What if?

what if?

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He never would have been popular and we would be blaming a different German for the same war. Also probably a couple million more fags and kikes would have still been alive after the war.

I thought that was what this nonsense was supposed to be… have i been misinformed?
im white so…

what if someone gave him the plans of a time machine in 1932 instead ?

if time machine invented/existed once….
then everything is time machine


Do you understand how nonsensical your statement is?

Because he is that other >German.

no that's bullshit
if the invention is kept a secret by its inventor/owners, there is no reason at all why time travel can't stay completely controlled and finite

lets define time machine first

time machine is a device that permits to atleast send itself and a message (big enough that has meaning (to be defined), forward or backward in time (we dont want to go the paradox shit and how its impossible, yet)

now if someone invents it that means its possible
and if its possible given enough time someone else will eventually re invent it


just in case you dont ill continue
given enough time this invention will be independently discovered multiple times each time reducing the chance to stay secret
that lets you go back in time
As a result there would be time machines everywhere EVERYWHERE


I find it greatly odd that this is being hailed as some sort of cultural watershed moment, when it's just Hollywood selling a comic book story to an ethnic group.

I also find it kinda sad that all these urban ghetto schools are raising money to take the kids to see a movie that is entirely fictional.
The teachers act as if black children are incapable of learning anything unless they can first lay cultural claim to it.

As a white US guy, I have never once looked at ancient works of architecture or art of any other culture, and thought it to be worthless because "they wasn't like me".
It's almost certain that if you turn a world history book to any random page, you will end up reading about people who aren't "like you".
Even when looking at ancient Greek or Roman architecture, still isn't "like me", since I don't have Greek or Italian heritage.
And it never bothered me one bit, nor did it cause me to appreciate learning about them any less.
And even if I was it still wouldn't matter; most Italians can't sculpt like Michelangelo or sketch like DaVinci. The claim itself–even if legit–isn't really worth anything.

And these people, who claim to want the best for these kids, are distracting them with empty, baseless "pride".
What kind of valuable classroom experience is viewing this movie going to result in?

I don't know what the problem is, but I'm pretty sure that this bullshit isn't the solution to anything.

more than once in a given universe
that may or may not accessible for a given civilization before its extinction
who may or may not exist, depending on the needed IQrarity, ressources, knowledge and motivation of said individual

like A bomb but goes back in time
keep that a secret for ever (given civ lifetime)

would imply complete sterilization of life on the planet (that happens after your scientist invented in secret and before we leave earth) not even random bacteria in space
what are the chances of that?
what you are talking is baffling scientist today about the inexistence of other planets with life (it has a name this dilemma)

in a way here you are right to compare the emergence of life with emergence of time machine ,but time machine can go back in time that doubles the chances
but one example does not define entropy
if it can happen, given enough time it will happen and if its a self multiplying system meaning it doubles the chances with each reoccurrence (genes?)

that would mean that your secret individual has atleast twice the IQ/res/mot/kno then the next best candidate

but at current growth of population in what time we reach 176 bil

of course not, a mere fall-back-to-stone-age is enough
or even a simple fall-to-medieval-moslem-barbarity will forever destroy any chance at advanced science

the absence of alien messages is called the Fermi paradox, and the supposed "great filter" can be many things besides an hypothetical time machine

wat? u talk liek a fag an ur shiets all retarted
whad did you even try to say? Why would it be a self-multiplying system
if the people that a time traveler contacts back in time do not have the means to build or even invent the time machine, then there will be no duplication
and a control of the use of time machines can simply be that the owner of the only one goes back to change the conditions that would allow someone else to make another one, and proliferation would be strictly non-existent

at constant population maintained at 10 billions max (optimistic human future history) it would take 8 generations, so about 2 centuries
but if ww3 or mudslimes or meteorite or illuminati happen, it could be several millenias
however, the random appearance of a 1/100Billion individual in a 176Billion population is less than 1/2, and this individual would need to appear where and when ressources and knowledge make the invention possible

your hypothesis that "if it can happen it will" doesn't hold scrutiny

you do realize that, time travel is indeed possible, right?
The math tells us that it is possible. The only thing preventing us from doing so, is the amount of energy that would be needed to send a time machine the size of a small car, wether it be to the oast or the future. The equation exits, the tech doesn't. But if someone ever created a time achine, that means its possible. If its possible then, its only logical that other peole will invent it as well,as time goes by. Take the Wright brothers, for example. They weren't the first ones to invent a flying machine. Someone did it first.

