Are the frequency of transexuals occurring being artificially inflated...

Are the frequency of transexuals occurring being artificially inflated? There's no way there were this many of them years ago. If you go on /soc/ like every 5 people will be trans.

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People are more accepting of it now, so trans people aren't afraid to come out. Accept it and move on.

bisphenol A (BPA, used in plastic) and herbicide atrazine

…and unfermented soy, …is used in all processed foods today


Bullshit, what people? SJWs? They're about as fucked up as we are, they're just another side of the same coin.

It's more likely we see trannies on /soc/ and shit a lot because Chans are just known for attracting emotionally fucked up people and trannies fit that bill

Prob more accepting in the sense that most average people still think it's gross but they're not going to go out of their way to attack/harass the tranny and so they think it's "progress" and keep becoming trannies.

Similar to how beating up fags was just boys being boys a few decades ago.

It doesn't matter how fucked up they are, LGBT is becoming more and more mainstream which translates to people being less afraid to come out.

There were just as many gay people 100 years ago, but they stayed in the closet for fear of losing their job or their home or, in some cases, their life. Now that you can't fire someone or kick them out of their home for being gay, people aren't afraid to come out. This makes it seem like there are more gay people, but there really aren't.

Correct. The kike is pushing it. Healthy people can be corrupted. They get suckered in by 2D traps like first pic related, but they only realize that 3D is a nightmare after they've ruined their bodies. Just give it ten years, people will eventually realize it's a mental illness that needs to be treated the same as schizophrenia and DID.

tbh it's pretty retarded to call 2D traps gay because 90 percent of the time the artist straight up draws a female body and adds a dick as an afterthought.

Nah, fuck off.

Fuck off and quit putting words in my mouth, you dirty cuckchanner. You're shitting up the thread. Go cut your dick off.

It's gay, but not 100% so. I'd fuck the shit out of felix, but I have absolutely no interest in manly men.


It is literally what you said and literally what you believe.
Prove me wrong.

I agree the law shouldn't try to protect people from themselves. It means these traps aren't going to breed anyways. But they're still fucking their bodies up. If they're grown adults I don't really care tbh, they're just making their lives worse.

Trannies get this really warped perception that if they cut their dicks off and get HRT it will make them happy. So they go through with it, and they're STILL unhappy, but now they're unhappy without a dick and with hormones fucking their emotions up. They need to make themselves happy, Surgery isn't going to automatically do that in itself and most of the time they end up regretting it.

too be fair, the Christian Bakery actually won the court case

And that's all it should be. Adults do all kinds of things to permanently change their bodies. Tattoos, piercings, etc. Just the act of drinking alcohol changes the liver and adults do that all the time.

If an adult wants to take hormones and cut off his dick, so be it.

I never said anything about allowing it, I said people will realize it's insane and unhealthy. It corrects itself, no "day of the rope" needed. Now seriously, go the fuck back to 4chan you goddamn queer.

It still doesn't mean we also shouldn't try to convince them it's wrong though. It can go both ways really

Trans is the new goth/emo/scene/bi. Its prevalence is a combination of being a fad and increasing levels of autism because of female professionals waiting too long to have kids. Anyone who buys into it is a retarded that uses an identity in place of confidence or a sense of self. Pre 2015 the new thing was that gender(meaning gender roles) was a social construct and there fore bullshit. Now if you say that you will be linched for denying manipulative attention whores their identity. I have met a lot of trans people and at best it was a sexual fetish. Most of them are just selfcentered terrible people.

-T. Recoving Liberal

You're retarded. There is plenty of evidence showing that sexuality is maluable and socialized. There weren't more gays 100 years ago. That is just patently false.

There didn't use to be so many athletes taking steroids either, so whatever man. Pretty soon people are going to be doing genetic modifications and cyborg shit.

Being a faggot is cool now so everyone craving attention pretends to be a faggot. Also kids of leftists who do anything even remotely resembling behavior of the opposite sex get tricked into becoming a faggot, whereas before it was considered just something silly the kid would grow out of (e.g. tomboy girls were not lesbians).

Did they? I thought they had to pay more than $100k for imaginary damages to the faggots who searched for the most religious bakery they could find.

Trannies are attention whores, they're desperately fishing for validation more so than women are.


Those parents should be in jail


She's fucking HOT!!!

I am a homosexual man, and I am proud of it. I enjoy the whole dating thing, and sexual intercourse with an attractive long-haired-blonde blue-eyed trap - it's their eyes that make my knees weak. I prefer being on the bottom tbh. My favourite thing is when [she] cums all over my back, and then licks it up, and feeds it to me. I enjoy the taste of my own seed… but then, the sensation of being stretched open wide as your lover unloads inside you is also an inspiration. Being 'gay' is such a feeling of freedom, plus it's such a fantastic lifestyle - it's not all about sex. Happy Rainbow Bubbles to you all!

