Racism is America’s original sin - t.christian

Is there anything worse than fucking evangelicals?

We now have proof that at least 7000 evangelical christians are proto-sjw race traitors

The full declaration:

Huffington post's article claims he is still set to win the evangelical vote, and still continues to add that hilarious footnote at the end of trump articles:

pic somewhat related.

Other urls found in this thread:


watch out, christcuck mod might anchor your thread or ban you

nigger what the fuck are you doing?

nice fedora, faggot

What if I told you christianity predates judaism by thousands of years, and the evidence of this being the Book of Enoch?

What if I told you not all christian theologians over time have ignored the JQ and instead knew what was destroying their people and religion?

you want to talk about good christians, dont fucking bring those freaks into it.

I dont remember how i wound up on huffpo, but they brought me to change.org.

Ive not heard this one. Ive read the book of enoch, its the best book of the series, but dont see how its related to christians.

Looks like they have already forgiven her. But Trump? Oh vey. Unthinkable to forgive such a monster.

Well, good news! Now you can read more

Geezaloo, how fucking long has “jews have big noses” been a thing?

better than /christian/

Yea shes a fucking "jezebel" and they are using her as the fucking virgin mary.


you were born still in time to witness live Heresy and know/feel why it's disgusting


Slavery really was a mistake, if we never did business with niggers over the cheap labor meme we never would've had this many in our country.

West is repeating same mistake XXI version.

Importing tons of 3rd worlders for Cheap Labour.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

Then it gets worse once you realize who was shipping in those niggers so they didn't have to pay free white farmers

It is the same reason they a pushing massive automation it is primarily going to effect poor whites.

Catholics are much worse than evangelicals.

What if I told you our Race predates the Book of Enoch by several thousand years.

Aww, the apostate things everything came from nothing.


According to Catholicism, seriously claiming Original Sin is racism can send you to hell or to the closest Inquisition Office.

meaning oldschool one ofc. today just heresy+hell.

Hey kike. Your desperate shilling still looks as pathetic now as it did then.

The Jews aim to subvert and control everything. The narrative, the culture, the language, the schools, the media, the state, the economy, the relationship between the races, between the sexes, between the generations and even religion. All will come under their control and subversion.

They push this kind of thing to the front of Christianity, to turn you against it. They do the same with paganism, depicting it as a bunch of gays on drugs being gay or new age cat ladies. Divide and conquer, remember it clearly.

We really need to start the meme train on Christians. Getting them to snap the fuck out of their ignorance and at least read the Bible. Too many don't and think they are doing the right thing by supporting Israel so much.

The old testament is entirely purposeful carefully-crafted jewish misinformation and misinterpretation of god's message to twist it to a pro-jewish message.

Yea, and three weak cucks did follow drinking gourd until at last they came upon a dank hollow. And there in that dank hollow was born on this night Kek, our lord and savior, and lo the three weak cucks did give 3 gifts unto the lord; a pound of salt, a vial of tears, and jpeg file of extreme butthurt.

Mods will ban you either way.

There is something in Old Testament I find it very painful savvy Holla Forums misses it.

A hebrew in OT is a Jew who only follows up until Torah. He can't follow the Talmud because it didn't exist.

So when OT mentions "Jew" it refers to a group with a different shaped religion but same name. In older forms of Judaism it was still polytheistic, and praying had to be done by the King for people rather than the people praying.

tl;dr - Judaism today same name but changed. OT is written with "Jew" refering to something 2000 B.C and today with same meaning.

This is first babby step in tricking Goyim to support Israel.

We really need to work harder pushing the "Jews were the slave traders and niggers sold out their kin for fucking beads" meme

The OT was an attempt by the jews to rewrite their casting down by god as anything except their own fault.

Christians and Jews would call you a heretic. Personally I'd tell you you're full of shit.

Jews as slave traders would do a lot to help turn the pets against their masters.

Oh no not the RCC and Jews, they're the ones who have a monopoly on God's word.

