So considering the posibilities of Nuclear War, or any other sort of happening, what resources have you set aside or plans do you have for your survival? (Also general happening info dump thread)

Other urls found in this thread:


Your map sucks. It's just randomly placed black dots/purple triangles. How could anyone take this map seriously?

Also, slide thread.

Was this made in the 50s?

Holla Forums has always been a board of happenings


Norad has paid shills on the internet now?


Or they just hate niggers as much as we do.



You and me both mate. I have a backpack, some cigs, no food, no real good shelter, im fugged.

In the event of total nuclear war, my contingency plan is to cry like a woman, get drunk as possible, and kiss my inebriated ass goodbye.

If you honestly think you'll survive, then you're beyond delusional. See you on the other side.

Holla Forums has been /trump/ since February.

I'm not leaving. I'll be here, you faggots can keep running until they run you off into the ocean, but not me.

600 is major population centers and military bases. the clusters near Cheyenne, center Montana and north Dakota are silos if I remember correctly.

This may be of use to you, or any of us for that matter, link is OTC (over the counter/ in store purchase) medications for low level radiation treatment. (AKA real world RadX to some degree)


What in the fuck, they'd nuke Brownsville, TX? because fuck cartels, I guess?

Also other military bases of strategic importance are just not targeted at all, which I find a bit hard to believe.

Forgot .gif

for the Holla Forumsacks

learn how to caveman bushcraft
get in decent physical shape
brains will help a ton

remove non whites with your fellow militia buddies

probably have a missile silo there. A LOT of the more random locations are either undisclosed military bases or most likely missile silos.

Dig a bunker? Well when the alarms start blaring we'll have maybe 30 minutes tops. Nowhere near enough time.
Running a mile and a half per day, two miles is my eventual goal
hence this thread. always looking for more survival info

Just go ahead. This town's ruined my life for the last 30 years, might as well be the death of me too.

why are there loads of black dots in the middle of nowhere?

this is so fucking obviously wrong it's not funny

one thing is being delusional

but you're an outright nihilist


I spent some time at some bases in Montana and they have a fuckton of silos there ready to hit Russia and China.
I was also told by the staff that if I ever have vehicle problems on the highways in Montana just approach one of the little shacks on the side roads. You'll quickly have the attention of many soldiers who will help get you back on the road and off that land.

oh i thought it might be that they wanted to irradiate all the farmland or something

i live on a remote tropical island in the middle of the pacific ocean in a country that doesnt have nuclear weapons in a bungalow

am i screwed?


maybe due to the fact you wont have the surrounding land soaked in rads on all sides, just the roof above your head? idfk man. i just dont wanna die mate.

kek take me with you
the army has a base there, and a lot of the nuclear warheads are also kept on submarines so they are out there in the ocean some-fucking-where.

I've got a sturdy rope.

new zealand

On the plus side, the basement of the building I work in is a certified lead-lined fallout shelter from the 60s.

We'd survive the blast. We'd die in the fallout being only 20 miles from the impact. It'd just take a while for people to get organ failure from rad poisoning.

Not being nihilistic, just being realistic here.

One of the patches is NORAD, Cheyenne Mountain. Basically a giant fallout shelter and command post for government VIPs in the case of nuclear war.


The patch in Montana is Malmstrom, an air force base with lots of nukes.

I don't know what's in North Dakota though

Sup fellow Valley Fag. And let me kind of remind you that this map is only if EVERYTHING is flying. You might have been given enough time to prep to GTFO of browntown.

I suspect they wouldn't waste a nuke in the main population. They would probably hit Port of Brownsville and Harlingen.

I could be wrong since it looks like… eh Weslaco and McAllen/Pharr may be a potential target. But again I doubt they would send a missile this way as it might get Mexico involved since there are so many damn nationals always up here doing business.

Also the fact that the Valley has basically fucking nothing no different than Laredo fags.

not Valley Fag, but actually the 500 warhead scenario isnt the EVERYTHING flying scenario, thats only the retaliation scenario. the full scenario is 2000 warheads.

not trying to shill, but download youtube videos and shit with offliberty.com

i was in norad once, shit's worthless against nukes.

they had rainwater leaking in from the surface.

tbh i usually just use clipconverter but thanks m89

Why does the 500 scenario cover more ground than the 2000 scenario?

more important ground maybe?
im not sure, didnt bother to look at the 2000 tbh, figure at that point we are all dead or in military grade bunkers anyways, (im probably wrong however)

Ah ok.

