Every male is a paedophile and has jerked off to pedophilic thoughts

Every male is a paedophile and has jerked off to pedophilic thoughts.

Vaginal > anal

says who?

both are nice tbh


i can prove biology wrong

Why would you lie on the internet?

such a vile thing to do

And your point is?

OP wanted to start a pedo thread, but failed miserably

moar or fuck off

Nope, just wanted to post this fact

fuck off, pedro

ephebophilia is a meme. female sexual maturity is reached at 14 on average

its true actually

Anal is better



`Pedophile` is a social construct and is thus not real. Time is also a social construct used to measure the passing of events based on our planetary orbit and thus, isn't `real`. Therefore, love is real at any stage of events. Checkmate atheists.


maybe when she was young but now shes fat and ugly af

It is, but I opt for anal if I think the girl is stupid or secretly hate her.

If you like doggystyle the anus is better located for entry, and buttholes are more kawaii than pussies.

what the fuck are you even talking about

Do you have a fucking problem or something?


Society is just the defining aspect of each stereotypes personalities.

good thread

you called me motherfucker

Holy shit, you are slower than a melting stick of butter down a hill

He is slower than a melting candle, correct?

I was joking you nigger

sorry but Zhenyaposting will get you a ban


reddit? im cia

I'm the biggest anti-pedo on the site, they only ban the serious sickos

choose two

youre real smart user i guess you wont understand this unless i say /s

Just got banned from fag Chan for posting my daughter in shorts.


So if you're a pedo but you identify as a normalfag, you can rape children all you want?

Why would they do that? Was it like super short shorts or something obviously lewd? Post the pic so we have more context

fuck my balls I meant that for this faggot


that doesnt make sense tbh



That is not true

Such is life

You live in your own fantasy wold. Such a sick man

you are retarded if you think anal is better
who the fuck did you have sex with so far?
only 90yo loose washed up whores?

Muhammad (PBUH) had sex with Aisha when she was 9 and she never turned out a slut/whore

Muhammad was a pedo pyschopath

Muhammad was based

Muhammad was also a delusioned fag


he had a life and didnt spend 24/7 on his computer screen unlike you

fucking lolis and killoing infidels, doesnt seem i life i would wanna live

wtf, i love Islam now

lol thats not all he did and you know it if you actually know about Muhammad's life

daily reminder that your ancestors had grandchildren and died of old age before the u.s. age of consent.

Have you considered that you might be just projecting, OP?
Do you really think we would have AoC laws and anti-CP laws if every male was a pedo? Do you really think we would go to such lengths against our own self interest like that?

Every time I go visit my sister her 4yo daughter is sleeping or napping about. It is really hard because my sister doesn't see anything wrong with her daughter being naked around the house (single mom just them two) so I try to play it off as if it doesn't affect me but when she moves around the blanket sometimes comes undone and she is just then sprawled out naked on the sofa.

I don't think this would be such an issue but I enjoy lolicon hentai and everytime I'm reading doujinshi incest scenes seem to always pop up and it is like a subconscious urge that they are wanting me to release. Not saying I'd do anything but OP is right in that I have jerked off to the thought of doing something.
I did smell her feet one time and ended up accidentally sniffing her ass since she was curled up and 4yo feet are tiny and was right near her asshole

Christianity may have plenty of issues, but don't white wash muzzies.

stay mad tbh


We have all kinds of laws that go against the interests of almost all men, from shitty divorce laws to other forms of feminist bullshit besides AoC. We also have government-sponsored cuck feminist media shaming guys for their natural, evolutionarily ingrained urges to bang teenage girls. The government does whatever it wants and the people get no say in it. This particular set of shitty laws is because of used-up adult hags buttmad that they'll never be as sexy as the 14-year-old girls that guys love and pursue in droves in any jurisdiction that permits it. There are enough of them for the government to pretend to have a public consensus even though there are millions who would speak out against these cuck laws if their lives wouldn't be endangered from it.


Just creepshots of her from behind no nudity.




So much denial in this thread.
Yes we have.

Ive fantasized about a new born suckling on my cock like Tiberius did


an hero

43.1] On retiring to Capri he devised a pleasance for his secret orgies: teams of wantons of both sexes, selected as experts in deviant intercourse and dubbed analists, copulated before him in triple unions to excite his flagging passions.

[43.2] Its bedrooms were furnished with the most salacious paintings and sculptures, as well as with an erotic library, in case a performer should need an illustration of what was required. Then in Capri's woods and groves he arranged a number of nooks of venery where boys and girls got up as Pans and nymphs solicited outside bowers and grottoes: people openly called this "the old goat's garden," punning on the island's name.note
[44.1] He acquired a reputation for still grosser depravities that one can hardly bear to tell or be told, let alone believe. For example, he trained little boys (whom he termed tiddlersnote) to crawl between his thighs when he went swimming and tease him with their licks and nibbles. Unweaned babies he would put to his organ as though to the breast, being by both nature and age rather fond of this form of satisfaction.

[44.2] Left a painting of Parrhasius' depicting Atalanta pleasuring Meleager with her lipsnote on condition that if the theme displeased him he was to have a million sesterces instead, he chose to keep it and actually hung it in his bedroom. The story is also told that once at a sacrifice, attracted by the acolyte's beauty, he lost control of himself and, hardly waiting for the ceremony to end, rushed him off and debauched him and his brother, the flute-player, too. Subsequently, when they complained of the assault, he had their legs broken.