tell that to the other guy, he says that if a time machine was possible, then there would be an infinity of them all over the place, and he considers this a proof that they don't exist

yeah Fermi paradox

has to be complete if not sentience will eventually reemerge (might take long and the result might be very different than monkeys with cell phones)

i relay don't see how a mear setback to stone age is enough. how long since then? a few 100k years? whats that a second in planet life time

self multiplying because the chances double if you go back in time

uh user you are dense

take the atom bomb
to get to it you have to have enough IQkeks (the combo of all the shit param you think ware necessary to get there)
but it works in only one direction (of time)

so say your storry of the einstein / or what ever other jew/arian who is responsible for it kept it secret and died with out telling anyone and just after that we back to big bang and start over
since we already find the a bomb after IQkeks its safe to assume that that figure is a mean and then to be safe we double that
so in a given universe after 2xIQkeks we have twice the chance as before…

but with time travel you go backwards so we are generous and reduce time to half thus increasing by x2 the speed of reinvention

nah not the paradox yet, we are not there yet, let that for later when we discuss the actual possibility

dont mix apples and oranges (thats cheating) ill forgive you this time

but thats what nature tell us that if it can it will eventually its not e hypo…

what you fail to understand that you have revers entropy when you go back in time

ex your assumption are all valid for any linear like A bomb
it could have happened as you said and we would never have it
because in linear you can gain the knowledge and then lose it and gain it again and even lose it forever…
but when you go backwards in time you only nead 1

just 1 to go public at the right time since you have the choice (its a friking time machine)

you need an infinite number of secretive scientist to keep that form happening while i only need 1

so who has a better chance you or me?

it's not because some ignorant hunter-gatherer in a jungle once saw an alium on a time machine that the probability that an alchemist on another continent will suddenly have twice the chance he had before to invent another one, especially if due to the complete lack of nuclear unobtainium his chances to invent it are exactly zero
this "doubling of chance" is fantasy bullshit
there is no "speed of invention" as you have in a civ game, you need to have the genius present at the same time and place as all the needed ressources for the required invention to happen, and then you check the probabilities that he effectively and succesfully invents it
your comparison with the atomic bomb makes no sense, the bomb was made to be known, whereas a modification of events in time is only known by the time traveler

what that other user was trying to say is that, if it was possible for me to invent a time machine, that would mean that anyone with the knowledge and the resources, would invent it as well, as time went by. And it makes sense. Even if the first guy kept it secret, someone else would invent a time machine and come to public with it. Its like finding a living dinossaur in Antartica. Someone could keep it a secret, but given enough time someone else would stumble upon that dinossuar and tell everyone else about it.

math is not physics
dum ex in math you can have negative dimension or negative speeds etc… and math works perfectly
math is an abstraction of reality not an exact representation
physics calculation are based on units that are based on constants that are in best case ball park figures that work for our level of precision needed
Just like before space Newton was enough to calculate all we needed

so my previous statement applys if it ware possible then there would already be time machines everywhere and everywhen

with all the equation we have today we cant send the smallest quantity of (particle/matter/energy) back in time

the reverse entropy argument is bullshit
entropy is defined in thermodynamics which is 19th century newtonian physics, and quantum mechanics fucks the shit up of thermodynamics, especially the quantum probabilistic analysis of macroscopic phenomenons and the electro-weak theory

user that does not invalidate my statement that if in the following infinity of time i need just one fag go public

if one time traveling fag goes public, he would not only give time travel to everyone but probably cause the paradoxical catastrophic end of the universe
so the earliest 2nd guy to get the time machine (just after fag1 speaks about it) decides that he doesn't want the universe to end because of this asshole, and furthermore the less people know about it the more efficiently he can change things how he wants, without other morons wrecking his own history
so the most rational use of his new time machine for fag2 is to go back in time and fuck fag1's shit up before he fucks shit up for everybody else
the result is a single paradox/universe-branching, and fag2 can enjoy having his time machine which will never have had been revealed in the first place
bam, no revealation of time machine

also entropy works as intended in the macro universe its just at quintic levels that it brakes down just like every thing else that we know about physics