Probably to specifically target population centers and ability to fight any further. They don't call it MAD for nothing.

There's a ton of shit under detroit, and the army has a weapons development complex in warren plus a few moth balled tank factories

Both the USSR and US planned to fight a conventional war following the nuclear exchange


Living in Atlanta I'm fucked so bai guys

Full of melting mutants

i just want some Jet man, sounds great.

Jesus can we just do this already? I waited for Hitler for too long and now I'm slowly finding that I'm backed into a corner with the shadow reaching a little farther every day.

I wish we had better shills…
This is shameful.

do what already?



Where you might survive the initial blast (not factoring in fallout)
And population layered over.

Or total economic collapse or totally fucking whatever. Whatever it takes to not have to stand here with my jaw on the floor because a small studio apartment with 1/3 of a kitchen in the middle of a spic ghetto costs $1400 fucking a month to rent - before utilities.

ever consider joining the military? but i agree. fuck this, id rather wander a blisteringly miserable wasteland than be a wageslave any more.


It's almost time.

Wait a little longer cause the seams are starting to burst and the powers that be are realizing how minute their numbers pale to ours.




kek. no, just a faggot waiting for the collapse of western civilization and the world as we know it.

Yeah they'd probably still fight

It is a good idea to have potassium iodine around. It is shelf stable (hell it is salt) and is cheap. You can buy online for really cheap. Another good thing to have handy is Aquarium Antibiotics (yes I know). They are the exact same as any other antibiotics and in human dosages. archive.is/fnSVe

These maps are interesting. It isn't necessarily the blast that kills, it is the fallout. Even if you can shelter in an expedient shelter (a ditch / culvert with sand thrown up on the sides) for a week your survival rate goes up significantly. What the major killer in a nuclear exchange will be (at least for the American side) is the absolutely complete lack of preparedness of the general population- and the utter destruction of the supporting infrastructure. The urban areas (what is left) will immediately become irradiated wastelands of hungry, dying, nigger zombie hordes sloughing off skin and disease. I live in a primary target area (major port city) so I would probably be one of the unfortunate few that had maybe 5 minutes of warning if any.

not to mention, i just meant general ideas for me to use, idgaf if you wanna say what you have or not, just helpful info/ideas that may be useful for survival

Shitskins or not, droning 11 year olds for the benefit of the Bushclinton narco mafia doesn't exactly fill me with patriotic fervor. Putsch yesterday

Nothing about that post was a surprise

also fun fact, 90% of radiation contamination can be washed off, just don't scrub it in (for obvious reasons) (at least thats what i read in the article, link is somewhere in this thread)

with water?

