Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, I doubt that. And if they did, it's because their wives/girlfriends were standing next to them at the time.


Actually, 4% said he should quit. The remaining said he should stay in and they'll be voting for him.

I can make shit up too.

Most Americans have less than 1000$ in savings too. What makes them worth listening to again?

OP is a faggot.

(((Washington Post)))
Meanwhile, ZH just ran polling that indicates this has had little impact on Rep. Support. Also, wasn't the (((WP))) one of those lofty publications calling for Trump to drop out weeks back; He didn't, he gained even in biased polls.


Send these foul shills into the abyss!

All that means is that 43% of people don't like Trump.

For example, if you asked Holla Forums if Hilldog should drop out, an overwhelming margin would say yes. No shit, we don't like hillary. Of course we'd say that.

You forgot to tell us the color of the sky, OP.

Even 4% is difficult to believe, no real person gives a shit about this "controversy"

He's naming the rapes on live television in ten hours

So you're telling me 57% of Americans don't and therefore will vote for Trump so Trump wins election 57/43? That's great news.


all concerned republican voters, right?

43% of Americans? So Democrats and NeverTrump want Trump to drop out? Well no shit!

the problem with hillary is not just her policies.
she's a criminal, and an incompentent one at that.

Exclusive video of OP taken 5 minutes ago.

If you can't trust (((Jeff Bezos'))) rag, then who can you trust?

99% of Americans want open-boarders, Trump to resign, and diversity. We got this from American polling data.

t. Dr. Coinblatt

This is shitty shill attempt.
smh tbh familiar.


Equal Voting power



So the percentage of people who are going to vote Hillary? Nah, you don't say!

even us fuck ups are preparing for war

Oh you mean Trump will win the election 57-43%?

so dishonest, sad!


This is florida early voting numbers. This is sorted by registration, not by how those people voted.


Taiwan animators? Got a link?

Why do you hate us OP? Washingtonpost? That's like pissing in our face. Harsh bro,very harsh. Seriously you might as well be posting what some cunt on Tumblr said.

you are aware 57% is way more then 43%, right?

So cuckservatives want Trump to quit out of fear for their pussies.

This day is gonna be full of shilling.


I'm surprised we haven't been treated to another lolcow spergfest on twitter by Rick Wilson since the tapes leaked.

He's acting smug.

That bullshit is the exact cause for all the retarded shit we have to deal with these days.
As soon as men stop restricting themselves because of what their women and children might say, do or think all this madness comes to an end.

Reported. No archive. No text. Enjoy your ban.

Does this include liberals, cuckservatives, and lolbergs for Gary Johnson? Why do I get the feeling most of that crowd were #NeverTrump fags to begin with.

I am not a Republican – I am a Trump voter. I'm not about to support another neocohen clown who's going to continue open borders and grant amnesty to try to win the GOP new spic voters. There is no difference between a Hillary Clinton and a Jeb Bush. The only reason I am supporting the GOP this year is BECAUSE of Trump and hearing Paul Ryan and John McCain attack him only makes me support him more.


Lmao, keep dreaming kikes. I'm sure that this will change things for you just like the last 129478 times.

Wtf? I hate Trump now

I'm not defending OP because I agree these poll numbers are either rigged or cherry-picked to fit the (((Washington Post)))'s narrative.

But if almost half of Republican voters were rejecting Trump that would be very bad news. Most Democrats are united behind Clinton and Presidential elections are always decided between a small fraction of percentage points. You can't win with major divisions within your own party.

Why is he talking like a teenage girl?

gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself gas yourself

(((washington post))) told me to hate trump.

oh no i better vote hillary now

They've been sitting on these tapes and only released them to justify rigging the election.

This propoganda hit is all about justifying rigging the election.


I hope shills do realize that if Hillary wins, a number of people will be killing leftists. Starting with CTR and moving up so you'd better hope he wins.

And in hopes Trump drops because the only chance Hillary has is to run unopposed. This is why Johnson started shitting the bed as of late.

They aren't. You have a few evangelical cucks and even fewer people that are actually currently profiting off of the establishment neocons and that's it.

127% of americans say OP sucks cock, according to recent polls


Most Americans have less than 1000$ in savings too

I have less than that because I don't trust the kike currency and even less the banks. My money is certainly not staying in a place that is about to rob us any day once the FED decides to pull the plug after the elections.