104.10 And now I know this mystery; that many sinners will alter and
distort the words of truth, and speak evil words, and lie, and concoct great
fabrications, and write books in their own words.
104.11 But when they write my words exactly in their languages, and do
not alter or omit anything from my words, but write everything exactly,
everything that I testified about before; then I know another mystery:
104.12 That books will be given to the righteous and wise and will be a
source of joy and truth and much wisdom.

Don't confuse "actual world history" for memes. Europeans did not invent African slavery. This is just a fact.

Also tell all those Muslim niggers that they are only Muslim because the Arabic Semites force converted them during the slave trades.

Yeah, I know, I'm using meme in the mental idea "memetics" sense, where we get the idea into the subconscious of the normalfags through constant referencing all over the internet and anywhere else.

Well, I'll admit the book of Enoch is extremely interesting. But what it has to do with the Jew psyop Christianity I don't get.

Because the book of enoch explicitly writes the talk about how the Jews will be cast down, and gets it correct, and mentions how angels are white people.

Written, at minimum, 2400 years ago, based off oral tales that existed for time immemorial.

Now tell me why you think the kikes would want to subvert such a message.

This is also an important narrative to push, we need to make sure that everyone knows that Africans, Arabs, and South Asians and Indians have been enslaving people, most of which were not black, for thousands of years under much harsher conditions and still are doing it and that Europeans were the first to ban slavery because they were smart enough to advance society to the point where we don't need them anymore.


Seriously. The book of enoch chastises the jews for things they hadn't even done yet, as mentioned in the prophecy of animals the ten weeks. The book of enoch was a warning to the future, and the kikes ignored it and fulfilled the prophecy as written exactly.

That still doesn't have anything to do with Christianity.

Oh, so that's why the kikes can't even scrub it entirely from the tales because it's such a critical point of the genesis story which they twisted and summarized.



Kill yourself faggot.

My only problem is niggers use the book of enoch to push the "white angels = white devils" bullshit.


God outright created different races twice. Three times, if you count angels. Who do these heathens think they are?

Hey, they can attempt that all they want, but atleast those dumb niggers are calling attention to the text itself, which is holy and if you are righteous will give itself to you.

I'm asking for a very specific thing, how it relates to Christianity. I guess you have no answer.

Hell is eternal, apostate.

The difference between that and #NotAllMuslims is that the Quran tells them to do terrorist acts, whereas, the bible endorses the idea of looking out for your race, your people, your tribe, your family, over others and strongly discourages race mixing and is actually fine with people having foreigner slaves in the indentured servant sort of slavery.


Where does the bible strongly discourage race mixing?

Yeah it does make them look bad. Why are you trying to genocide gods angels that have helped you for millennia? Killing the hand that feeds definitely isn't the first thing I personally think to do.

Funny, you are like a watered-down Muslim. You don't have the nerve to go out and chop people's heads off for disagreeing with a fanciful bullshit story that really no sane person SHOULD be expected to believe.

So you merely condemn them to hell. How noble of you. Actually I would say you are weak. It sad really, low energy stuff.


After all, the verses that entail such things are the reason why SJWs and fedora get ass-triggered into becoming atheists, because they've been so strongly conditioned against any form of slavery or in-group preference by post-enlightenment-thinking that their feelings get hurt.

Both religions were made by Jews, so why should it be surprising they are very similar?

That alone is enough to discard the Bible. Letting them in as slaves merely weakens your own people.

Holla Forums is a Kekite board.

Kike lovers out.

Do you guys read the bullshit you type

I've pointed this out to multiple atheists in threads before, and it usually opens their eyes to how the words of the bible have been twisted

Here openbible.info/topics/race_mixing

You're not supposed to let them live free among your people when they finish their servitude, you have to be a fucking dumbass to let that happen.

are imposters faggot and not the real Israel

holy fuck you shills never stop

Friendly reminder that the Old and New Testament are not the same thing. The Old Testament is the Torah, invalidated by the New Testament.

All that means it that anyone can be converted to a Christian as opposed to Judaism where only those born Jewish can be Jewish.

