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Kill the jews then I'll join. If you don't and just kill christcucks then you are helping the jews. Do it fag.


thats a good way of thinking
christcuck goatfucker alliance it is





Reminder that muslims are kikes, too.

posted a christian thread. lets see how hateful muslims are




Are you a christian? Why dont you pariticpate in some interfaith dialogue on >>>/muslim/ - somebody has already started a thread!

Of course Jews are against the idea of any religion that goes against its own "values" or is simply not Judaism! Saying that most Muslims are against the Jewish powers that be, is like saying most christians are against Jews. These are not facts. Now, if Islam and christianism would get there heads out of their asses and stopped trying to kill each other and spouting muh "racism" we could finally be able to seek a hopefully peaceful solution to the Jewish problem. If not, their will be several jews will be on lamp posts.


cyrpto reverse board
stay AWAY

explain, my friend

I like jerking off, and will like gene editing tho

if i join can i kill kikes and not go to hell like a christfag?

fucking towelheads

Paradise is under the shade of swords.
t.Mohammad (PBUH)




>muslims think (((they))) dont want us to both perish

yes goy. remember to support Marx also.


you realise christ himself was a jew, right?


Mankind will be free only when the last jew is strangled to death with the entrails of the last christian.

you forgot about islam, achmed. islam also needs to be eliminated. first, even.


If it wasn't for jewish policies, there wouldn't be a nigger or muslim problem Chaim.

I didn't forget so much, rather they are irrelevant. Compared to niggers and kikes.

I think it's funny that anyone still believes in Islam, it doesn't have anything going for it and hasn't for over a thousand years

Let me put that another way so that even you might understand. The jews and their christian supporters are the only thing standing in the way of the nigger and muslim problem.

Why would the jews support mass immigration of people that hate them into countries they occupy?

proximty breeds contempt

We are and will always be at perpetual war with the middle east until
