Why is my font rendering on firefox so god-awful?

why is my font rendering on firefox so god-awful?
I'm not shitposting. I genuinely want to know how I can fix this.

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It knows you're a faggot and doesn't respect you.

install gentoo

I believe FireFox uses the same font renderer as your system. It looks like you either have font anti-aliasing turned off, or are using a shit OS like Windows XP.

I'm literally using gentoo linux

back to >>>Holla Forums

So fucking what? Font anti-aliasing is turned off, and it won't look any better until you turn it on.

I'm following the President of my country. I followed Obummer when he was in office and Bush likewise. Thanks for contributing nothing to this thread

so how do I turn it on?

sage off-topic

Are you using a DE? Most can be changed in the settings, otherwise do some research.

I'm using Xfeces and it's enabled in the settings.
I don't think Firefox is using my system's font renderer.

Steve pls stop

ttf-dejavu, font anti alising, dpi & lcd profile -- google it!

ttf-dejavu, font anti alising, dpi & lcd profile -- google it!

Werks on my machineβ„’

/g/, please. Learn to use the fucking sticky.

ln -rs /etc/fonts/conf.avail/1{0-{hinting-slight,sub-pixel-rgb},1-lcdfilter-default}.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d && fc-cache -rsv

Because you're reading Trump's Twitter and it knows garbage text deserves garbage typeface.

Give it's cock a rub.

it works just fine

then learn how to configure it



Paste this into /etc/fonts/local.conf tbh

Install and use dejavu sans or liberation sans fonts, restart X tbh

Install macOS 🍎

wow stop posting drumpf anytime losers
>>>Holla Forums

Who cares, everyone's focusing on fonts. If you feel so triggered, bitter fag, you may leave yourself.

OP wanted to make his fonts more readable on a screen, he's not making twitter layouts in WordPerfect 6 grandpa