Jewish producer


yes, i guess in Holla Forums's dreams that happens very often
too bad in reality hollywood is a horribly conservative establishment who keeps pushing backwarded reactionary brainwashing

Isn't Holla Forums a literal reaction to Holla Forums tho?

This is your brain on communism.







Nobody actually thinks this.

He is incapable of actually parodying leftist views so he just pretends to be retarded instead.

That is the cutest school bus I have ever seen.

jewpigs might actually believe the bullshit they spout here



If you don't know how to bypass such a simple problem that is your issue not mine.

it's like pottery



RL politics-wise it's other way around - fascism is reaction to communism.

If you mean boards - no idea what would that mean - Holla Forums was first but then again back then it was allowed to discuss everything, including leftism, contrary to nupol's #heil-hitman-race-war-nau-or-ban circlejerking. Funny thing Holla Forumsfags aren't even real nazis. In fact there is many jews in there for some reason. I guess nazism is just another form of degeneracy they like to spread.