Who is getting fat here?

Who is getting fat here?
Feels bad to be a tech autist

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asking who's fat on Holla Forums is like asking who supports diversity on reddit

I'm getting thinner and have been for several months.

That's another story though.

I am from Reddit I don't support it

Check for worms, mate


Triggered so easily lmao. You are not a very smart person, are you?

You are not a very thin person, are you?

Nope, getting /fit/ for the upcoming collapse of western civilisation, can't let the fascists and commies take over now can we?

Literally all you have to do is avoid carbs. Thats it. You will get thin. Eat the same amount of calories but make sure you eat less than 15g of sugar/carbs a day. You will lose weight until you hit a body fat of about 10-13% and then you will stay there.

Are you going to bash them with your Toughbook?

You wither become obese or anorexic while on this world, I know how you might be feeling, user.
But it's never too late to go /fit/, bear that in mind.

I am slowly wasting away into a rigid fleshy sack of bones. Soon my skin will break and peel under its own weight and my true skeletal self will emerge, signalling my entry into lichdom.

I'm actually ottermode/trap tier /fit/ because I eat healthy and keep up with regular cardio and exercise. Learn to cook and stop eating 5 meals a day when you just sit on your ass for 14 hours a day

ext4 master race, btrfs niggers can talk back when that joke goes out of alpha

Nah I'll probably make bombs out of lithium-ion batteries

Being /fit/ is the most sane way to stay smart, user. Why would you fucking get fat?



This. Keto will keep you at a healthy weight.


You'll also have no energy and have highly acidic blood on top of fucking over your kidneys long-term.

You should definitely cut back on carbs to lose weight, but not to the extent you're suggesting. The average user would probably lose weight and have plenty of energy if they stayed under something closer to under 100g of carbs and under 30g of sugar per day. Consider that milk has like 10-13g/cup and your average soda is about 32g of sugar.

lmfao. Hey fatty lay off the DnD.

I discovered how fat I've become when I tried to run up a hill at my old university campus two days ago. I gave up after about twenty steps. I used to sprint easily up that hill to go to class.


Pls. Just about any one of you could be ottermode in 6 months.

Close Steam first doe.

Your kidneys wouldn't be fucked and your blood wouldn't be nail polish remover if you didn't gorge yourself on high GI foods.

A regular person won't get ketoacidosis if they're not: an alcoholic; diabetic. Per your link ; )

Ketoacidosis comes from high blood sugars, caused by too much carbs, not too little, Jesus fuck guys

Change your diet

Or change your lifestyle

You can't have it both ways. If you life a very stationary life you have to avoid meats and carbs. It's just how it is, you can't let go of carbs and meat? Then you have to start exercising. It's as simple as that. Go vegetarian, Ovo-Lacto, get protein from eggs and milk, remain healthy, and lose the excess calories your body will never have a use for since you're a "tech autist" who isn't active enough to justify it in the first place.

Jesus fuck how can a single person be so wrong in all of his posts?
Carbs themselves don't equal weight, the insulin response is what makes you gain weight. If you're having less than 100g of carbs per fucking day (whereas the recommended per-meal is around 60) then your body will trigger an excess hunger response as a result of low blood sugars and you'll either be miserable or give in and start binging on starchy foods like bread. It's called balance my dude

step up, I work out on the regular

Actually that doesn't happen. If you stop eating carbs you get hungry for a few days and then it stops. You also lose all those cravings for shit food in the evening or late afternoon.
otoh if you have psychological issues and can't deal with the initial hunger or you comfort eat then it's not going to help.

Then your breath turns to acetone and your liver starts dissolving.

Cushing's Syndrome? Stop eating junk food.

Anarcho left is the most vulnerable.

Water and detox.
Promote better metabolism with spices too.
Also stop using canola/rapeseed oil right now!

You breathe most of your fat out. Literally no work out meme needed.
Try drinking more water then go for mildly saltier diet.
Cut down excess sugar or acquire a more sophisticated taste you fucking glutton.
You'll notice your detox is working when you egest floating stools (due to fat, it means you expell your excess fat properly while also dissolving fat through breathing).

best oil

Enjoy getting aids from infected equipment and locker room buttsecks. It's like only using computers at internet cafes. True Holla Forumsnicians use their own equipment.

When does the troll strength kick in?