"Radiation suits" (something that will protect you from high levels of radiation) do not exist. Never have.
The first thing to understand is the difference between radiation and contamination. Basically contamination is the shit and radiation is the stink.
What are commonly referred to as "radiation suits" are anti-contamination clothing. They're nothing special. Just a cloth or plastic suit designed to prevent radioactive materials in dust or water from getting on your skin. Basically the same as a chemical suit. It keeps the shit off your skin, but can't do anything about the stink.
In other words, if you in the presence of an unshielded high radiation source for too long, you're fucked no matter what you wear.
The only way to reduce radiation exposure is Time (Less time smelling shit), Distance (Stay away from the shit), and Shielding (Put something between you and the shit).
"OK, smarty pants, why not build the shielding into the suit?" Glad you asked. Radiation harms you because it causes interactions with the atoms in the living tissue of your body. If the DNA gets screwed up enough, you get cancer. If the dose is really high, the cells get killed. The only way to shield against radiation is to use a material that has a better chance of having the radiation interact with it as it passes through it before it gets to you. If a particular radioactive subatomic particle passes through you, it does precisely nothing to you, but why take the risk? Here's where it gets sticky.
In addition to the strength of the radiation, you need to take into account the type. There are four:
Alpha (helium nucleus): Highly charged (+2), relatively massive (4). Low energy (speed), Very reactive.
Beta (electron): Charged (-1), relatively small (0.000…). High energy, Pretty reactive.
Neutron: No charge. Pretty massive. Medium energy, Kinda reactive.
Gamma: No charge. No mass. Very high energy, A bit reactive.
The paradox here is that the more reactive types penetrate less, but do the most damage if they get to living cells.
Sometimes this is explained with the Cookie problem: You have four cookies made out of shit. Alpha, beta, gamma and neutron. You have four exclusive choices: Hold it in your hand, put it in your pocket, eat it, or throw it away.
Solution: Hold the alpha cookie in your hand. The outermost layer of your skin is dead and will react with the alphas, blocking them from getting further into you. The skin cells shed as they do naturally. For god sakes don't eat it because the tissue inside you is still living.
Put the beta cookie in your pocket. Although it's more reactive than the alpha, it will still be stopped by a shield as thin as a piece of paper. Fabric is enough.
The neutron cookie? Throw that bitch away. Now. Nothing you can wear will stop neutrons and they will fuck you up.
Eat the gamma cookie. Nothing you wear can shield you, but gammas stand as much of a chance of passing through you doing nothing as they do in reacting. Way less risky than that neutron fucker.
So the anticontamination suits are fine to prevent you from getting beta shit on your skin and possibly ingesting alpha shit. What about neutrons and gammas? These need relatively massive substances to stop. Water and plastic actually do a pretty good job of stopping neutrons because they contain lots of hydrogen atoms to interact with. This is also why they fuck you up so bad. Better the plastic than you. Problem is, you need a pretty substantial thickness and a suit that would protect you would be too heavy to move around in. Luckily, the vast majority of neutrons are produced in nuclear reactors and bombs. Neutron shielding a reactor is easy (put it in a big water tank) and luckily nobody with half a lick of sense is testing nukes. For gammas, becaus ethey are high energy photons and not actual particles, you need something thick and dense. Lead works well, but it's density makes it extremely heavy. You know that apron your wear when getting an X-Ray? You might be able to wear that around for a bit, but it's only covering the front and Gammas are hundreds of times more powerful than X-Rays. So wearing something that can block gammas is out of the question. Interestingly, I've seen gamma sources used for X-raying Radiographing steel that were shielded with depleted uranium. Yep, using a very dense radioactive material to shield a much more powerful radioactive material.
Source: Trained in nuclear power by the US Navy. Hence the profane and memorable examples.
TL;DR: Radiation suits cannot exist. Stay away from shit cookies.

20? what?
only if they were threatening insubordination, id assume that would be a last resort, preferably detaining them instead, but mass panic would hit everyone, not just civilians.

I'm also not surprised by that either

Must read for all Anons in fallout prone areas

Seeing as a fuck ton of shit is happening right now that might point to some sort of nuke exchange, I just want to give a quick run over of how to survival nuclear fallout from a possible nuclear strike.

Firstly, Nuclear fallout isnt like how it is in the movies, contrary to belief, fallout will dissipate relatively quickly depending on the distance from the blast. If a nuclear fallout area had a maximum radiation rate of 200 cGy per hour when fallout is complete, this rate would fall to 20 cGy per hour after 7 hours; it would fall still further to 2 cGy per hour after 49 hours. Even an untrained observer can see that the greatest hazard from fallout occurs immediately after detonation.

As long as you can get to shelter or leave fast enough, you'll be fine. However, in an event where you are unable to escape the area, building one relatively quickly is your only option. Make like a Vietcong and dig, dig, dig. Dig faster than you've ever fucking dug in your life, because time is of the essence and you've only got about 10-20 minutes or less until your dick deep in radiation. Refer the pic related for how much stuff you gotta put between you and the fallout. Radiation is pretty darn easy to shelter from, I recommend to dig a 12 foot hole, then dig another 10 feet sideways to put the ground over you.

You could be looking at a few hours to days of waiting until its safe enough to high tail it out of there. I recommend reading the stuff on this site, it's got more than I can post and filled to the brim with information.



I live in a nuke/fallout free region.

I own a rifle and ammunition. That is effectively the limit of my preparedness.

I don't see any reason why a nuclear exchange would occur quite yet unless Putin is planning to strike first with just some flimsy pretext. I don't think he's planning to do that.

In any case I would like to get some land and people going but I'm a ways off of that plan. Starting a new division for a thriving security business right now. I hope to start importing fashy pagan goys as employees when I get things rolling.

would a room be considerably safe shelter if you cut off/ sealed off all windows, doors, vents, etc? and for how long would you need to stay in it? ive always assumed 3-4 days if you arent too close to the explosion (depending on the size of the warhead)

Worth pointing out that inhaling alpha particles will fuck you up and a decent respirator is a good investment.

It depends


Although you technically would be shielded from direct contact with radioactive particles, you would STILL get a decent amount of rads because of all the radiation those particles that landed on your house are giving off. Dry wall, wood, glass and shingles are not very good radiation blockers, that's why going underground is the best because you got literally millions of tiny densely compacted particles of different compounds above you blocking the rads.

water, soap, shampoo, no conditioner though

i think the conditioner bit is too the oils in it but idk

*is due too

would make sense.

