I tried to reinstall win 10 with the reset function with complete harddrive reset, everything deleted

I tried to reinstall win 10 with the reset function with complete harddrive reset, everything deleted.

It restarted, and then i got a black screen after "prepearing". I restarted the pc, the same. I went into bios, went out, and suddenly i had a boot loop, windows keept restarting after the bios went up.

I resetet the bios, nothing changed, except that i now have some old ass bios that looks ugly.

I put the win 10 creator install on a bootable usb stick with the tool from microsoft. I boot it up, it shows me a windows logo, and then i keep having a black screen.

PLS help, i am dying.

try to boot a linux distro off a USB stick

Do you drink soy as well? (((da​tamin​ing)))

soy isnt bad. PJW is a retard and so are you

Have you tried turning it on and off

Use an emergency boot USB, then reflash your BIOS

I hope windows 10 rapes you at night OP.

Problem spotted.
You are fucked user. That is all there is too it.
TBH it is much less trouble to go out and buy a whole new computer than it is to fix WIN10 reinstall problems.

t. soyboy

kys apple & android fags. windows 10 did nothing wrong

except telemetry and an ugly ass interface

plz FBI, you know how shit shit10 is.

install gentoo

so disable Alexa then faggot

worse than anons that post Holla Forums. off yourshelf.

WHO THE FUCK USES WINDOWS IN 2018? (((da​tamin​ing)))

lol fag

I duel boot fag. but i agree i should just use WINE.

t. proud owner of Windows 10
No issues yet except noises from my webcam whenever I fap. i wonder if they send that info to microsoft

you are the real degenerates
others can plea ignorance but you knowingly subscribe to a botnet :c

at least my ""botnet"" has Alexa, idiot

you can have your dysfunctional autist botnet assistant. ill keep my emacs.

Dont listen to this fag you fap fine, so keep using WINdows 10 and let us keep "looking" into your life.

thank you. microsoft customer service is the best.
which patel are you this time? (((da​tamin​ing)))

fags are for emacs

FBI, is that you? (((da​tamin​ing)))

fuck thats a good play
i cant correctly counter that shit. whatever i do feels wrong. you win.

nigga, how can microsoft spy on you? (((da​tamin​ing))) just turn off those settings. like wtf

No bamboolzes user
go into bios and looks for UEFI option and enable that, not "legacy"
Then enable "secure boot"
if there's an option to reset secure boot certificates, use that option
save and reboot
try to boot your existing Win10, but then use your USB stick if that fails
You might just have better luck burning a DVD and installing from that, USB DVD drive worst case.
t. Desktop engineer

Post me some qt JB as payment

dubs demand it

would consumate

i demand more for dub dubs

dubs demand it again

lucky wall

thank you, you spoil me

Sorry user, not about to give away my rare hebe collection without some more repeating digits as compensation

gotcha, you gotta dump em for dubing yourself
rolling fer sem moar

damn, owell thanks for the qties, have not seen before. into the hoarding array they go

This, tbh. I actually installed Gentoo recently for the first time in about ten years (used it a bit back in '07), and it was pretty easy and didn't take too long. I think maybe the Handbook is shorter than it used to be.

So, yeah.

install gentoo

nobody likes you faggot

I installed windows 10 for vr. Its not even that good i wish i could go back.


frank focuses all his vieeos on XD OMG SO RANDOM "comedy". Frank was never good

I liked his songs

Fellow Xenial, you need Linux upgrade.

No! piss off, nerd. He needs Snackware!

theres your problem
so u wanted to delete everyting? Well - u succeeded

Sounds like a Windows problem to me

looks gay


1. Insert installer USB stick
2. start pc
3. install fails
4. unplug USB stick / re-insert it
5. reset
6. install begins
7. install halts and asks for some drivers
8. search for mainboard drivers (i hope you have copied them onto the stick or another one?)
9. try until install continues
10. first reboot after install incoming, unplug stick

Install a system that respects you and doesn't spy on you like GNU/Linux.

Install Linux卍.

Ive tried this, but when i turn everything legacy off and everything uefi on it now only shows me the stick with win 10, nothing else, with a uefi behind it.

Normaly it shows me the stick twice, one with uefi and one without, and just the without uefi even shows the win logo, while if i boot the uefi version it just gets stuck in bios.