I'm non-religious and even I know how obvious it is. Take this D&C shit and fuck off

What? Isn't the old testament out? Otherwise Jews are gods chosen and will rule the world in Zion. Can't have it both ways.

Show me where Jesus says something about race mixing please.

None of that is true

Also, the reason why the Jews fell from grace and are physically and mentally cursed now is because they race-mixed with Canaanites and other local groups which they were explicitly told NOT TO DO, and now the modern "Jews" are nothing but mudshits with extra long noses and terminal curses. Look into how the Talmud changed Judaism and antagonizes God and Christians for being right.

Further proof the Church is completely coopted SJW Marxist shit. And evangelicals are cancer, even the Jews they prostrate for hate them.

Jesus was a kike.

You LITERALLY worship a kike. Is it possible to be any more blue pilled than that? Your average Huffpo reader doesn't even worship a kike.

There is nothing in Bible specifying this, i hate how mainstream Christianity is so pozzed and full of heretics.
Funny how in OT says that we and our kids shouldnt marry people from other places or creeds. And we shouldnt help others while our own are starving. Just to give a few examples.
Its ironic how these (((Evangelicals)) forget that Trump will give power back to Christians, after 60 years.

Refer to my other post

So no answer then.

Jesus was immaculately conceived inside a kike. His genetics have no necessary relation to the womb that incubated him. Caucasians are the real chosen people, so he was probably caucasian.

ITT Semitic idiots discuss who should be the chosen ones and what books you should listen and why you should follow their dogmatic religion from middle east to save you from some godly punishment This punshiment is conveniently invented by them so they can justify their world domination cult

It explains that the Jews are no longer the Chosen People. If you read the link, you'd see that Jesus speaks out against it in multiple verses, but you obviously just disregarded it because you're a low energy redditor shill.

Even if you keep slaves as a caste it will still cause problems eventually. Slavery is bullshit. Jesus commanded slaves to obey their masters and also that masters should treat their slaves well. He did not abolish slavery because he was not a European,Aryan, White, BasedGod, or any other bullshit title you want to ascribe to him for your convenience. I reject slavery because it encourages the dissolution of racial boundaries. The Bible does not even understand or address such a concept. Who woulda thought?

A lot of the goons/pseudo-intellecutals here are both prime examples of casting pearls before swine and claiming to be wise and becoming fools. All they want to do is be kike golems who D&C other whites for anything from religion to hobbies they partake in.

Jesus is waiting for you. Go and see him.


No, I looked over your list. Couldn't see any verses where Jesus speaks out against race mixing.

Care to quote them?

Original sin was curiosity, which lead to disobedience, which is a big no-no in rabbi country.

You see, the jewish god is a perverted god. Ignorance and obedience are the most high virtues in the old testament.

And God allegedly chose a kike for this purpose instead of a human…. Why?

Oh right, because he was originally a creation of kike rabbis to get all the best gibs from the animal sacrifices. I think a higher spiritual power does exist in the universe. But if you think that power is a kike, you're brain damaged.

I'm pretty sure all Christians ever except these few heretics sperging out here agree Mary was Rabbi Jesus' mother and a kikess of the highest degree.

Begging the question. I didn't say that God is a kike. I'm not sure why he chose kikes. Maybe he was giving them one last chance, and we saw how that went.

Everything has been subverted in this day and age, like Orwell once said, speaking the truth in a society built on lies is a revolutionary act.

You could redo that picture to apply to white people if you really want to go there:

All the ones from the new Testament, do you really need me to spoonfeed you this shit?
All the ones from John, Acts, and Revelations.

Dogmas cant be subverted that why they are Dogmas. the interpretation may be changted to suit agendas but the nature of the dogma is still there,

One could argue that we are now using the Mexicans as slaves since they barely get anything for all the fruit picking they do, as well as all the Asians working for 5 cents an hour making all of our products. When you think about it, slavery still exists, we've only just found out that it's easier to get your slaves to work harder for you when they believe they are free, just like what the Jews are doing with whites.

Nyet. It is no more believable than the story of the Japanese islands being formed from the spear Ama-no-Nuboko being dipped into the waters of the Pacific. If you could think about it critically instead of replying what you've heard in church, you would admit these stories are not TRUE.

