'He Grabbed Me:' Woman Alleges Trump Groped Her Exactly as Described on Tape



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Expect many more to come forward. (((They))) are going all out with this.


They're going all out on this.

Hopefully the cuckservatives are so depleted that their cowardly desertion doesn't move the polls much.

whatever happens in november the cucks are finished
they have no future whoever wins

What is the statue of limitations on pussy grabbing?

Meanwhile, women have told me how turned on they were when Leonardo DiCaprio did this.

And just look at the comments.

We are witnessing the last ditch effort to stump the Trump. They will go all in on actors making unsubstantiated legations, non-stop news segments and talking heads talking about how shameful it is, un-endorsements from RINOs, and a cabal of famous and influential people to coordinate this attack and keep it going up until the election. If this fails I'm certain their last ace in the hole is to have Trump suffer an (((accident))).

unsubstantiated legations allegations

I think its 7 years in washington state. Not sure about NYC.

Im sure he did honey, just like he called that beaner bitch miss piggy right?
funny how that isn't mentioned anymore now, probably cause the bitch was crazy and criminal

Wait, I thought he get stumped at the debates? Like… repeatedly? Did he answer any questions at that thing? Also, what about the billion dollars he lost on his casinos? Was he not "stumped" then? Or was that intentional?

lmao shut the fuck up namefag

I want shills to die, luckily, that day is coming.


Just keep hammering in all the Bill Clinton rapist stuff.

In any case, we should bring out rag out all of Hillary's dirty laundry and then some. And even more. If she wants to be this dirty, then so be it. Personally, I'm at the point where I may actually do something, since we're all going to die if the bitch gets elected since she will kick off WW3. Might as well go out on my own terms.

So now they're trying to turn Trump into Bill Clinton?

Oh no, not the Pill Cosby treatment. This could actually be bad.

Get ready for a shitstorm of women to come forward. Doesn't matter how many of them are full of shit, or the one or two who actually did have him touch them, and no matter how with it they were at the time, if they get together a bunch of them, it could genuinely hurt his campaign.

Not enough to make him lose– at least I hope not– but you know how the media cycle gets with this kinda shit.

I don't keep up with Trump memes. What originally happened to spark this?

We'll make them regret lying if they did, just like that stupid hoe michael fields or whatever her name was.

Lurk moar

They’re literally out of all their ammunition. This is them throwing their guns at the approaching freight train that is Trump.


Wow, solid logic…

It does not surprise me that you are voting for him. I suppose I would expect nothing more of you.


Boy this is a downer. Jesus Christ, I hope he can "Only Rosie O'Donnel" this tomorrow night….

They're desperate to find something on him. The only bad thing he's done, in my eyes, is to try and MUH DIK a married woman. He may have been trying to fuck her despite being with Melania, its unclear.

But yes, they're reaching big time. Trump's biggest issues are…saying some mean things about women, minorities and not paying taxes. Compared to Clinton's blood trail and shady deals.

how do you grab someone by the pussy?

You poor poor virgin. You haven't lived until you've snatched someone by the snatch.

I think its pretty funny actually. Memes in the face of disaster are a great coping mechanism so I understand why you are doing this, and I actually find most of them pretty entertaining. I want you to know that I support your decision to post memes as long as you need to grieve for.

Puffy vulva

So you walk down the street, see a woman, and you grab her by the pussy?



Uh huh. See you on election day, slick.

nice strawman faggot

You just hook your hand in there and lift her up.


If we can't talk about pussy, how are we going to grab it?

You do realize that Hillary getting into office will result in either this place and anything similar getting shutdown, WW3, and dindus and rapefugees set loose on people with the police becoming more federalized. And that's assuming everyone here is not rounded up.



You switched IPs too fast, Schlomo. But ok, i'll humor you anyway.

Vid related

Better hurry up and finish that "Trump supporters are misogynerds and racist trolls" article, you know how short you've made the goys' collective attention spans.

Since when did we start getting people dumb enough to namefag here? The cancer has got to go.


Top kek. This.


Boss shit, my nigga. These herbs wouldn't even understand.


When the fuck did cuckchan-tier posts like this become acceptable?
Fucking end yourself

Reminder of how trump should respond

like forever

Her pussy grabbed my hand.



increasingly nervous man doesnt actually look that nervous…

Nice of one of you to finally admit it

That being said… I can actually acknowledge that turning around a loss like that is a good thing (I dont know if I would argue that it is "impressive", since as you mentioned, numerous other millionaires have managed to acheive the same thing with extensive help from financial advisors and so on) and that it is not the worst thing in is history.

My point was merely that as far as Trump-stumping goes, it seems like something that Trump voters should at least acknowledge. It is hardly accurate to make the case that he hasn't been stumped yet. All memes aside, both candidates are human and flawed, and I just happen to be voting for the candidate I see as substantially less flawed, as everyone else will do. I just think that for the sake of the country, we should all at least have a realistic idea of what our candidate has done, continues to do, and perhaps (perhaps) most importantly, what they stand for.

in his* history/"portfolio"

After we have to deal with the force media frenzy over this, all that it will accomplish is give Trump the license to not hold back at any of the wretched things Bill has done which Hillary enabled, and which the media chose to ignore.

They are going to have this brought up tomorrow and I hope Trump does not hold back from letting the people know the wretched things the Clintons have done, especially to women.

Which woman? all of them? lol what a creeper

Seems legit fam.
Totally not just some slut trying to attack someone she doesn't like because of past business dealings.

I mean, fuck evidence, only feels matter, right?



This is nuts, first their strategy was to accuse Trump of almost everything Hillary has actually done. But now they're going to accuse him of everything Hillary has done.

I honestly think that Trump is gonna have to go full on Huey Long if he's elected, because Congress is not only gonna refuse to cooperate with him, they're gonna come after him with everything theyver got.

