Trailer For Disney's All-Female Star Wars Animated Series

Holy shit this looks fucking ABHORRENT

Star Wars died the second George sold it. This is what a rotting body looks like.

What a rotting corpse looks like

Absolute cashcow.


Man we have a new Feigebusters on the way.

Fuck off you lying little cuck. Safe for misinformation.

It's not even a joke, try to comment to disney about having an all male cartoon now that they have an all female cartoon and you will get your ass roasted

You need to go back, Paco.

Holy shit, kill yourself you fucking faggot.

Top cucks.

Down vote this one, idiots.

you fags need to grow up sometime. star wars was always dumb shit.

women have been oppressed in the last 6000 years and now that they get an all female show you little boys get angry about it??

You guys are so harsh on shit like this, it's not like this shit is licensed, some kid on Newgrounds probably learned some flash and wanted to put their favourite star wars characters in it in a fun little animation


I think its the fact that star wars has always had a huge male fan base, they could have done two shows one all male and one all female and nobody would be complaining, or one show with both

In this situation I find myself asking WWJD and I don't think a down vote is the way to go here.

Not anymore it doesn't.

I'd fuck the second one

Enjoy the yidlets.

Women with receding hairlines always catch me off fucking guard. I don't know how they manage to do that shit.


Tits or gtfo

webm that shit faggot no excuses


You should fuck Penny.

The animation reminds me of the 2003 Clone Wars Animated movie thing. That was pretty bad too, but atleast it had the decency of not pushing femenist shit. Here's hoping this is remembered as >pic related

>That was pretty bad too


Star Wars sucks lol

Sure but for samurai-western fantasy comedy space operas they were ok from 1977-2005

>>>Holla Forums

I am so sick and tired of british accents everywhere.



That sounds pretty cute.

Is Newgrounds making a comeback in SJW circles?

Are you a creationist?

Sure as hell there is money laundering for this. No kike would think this would make money.


the chick in charge of SW now said that male fans don't matter

and last jedi will still make over 2 billion mostly from white male viewers

No, but they'll claim it made that much.

You mean blonde admiral and the loyal men and women that serve under him hunting down Space Marxist scum and shoahing filthy xenos wherever they find them?

Was this animated only be women too? looks like absolute garbage.

If I had a anti aliasing filter I could make something in MS paint with a 30 dollar drawing tablet in 5 hours that would look better.

The background during the CBS fox logo is the exact same as the targeting computer in the trench run of EP. IV


What did she mean by this?

what the hell did you expect from reddit wars?

Seth Green wasted his life being friends with George for this

UNF. I just want to nom her chest.

Does it concern anyone else that this shit has turned girls into meglomaniacs who want to both be pampered like princesses and expect to excel in all fields? It's no wonder that modern women cannot admit they are ever wrong.

Who cares? Its literally a cartoon for children. Its either have your little girl watch this. Or my little pony. Whatever.

My little pony is little girl kino though.

Get out.

You all seriously need to move out of your mothers' basements, this is the real world, get fucking used to it. There's nothing inherently wrong with Feminism, and the Star Wars creators are just trying to make something for females to enjoy in the Star Wars Universe. As you all know, the current people in charge of Star Wars want the audience of women and children, something that mothers could take their daughters to see. And that's okay, because Star Wars has always been about female empowerment. You're just jealous because it's not "pandering" to your male power fantasies anymore. Now, it'll teach young girls and women to be strong.

Are you the faggot who wants to 'train' Holla Forums to have better arguments? If you are, go fuck yourself. If you aren't, carry on.

I'm not. I was just linked here from one of the blogs I follow.


Oh. Well, the Holocaust didn't happen, women shouldn't vote, and niggers ruin every country they are in.

Why did some blog link my thread?

They're watching you, Truman.

What blog?

not sure if you guys are retarded or just playing along with obvious bait

So, this is what happens when you treat women like people?

it was already a corpse.
now its been strung up like a puppet and made to dance by satan.



This is Holla Forums, we do not have legitimate discussions here.

It's a shitty cash in, but I wouldn't go that far.


That was Kathleen kennedy.
She said that every new movie, game, book, whatever with the SW name has to have either a female or a non-white human main charakter.

It's honestly fucking annoying as shit

You waste trips on this shit opinion/trolling? Goddamn it is really summer in this bitch…

But it's "relatable"

Nigger Webm that shit!

Was that fucking Yaddle?!

Sweet lord this was bad.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

You have lived long enough to see Star Wars turned into a Disney Princess brand.

How did we end up in this wretched timeline? We need to go back in time and assassinate Kike Cucklasa and Kathleen Kennedy.

The quickest fix is ensuring Hitler wins WWII.

True, if Hitler had won the war all films would have been kino.

>You're just jealous because it's not "pandering" to your male power fantasies anymore




Kek, first pic looks like one of those cropped porn pics.



Playing along with obvious b8 is all Holla Forums has left drumpfkike

leftypol pls

I honestly don't think you could type any more jewishly

Some characters, like Princess Leia, were strong female characters, but not as strong or competent as Han Solo or Luke Skywalker. It empowers females, but also permits the male audience to watch their power fantasies as the men are the center of the story and the most powerful overall. Basically, while female empowerment was important, they didn't do it enough, which is something the new movies will fix. By making the women the main protagonists, it's taking away the misogynistic expectation from males that they be the main characters, and it simultaneously empowers young girls.

I know this is bait but, also someone somewhere on reddit actually believes this shit…

Women are weak because they are women. Strong women characters cannot make them strong.

Sounds pretty amazing. Too bad there's nothing there too shlick your vajay too. Except maybe Kylo Ren. Poe…give me a break with that ugly ape. Guess you'll have to go see the new blade runner if you really want your pussy wet.

I want to fuck BB-8.

""""power fantasy""""

I know you're just memeing, user, but this is what feminists actually believe.

Not even women really fantasise about being more powerful than men though. The female fantasy is to be treasured and dominated by a powerful man. See: Twilight/50 Shades of Grey. So while, women may claim to want this, it ultimately leaves them feeling unfulfilled. In the end, they want to be dominated by Han, not have their platonic black friend follow them around like a lost puppy.

Ren is objectively uglier than Poe.

(triple checked)

That coat he's wearing.

It's funny because the OT and the prequels both are the complete opposite of Jew Jew's stronk womyn who can do anything she wants and is the best at everything but in different ways, the chosen boy genius who fucks everything up and the struggling farmboy who emerges victorious.

kek'd hard inside, thanks user

Huh, this actually makes me realize that Anakin is the perfect foil to Luke.