Licking your husband's anus to show affection

All memes aside, a major publication writing about shit like this is the epitome of degeneracy

The west needs a cleansing

Other urls found in this thread:

Doesn't get more jewish than that

heterocapitalists will hang on DOTR, porkyjew

Just a reminder that if you get pleasure form your ass or even consider it, you're a faggot



"Degeneracy" is a word used by bitter conformist slaves to define the actions of free people.

We need fire. Lots of fire.


spoken like a true faggot who has never had his ass rimmed by a girl

this is a great way to pick up an antibiotic resistant strain of enterobacteria and spend your last few weeks shitting and puking yourself to death.
transfer rates of bacteria like ESBL, VRE, C.Diff, E.Coli, CPE, etc in young people has been on the rise since the trend in pornography showing ass eating and ass play.

Do you have something official so I can share it on Facebook with my aunts and coworkers?

sorry no links with me atm. if i find em i'll post.
i work in a hospital and can tell you that all these bacterial infections only used to affect the elderly as their immune systems started failing and left an unbalance in their gut flora leaving behind said antibiotic resistant bacteria.

NOW though, we're seeing MANY younger people coming in with these infects. mostly from lgbtq+roflbbq community.

no amount of shower will stop this. all it takes is ONE microscopic bit of fecal matter to get into your system.



Well that's just a one way ticket to pinkeye.

Few notice that the phrase "capitalist" was popularized by none other than that bloody old Jew, Marx, himself -a ship-wrecker. (Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital).
Until Marx told our kind of people they were "capitalists" in his "Das Kapital," they never gave what they were doing economically such a formal name, but they did know what they believed in.
It was NOT "capitalism."
Capital was only a tool for our people in the process of production. Men like Henry Ford were not interested simply in getting money. Rather they were trying to do something - in Ford's case, give all Americans an automobile via Ford's discovery of "mass production."
The American economy does not produce miracles because it is "capitalist," but because it is enterprising and productive! The correct name of our system is not "capitalism," but
"productive enterprise."
Productive enterprise needs capital.
But it also needs labor, material, management and a hundred other things. Capital is only one of the tools of a productive enterprise system.
It took the Jewish parasitic genius of Karl Marx to elevate that one tool, capital, to the status in our civilization by attacking it and calling it "capitalism." He has thus trapped us into defending what he created, and has thereby doomed us to defeat because we defend a system based not on production, but money manipulation.
Capitalism is the naked worship of money, not as a tool, but as an idol!
"Capitalism" as promoted by both sides in the crazy "capitalism" versus "Communism" sham fight going on, is taken to mean the making of money through the use of capital - not necessarily by working or producing.
In fact, most international capital is made not by working/or producing or even taking any genuine risks, but by manipulations of vast pools of money with inside information from Jews in high positions.
A perfect sample of the way the Jews operate to get money as "capitalists," without working, without producing anything, and without taking any genuine risks, is the way the Jewish Rothschild fortune was founded.
As is usual with the international Jews, one branch of the Rothschild family got entrenched into the money system in England, while another branch set up business in France.
Just before the battle of Waterloo, in which Napoleon faced possible defeat for the first time, the two gangs of Jews operating in the two "enemy" countries were actually working together.
The French Rothschilds set up a series of "semaphore" stations through France and across the channel to England, by which they could flash news of which way the battle went to their Jewish brothers in supposedly "enemy" England. The waiting Jew Rothschilds in Britain thus received word of the outcome of the historic battle hours before anybody else in England. (Note that the Jewish "enterprise" in setting up the communications network was not shared with either Britain or France, but was secret -for the sole benefit of Jews on both sides!)
Knowing, in advance of anyone in England, the outcome of the battle which decided forever the fates of France and Napoleon, and the fate of England, the English Rothschilds, waiting in the London Stock Exchange, "speculated" in huge sums, knowing full well the outcome of the battle -while the trusting British Gentiles were still waiting for the news. The suckers never had a chance. The Rothschilds got their hands on millions and millions in moments - without work and without risk.
The same racket is known as "past-posting" in the horse racing business, where the results of the race are tape-recorded, held back, and then re-broadcast after the race, so that unsuspecting bookies can be euchred into paying off bets which are actually sure things - after the race, if you "past-post," you go to jail as a criminal.
But if you are Jewish and do it in a big way, swindling millions of people out of millions of dollars, you become an "international banker" and a great advisor to Presidents.
Bernard Baruch, the famous Jewish advisor to Presidents made millions and millions in the U. S. stock market while hundreds of Gentile businessmen were leaping out of windows to their deaths - ruined in the great depression of 1929