Please tell me this is a joke, or a shoop, or something.

I have talked to many cisgendered and heterosexual people in my life, they would not be persuaded to become traps or trans through porn, sorry to disappoint your juvenile minds.

sorry if I misrepresented you OP, but this line of questioning usually devolves into this. Also, an emotional trauma triggered my personal dysphoria, or at least gave me some sort of meta analysis and introspection of my identity, not porn, I was already knee-deep in perverted shit at that point without any issues.

im fine with fat people getting surgery to lose weight lol, what kind of meme-peddling is this BS?

Half of this board are trannies tbh

anyone who watches anime isn't cis or hetero

Not everything is about you, faggot. The same SJWs who defend cutting off dicks say fat people shouldn't do shit and instead everyone else should pretend they don't look disgusting.


I am fat myself so I advise against fat shaming to save myself even more shame than the amount I feel, but at the same time, I don't know anyone who is an activist for obesity, even my mum hints that I need to lose weight, no one is completely comfortable with it. You just live in gamergate world.

You mean "normal", faggot.
Either way, I don't know what your lack of a personal anecdote regarding this is supposed to prove. I've seen it happen to people, so there. I guess I should say it's probably not just porn, but propaganda in general.

sure, but I'm just being specific and defining distinctions, ease up on the edge.

You really think that sexuality and gender identity is so volatile that porn can confuse it? Maybe it will open up new expressions of yourself, but no one does a 180 and decides to cut their dick off or start sucking cocks after loving pussy for the previous part of their life after watching some weird porn, it was always there, the desire to transition, it cannot be born from nothing. Even John Money's experiment on that kid who got his dick burned off showed that their gender was biologically biased and not affected by nature, trans and cis people are their respective gender alike, the non-binary genders are the only real social constructions.


It's not your fucking job to tell adults what to do with their bodies.


You are seriously stupid.

If I didn't fucking care I wouldn't tell people. You're a retarded cunt dick in tact or not so I wouldn't tell you to stop. You deserve whatever happens to you.

Yes, absolutely. Well at least that's one way of putting it. What you call sexuality and gender identity, I call fetishes and mental illness. It doesn't really matter what you call it, but it makes more intuitive sense when you think of it like that.

I though I told you to fuck off, cuckchan niggerfaggot dyke.

So you feel that the mind evolves in reaction to all stimuli and that affects our interests in every moment of time? What is permanent then? And what is decided as normative?

If we follow your line of thinking then there should only be two genders. That's pretty bigoted I must say. Why are you uncomfortable with the idea that being trans is a choice?


Reminder the term "Gender" was invented by John Money, a sexologist pedophile in the 1950s.

Gender is purely psychological, sex is physical. Gender is literally a social concept. That's what people mean when they say this. "Gender reassignment" is, again, shit that does more harm than good.

That's easy. It's decided by culture, and culture is decided by natural selection. Liberalism is going to go the same way it did in Weimar Germany, in Rome, in Greece, in Sodom.

If being trans was a choice then trans people would choose to be cis obviously, who wants to go through a life of hardship and rejection? Same as the "gay is a choice" argument.

not really. Gay is sexual attraction. That's a real thing. Trans is based on "gender" which is a made up set roles for people based on sex. So trans is based on fiction. Wanting to destroy parts of your body on the other hand may not be a choice but it is a mental illness.

Money also did an experiment where he had boys (brothers) play out having sex with each other. The one who was raised as a girl ended up killing himself.

SJWs conveniently forget he existed though

So how would you treat the mental illness?
and if you're going by scientific findings here, you will find, that like gay people, trying to convert trans people to become cis shows ultimate rejection and trauma, so without that, how would you treat someone with gender dysphoria?

Not really, he is important in proving that gender is biologically biased, as to say that your gender identity is mostly determined at birth, like how trans people are born how they are, john money's findings indirectly prove that, at least with the limited subjects he raped.

He didn't prove anything though. He drove someone to suicide which proved he couldn't drive a "cisgendered" person to be a tranny, but it doesn't prove his thesis some people are born otherwise. He didn't accomplish anything. He's a fraud, a quack doctor.

Where were all those faggots fifty years ago? If they existed in the same numbers, how come behaving like a (male) human being then wasn't a big deal but now it's "traumatic"?

I don't care about treatments. I'm just saying I'm not going to be forced into partaking in the –fantasy– mental illness, and neither should the rest of the world. I have my own mental illnesses to worry about. I don't need to worry about your's on top of that.

sure, he is not dignified, but his results are interesting.

they probably still existed, just in a more covert form, you see many gay guys coming out as trans now, maybe a lot of gay guys just have gender dysphoria, I would bet my life that most fem gay guys and flamers are mostly trans.