The narrative that Trump lost support because voters couldn't abide by sexual comments is going to be hard to sell after Trump names Bill Clinton the serial rapist and Hillary Clinton the serial enabler tonight



so the entire Democrat party?






also pic related

==paid shill left up for an entire hour

eat my ass, retard

43% of americans – not republicans. That 43% includes all the zealous democrats who would vote for Hillary if she went on camera tomorrow and said she was the devil in disguise.

We polled 40% Democrat, 30% Undecided and 30% Republicans

ha good point


when your offspring practice miscegenation with no punishment you transform into an ultracuck who gradually loses coherence and agency to the extent that you become a 50 something defending everyone but yourself and your kin.


at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if these manufactured controversies are going to give democrats a false sense of security as they decide to stay home come election day like the 'remain' people during brexit.


Well since we're going with majorities and all, over 60% say op's source is shit.

fake and gay manufactured story to justify rigging polls and election.

I miss Tay…


43% are voting for Clinton..
A different 43% would say Clinton should drop out too..

We ought to fix that.


literally pleb


Paul Ryan looks like he fucks Boy Scouts. Should we meme it?

Although they can't rig the election as a whole they can mess with the voting machines in some key swing states. If the voter turnout isn't high enough they could steal the election and put Hillary in the White House.


The fuck, is that an asian man raping a nigger in a locker room?!


kek asian men don't rape niggers, niggers rape anything


Hillary has damn near 0% of the millenial white vote, which ordinarily would lean Dem.

A blunt and obvious metaphor for the state of Africa. The coons really didn't deserve the chinks and Europe should have stayed.

you could start a new thread to piss off the CTR losers

Surprise Poll Finds Vast Majority Of Republican Voters Support Trump After "Lewd Comments"

"While nearly three-quarters, or 74%, of all voters polled reacted negatively to the video, almost three-quarters of Republicans, or 74%, said GOP leaders should still back Trump. Only a modest 12% of Republican voters said Trump should end his campaign, pollsters found, and - perhaps more surprisingly - only 13% of female Republicans said he should drop out. "

Paul Ryan is a closet homo

Nifty Numbers you got there.
Here's one image of Ryan appraising the stock.

I refuse to believe that 43% of Americans honestly believe that billionaire celebrities do not get tons of pussy.

Is this your first day? If your boss saw this post I doubt you would get your $0.15 due to lack of quality.

That's a pricey round, they should feel special.

he looks like a faggot. and I got an eye for faggots

Mods, get me 20cc of banhammer, stat

I'll go out on a limb here and say your name ends in -stein.

The other 57% think Hillary should quit. How is this a bad thing?

Why are shitty shill threads like this allowed to continue?



These cucked leftists and rightists are really desperate to please their Jewish overlords.

It's from one of videos way back in the primaries, sometime around January-ish.

I don't really know how it happens I guess I just don't spend as much money as other people do or something.

Pretty sure you just have leftover student loan money in your bank account.

If you don't know where your money came from, you won't know where it goes either. This means you will wind up with nothing, and soon.




Probably. I should start dumping money into them now that I think of it.

You're just gonna leave this bait here?

Its probably the same 43% voting for hillary

Good fucking goy. The economy will never collapse and hyperinflate, no siree.


43% of Americans think that the song lyrics "superman a hoe" are vulgar and disgusting and should never be allowed on the radio.. ahahahahah! Who am I kidding, these faggots don't give a shit and will let their kids listen to way worse as long as it gets a Kidzbop cover. Behold the hypocrisy of the concerned feminists.

Jaded breakup songs are totally appropriate for your daughter's 10th birthday party amiright?

Well no shit. Sage

I think he was saying he should start using what's in his account to pay off his loans.

Obvious shill is obvious.

Get in the oven CTR.

That needs to be SAID?! Dear fuck, we’re all doomed.

Jesus Christ our moderation staff is fucking incompetent.

Kidzbop and the Mini Pops are cancerous as fuck. If it's not the fucking metrosexual/faggot octroon boys advancing on the blonde white girls, it's the fucking degenerate choices for the songs.

Jesus Christ

Its a Washington Post story - reminder: WP has been butthurt at Trump since the primaries, when he cut their media access.
To boot, OP didn't archive.
Further, the mods altered the OP, but didn't add the archive.

And finally, worst of all?
The fucking article doesn't say anything about 43% of Americans saying or thinking anything.