This guy browses 4chan, don't be like him.

These are low energy bantz. Tell CTR to send me someone ready for the fight if we're to continue this nonsense.

Psst…He's still going to win.


It's great cause Bill's just not attractive anymore and becoming creepy, and he's he same age as trump so it isn't like kicking an old man.

and it begins, Trump will unleash the bantz, he has no choice now but to revert from Classy Trump, to Bantz Trump this sunday.

They're desperate and are now pulling a "Cosby"

This is the last hurdle.

Jesus Christ, you are REALLY desperate, aren't you?

What happened to your shitty thread from last night, where you were shilling Nate Silver data as though it was strong evidence of an incoming Trump-Stumping?

In short: You talk like a fag, your shits all retarded, and the your attempts to seem like a voice of reason only make you seem all the more desperate and nefarious a shill.

What I say next, I genuinely and truly mean: You should kill yourself. It would be funny to me.

I never shied from it faggot. No one ever has. There is a reason why he wrote a book, Art f the Comeback. You're a blithering idiot who still does not have an argument.

It is impressive since many others have fallen on their faces after such a hit or have not even seen such money.

A loss you come back from is not a stumping, especially when that loss occurs in a setting that still allows you to keep your wealth, your image and so on intact an then you turn that around into something greater, when you come out of that loss better than others who at the same time took losses so hard they never recovered. That said, your post reeks of concern trolling.
Despite the fact all people are doing is playing up his good points since that is what people do when they are trying to sell someone to somebody. Playing up his supposed lesser points when they have been played up enough by the media to the point that many people have tuned them out is stupid and idiotic. Kill yourself already if you are going to concern troll this poorly.

Trump should not just deny it but he should say that unlike Bill, he's not going to go back on those denials. He should make every moment he speaks a chance to bash Hillary and Bill.

seems legit

Women love being treated like dirt when it's sexual but they would never admit it publicly.



He's a homosexual.

Donald Trump’s Former Attempted Rape Accuser Now Says She’d Vote For Him (Report)
Feb 2016

This reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Homer is shamed for a supposed sexual assault on babysitter and gets followed 24/7 by the media.


To be fair this doesn't looks like harassment

Mike Pence is among the RINOS disavowing him for this.

This grill certainly enjoy being chocked


I'm going to grab my wife's pussy tonight. She loves it


wtf i love trump now

really makes you think

bring it on faggots lets talk about the 30+ women bill clinton raped and hillary intimidated into silence just fucking do it

oh really shitlord, bill is touching that women's inner thighs without consent and he's manspreading how about you check yourself
but no seriously what he's doing is enough to catch a fucking rape charge in 2016 Weimerica don't even try to play it like it's not

When did we decide that letting women use language was a good idea?

what's everyone actly grabbing?

It's not being "treated like dirt", they love being dominated by hot alphas.

Ironic that the last resort silencing tactic used by feminists on their local campus shitlord is now being used by the globalist elite in one final, desperate attempt to get their woman into power. Globalists are confirmed for having the same childish, vindictive attitude of the leftist college whore caught cheating.


They can't that's the problem.
Or they would've accident'd ages ago.
They know he has an Assange-tier deadman switch somewhere. Plus he has his own plane, his own helicopter, his own security, etc. They were wholly unprepared for this sort of resistance to come from someone they thought of as "one of their own"

ayyyyyyyyyyyyy Tara!

damn, I wish I could remember the animu because I remember the perfect moment for this of someone literally being hammer-tossed by their cooter. One of those old La Blue Girl era ones.
Have a kek instead for your dubs m8



Not to give credit to MGTOWs but they do love this shit

You're not giving credit to MGTOWs, most chads throughout history understood female nature, consciously or not, and took advantage of it and themselves to succeed.


This may be what triggers little jeby to finally an hero.




My sides will get destroyed. It would be legendary.

This is how we kill this thing. Make a joke of it.

The only thing that's giving this power is the "wow just wow"ing of shitlibs and cucks. Turning it into a joke totally disarms it.

There you go

But, how are you posting?

So is this the end? Are we officially fucked?

Kek can only do so much to help trump recover, this seems like too big of a deal

Assassinate hillary when

Not if you lose motivation, faggot!

*unless you lose motivation

is there any way out


Looks like CTR hasn't been watching twitter. no one gives a fuck.

If he doesn't win through rigging or otherwise we'll only have one option left though. They definitely won't still have this blindspot after this election.

This, apart from the (((media))) circlejerking their offense there has been virtually no public outrage.

There's no way out, but there will be an end, and it's up to you to determine how this will play out. Do you want to bend for them, or do you want to give them a hard time?





Go out there and grab some pussy, faggot.

What in the Lord's name am I seeing?…

I'm nervous user. My college is a niggerhole and I don't have any nice clothes to wear. You know how nogs like to dress man.

That's probably the perfect image for your situation. Why didn't you go, fam?

I am fucking lost. I do not understand our enemy anymore. For a time I followed the reasoning and shitty logic of the enemy, I could plan around it, counter it, shit on them.

Now, not to be defeatist, what the fuck do I do against this? These people think talking about / groping women as a fucking man is the worst thing in history. Hillary wants to start ww3,was directly responsible for the deaths of American servicemen, through shitty cyber security to a felonious level comprised united states security, has lied and will lie about so much of her policy and supporter, puts American interests second over her own profit and power. None of that is as bad as what Trump did ten years ago to them.

At work today FOUR people who know I support trump came to shit on me, and smugly walked off when I told them Hillary had litterally gotten people killed. What is wrong with The Left, what the actual fuck.


They're high on their own supply and assured of their moral righteousness. They get to listen to so many mainstream sources that just tell them exactly what they're supposed to think and feel so they've completely lost the ability to do either for themselves. They think any attempt to appeal to non-controlled sources is a defect in the other person: they're reading Breitbart or Drudge or watching Fox News (not that those aren't mostly controlled). What the hell do they know? They think we're crazy or stupid or lying while they're actually completely incapable of abstract thought.