But the trick of the rabbis is to tell you if they're not true, they're useless, without value. This is a kike lie. These stories are helpful, when read intelligently, for building up the Good within yourself. Every man is Jesus suffering in the world, every man is crucified upon a cross.

That christfag mod should be purged from staff.

On the DOTR, you Abrahamists will be taken care of by us fasco-fedoras. We will ensure you faggots won't put us into another dark-age millennium of stupidstition.

Either can be subverted on a large scale, go to your local college and tell me how many white Marxists you find there.

Where does race mixing come into these? Is it me that is missing something here? Can someone else who isn't christcucked tell me if there is something about race mixing here that I'm missing?

Please tell me how you can subvert set of principles laid down by the authority of the holy books as incontrovertibly true.

Historically illiterate. Research the letter J, the translations of the 1769 KJV then the translations of the 1611 KJV then use a Strong's Concordance and the original Greek manuscript. The only thing it says is that Jesus was a Judaen aka of Judea which was a region that had multiple ethnicities and races. The likes today are in fact the Pharisees of old who follow the teachings of the learned elders of Zion in their Talmud. Them using the Torah as a form of taqqiya doesn't delegitimize the facts about their religion, customs and rituals. Jew swine are cursed abominations.

I agree, but that was a problem of the time. Every race and religion practiced slavery. No shitskins should be in any white countries, but now they've forced them on us as a perverted form of white man's burden.

Here's some more

THEM, And BE YE SEPARATE, saith the Lord…" (2 Corinthians 6:17)

"God that made the world and all things therein,
seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth
not in temples made with hands; Neither is
worshiped with men's hands, as though he needed
any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and
all things; And hath made of one blood (The phrase
one blood, does not mean that all the races have the
same blood characteristics. #129 Strong's
Concordance states: 'alua baims, hah'ee-mah; of
uncert. der.; blood, lit. (of men OR ANIMALS), fig.
(the juice of grapes) or spec. (the atoning blood of
Christ); by impl. bloodshed, also kindred: - blood.
This when studied clearly shows that each RACE has
its own blood characteristics, as well as the animals)
all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the
earth, and hath determined the times before
appointed, And THE BOUNDS OF THEIR
HABITATION." (Acts 17:24-26)

Also, Jew not chosen:
"I am come in my Father's name, and ye [Jews]
receive me not: if another shall come in his own
name, him ye will receive. How can ye believe, which
receive honour one of another, and seek not the
honour that cometh from God only? Do not think
that I WILL ACCUSE YOU to the Father: there is
one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye [say
you] trust. [But you lie] For had ye believed Moses,
ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. But if
ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my
words?" (John 5:43-47)

He's talking about John 3:10, but the problem with John 3,10 is the fact that Colossians 3:11 says that everyone who is a Christian is your borther so you go back to step, Basically why they would rather live in africa with Christian Niggers over a white pagan country

It is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.
1 John 3:10

Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.
Colossians 3:11

Because people generally glaze over or don't pay attention to the verses that are redpilled on race relations

You have yourself convinced you have the "true" Christianity, while as far as I can tell, your beliefs are so idiosyncratic as to not be Christian at all.

Carry on my pagan brother. Just remember, Kek and Kwan Yin have much more fun adventures than Yeshua ever did.

Learn the definition of dogma before replying to me again.

What? Read your passage in context cuck, it's obviously about believers and infidels. Doesn't say anything about race mixing at all.

When you have to lie to make your point, you're off on a wrong tangent.

Do evangelicals delete all that from the bible?

Papist, please go (back to a third-world, Roman Catholic cesspool).

It was stated multiple times in the first link from 10 minutes ago that the races are to be separate, but you seem to have forgotten that. That verse only adds to that.


Refer to this post


No one's denied the old testament is pretty racist. But that's because it's the Jews book, and it's about what is right for Jews.

But where does Jesus say this? I'm still waiting.

No. In OT, God condemns and threatens to abandon the Hebrews several times.

