Maybe I'm alone here, but did anyone else think Meg in season 1 was kind of… dare I say, qt?

Maybe I'm alone here, but did anyone else think Meg in season 1 was kind of… dare I say, qt?

Lacey chabert gave her a really qt voice, and a sweet and friendly personality. But after Mila kunis started voicing her in season 2, she became annoying and had more of a bitchy attitude to her. I dunno why, Lacey's voice just seemed to be nicer to me.

Other urls found in this thread:

why is she wearing a pussy hat

In general the closer to season one the better the characters.

Nobody in that art style can be cute or hot.

I remember to be exceedingly generic in season one.

Hey Holla Forums

did you want a meg porn thread or what?

Why do you lie?

He isnt lying, he is from the JoJo Thread.

Hi Hijink

Dont confuse me with that weeabo.
I am a proud bronie who wished Twilight Sparkle could sit on my Hapa face!

That's because she was just a flat character, then, who was just intended to become a dyke stand-in, but later got characterised into a punching bag by the new writers.

No one cares

Isn't see a Jewess?

Just post porn already.
Find it yourself you good for nothing faggot.

Cartoon girls are ugly and cant be waifus

lacey chabert > mila kunis.


The thing that bothers me about Meg is that, in Seahorse Seashell Party, she learns that her abuse is the only thing keeping the Griffins together, and even takes some level of independence towards her family's actions, but in every episode since, she's gone right back to feeling sorry for herself and being passive. If anything, she should be a lot more self-confident/abrasive/active.


Fuck off Holla Forums

What could have been,
who to blame?

No one cares

She doesn't look all that different.

TV execs.
That would've taken too long to animate or probably so she'll be ugly intentionally and add to the abuse.

The guy who wrote 'body more robust'.


Meg become a one note character.
She would be much more.