You mean you cant beat a white wife beater, with pants around your ankles?

A combination of mental gymnastics and Hillary being ass hurt. That bill never grabbed her. (anywhere, ever) So she's going all out on the MSM attacks.

Haha, I wish. They wear a bunch of fake designer clothes. Burberry, Hermes, Gucci, shit like that.

Who cares tbh, if you've done like Holla Forums advised and gotten /fit/ pretty much all clothes will look good on your toned body.
If you're still a 400lb hacker though you're probably right to have stayed home white Jamal cucks you.

seems you don't understand what kek is the embodiment of

live your life while you can but be aware of the degeneracy, I was there in hs and i was there in college brother, it doesn't get any better unless you make a change.

Fucking cucks man

One fucking job is to seed a white woman and continue the bloodline



r-selected scum detected.

Who told Wesley what it's like to be a man? One of his moms?


Shutup Wesley.

damn look at wil here just launching into an attack on a guy from a different world like nigger you were on star trek our nige got his country independence

Right now op is such a cuck he has no choice, he has to seed her and trap her into carrying his spawn so his faggot bloodline doesn't end.


Nah, luckily I've never been fat, always had a good build. (although skinny)

Just seems kind of contradictory to go out into the cesspool of degeneracy after learning all I've learned. I know that doesn't mean no funz, but niggers jiggling their ass and marijuana set to the timeless overture of Chief Keef's "Faneto" doesn't really mean fun to me. Sure I've done that kinda shit before, it was great but it's not me.

I'm not a complete recluse now, I'm not too bad with women but I'm not the best at such large social gatherings.

sage for off topic autism

This is what happens when you don't shut up, Wesley.

Buddy there's nothing MGTOW about men treating women they way they want to be treated.

Considering you aren't out with a nice white woman getting ready to impregnate and marry her something is very wrong

no honestly you're in the right hs dances are complete fucking cesspits but that shouldn't mean that you aren't hanging out with friends or going to the parties afterwords and stealing booze.

You can skip big dances while still having girlfriends. Also user sounds like he's underage considering homecoming so its not surprising that he's not trying to get married yet.

oh sure buddy you were out looking for a wife as an underageb& right

This tbh, went to my prom and afterparty stag with m8s and still had an absolute blast.
Even had a little competition to see how many unopened beer cans we can find lying around.

If your dick isn't in a 100% white aryan woman as you shitpost on Holla Forums you're not doing it right either, faggot.

He probably meant homecoming at college, that's a thing in murka


Fucking disgusting

I don't have many friends unfortunately, as I've said before, where I go is a high diversity area. Particularly of the nog variety.

I know im not doing it right, it's hard finding pure Aryan gf

But im telling op he needs to get out and knock up some qts

You sound a lot like the typical nigger.

where you from, nigger

Fuckin Aurora Colorado

It's the Harlem of the Midwest

I said seed then marry gawh

Its marry then seed fool.
I see, you're not a nigger you're just surrounded by them and they've rubbed off on you.

Carelessly creaming girls when you're not ready to support a family is for niggers.

Good idea fam, I'll keep that in mind

Not everyone can get laid you fucking prick

Not for ops case

He doesn't have a choice. Gotta trap em

Yes they can. Unless you have piss genes then you can find a cute girl, marry, and impregnate.

Colorado isn't in the Midwest

Also this thread isn't your blog

How do you do it
So shes cute, shes white, shes single, so what

How do you get her to have sex with you

Not with that mindset. Just remember that you're a fucking white male, the descendant of people who conquered pretty much the whole fucking world and the most sexually desired ethnicity based on online dating studies.
This world and everything in it is ours by right, lest we shame our ancestors who bled for it.

Then where is it.

Have you tried talking to her?

Holy shit it just gets worse. He's actually a sexual criminal. Why didn't Cruz and Jeb go after this kind of information in the primaries and finish him then?

Great Plains or Mountain States

and seriously cut out this /r9k/ /adv/ shit.

Everything you said is true but we live in a hyper cucked matriarchal society that puts massive limitations of what we can do without getting expelled and arrested

Oh wow wooohoo Im so guaranteed to get pussy now

How fucking new are you? Have you never even heard of mattress girl or them trying to pull this exact same stunt on Assange before?

It doesnt matter if you can talk to a girl without being autistic, or even make her laugh

Getting laid is like hacking the matrix and making a girl smile is like editing a save file with note pad

Im at the point now where if I dont get pussy before the year is out Im getting an escort
Im sick of this shit, I want my dick sucked and I want to fuck a bitch

you dumb faggot Harth has come out as voting Trump this year

What kind of shape are you in user?

My sides are devastated.

Neither fat nor muscular
6'4 tall

Society may be cucked but the base nature of women, and non nu-males for that matter, is still pretty much the same. Obviously you can't walk up to a girl and grab her by the pussy but the trick to getting laid and getting nudes is virtually the same in my experience.
All there is to it if you're not a stuttering sperg.

The only autistic thing you did was show her the gloves

Should have asked her if she likes dodgeball, if she said yes (which if she likes you she will no matter what) then you tell her about it.

Hell could have slid in there and asked for her number so next time you go you can see if shes up for it.

Cmon man this shit isn't that hard


He described what he does himself. It's self-incrimination. All that needs to happen is for someone to come forward and have reasonable evidence to support it. When added to his own admission, it's going to end up being a big fucking mess. I really can't see this ending well.

Helping Holla Forumsacks breed is important too tbh.

Is there a reason why that doesn't read muscular?

At least the height is good.

I've found I get the most women when I'm not actually trying to get laid. Start going to bars just for drinks and don't even worry about the sex thing. Eventually the pussy will come to you.

