Hillary Clinton To Have Cartoon About Her Childhood


Will you be watching it Holla Forums?

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Was this memed into existence by all the loli art of her?

OP you cockmongering faggot

Such is the power of meme magic.

Sad to say, she didn't become a liberal until her college years.

No this was a whole project in the making expecting Hillary to win. You know, to capitalize on the whole breaking the glass ceiling stuff.

OP is a faggot but she does apparently have children's books, including OP's pic.
Which… Doesn't seem to be written in a way where kids would understand. 2nd pic is a couple pages of it.

Expect that to be memory-holed along with her being too corrupt to be on the Watergate Commission and her mentorship by Robert Byrd, a known Klansman, amongst many other things

It seems to be full of things that totally happened


Didn't Shadbase already did this?

Ah, just like South Park. Sigh….

Just call me when the episode where she laughs at the raped child airs, op

You mean…

Oh god…

This was probably before the John Oliver meme

The scenery suggests it was made around September 11th, when Hillary fucking collapsed

Cannibal lesbian indoctrination of our youth. Can't wait.

anything led by women ends in absolute fucking disaster.

Will it have her getting kicked off the water gate committee?

Here's a video someone uploaded of the entire little book because of how awful it is.
This is fucking cancerous. I wonder if she really wonders how she lost?

Think they'll leave out the part where she was a segregationist, a college republican, and mentored by a KKK Grand Dragon?

She just blamed other people. Like the Democrats as a whole really

This shit I would expect from china not the US.

The other one seems to really try to push the 'Hillary loves minorities!' angle, too.

Porn when?!

Man, this is some hardcore historical revisionism. You know what kind of people have done this throughout history? Despots and Dictators.

The children part is especially rich given the twelve year old rape victim

Like the girl whose rapist she kept out of jail? You know, whose trial she laughed at years later?

Don't be silly. She knows why she lost. It was that darned Comey and Obama. Certainly not HER, that's for darned sure.


There's actually a shitton of porn of Hilloli already.


Those assholes are going to accidentally meme her into office.

Take that shit somewhere else


I'm sure it'll happen right in between her being prosecuted for selling secrets and her dying

As a loli cumdumpster?

You're kinda late for that.


That's the worst spelling and drawing of Robert Byrd I've ever seen

The absurdity of the "make children's lives better" bit is obvious, but I also like the "dare to compete" line, considering how militantly anti-competition leftists are

If they really wanted to show off her international diplomacy skills they should have shown her with her big red reset button that totally made the ruskies our friends

Then stole money from Arizona with her husband

Not pictured but immediately out of frame: her gaggle of lickspittles, hangers on, and favored presstitutes murmuring a constant susurrus of praise. Not to mention her heavily armed security detail. Which she apparently despises as a bunch of stupid, loser, fascists. Who are expected to die for her.


Apparently not Hillary.

2020 is just around the corner, assuming she doesn't die from that cannibal disease.

What disease?

If Hillary tries to run in 2020 the Democrat primaries will be a demolition derby.


I know. It's almost enough to make me want her to live.

So, no cartoon?
There was a cartoon with Bush Jr and it was fucking awful.

We'll see


The hell's it Barry's fault she didn't get into office for not "doing enough"? She's supposed to be the candidate. Did Hillary just expect to be carted around on a litter like a pharaoh the whole time?

And some are just born for the kitchen.

More or less. The woman thought 2008 was her year, and it really would have been if Barry hadn't come out of nowhere with the media strapping a rocket to his ass to push him over the top in the primaries. She spent the interim time doing resume building as the Secretary of State, behaved like a good party member by not trying to run in 2012, and securing financing in secret closed-door meetings with some of the most powerful people in the world (who were certain that she would be the next POTUS).