This is why saying the jews were abandoned by YHWH in 160 AD is effective in triggering them.

And they asked for themselves and descendants to be cursed, when they choose a man instead of Jesus. Even if Jesus needed to die anyway.

NT doesnt invalidate OT, mostly, it tends to add and/or updates things in relation to Christ and the aftermath Its the usual larper trap

In the verses that I posted, are you only capable of holding one thought at a time? fathersmanifesto.net/racemixing.htm

The first half of the verses are from the New Testament, which were words directly from Jesus. The guy in the article makes it all very clear if you would just read it.

Post your passages that say what you claim or go back to wherever you come from.

"no matter what you say, you're not as redpilled as me, so you're a kike shill"


Evangelicals aren't real Christians. They are literally disobeying God by supporting Jews in Israel, as God said that Jews are not to be allowed a homeland until the messiah returns or God himself says so. Neither has yet transpired. Evangelicals better turn to a good dominion rather than their heretical one, or its straight to hell to for them.

Furthermore churches like ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) are leftist hives in need of burning. I guarantee if Luther were alive he'd personally bring the matches and gasoline.


Are you retarded?

Yeah but he said mean things to other kikes and flipped over tables that one time! Remember when he told people to buy swords and then stopped them from actually using them?

It's a warrior religion.

Don't be so hard on him, flipping tables and light whipping is pretty extreme physical exertion for a kike.

Christianity predates Talmudic Judaism, not Judaism as a whole, kike worshiper.

He means Talmudic Judaism.

What incredible theological kikery.


Maybe it's just that research of actual Christianity trumps feel-good, Jew-led christcuckianity

polite sage because no more bumps are necessary

Holy shit that was my entire argument, Anyone can be a Christcuck but only ethnic Europeans can be white

Hell is forever!

What would you say to your Christian grandparents if they were to see the way you denigrate the faith that they spent so much time with and cared so much about?

Good it looks pretty fun.

There you go. Any disagreement encroaches on my freedom of religion.

Reminder Trump will make Christianity in the U.S. stronger than it has ever been in 60 years. Anyone voting for Trump is also a strong, strong, supporter of Christianity. So I hope anti-Christians are not voting for Trump, or else they will be hypocrites. But if they're not voting for Trump, then they're also anti-Holla Forums and everything both stand for, which includes supporting whites.

To nogs:
From The Bolis

Forever. It's Hell.

Hell is forever!

At least you'll have plenty of time to enjoy it.

I tell them to their faces that it's a weak religion and I hate it and it's all Semitic bullshit. Any god that tells you to slice your dick off to be chosen by them is not worth worshiping. An evil volcano, dick chopping Jew god and some half roman half kike bastard philosopher-magician who failed a Jewish rebellion have absolutely nothing to do with me. It's a dumb story from the desert that means nothing to me.

Religion will never make sense to me.

Completely wrong.

Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law

Then why didn't Jesus keep the sabbath holy? The rabbis told him it was sinful to perform miracles on the sabbath. Jesus did it anyway.


Because their primitive brains couldn't grasp the message. Distinguishing between good and evil was/still is too difficult for them. All they were capable of understanding was that somebody with no authority wasn't following the rules and that reporting him would lead to satiating their niggardly appetite for blood and destruction.

was jesus the original card crusher?

Yeah, those are the fuckers who came up with the idea of kikes as a "chosen people". What did you expect?

Christcucks are cancer.

Bishop Claude Alexander, Senior Pastor, The Park Church *
Onleilove Alston, Executive Director, Faith in NY*
Dr. Leroy Barber, Executive Director, The Voices Project*
Rev. William Barber, President, Repairers of the Breach*
Katelyn Beaty, Print Managing Editor, Christianity Today*
Dr. Timothy Tee Boddie, General Secretary, Progressive National Baptist Convention*
Rev. Dr. Peter Borgdorff, Executive Director Emeritus, Christian Reformed Church in North America*
Rev. Jonathan E.L. Brooks, Senior Pastor, Canaan Community Church, Chicago*