There's a lot of autists here and for autists this might as well be rocket science. Though they definitely should be helped we need all the white babies being born that we can get, can't be too picky about genetics at this point.

"your ear rings are so pretty, your necklace goes good with your eyes, etc"
do you mean add lwedness or dont

so is it all ogre now because of the gloves?
loads of people at practice wear them and all I did was say "oh I forgot I had these on me" and just briefly showed them

fuck off nigger I want a sex life and this should be one of the main focuses of our movement

Because I was obese until a few months ago and if it werent for starving myself for 5 months up until then to lose the weight I still would be

And you cant cut and bulk at the same time

Im 19

You have to overt and direct about your intentions. Making her laugh is great and all, but you're not there to make her laugh, not her entertainment, you've got to make yourself clear. Invite her out to a date or something, test her limitations, see if you can have your hand on her waist, maybe even touch the butt a couple times for a few seconds, if she doesn't recoil she's comfortable with it. Remember that you're in control of the situation, if you don't try to have sex with her, it's not going to happen. When you feel the time is right, maybe you make eye contact, she look at your lips, kiss her! Just do it faggot.

Start making out with her, touch her thigh, if you touch her inner thigh, she'll get wet as fuck my man. You pretty much can't fuck up from that point.

Some general tips, when you show her back to her house, get into her house by any means possible, say you have to use the bathroom.

If you're scarred to touch her, play this little game. But only use this sparingly.

To introduce the game say, “Hey there is this fun game I know that is going to tell me things about you.” She’ll be curious. Then go ahead and start: “Okay imagine yourself in a field. It’s a Spring day and you are in a cute Spring outfit, and you are walking through on this really nice day. Birds are circling around you and it just feels comfortable. Off in the distance you see a strawberry field, a sea of green and red, and since you like strawberries, you start walking up to this field. You walk for what seems like a long time and finally you get to the field. How high is this fence around the strawberry field?” If she isn’t sure say, “How high is it in your mind- there doesn’t have to be a fence if you don’t see one.” Continue: “So you go inside this strawberry field and walk down the rows of strawberries. You notice they are big, juicy, and ripe. I mean, these are the best strawberries you’ve ever seen in your life. How many do you pick and eat right there?” The last question: “Alright so you ate the strawberries and are very satisfied. You are walking out of the strawberry field but then the farmer stops you. He accuses you of eating his strawberries without asking. What do you say to him?”

The strawberry game reveals her views on sex because Strawberries represent pleasure and passion to women. There’s a good chance she will figure that out before you are done. The height of her fence represents her barrier to something pleasurable- in other words, her vagina. An answer you want to hear is, “I don’t see a fence.” I don’t believe in Astrology or psychic power but if a girl tells you her fence is higher than four feet (waist high) she has sexual issues that you may have already identified before administering the the test. You are going to finesse the first question analysis because if her fence is low you don’t want to imply that she is a slut. Say, “The height of your fence represents your barrier to intimacy. A lower fence means you do not delay intimacy with a guy you really like, while a higher fence means you consciously postpone intimacy, for whatever reason- maybe you were hurt many times.” Intimacy here means sex, but let her think it means whatever she wants it to mean.

The second question represents her sexual appetite or her desire for sexual variety. Each strawberry is a single sex act with a man. If she gives an answer like, “As many as I can eat,” then she is impulsive girl who had her share of good times with men. Say, “The number of strawberries represents your sexual appetite. A low number means you are generally satisfied with men while a high number means yo are currently satisfied and your sex life is not what you imagined it would be.” Since a majority of girls give a high number, I like telling her the bad news that she is not sexually satisfied because she will be staring at me- the solution.

Tell her the third answer represents what she says after sex. Most girls say “I’m sorry,” or “Thank you, they were delicious"

Most of it is just trial and error, do things and see what works, stop being a cuck. And this is coming from the faggot who didn't go to homecoming.

i thought we were doing /r9k/ tier advice here come on man

Then make a thread about your dick, nigger.

This isn't your blog.

Height is important but people overexaggerate how much. If you're a bit short just go after women a few inches shorter than you.

10/10 would wingmen with again

yeah do all this shit you definitely won't come off as a fucking sperg
holy shit dude that's some terrible advice


I already know height is irrelevant
Being 6'4 does

Cause girls to come out of the wood work with their panties off

Celebrities really aren't something to go off of as they could have been someone the girl fantasized about when younger. Plus money.

nice try fag do it with someone who isn't wealthy and famous

nice numbers, praise kek

Well do you want stable man in mid 20s to seed a girl or two young 18 year olds to fuck and have white kids and figure it out together.


I dunno, try asking her on a date now , youve got nothing to lose

There's plenty of white women to seed, learn from this experience.

Fucking what? If a girl ever said that shit to me I'd think shes fucking insane

Op listen to what I and said.

I meant add, sorry for not being clear. Don't be afraid to compliment her body too, apparel compliments are pretty safe and common things.
I don't mean go "hey hoe nice ass tbh fam" but something like "wow you're in great shape, you probably never leave the gym to look this good".

That's true, steel yourself for hard gains due to your height but try to achieve some musculature.

Cry moar faggots.
It must hurt to be virgins but delude yourselves everyday about how you're superior to every single other male because you're X and Y.

Fantasized about shorter guys?
She also doesn't look poor to me.

If height was the #1 factor, all the basketball players would get dibs on every woman and the hottest girls in the countries would try to sleep with them.

I didn't get real sex until I was 21.

The worst part was that I got to stick my dick in a girl for like three thrusts when I was 18, then she got scared because we were in a public place and backed out. You would think that knowing what it feels like would make things better, but it made it a thousand times worse. It was like being Tantalus, and having the fruit blown out of reach,

I wasn't until I was able to get a girl to have a 48-hour sex-a-thon with me years later that I finally got closure.