I dont pretend that we know everything there is to know
look at string theory that predicts its own improvability
but its different with time travel because TIME TRAVEL

also if my statement about time travel is wrong and it is possible then imagine the universe where you could send all the knowledge from the future to the past… i mean fuck time paradoxes thats small fries

that makes no sense at all

not even gonna respond to this wishful thinking fantasy of yours

i said not to include the paradox yet
it just complicates even more and renders even less likely that time travel in a monolithic universe

if you have branching universes then its even more likely to get that knowledge by times the number of branches that again if they are possible then they will replicate to infinity and since time travel then that replication has gone on for ever…

what exactly or you just cant read anymore?

there is nothing complicated about it, if time machines exist AND if at least one of their users doesn't want this knowledge to be public, then he uses it to go delete other instances of time machines, by suppressing the conditions in which they can be invented for instance
and no time machine will ever be revealed, because the only one to exist is the one he choses to hide

but he would be deleted by the other who go back in time before him…
are you this retarded? You made sense at some point but now you just dwell in wishful fantasy

why the hell would they do that? if they are "before him", they have no information at their time that he would alter their history before he does it at his time
in the scenario where fag1 reveals time machine to everybody, the one who will manage to delete all the others (that he knows of (or learns of later)) is the one who takes the decision to delete them the earliest, that's all
it doesn't matte if the one who takes the decision is fag2 or fag 3 or fag56912378, the first one to decide wins, and becomes the fag2 of the world where he deleted all the other

that is why the only possibility that makes sense if time travel do exist is multiple universes
but then time travel becomes indistinguishable from dimensional gate to other universes
which means that it's very possible that in many universes time travel has been completely suppressed by those in a few other universes who want to keep this knowledge for themselves

Mr. Toitor

1st part applies to your guy to that what a paradox is (kill your grand father bla bla bla…) he cant keep time travell if he kills the original and then he cant go back to kill him

2nd part is even worse for your case since with each additional universe you multiply the occurrence chance

it would be all out of control pandemic of infinite fags chasing them selfs through infinite time space and dimensions

it might have worked with inter-dimensional gates but again and this is tiering
not with TIME TRAVEL
the cat is out of the bag you cant un-brake an egg , back to entropy…

the guy who goes back in time to suppress other time machines inventions doesn't kill his grandfather, he ruins the guy making the other time machine
unless their history is tied, he causes no paradox, merely a new universe
if this occurence is rare enough that singular time machines can be counted in one universe, then it doesn't matter how many times somedude in the universe where all the time machines exist has to make the trip, in all the universes where he decides to suppress time travel, there won't be a single time machine
you would have no means to know if this is not the case

it may be more likely that only a few universes amongst the multitude existing are the ones where all time travels come from

with time travel you can lol
still bulshit, will keep being bullshit forever

here you cheat again
you are purposefully dense its the grandfather paradox as a principle that applies not somefags actual grandfather

you start contradicting your self
use of time machine branches universe so you automatically land in a different version dimension… thats why the spread is multiplicative with multi universes/dimensions

but you would
time machines everywhere popping in and out of existence filled with faggs

again refer you your self contradiction from earlier

the cat you can put in the bag without time travel too . proves nothing in your favour other that you start clinging to literary meaning of words where 'cat out of the bag' is a common expression that means more than just a cat that was in a bag… dens-kun

nop user you cant change universal laws of nature as you literary cant un-break an egg even if you go back in time

un-breaking and stoping from being brake in the first place is not the same thing

to achieve un-braking you must brake first

context is important dens-kun

also its getting late
thank you for the match kind sir, we will resume at a later time

if the universe is unique, then the grandfather paradox cannot be prevented and either time travel is impossible or the universe is destroyed
if the universe is multiple, there is no paradox
it doesn't matter if in every new universe making a time machine is hard enough that they are at most exceptional or unique, as described in
someone who wants to suppress them has all the time in his own universe to decide to come to a specific point in time in another universe to suppress the appearance of the time machine
so, aliens in flying saucers?

for the time traveler, maybe, but for the egg and those who see it after the point in time when it got prevented from being broken this makes no difference at all
with time travel, the egg gets broken first, then the decision to have it unbroken is taken, then time travel happens to the point before it's broken, conditions are changed and the egg stays non-broken
for the time traveler, the egg was first broken
for the other in the universe of the egg, it was never broken
which one is right?


What if he did? What if he didn't? What if the world was made of pudding?