[45] How grossly he was in the habit of abusing women even of high birth is very clearly shown by the death of a certain Mallonia. When she was brought to his bed and refused most vigorously to submit to his lust, he turned her over to the informers, and even when she was on trial he did not cease to call out and ask her "whether she was sorry"; so that finally she left the court and went home, where she stabbed herself, openly upbraiding the ugly old man for his obscenity. Hence a stigma put upon him at the next plays in an Atellan farce was received with great applause and became current, that "the old goat was licking the does."

This guy knew how to live

Projection of this sort is actually how pedos justify their degeneracy. "Everyone is secretly into kids, they just hide it better than me."

based Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had sex with a qt 9 yo therefor pedophilia is not degeneracy

man up

Why aren't you fapping to (((MILF))) porn, user?

Gays use that "logic" too

You project these thoughts on others so you don't have to look yourself in the face and see what a pathetic mockery of a human being you've become.

I'm pretty sure it's just how j7w draws his male characters, when faces are not necessary they male characters tend to look dark, based on the set description on pixiv j7w didn't intend this set to look like interracial.

Nevermind, the previous set has the interracial tag and has thus ruined my boner.

I thought japan was woke/

And unsurprisingly, both Moohammed and homosexuals were/are broken psychologically.



This. Anal disgusts me. I don't want poop on my dick. If I'm going to have sex with a loli and she's not old enough to put the dick in then I would rather she just grind on me.

When some of the snow melts I'll post some at my college campus.

Not him but yeah. We have a shitload of laws that were specifically chosen by jews to oppose our self-interest. They just do all the right things for Israel and then in goy nations they reverse it and do all the wrong things. We have feminist laws and other laws to destroy us. AoC laws is yet another law to destroy us.

The only thing about Islam that bothers me is the genital mutilation.

The war, incest, lolis, and the rest are BASED.

White Islam is the answer to most of our problems.


Here's another angle to look at this matter.

How many of you were children and yet fantasized to fuck an adult woman?

I bet everyone here can say that even as a young boy they would have been thrilled to fuck a woman.

Consequently, why would the inverse not also apply? Why wouldn't little girls fantasize about sex with older men?


Time is not a social construct, science proves that it can and constantly is being altered, this was proven by Einsteins in his theory of relativity

He's not wrong. Christianity is dead, the only future for white people is in white sharia.

But Einstein stole all his work from other scientists. I don't think anyone should take the word of a liar.

That one of the meny lies about einstine

u mean "cited them as referencs"?

Does it count as pedophilia is I was only 13 years old at the time? I used to babysit my younger cousin who was only six, and she'd make me play-pretend with her as though we were husband and wife. She was very cute, and would always give me hugs and kisses which had the unfortunate consequence of making my teenage hormones go crazy and arousing me greatly, I masturbated to the thought of her regularly behind closed doors but I never acted on my attraction to her overtly, thankfully.

If not, then no, I have never had any pedophilic thoughts.

Reminder that Einstein believed in luminiferous aether

newton believed in god and alchemy, but fortunately despite that they came up with good models for some natural events

Newton wasn't right sweaty, his 'laws' aren't even accurate

read a fucking book, retard. We still use Newton's laws today, you inbred fuck.



>go on bing images make sure safe search is off

u r the 1 sweaty here, u fat fuck
fat, sweaty, smelly, shitty and wrong

Alchemy is legit. Pascal Beverly Randolph was also an alchemist.

get nobel prize, then, bitch

The fuck would I want some stupid ass meaningless prize like that for?

Do you not know anything about alchemy and its history?

About Paracelsus and other great alchemists?

ProTip: when I have mastered transmutation, billionaires and commoners both, will try to hunt me down.

One’s peers are the vaccuous, myoptic, navel-gazing, stupid, medacious, depressing, boring, ennervating, and pathetic effluvia of the late-capitalist milleau, as is oneself and one’s parents. One seeks their respect only to find it is stupidity, one seeks their friendship to find it is stupidity. We seek something beyod the purely inane to find that inanity, absurdity, and stupidity is the medium in which one moves.



The only way to future is to become dumber each generation? What a brilliant idea!


She's so small that shit's probably gay in a few countries.

No. Relativity says that physics stay the same for non-accelerating observers. It doesn't say shit about 'time being altered'.

That shit gay in all countries. The focus is clearly on the giant dicks. Thats clearly faggot porn.

The focus is on the dicks fucking the girl, or the girl being able to take giant dicks

every pedo is a malephile

we should bring back tar and feathering you fucks.

we're all pedophiles
get over it ladies

Attached: 000o1de2.JPG (426x344, 94.78K)

I'm sorry?

Attached: 1398142446426.gif (590x333, 123.88K)

"It's the ongoing radical despicable sexualization of our precious children on most mutlinational multi-media platforms, that is the leading cause in the unneccesary loss of untold-multiples of male ejaculate in our great nation" - B. Obama, 2011.


Attached: r6641.jpg (140x207, 6.37K)

why would you use a condom on someone not yet menstruating?

i cant tell for every man on earth, but i sure as hell can confirm for myself

Attached: 140_35223065_p1_35506520130425_0130.jpg (700x982, 107.6K)

To prevent catching something contagious in case she fucked someone infected?

You are one sick motherfucker, if you lived in my country you'd get shot and rightfully so.

and what country is that, user?