Height isn't really apparent in television shows, they can play all kinds of tricks with the camera.

Dude stop

Complementing her body after just meeting her will turn them away unless you are Zyzz tier

These things, they take time.

I didn't say to do all of it, in fact I said to invoke the strawberry game sparingly. But the rest of the advice is solid, you just have to kiss her when it feels right, test her boundaries, when things get sexy rub her leg. or for looser women if you want a one off, you can start the leg rubbing fairly early, I would recommenced starting at the knee so she can't say "Why are you touching me" or "what are you doing" you're only touching her knee cap after all, maybe using it for support. She'll get comfortable with that, maybe move up or play with her jeans if they've got a rip in them, again it's innocently excusable.

Also, again like I said, this is my own personal experience and advice. Tell my what I'm doing so wrong if you've got a better idea. I've gotten laid a couple times.

That can be counter productive, with that you start putting her in a different category, out of your league, she may get that vibe too. Like why am I talking to this loser?

But they don't hurt, especially in return if she says you're cute, you're golden with that. I'm assuming you're not ugly also

The lewdness part is good though.

have you legitimately ever had a woman ask you "why are you touching me" or "what are you doing"?

No they don't. That should be in your opening interaction with them. Its better to find out early if the attraction is mutual or not so you can move onto someone new instead of obsessing.

you're half right, if you aren't complimenting SOMETHING about her be it her appearance, features, apparel, etc. then you should be lightly mocking her.

Is it worse to have never had sex at all or to have had it once and then be cut off from it

Because I had literally 1, single, chance about a month ago
She was drunk, she wanted it, but I didnt do it because I knew it would be a one time thing and I was worried that once you do it there is never going back

Its already maddening enough as it is, I dont think I could live anymore if it turns out that doing it once and being cut off is even worse

Stop derailing the thread you beta autists.

used to be in the camp of never, now i'm on the other side. The true thirst is when you've had a sip already only to have it taken away.

Go to fucking hell I have thoughts of going full eliot flash through my mind sometimes thats how much this eats away at me

what, derailing like the 5th fucking thread about this bullshit yellow journalism story put forth by the Bush crime family working alongside The Clinton's and the uniparty establishment?
oh yeah, so fucking sorry

Make a "Tips on making white babies" thread or something, he's right that this is a massive derailment.

Random cashier girls call me gorgeous at checkout every now and again but that doesn't mean complimenting a girl's body is too aggressive unless you're Zyzz.
Do you know how many insecurities you're calming by complimenting a girl's body?

Getting mired by girls is pleasant for guys, why would you think it'd have a different effect on girls?

What really pisses me off is that I don't have any help

Its not like I know older guys in their late 20s who are bro tier and can take me to shit to train me and wingman me and shit, come up with convoluted shit to set me up

Yeah I have some friends but I feel like if I were to ever break down and admit I've never gotten pussy that they wouldn't even try to help, and for all I know they'd stop interacting with me over it

Cry more you little bitch. Go cut your wrists back to >>>/r9k/ you effeminate faggot.

Thank you for Correcting The Record. Reported.

at least Ellliot is famous. he's even revered on 8/r9k/

This has been happening since the days the short neanderkike bastards stole cro mag females.

Eat shit nigger, if I ever an hero I'm taking as many normies with me as possible

are you fucking retarded?

you need trex

If she says youre cute then you're fucking in there

Compliments work if it's topical

"Yeah I really liked your report, i personally feel x"

Compliments that lead into conversation

The problem is, if you rush into it and say "ur hawt u liff brah?" she will know youre just trying to fuck, and you dont want a woman who wants to fuck right when you meet. It's an obvious sign they're easy and when someone more attractive comes along she will leave you for him.

You mock her offhanded, like saying I really like when you wear your hair down or whatever

Slight subtle compliment and if she wears her hair down more often she cares what you think.

Yeah, ok dude. Im not saying it's bad to compliment her body, I'm saying doing so ends badly if you say it right when you meet.

We're trying to fucking help you dude. I've had people like that in my life but the thing is you've gotta learn to work the charm yourself, they can't do it for you.


Thread successfully derailed.
Reported for cancer.

Like if you could kill a fucking fly you low T cuck. I bet you can't even shoot a gun, you fucking manlet. Now shut the fuck up and stop derailing the thread before I come to your house and discipline you.

Not an argument. Filtered.

yeah if you're a cuck desperately trying to get a whiff of clunge, if you're a regular dude it's more like
with a disapproving look

Well yeah, it's creepy when you cold approach a grill but it's alright for a first date when she's wearing well fitting clothes etc.

In any case looks like it's time to abandon the derailed thread or get back on topic.

None of these people are even willing to host fucking parties

Its easy as fuck at parties to get girls to grind on you and make out
I just hesitated to fuck them because of fear of cops

In hindsight I know the cops arent a threat but I cant get into parties anymore because the open house time is gone and frats wont let people in anymore

I know guys who want to party but no one wants to fucking host
If they would just do it for me I'd be set

Fuck you cock sucker one single fertilizer bomb can wipe out a building
4 of them can kill 1000 people
Full military grade plate body armor can protect from all bullets cops and swat teams have, and a good amount from national guardsmen

RPK drum mags hold 200 bullets a piece and with a duffel bag you can carry 15 of them

Flame throwers can be bought online for 1500 dollars

Its not derailment when your someone who has been left behind and is still a virgin

yeha go ahead and filter you stupid faggot there's nothing in this thread that's any different form all the other ones we have up now, we know the Bush's leaked this shit, we know they're in bed with the clintons because both parties are heavily involved in the establishment/deep state, we know it's a nothing story released to cover up the podesta emails, we know Trump is mad as fuck at these slimy kikes, we know that this broad in the OP already stated she's voting for Trump and we know that you're a stupid faggot who can't read the goddamned thread and see there's nothing else to talk about

kid chill the fuck out we're cool giving you advice on your lack of a love life but if you want to crack about being the next elliot you can go fuck yourself, you want to talk about killing then it should be for traitorous politicians not normie cunts

Fair enough, disregard my statement, this is better.