Austin Channing Brown, Writer and Speaker*
Deborah Brunt, Blogger and Author*
Rev. Dr. Tony Campolo, Author and Activist*
Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon, Author*

Vanessa Carter, Founding member, Jesus for Revolutionaries (Los Angeles)*
Dr. Shawn Casselberry, Executive Director, Mission Year*

Noel Castellanos, Chief Executive Officer, CCDA*
Rev. Eugene Cho, Pastor, Author, Activist*
Rev. Dr. Rich Cizik, President and Founder, New Evangelical Partnership*
Shane Claiborne, Author, Activist, and Co-Founder of Red Letter Christians*
Shani Dowell, Mother, Wife, Educator*

Keith Drury*
Rev. Joshua DuBois, Founder and CEO, Values Partnerships, Washington, DC; President Obama's "Pastor in Chief"*
Rev. Dr. Gerald L. Durley, Pastor Emeritus, Providence Baptist Church*
Rev. Dr. Bob Ekblad, General Director, Tierra Nueva*
Michael O. Emerson, Author*

Erina Eubanks-Kim, Activist*
Jason Fileta, Executive Director, Micah Challenge USA*

Barbara Fiske, Community Advocate*
Dr. Robert M. Franklin, Director of the Religion Department, Chautauqua Institution*

Marlena Graves, Author, Speaker, Activist*
Rev. Dominique Gilliard, New Hope Covenant Church*
Rev. Wes Granberg-Michaelson, General Secretary Emeritus, Reformed Church in America*
Dr. Mimi Haddad, President of Christians for Biblical Equality, CBEInternational*
Rev. Cynthia Hale, Senior Pastor, Ray of Hope Christian Church*
Lisa Sharon Harper, Chief Church Engagement Officer, Sojourners*
Rev. Fred Harrell, Senior Pastor, City Church, San Francisco*
Rev. Dr. Bethany Harris, Church & Community Consultant, ReQuip Community*
Rachel Held Evans*
Rev. Dr. Peter Heltzel, Associate Professor of Theology, New York Theological Seminary*
Christopher L. Heuertz, Founding Partner of Gravity, a Center for Contemplative Activism*
Dr. Mike Higgins, Covenant Theological Seminary*
Michelle Higgins, Director of Faith for Justice, Director of Worship and Outreach, South City Church in Saint Louis, MO*
Rev. Daniel Hill, River City Community Church*
Dr. Al Hsu, Editor and Author*
David Husby, Director, Covenant World Relief*
Hyepin Im, President and CEO, Korean Churches for Community Development*

Carolyn Custiss James, Author*
Dr. Russell Jeung, Author and Professor, New Hope Covenant Church*
David W. Kersten, Dean, North Park Theological Seminary, Chicago*
Kathy Khang, Writer, Speaker, Activist*
Larry Kim, Cambridge Community Fellowship Church*
Ambassador Jo Anne Lyon, General Superintendent Emerita, The Wesleyan Church*
Rev. Carlos Malave, Executive Director, Christian Churches Together in the USA*

Amelia Markham, Southeast organizer, The Reformation Project*
Rev. Michael A. Mata, Associate Pastor, Los Angeles First Church of the Nazarene*
Rev. Dr. Walter Arthur McCray, President, National Black Evangelical Association*
Rev. Brian D. McLaren, Author, former Pastor, Board Chair, Convergenceus.org*
David Neff, retired Editor-in-Chief, Christianity Today, former Vice Chair, National Association of Evangelicals*
Rev. Dr. James C. Perkins, President, Progressive National Baptist Convention*
Suzii Paynter, Executive Coordinator, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship*

Rev. Adam Phillips, Pastor, Christ Church, Portland*

Dr. Soong-Chan Rah, North Park Theological Seminary*
Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil*

Rev. Alexia Salvatierra, Faith-Rooted Organizing UnNetwork*

Scot Sherman, Executive Director, Newbigin House*
SueAnn Shiah, Musician, Writer, Filmmaker*
Rev. Dr. Ron Sider, President Emeritus, Evangelicals for Social Action*