In Hillary's mind, after all she did to build herself up to be not only the candidate of the Democratic Party (including behind the scenes politicking to get her 2008 primary campaign head Debbie Wassermann Schlultz appointed as head of the DNC) but the next presumptive president, she was entitled to the oval office. Her acceptance of the nomination complete with the glass ceiling shattering bullshit took the appearance of being a victory lap and she was so cocky she didn't even do any noticeable portion of her own campaigning. It could be that the Clinton campaign knew internally how poorly Hillary's face, voice, and iconic choice in Maoist pantsuits sit with the general public so they wanted to campaign through surrogates as much as possible. In any case, she did all the work to build up for her candidacy imaginable, got all the funds possible, got all the right endorsements, and had the media so far up her ass it must have felt like a two-year long colonoscopy. Still, she lost. Just goes to show that you can't polish a turd.

Hillary has a fragile ego so she can't accept that she was a deeply flawed candidate and that she's at fault for that, so it has to be the help of the people helping her. Clearly, Barry should have risked his entire legacy in an act of unprecedented naked corruption by forcing the FBI's investigation to come to a close. Then she'd be president.

Is Hillary so out of touch?

She seems to be. By her own admission, some of the Podesta emails have conversations in which either transcripts of her private talks with bankers or email chains between Clinton staffers (I don't remember which) reveal that Hillary by her own admission couldn't understand regular people.

I knew of the emails that show that the DNC blatantly collaborated with the media to fuck Bernie out of a nomination (whether or not you think he was a good candidate, he was a better candidate than the pile of shit Hillary was), but I didn't know about these. Got any examples?

Boy, do I love the mainstream media insistence that the emails didn't say anything beyond discussing eating hot dogs and pasta

Do you think she'll still be alive around 2020?

I get the feeling Bernie won't be by then.

Even if he was, doubt he'd be able to stay kicking for another 4 years. They need to start looking for another viable candidate.
Though really, I hope Hillary has an aneurysm or a fatal seizure by the from how shit her health is just so we don't have to worry about her again.


I really want to see the first female president be a republican who hopefully won't use any identity politics just to spite the DNC and the shit they pulled last year.

For fucks sake if you gonna do a job interview you wouldn't ask you potential employer the gender of the previous employee and than say "it's about time for female employee in that role!" as a reason to be hired. If you wouldn't do it for that, why do it when running for president?

>spoiler "hot dog without the bun"

I'm sure he'll persist long enough. I think 2020 can be Bernie vs Trump. Despite my distaste for Bernie, he at least offers an alternative. The American People would actually have a choice of where they want their country to go.

The moment Hillary won the nomination was the moment the Democrats lost.

That's really the one thing going for him. I think people forgot about what a joke the DNC debates were. Bernie would offer alternatives and ideas, Hillary would say they're impossible and then just talk about how she has a vagina. And let's not forget every time he'd bring up the corruption at Wallstreet. She'd shake her head and then next time she'd respond she'd go 'yes wallstreet BUT HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT [insert deflection here]?!'


You've got all the pages, right? Curious at how much more terrible it can be as a complete book.

Doesn't they know we will make porn of that?
Hell, Shadman already did.
Seriously, who the hell is going to vote a president who's loli avatar has been made into a sex idol?
Are they that delusional?

Reminder that the DNC leaks pointed out that Bernie's role was to Job for Hillary all along. They just made the fall act more popular then the main star.

He's even more of a sellout and a economic and social illiterate then any other politician at the moment. Mr socialist who bought himself a new house after complaining about too may brands of deoderant.

But america is always governed by corporations


In case anyone forgot: Tim Kaine (Hillary's VP pick) was the previous chair of the DNC and stepped down with just enough time for Clinton's long time subordinate Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to be mysteriously given his position… Just in time for her to rig the DNC primary from the inside to guarantee Clinton the nomination. Meanwhile, Clinton's other longtime subordinates were working inside various media organizations and feeding her insider info on debates, announcements, events, scandals that were being cooked up against Trump, and anything else they could get her.