Well fucking duh if she goes on a date with you she obviously is interested

But approaching her and saying that is never going to work out.

You don't want those degenerates dude. I know you want your dick wet, just jack off and you'll feel better. But youll crave affection and cuddling with your partner after. But random party whores won't do that. Only finding a genuine girl you put time into will satisfy you sexually unless you're a fucking degenerate.

Well people shouldn't say stuff like "lollol ur such a beta bitch you couldnt hurt people even if you tried your so pathetic just kill yourself =')"

And then normies wonder why people go ballistic on them rather than just quietly off themselves

Yeah actually. They didn't walk away or stop talking to me though, it's actually typical for them to just remove your hand with no words exchanged if they're not ready. Fair enough.

Yeah, you're right about that, if she thinks you're cute already then you're good to compliment her from thereon. But I like to withhold compliments at the expense of looking like a jackass, and building tension.

I can confirm that this works.

Yeah it sucks man, I grew up a single child with no father figure in my life.

I've actually asked close friends stuff like that before when I was younger and they didn't help me at all.

The best things you can really do is see how your friends/other people do it and then emulate that.

Holy shit you're a fucking autist. You came straight from cuckchan didn't you? Fucking sperg I bet you can't even look a man in the eyes for more than 2 seconds. Little bitch whining on an imageboard about not getting a woman top fucking kek, typical halfchan user. Get your ass back to cuckchan, cuckfugee.


you probably shouldn't be giving advice then because you need to work on your own craft.
that's embarrassing as shit man.

I wish I could do it just once
The guarantee that if it was all I've thought it would be I'd never run out of it
It ended up being nothing to brag about and a 60 buck onahole was basically the same then I wouldn't care anymore

My dad wasn't present for large chunks of my up bringing cause he stopped supporting of us, went full drunk and AWOL

Hes been back for a while now but hes a total dead beat

Your close friends wouldnt help you?
What did they say


dude you're on an imageboard grow a thicker skin, you fucking robots are supposed to be able to hold the feels in

Thread derailed by cuckchan, sage.

Sometimes the feels become overwhelming

yeah keep saying it's derailed you stupid faggot we're at 233 posts and it's not exactly the most riveting OP

Youre better off paying for an escort if you're that desperate

They're attractive and won't say no.

dude, just don't be a slave to your base instincts. Sexual impulse is an urge that can be controlled, have willpower. you can fuck an escort try pick up shit (lol) whatever to sate your urges, or you can temper yourself and learn some semblance of self control.

Top fucking kek. Are you in that special time of the month user? Maybe you could get a nigger to cure the itch on your vagina?

Wew I bet you really wanted me to see that post. Bet you didn't believe me when I said you were filtered. Too bad.


Considering I've tried it on dozens of girls it's expected. Whatever man, you obviously know what you're doing, don't need anyone's advice.

Hell I never even knew my dad. My grandma raised me. my mom is off with a nigger and her niglets.

I asked one of my closest friends growing up named Ethan how he gets so many girls (he's ugly too), he said "I don't know man." Asked him multiple times in fact, never helped me once with it.

I don't keep in contact with any of them anymore, for better or worse.

I'll never know why some people place so much emphasis on just sex, wouldn't it be garbage without any mutual warmth between the two people?
Fapping to imagination is just about the only acceptable way of releasing unbearable sexual tension.

Man I've been trying to suppress this for years
Its gotta fucking end even the christ cuck "its for marriage =')" fags cant deny that historically people have gotten married around age 20 anyways

I'm 19 and turn 20 in May

This has to end

get a load of this faggot

Did you directly ask him for help getting laid or just ask him how he did it

People married early in the old days because family ties were stronger and if both families approved of the marriage neither youths would end up sacrificing their future by marrying and having children early since they'd get material support.

Top fucking kek, the little bitch got triggered!


not true, and that's exactly the type of thing someone with little willpower says. dude, sex is cool but it's not something to stress about. I'm 23, was a virgin all high school and had my fun in college, but empty sex is unfulfilling and leaves you hollow. you don't necessarily have to wait, but you shouldn't focus on it. you get laid a lot more when you start caring about yourself beyond your dick.

look at the hypocrisy of this faggot calling people out as triggered for filtering


I just asked him how he was so good with women.

I'll never understand these things.

This so much, deal with your personal issues first.


Yeah so people still got laid by the time they were 20 or like 20 at the latest

My will power is draining rapidly, I've wanted this for so long, dedicated my life to it, I don't feel like typing all of it out but imagine what it takes for someone to voluntarily starve themselves for 5 months to lose 60 pounds of fat

I dont believe the hollow stuff

You should have directly asked him for help

And if it is just such "harmless fun =) =)" and is so anti climactic and insignificant then no one should care that I want it so much and people should try to encourage me / give me tips / actively help me in real life just to get me to the finish line so "I'll see and finally shut up about it"

Go buy a fucking hooker if you're this desperate.


"I wish I could do it just once
The guarantee that if it was all I've thought it would be I'd never run out of it"

They cost a lot of money and I'd run out fast


gondola? is that you?

