Why do they think they're people

why do they think they're people

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weak men allow women to use sex as a weapon.

OP btfo


did you conveniently leave that part out

>implying i am dumb enough to read an article that came up as first google result that i copied pasted simply to make this into an argument thread

Women have no business participating in any activities outside of housework and raising children.

this flop of a movie really pissed me off. female lead movies always bash men and it's not okay

Whatever you say Satan

t. delicate sensibilities

also, if you look at the history of cognitive tests, a few had to grade differently for women because women got average scores much lower than men.
it's just because women and men have certain faculties they are better at using in their brain than the other gender. the visualization explains why more men tend to be engineers, for instance.

male led movies dont do the same thing to women. it's not delicate sensibilities, it's any sensibilities at all.

because they're smarter

they're not smarter. At best, I think they may be coddled in society by men.

The problems they decide to solve if they do decide to solve problems will certainly be different because they have a different toolset to work with. 'don't become a nail-hammerer if youre much better at using screwdrivers than hammers' :/.


stop watching terrible films satan

my little sister is more intelligent than most boys, but maybe because I practically raised her and never let her be stupid when it mattered. also showing her crazy feminists on the internet helped.

Stop bitching like a cunt you dumbshit. You should lay off the soy.

Who the fuck cares what women do or think? (((da​tamin​ing))) They have no real agency and they certainly don't run this world. Don't like hollyjew? (((da​tamin​ing))) Don't.fucking.support.it.

i forgot to say trailer since i dont watch shit movies. and also book smarts is completely different from common sense smarts. anybody can pick up a book and learn but it takes more brain power to use common sense instead of feelings in serious situations and women are completely incapable of doing that

if you think women aren't in more control of the world, you must be living under a rock

checks out


no midgets either