Mylar blankets would give rad resistance, right?

unless you had like, thousands of thousands of sheets wrapped around your body like an autist, then maybe. Remember, the more between you and the radioactive particles, the better.

It's the particles you inhale which stick to the inside of your lungs that really kill you.

Do gas masks filter radiation at all?

the place i live has no basement, im around 60 miles from sacramento, a large city. so would i die of rad poisoning? (already checked, unless its a 50 or 100 megaton bomb (only ussr has them and 100 megaton was never tested) only then would it be big enough to hit where i live, unless wind spreads it farther towards where i live.



not a scientist mate. this shit is above my head with my current lack of sleep. explain pls?

$0.15 has been added to your account.

If you have the time to escape, then do it. Dont risk a hastily made shelter if you have the option to leave quickly.

Refer to the first image if you have time and space to build it.

The shit cookies post it's attached to pretty much simplifies it, those are the 4 types.

Depends on the microns of the filter. Also, you can absorb vaporized radioactive particles through mucus membranes like your eyes.


what about the fourth one though? how the fuck do i deal with that shit or avoid it?

obviously escape is the best solution, im just considering in case it isnt. im assuming all major roads/freeways would be backed up, pretty much stopped entirely, not to mention lots of accidents and crashes every damn where due to people panicing

Avoid both, if you had to be near one choose gamma, it's a dice roll for actually reacting.
Neutron you're just fucked.

(1)alpha and (2)beta particles are fine as long as you don't breath them in. (2)Beta particles will bounce off your skin, and that's why folks in research who work w/ rad labeled carbon tracers don't get the cancer as much as you'd think. (3)Gamma rad is another beast. Yer totes fucked if you don't have protection. Not sure what n is tbqh fam

Get the FUCK out of here and back into your wormhole. I can't imagine how many deaths you could be personally responsible for if you succeed in convincing some poor morons that nukes aren't real and they shouldn't prepare. Fuck

one, you cant taste, smell, feel, or sense radiation in any physical way unless you have a gieger counter. which i dont. second id have no way of judging which is which when its slowly killing me. third, does distance to the impact site determine the range of each type of radiation?

No fucking clue why I can't post in this thread but here's another try:

Use soap to lift the particles off your skin. If you don't have a dust mask use a wet rag and get the fuck out of dodge (steal a bicycle cars probably won't work and go directly away in any direction until you can see the whole mushroom cloud).

Capped. Perfect

I was assuming you couldn't detect any, this is more of a hypothetical if you "could" choose door number 1 or 2.

only if there was an emp beforehand or after the cars wouldnt work…. right????

Other thing for a long term concern is Sr-90 is one of the most studied (and worst) since it mimics calcium chemically and is deposited into the bones, muscle and other tissues of you and any beasts you may wish to chow down on.

did a tiny bit of research; water, lead, and concrete all block off gamma radiation. useful info

That's a new one for me. How far is it's reach? Is there really no stopping it?

Yes and no, hasn't been tested so the best advice, have a back up mode of transport. The blast itself will give off EMP, but it won't have the amplifying effect from the magnetosphere.

You can block them with a lot of dense material, yes.
On your person, nothing you can do.
Ideally you would be deep in a bunker.

Neutrons readily pass through most material, but interact enough to cause biological damage. The most effective shielding materials are hydrocarbons, e.g. polyethylene, paraffin wax or water. Concrete (where a considerable amount of water molecules are chemically bound to the cement) and gravel are used as a cheap and effective shielding due to their combined shielding of both gamma rays and neutrons. Boron is also an excellent neutron absorber (and also undergoes some neutron scattering) which decays into carbon or helium and produces virtually no gamma radiation, with boron carbide a commonly used shield where concrete would be cost prohibitive. Commercially, tanks of water or fuel oil, concrete, gravel, and B4C are common shields that surround areas of large amounts of neutron flux, e.g. nuclear reactors. Boron-impregnated silica glass, standard borosilicate glass, high-boron steel, paraffin, and Plexiglas have niche uses.

Who bombin w dat strontium doe, nigga?