I don't think he actually knew that was his role, though. They bitched about him constantly in those emails and talked about how he wasn't a real democrat. I think it was like Trump. They thought it would only help secure Hillary's position, but it only made things worse. Karma, really.

I remember reading in the emails that they wanted Trump to run against Hillary to be a pied piper opposition who would be so bad that Hillary would win.

Have you never heard of her before this thread? Of COURSE that was what she wanted.

I sense you have questions. Come to Holla Forums and ask about Pizzagate and the Clinton Foundation. And then kiss your faith in humanity goodbye.

You guys still on that? I don't know why people latched on to that so tightly. The proof of it is really shaky.
Not to say that they're not all fucking pedophile sex traffickers. I'm just saying stuff like the Lolita Express, that have been fucking confirmed basically, is something that people should be yelling about louder.

They were hoping for Trump, Cruz or Carson

He did. He never attacked Clinton. Which could be because he was generally spineless (see: rally where BLM took over) or it could be because he was under orders not to criticise Clinton at all

Most people don't bother because they're dismissed by the MSM and most internet goers as believing "an alt right fever dream"

The actual Pizzagate threads don't help change that perception. They're 90 percent baseless assumptions treated as fact. Try to point that out or urge caution and you get called a shill.

Remember when he said he would still run but supported HRC at the last minute?

But Trump totally pissed on red hookers

the moment he said "we're all sick and tired of hearing about hillary's damn emails!" during the debate it was pretty clear he was controlled op.

I will, if trump doesnt put hillary behind bars

Do you want cannibal burgers? Because that's what you get with Hillary in the kitchen.

I think if he was going to, he would have, already. There must have been some sort of trade.

How would he have done that? Firstly, he's only been in office for two weeks and secondly his Attorney General, who would sign off on that kind of thing, is being filibustered by the asshurt Democrats and, I think, a few asshurt RINOs too.

Reads as if it's straight out of the ministry for truth to make big sister look as good as possible.
Hell, that was most likley the reason for the bok anyway.

Well no shit they're fucking rich people, rich people don't go to prison. He even said in the primaries hillary went to his wedding because he gave her campaign money. Trump was never going to do shit to her legally, but his dumbass supporters actually believed him.

Fuck off, CTR.

everyone who doesn't agree with me must be paid off oposition
Say, how does it feel to be so god damn retarded?

He told the House committee on Hillary's illegal activities to keep investigating following his inauguration. If she's done anything prosecutable, she is going to jail.


You're a little late dude.


Hillary lost


Silly goy



If Hillary were an actual Jew, they wouldn't have been broke upon leaving the White House

when I was a kid I understood those words. My classmates however would not have

also, we have a narrative disconnect between getting into college and being elected student body president. Nothing about why she ran for it or what platform she ran on. Sounds familiar


in which John Podesta says:


which is a greatest hits list from Hillary's paid speeches to Goldman Sachs executives (which can be found in their entirety in the attachments of wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/11011). Of note here is the first item:

They stole $200,000 worth of furniture when they took off, so they weren't quite broke. (gao.gov/new.items/d02360.pdf for the full report, but you can probably google it just as effectively). They ended up giving about half of it back once they got caught.

Shit, maybe she is a Jew

Either that or Bill really was the first black president.


Please no

Underrated post

Can't wait to read about her fight against civil and gay rights.


If you want a quick, Holla Forums-friendly guide to the shady shit the Clintons did for money, I just uploaded a pdf of Clinton Cash to the share vola: volafile.io/r/kVIkT3

Art by Chuck Dixon, I first heard about the book in Milo's interview with him.

Why on earth would you want that?





You forgot to add that the security detail(men) for a secretary take their job more seriously than the secret service(women) for the president.

Even 8/co/ is afraid!




Those guys really need to be hanged.

And burned.

And eviscerated before having chunks thrown to the corners of the universe.

Yeah, and what an alternative that is.