This is precisely why you'll never make it.

lollol ur such a beta bitch you couldnt hurt people even if you tried your so pathetic just kill yourself :^)

If I hadn't, I would never have lost the fat, never have gotten a good hair cut, never have started dressing non autistically, never forced myself to get out there and intereact with people etc

Because what would be the point

All I want is to get laid and I do all of this to make it happen

This is basically mfw if I somehow fail even in spite of joining and being involved with a bunch of athletic clubs, kayaking, mountain biking, rock climbing, going to parties (if I can get into any), hanging out with people, etc etc

If after 3 semesters, 16 months I still can't do it I'm just giving up and getting an escort who I'll bring same day STD test papers to to prove I'm 100% clean to go along with my "I really never have gotten laid" explanation so that I can do it right as in bareback raw

If after pulling off titanic feats and coming to the highest points and accomplishments of my life and I still can't do it I'm just letting go

Probably better I didn't, he couldn't have really known any better than me or you. Like I said, you have to figure it out, do what works for you. Watch how other people do it, that's the best way to figure it out,

I mean should have asked him to use his skills and connections to convince a girl to have sex with you

Or at least set up a situation that would give you a major edge or advantage or whatever

You can't get laid because you want to get laid. You're cucking yourself.
Eliminate all desire except for the desire to advance yourself and your folk.
Fucking marxist bitches that fell for the college meme isn't going to help the white race, making yourself a prime male example will it will also make those marxist bitches you want to fug super wet
Treating your body as a temple is a good start, but worrying about muh dick to this extent only allows for pent-up frustration to manifest itself in retarded and spergy ways like >(24) posts bitching about it
I didn't lose my virginity until I was 18, you're only a year older and seem to have the same background I did, white, not full kissless hugless hand-holdless virgin, maybe got a BJ once or twice, etc. It should not be hard at all for you to get laid at all. The question is do you want to, or do you want the social stigma of being a virgin in [current year] to go away?

They think the Bill Cosby tactic is going to work? They need prrof then just saying shit, or else that other """""""""""rape victim""""""""""""""" claiming Trump raped her would have worked.

I got a half assed barely able to be called BJ once from that drunk chick that I talked about wanting it

Mouth was as dry as a desert and she could barely get the tip in

complete let down

Both but mostly want to do it for its own sake
I legitimately think that real bareback pussy will make even the most well heated and lubed most /jp/ approved "realistic" onahole feel like fapping with dry sandpaper in comparison

So basically what the onahole does to fapping sex will do to the onahole

Make it so you can never go back to it again

civil war when boys and girls?

I just cant eliminate it
Even natsoc germany recognized its importance and helped its men out

"You've defended rapists and you're married to a rapist. I'm not perfect but you're a mess. Your daughter looks more like Webster Hubbel than Bill, what's that about?"

Yep, that's a BJ alright. They're only really good if you have a girl that can take it in the throat or an incredibly hot one and then it's mostly your brain dong the work.
It does I used to review toys for j-list and they're all shite compared to real pussy, although realdolls in a bath are a close second
I still like my hand better than any sex-toy I've used, and I've used some shit that has four zeroes behind it lel.

Did I ever ask you to eliminate your sexual urges? No. I asked you to eliminate the want for sex. These are different. When listened to, your urges will guide you to some grabbable pussy but when you listen to those wants all you get is frustration and spergy outbursts on a vietnamese cat-cooking BBS

She literally said "its too big for me to deep throat"
I'm not even jerking my ego off, I swear thats what she said

Godamnit nigger I fucking knew it

And those faggots at /jp/ try to bullshit me into thinking otherwise

sage for unrelated but op that pic tickles my sides.

fuck, sorry.

100$ bucks + the erotic review and I can end this
100 bucks and I can get laid

Those faggots from /jp/ try to bullshit me in their chat room "oh on a scale from -20 to +20 venus real soft fully warmed with onatsuyu lube is 18/20"

Lying faggots

I believe it because I'm in the same position, being well-endowed is both a blessing and a curse, at least it prevents us from engaging in sodomy :^) some girls legitimately have no gag reflex though and that feels fucking amazing

Now you've gone full incoherent. I gave all their products good reviews because I was getting paid to review them, those VIPs probably are giving you the same run-around I gave countless horny kids looking for 20 lbs of pussy and ass

I got the thing cause I had a bunch of extra money and had nothing else I wanted
Its good but its not sex and I know it
Also I went into their chat room way after I got it

What is even the point of living if your missing out on raw pussy
Why do people tell me to stop caring, to let it go to give up

Why do people outright lie to me

I have a guy right now, who is doing his damndest to get people he and his room mates know to agree to host a party for us

Him and his room mates would do it themselves but their place is way too small

The people originally said no because of fear of having their lease revoked, now thanks to my quick thinking via text its changed to "maybe next weekend"

I fucking hope this comes through
Fuck I dont care anymore, I dont care if shes drunk, I dont care if I get herpes or chlymadia or whatever, and the odds of hiv or aids are astronomically low as long as she is white and young (she will be)

I want to fuck so bad

I bet its gonna be like song related


at least its no men complaining about drump copping a feel, otherwise no biggie


T-Thanks Freud..

I make dyke pussy wet

She couldn't talk. It was important.

I think we should encourage more of them coming out. The more that come out the less believable it is especially if we get a bunch of obviously crazy women to do it. Even if it doesn't help, putting them into the spotlight now should give us more leeway when purging feminism later.


It's just a coincidence goy!

Advancing yourself and your people, very easy answer.
Because caring the way you are only leads to frustration and spergy behavior, they/we aren't lying.
I have almost no experience with partying, I participated in the rave scene in the mid nineties and got burned out on any kind of mass-social interaction fairly quickly as a result copious amounts of sassafras didn't help either, don't do drugs they will give you life long brainfuck
I also know very little about that, never been a loud guy or done many loud things in my home, I try to keep it under three people around me at all times.
kek you will if you get it, that shit lasts forever. If you have a specific girl in mind, good luck. Try not for too intoxicated or she might pass out on you and dealing with that shit is super annoying.
also you can embed here. Good luck mate.

jewish psychiatry: not even once.
Reminder that B. F. Skinner blew this kike out of the water eons ago and gets supressed because behaviorism acknowledges the fundamental differences in human racial and sexual categories and "man all our brains are the same but sometimes they aren't dude chemicals lmao" fits the narrative better and sells more pills.


my fucking god dude, i've banged 12 women.

come skype me, i will talk you through this, jesus this is embarassing right now man fuck

How very convenient that they come forward when a sob story is already crafted for them, like all (((rape victims))) that vie for media attention.