Mods, I am going to report OP and this post, and if you worthless fuckbents don't delete this thread, its demonstrable that you do nothing of value here.

Everything about this thread is a failure.

kys kike

On an unrelated note, tfw assblasted cucks go around kvetching at the mods and get banned on all your VPNs


This entire thread is a ruse brought about low-cog moderators and intense shilling.

I'm bumping it now, because it needs to be seen.

This is what Holla Forums amounts to at this point - shills laying out misinfo, lazy shitposters blogging about it as though anyone gives a shit about their worthless thoughts (worthless in that there is no action behind them, ever, it would seem) without even bothering to check the story, and moderators who are so fucking incompetent its almost amazing (though were I more paranoid, I might suggest its not all that amazing at all).

…and 52% are going to vote for him over the CUNT!

I think they don't add the archive because doing so would reward OP's laziness and tells other people "you don't to archive, we'll do it for you"

I was on the fence about Trump, but after he said that one thing about women 11 years ago I just cannot be associated with the Trump campaign and it seems neither can anyone else. They are truly a disgusting group of people. It's been made clear that anyone who votes for Trump is in favor of sexually assaulting women in the street. The Trump campaign has just turned into an misogynistic and bigoted cacophony of lies and scaremongering. I don't understand how anyone can associate themselves with such a truly disgusting and misogynistic campaign. I don't want to be associated with these violent misogynistic fascists. We should listen to our leaders like Obama and Clinton. Let's just stick with what we know. They ran the country for years, saving us from the brink and back. We can't sacrifice all that we have. How can we trust crooks like Donald Trump and Mike Pence? Do they truly act in the interest of the American people? Absolutely not. Lets stay with the democrats and just stick with what we know. Why would we want to risk an economic disaster?

*"you don't need to archive"

Posting in CTR thread; might as well pray to kek for dubs



Why does he have three hands?


And 57% are voting for him

The look on the black's face says it all.

Made me think of this.

I hate this image more than I realized.

Those are both extraordinarily likely outcomes if polling is remotely close to accurate. Trump does well among New York Republicans and probably independents but the state is solid blue as fuck. With Paul Ryan and Reince Priubus turning traitor (again), Trump will have a hard time getting support of chesseheads. The only top WI Republican who didn't cuck yet was Scott Walker (and he's been avoiding talking about Trump since the tapes). Considering WI didn't go Trump in the primaries, I'd be surprised if he's able to carry the state.

As of August 13, 2016, the United States has a total resident population of 324,227,000

324227000 x 0.43 = 139417610

In 24 hours, jew media interviewed and recorded 139,417,610 Americans saying that Trump should quit the race????

WHAT A (((FEAT)))!

It is very doubtful 43% of the voters are against Trump. Look at what we have to loose, if crooked/lying Hillary get's in: Our guns for one.
It is, also, a damn shame that some of the republicans are jumping ship. I guess their pride is more important than the principals of the party. I really don't think they will influence the real republicans voters, Statements by Trump are no where near the crimes Hillary did. The private discussions Trump said haven't changed my vote. I know the turncoats are in the same ole-same old crowd as the democrats liberals. They don't want to give up their candy and be like the rest of us.

Not going to happen. If anything, we'll see something like a federal ammo tax ($5 per bullet or $5 per primer for reloading components) to make owning and maintaining proficiency with firearms out of reach of the average person, which will kill the domestic firearms industry for every mfg that isn't part of the military industrial complex with those fat government contracts.
Those are cuckservatives, and they've never given a single fuck about this country.

Don't be dense user.
You only need to interview a small sample of people to represent a large group. Depending on the error margin you want, you need a certain minimum of people.

The real kikery comes even before you do the study. Supose you have one or two states populated by faggots and feminists.
Maybe those states also have 80% votes for hillary.
Just take your sample from there, assure the minimum so the error is within the values you want, and voila, you get the 43%
Now imagine a study that interviewd the same number of people from all over america.
The number would be closer to 20%, but we won't know that, because that's not a confortable number to the CTR shills.

Seryously user, read a bit about statistics and analysis. It doesn't take a lot of reading to get some basic concepts, and it helps to be prepared when you need to disarm shills without making yourself look like a dunce.

(((Nate Silver))) again

Feminist psychos do, but then, they weren't going to vote for him under any circumstances anyway. We'll win it.