like he just took a shit and found his liver in the bowl.

I was always in favor of calling it the American Patriot Party because normalfags sure as hell love the word "patriot", but anons always tell me patriotism = dying for Israel.


So what source are they using to say the party has abandoned Trump? Just Ryan?

Going to barbershop to get my hair cut and growing out my sideburns like Old Hickory for the election. Maybe get some eyebrow extensions.


There is literally nothing wrong with using memes.

Apparently most of the party told Ryan to fuck off explicitly in a phone call because they're not completely retarded.

Or they don't want to be tarred and feathered.

Sounds like you've given up, CTR.

Don't worry user, we will. We're just absorbing the glory of the moment.

I have to wonder, when is it too late to drop a "bomb shell revelation" on people to affect their votes? I thought the "grab her by the pussy" video was the worst thing they had, since they needed to get it spread through the second debate, which didn't get as many views as the first. If they have something else they are losing their window of opportunity to affect votes quickly.

By Ballot Or Bullet

As a commieforninan I have personally witnessed how much of a pussy he is in real life. It's a shame. All he had to do was stand up to the cuckservative Republicans like the God Emperor, and our state might not be bleeding so much fucking money.