That's a trap.

>reddit spacing

You've got to grab life by the pussy, just like you've got to grab hot jailbait coeds at dances!

Please tell me y'all still do the simulated-sex grind dancing…

>reddit spacing

29 and about to be a wizard!

Nothing feels better than the smug euphoria of being an evolutionary reject and agreeing with nature!

Leo is many things but faggot isn't one of them.

Fucking kill yourself

fuck yourself faggot

Ideas and actions impact the world far more than personal offspring do. Potential is in the person who is willing to sacrifice.

Ooh, look at the name-fag.

At least I can trip-fag properly!

Now eat a bag of donkey dicks!

Checking that palindromic get.

Doing my part triggering the triggly-puffs. I can't say I do it entirely for a noble cause, the salt is a sweet addictive drug.

I really feel like a heel jumping on a namefag that was backing me up.

Somebody please cuck my shit up.

Well said.

sage for MiloChan

All namefags are cancer

>reddit spacing

>reddit spacing


Reminder that this fag is a literal cuckold

Any artfags itt?

Triggers shitlibs, makes a few people laugh and the rest can't forget it if the smugness and self-assuredness of it all is drawn well enough.

>animeposter has terrible ideas and >reddit spacing
water is also wet

what is this fucking reddit spacing meme, you're the only faggot I've ever seen using the term reddit spacing

It's a troll tactic meant to derail discussion





What's the big deal if it's between a green text and normal text?

If it's like this between normal paragraphs I can understand.

>reddit spacing

Do you mean like this?

>reddit spacing

Hilarious. Filtered.

Reddit spacing would be between the greentexts, calm down motherfucker.

checked. thanks for stopping.

no excuse

Apologies if this has already been mentioned in the thread but I didn't read the entirety of it because of derailing. What just happened hasn't just opened the door to all the rape scandals surrounding bill and hillary.. oh no, it's more then that lads. Every celebrity that comments on this, every politician that comments on this, every person in the entire fucking world that comments on this opens themselves up 100% to everything that has been happening in Europe. Sweden, Rotherham, Germany.. all of it. They are all receptive to it now.. The complete failure of multiculturalism, all the rapes and murders that have been covered up, the entire plague that has befallen Europe and everything that HILLARY and her benefactors has caused with her war on the ME.

Seize this opportunity anons, the redpill will flood the streets.


Just when Jeb thought the ridicule was over…


Fuck off back to your gay little normalfags site.


He had just recently gotten married; the story was from when he was single

There has to be a dank meme in here somewhere that the normies can enjoy with and overtly redpilled by.


I'm getting kind of curious now about all the shit that's been dug up on Hillary. Is there a summary somewhere?

Things I learned from this thread.

CTR robots derailing threads by accident because they are so thirsty.

Sen. Armstrong?

forreals he hung around a lot of dirty peeps for business and networking, way sexually dirtier than Bill, he's got to know something that scares the bigger fish more than fixing tax loopholes. And he probably gave it to one of his kids to hold onto so he couldn't even tell them the location of it. this kinda thing is more typical with Rorschach wannabes like Sherman Skolnick, but he definitely has to have heard of such things by 70. And even if he didn't, that's the most plausible scenario so the Peter Singers of the world would automatically suspect. Making a habit of dining with the hired help, not them, would drive their suspicions further even if he never bothered to do it. They can't get rid of him with their normal methods

He's a special breed of retard all his own.
He says Hillary is the greatest threat to the world so….
Come November vote Hillary because 3rd party is throwing your vote away.
You can't pay for fuckups this great. It has to be born and cultivated.
Literally his life is one continuous embarrassing failure after another like Chris-Chan's after he left Star Trek.
Sadly, so many goons ironically donated to his shit causes to keep him relevant now even they believe he had talent.
This is exactly why I never went to Kiwifarms.

dis, beetches dig confidence. There's a lot of fugly-ass heebs and otherwise that land attractive broads even if they're flat broke. Some sort of internal breeding mechanism to seek for those that might get successful I'd wager. Never went into the psyche much, there's an odd area where there are "attractively average" people that do better than the Chad Pitts because they're pleasing to look at but not as intimidating that I'm snugly in.

They are definitely shilling. There's shit that does but it's way more expensive and of course they will "admonish you to try one of theirs first in case you're not sensitive enough to tell the difference"
even the fucking dragondildo guys do a better job.
Provided you get it
because they're furfags
so slow as fuck and you have to bug them.
I swear furries need to be universally classified as a different race so we can officially declare them lazier than mexicans.
At any rate, if you can get by with something cheap, make 2 funds
1: robot waifu fund
2: actual waifu fund
By the time you've hit both marks whether you've found them or not #1 will probably be close to acceptable realism.

Well jesus shit won't you give me happy hallucinations tonight.

It's reflexive at this point. When I was berner-posing I could get through using exclusively leftie links, but now they call those part of the 'conservative propaganda cabal' too (more projection since their (((media))) is the one that actually does this shit)))

Maybe the rest of the Podesta e-mails contain information about their crisis actors

I dont wanna skype just post here

you gonna come back or what

28 virgin itt

i dont give a fuck

im just mad i have no kids because i can easily afford 10+

young Hillary is such an ugly cunt. A girl in my workplace looks just like her, views Hillary as an inspiration and whats to be Prime Minister one day.

She could be the Britain's Hillary at this rate. I'll be keeping my eyes on her. If the world doesn't start to right itself, I may have to take drastic preemptive action.