To see clearly the nature of our present economy and for whose benefit it has been set up, look at the TAX structure.
For instance, suppose you work in poverty the next five years to invent a new machine by which blind people can see. Surely, this would be a magnificent boon to society. You set up a little factory to produce these machine, and work hard day and night to make them available to blind people.
At the end of the year, let us say you have earned a million dollars.
Uncle Sam will come and take at least seventy percent of that money you earned, - maybe as much as ninety percent.
The rate of taxation on the money people EARN by working and producing can go OVER ninety per cent.
But now, let us suppose instead of inventing and building something to benefit society, you are a rich Jew and you have a friend in the White House, -~ a not unlikely combination.
Your White house friend lets you know that the USA is going to place a multi-million dollar contract for a new rocket with a specific company: You pick up a telephone and order your broker to transfer ownership of a million dollars worth of other stock holdings to the new company. That's ALL you do. A year later, your stock in that company has doubled, and you now have TWO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, - although you have DONE NOTHING, RISKED NOTHING, and PRODUCED NOTHING.
But now see what the government does about your taxes in this case. Such a gain, (stocks held over six months) is called a "Capital Gain," - and taxed a MAXIMUM of ONLY 25 PERCENT! With a sharp Jewish lawyer, special "trusts" and other manipulations, - you can cut this tax down to less than five or six percent.
This outrageous system puts a PREMIUM on speculation (gambling) and an enormous DRAG
on production, management savings, risk, invention, and plain old WORK.
Those who produce, save, risk, manage, work and invent - pay millions every year to produce an easy life for the Jewish leeches who never provide a bit of management, risk, invention or honest work to our economy, and pay the least taxes how long do you think an economy can remain healthy and PRODUCTIVE when intelligent men begin to see that working is for suckers, - when an easy life can be had by MANIPULATIONS?
And that's precisely what's happened to America and the West, ever since the Jewish sharpies have forced honest Gentiles to play the same dirty game, - or remain poor suckers. Fewer and fewer people are willing to WORK anymore, as more and more people discover there are easier Jewish ways to make a living.

It should be pointed out thay this disgusting degenerate faggot queer got so many parasites because he was having risky, anonymous sex, while his bf did the same. Disgusting filth.

If they had been monogomus, they never would have contracted anything.


I don't think you understand how this works

I'm a monogomus fag. Though you may have a point since I've never actually met another monogomus fag. They always want open nasty ass sick fuck "relationships". Idk what to do. Maybe focus on girls.

go to one of those Christian fix-a-fag places and then find a nice waifu who's gonna cook your food and raise your kids.


One of my friends just made up the rusty trombone when we were in middle school and put it on urban dictionary. I don't think it's a real thing.

The bible says you can enjoy your wife/husband in anyway you want, requirement being that you are married.

I agree my brother

B-b-but t-hat'sss
Was the Amerimutt made about you? (((da​tamin​ing)))

I was hearing about the rusty trombone when I was in high school in the 1980s and it was something my dad knew about too. Your friend didn't make up anything, you colossal faggot.

Acutally I don't get it. What's so degenerate about this? (((da​tamin​ing)))


Humongous fag
fixed it for you famz