They're a curiosity from a mid-20th century early post-modernist psychiatric wackjob. No different than the pioneers of the frontal lobotomy.

I think that radical and unethical experiments have their place in science, I think that criminals should be abused in these types of experiments instead of kids tho obviously.

Sure, but you should have empathy for people struggling with this stuff, it doesn't have to go one way or another, we can all care for eachother in different ways, I just think that shaming trans people is unproductive, I wouldn't shame you for how you felt either.

yeah, he made the subjects' brother have sex with him and pretend that he was a girl while Money "watched" to reinforce gender roles. Obviously these testing environments weren't very clinical.

And they seemed to do better then than now, where even after surgery like 60% of them off themselves because (surprise) cutting off their dick doesn't do jack shit for their mental problems. So maybe society joining in their delusions does no good for anyone.

Well, how's the researcher supposed to get off if the environment is too clinical?

I think that if someone knows the possible consequences of their actions and they still go through with it, they are allowed to kill themselves without judgement, I'm still gonna use their pronouns, I'm gonna hope they don't die if I care about them but their life is outta my hands, u cant control people user, not our job.

You're right, we should be killing them instead

People willing to kill themselves with no good reason (like an incurable disease in pain all the time) are not thinking clearly, they should receive proper help instead of being tricked into thinking things will get better if they cut off their balls.

they seem inconsolable without this type of treatment, i don't think repressing any of this will help them, and i think especially the amount of rejection they get contributes to their mental issues.

Fresh off the kikebook refugee boat.

1 like = 1 free hug for the LGBTQP people out there.


Have a hot trannny, OP

And the "treatment" helps how? Even after cutting off part of their bodies they still have higher rates of suicide attempts than people with PTSD (who do have high suicide rates already, but nowhere as high). Usually when a treatment kills the patient it isn't considered a success.

Then trans people are hopeless aren't they? What else can I say? They are born in the wrong bodies and become ugly Frankenstein monsters of their gender and that is sad, i can only support their empowerment in their choices, I can't create nor suggest miracles

More people need to get into assassination as a hobby and start killing trannies for fun tbh heh.

the Ruseman strikes again!

the hitman is just gonna be the one to find the suicide note

LMAO easiest job ever, they all dead before you even get to them, then you report to your client about their "suicide" that actually was a suicide but he don't know

I wonder if I could make money assassinating trannies though. I'd do it… FOR FREE. However getting paid would make me more efficient and help me to kill more trannies! We can revitalize the darknet economy!

LMAO easiest job ever, they all dead before you even get to them, then you report to your client about their "suicide" that actually was a suicide but he don't know

I wonder if I could make money assassinating trannies though. I'd do it… FOR FREE. However getting paid would make me more efficient and help me to kill more trannies! We can revitalize the darknet economy!

too much epic for one post

wrong body nothing, that's the dysphoria, that's understood and treatable, was readily treated before all this insanity.

I love trannies. I need at least one who isn't suicidal to be my wife for 20+ years.

It comes from 3 different things happening at the same time.

1) it's socially acceptable.
There were people who were like this 30 years ago, but they stayed hidden. Especially male to female. What you're seeing is that part being pulled back.

2) It gets attention and is therefor trendy among attention seeking young females. This is the 21st century version of being a lesbian. It's a phase they grow out of.

3) It's a direct result of the dispensability of being male. In the modern world men have little value. 3rd wave feminism has seen to that, So to gain value some are seeing no better option than to become female.

Might as well ask for him to be a billionaire while you're at it.

I am transrich, my life is pure suffering.

studies done to people about their fucking earshape has a bigger test pool than this. you can't extrapolate shit from a test pool that small and exclaim it's 1 thing.

Internet lets a person with a severe mental illness find a community to play into their delusions. See here

Likewise if you go to a gay bar like every 5 people have aids. It's not surprising in the least that /soc/ has a lot of trannies because they're attention whores and /soc/ is a place for attention whoring. If you keep looking in places they congregate or are constantly shown, you'll get inflated results.

something that has skewed me which is why i dont open my mouth in public unless i actually know what i am talking about.

i did have to drop all of my friends though but this was before trump. my generation is fucking delusional and people act like they are accepting until you tell them the truth and then you're the enemy. to be expected from obama era 'adults' born in the mid 90's.

reminds me of being in little league in the late 90's . my team didnt win one game. my grandpas friend who knew a lot of people present me with a 'participation trophy'. i fucking hated that trophy the first second i saw it.

you might not think this story is irrelevant but it's not. i was raised by old polish catholics who never cut me slack. people raised by more 'liberal' people think they deserve something because they exist. no ne does.

they fail as a male one time in their adolescence. what do they do? cut their dick off and pretend to be a girl because people around them pretend it is Ok?

Yes, its the mods way of increasing pph