Dr. Barbara Williams Skinner, President, Skinner Leadership Institute; Co-chair, National African American Clergy Network*
Andrea Smith, NAIITS*
Dr. T. Dewitt Smith, Jr., Co-Chair of the National African American Clergy Network, Former President of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.; Senior Pastor, Trinity Baptist Church of Metro Atlanta*
Maria-Jose Soerens, Executive Director, Puentes*
Rev. Gail Song-Bantum, Executive Pastor, Quest Church*
Rev. Margot Starbuck
Rev. David Swanson, New Community Covenant Church, Chicago*

Rev. Rod Thomas, ThM, Educator, writer at The Resist Daily*
Rev. Greg Thompson, Trinity Presbyterian Church*
Lenore Three Stars, Oglala Lakota*
Rev. Steven Timmermans, Executive Director, Christian Reformed Church in North America*
Rev. Jemar L. Tisby, President and Co-Founder, Reformed African American Network*
Rev. Dr. Al Tizon, North Park Theological Seminary*
Nikki Toyama-Szeto, Author and Speaker*
Rev. Harold Dean Trulear, National Director, Healing Communities USA*
Sandra Maria Van Opstal, Speaker, Author, Activist*
Rev. Gary VanderPol, Author, Senior Pastor, Church Without Walls, Berkeley, CA*

AnaYelsi Velasco-Sanchez, Organizing and Programs Director, The Reformation Project*

Rev. Richard Villodas, Pastor, New Life Fellowship*
Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes, Associate Professor of Practical Theology, McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University*
Rev. Jim Wallis, President and Founder, Sojourners*
Michelle Warren, Advocacy & Policy Engagement Director, CCDA*

Lisa Watson, CCDA*
Colin P. Watson Sr., Director of Ministries and Administration, Christian Reformed Church in North America*
Dr. Daniel White Hodge, Director of Center for Youth Ministry Studies and Associate Professor of Youth Ministry, North Park University*
Rev. Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Author and Director, School for Conversion*
Sarah Withrow King, Interim Director, Evangelicals for Social Action*
Dr. John D. Witvliet, Director, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship*

JR Woodward, Activist and Author*
Judy Wu Dominick, Writer, Activist*
Rev. Ken Wytsma, Lead Pastor, Antioch Church; President, Kilns College*

*Organizations and titles listed for identification purposes only and do not necessarily reflect the position of the institution.

Traitors hang first, and highest.

More religious d&c

Go take a look at your "based atheist" friends on /r/atheism

Or the fact that the new pagan church in Iceland holds that race is a social construct

Just kill yourself moshe

You are such a fucking cancerous piece of shit, its incredible.

Go back to reddit and argue with the fedoras there, you fucking christcuckolded piece of human waste.

I believe in God
Just not your crippled kike on a cross.Deal with it you buttflustered good goy faggot. ;^)

Reminder that shills actively attempt religious D&C all the time

originial sin is the foundation of cuckstianity, not limited to evangelicals.

Original Sin is related to Garden of Eden and Fall of Man.

To say it comes from Racism is literaly Heresy and a sign Inquisition might not have been so bad.

How do these cucks reconcile that they're helping to build a new Tower of Babel?

They have been manipulated by terms. They think the Characters of Old Testament are the same people of today (they are different, BOTH racially and religiously), so if they can believe that, easy to make them believe the rest.

That still doesn't explain to me how they could read in the bible that god was upset when all the peoples of the world were congregated together and spoke the same language, and now in the modern world they fight against racism and thus fight for that same kind of world (one race, one language) that their god didn't want.

That image is shockingly accurate.
They always fucking post fedora images and act as if they're arguments.

Even most christcucks are smart enough not to believe in the old testament

Next time you hear this argument from an evangelicuck, point them to this 1890 Article written by one of Lord Stanley's officers on how the white man rescued the niggers from their own countrymen. (the cucks)


Then contrast that savagery with this:
Then you point out these folks attempting to instill white guilt are attempting to part Christians from their money and pride, by appealing to their empathy and sense of justice.