Thanks for the wisdom. Hopefully you get that 5 minutes and then some.

also i have a bike kek. dumb question, whats a magnetosphere?

alcohol works well too

Got it. How far from the actual blast one would have to be to escape from neutron radiation? Does it reach even farther than gamma?


thread theme btw, if anyone wants. kek


I plan to be drunk during a nuclear level happening, anyway.

really? how so?

nukes arent real

Neutron is pretty short range from what I understand. The proverbial Neutron Bomb was originally designed as a tactical anti-personnel weapon due to the range constraints. I can't remember off the top of my head how much farther it extends the ionizing radiation- but it penetrates pretty much any structure (and energizes the DU in tank armor which is why it was so interesting to the Soviets).

$0.10 has been added to your account.

you know manhattan project was 99% jews working of the premises of einstein? kys


I see. Nice to get the help of someone well informed, thanks. Neutron Russian tanks would be a sight to see

you get shitfaced enough, you take off all of your clothes

clothing usually transfers most of the radiation from nuclear reactions, ripping them off after exposure speeds up decontamination

on a serious note, alcohol, as a diuretic, makes you dehydrated

meaning youre dumping a lot bodily fluid thats contaminated in evil radioactivity

keep drinking the koolaid

also: youtube.com/watch?v=5SuSeFIwTBc&t=0s

Well it is acutally the US tanks that are neutroned… glowing… and acting as a easy bake oven for the troops around and inside. (Kinda a horrible fucking way to go actually)


jesus christ mate… at least they had their pistols for a last resort… i guess…

I took the gamble and I lost. So it was supposed to be used as a weapon to overheat the tank. Would mini-neutron bombs be viable though? As in a shell, an RPG or even a hand grenade. It really sounds like a tank killer, considering you don't actually have to hit the tank to cause major damage

ITT user designs mininukes before the fallout even starts.

easiest way to disable a battalion of tanks?

destroy the fuel supply

WTF is in Montana that needs bombardment?

What's a little more radiation when you're already that irradiated?

classified that was declassified for 20 years before 9/11

It never hurts to be prepared

That would require infiltration and sabotage, something not really that viable if you're trying to steamroll the opposition as fast as possible

tanks dont have a 1000 miles of range

if you spot a tank, usually theres like 50,000 soldiers nearby anyhow

Looks accurate to me, population centres, nuclear missile silos, Air Force and other military bases, infrastructure, communications centres, large industrial areas.

Makes me wish I lived in Hawaii.

kek of course not. not to mention how horrifying it would be as a psychological weapon.


Look at the Davy Crockett device. It was a man-portable nuke fired like an RPG. I think it had a 1kt or 2kt yield. They figured out you can't miniaturize it smaller than that and it still go pop not fizzle.

Which make crispy critters under the right circumstances. We don't really have conceptualization of nukes (anymore) since we don't pop them (le environment sigh), so when we are talking "tactical" I hope everyone realizes those are generally the size of Hiroshima or Nagasaki.



Face it, we're boned. Enjoy riding your bike in Moab until you starve to death

Neutrons would also fuck those soldiers up if they were near the tanks, neutrons would ravage their bodies, not to mention demoralize the rest.

I see, though technololigy advances, maybe the Russians will find a way to compress a neutron bomb into an artillery shell for devastating results

the biggest ones seem to be around 15 megaton (15,000 kilotons) the only other major ones are USSR owned, they are 50 megatons (50,000 kilotons) and 100 megatons (100,000 kilotons) which in comparison are fucking huge. only a couple of 100 megaton bombs could effectively wipe california off the map

Lots and Lots of nukes. The pattern is called "mowing the lawn"

raid old stores. plenty of old goods (assuming someone else hasnt already), or trade for them, may have some rads though, or grow food (not much, but itll get you by)

All I ever wanted to do was marry Ella Pasjakina, Russian goddess…alas it was never to be.

Tsar Bomba was a prototype Soviet nuke that yielded just a little over 50mt, but was designed to be over 100mt.

Fun site: nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/

The 100mt is a preset =)

my bad, i thought both versions of the Tsar Bomba were successes.


Russia showed off its military prowess for a reason in Syria, so Obama's hubris is hopefully tempered with common sense.
There were Jews in the Pentagon who honestly thought Russia couldn't fight a war.

They didn't test the big one, everyone in the world got PISSED THE FUCK OFF so they tabled it.

America lied, claiming that Tsar Bomba irradiated the planet, when in fact it was nowhere near as dirty as our own Ivy Mike even though it was 1/3 the size.

Oh yeah, I was aware of that, but if I remember correctly it wasn't very efficient. I'm talking an actual number of small shells that don't need a specialized cannon to be launched, each a small neutron bomb

Or this one. Late 1950's. This is the davy crockett. They launch it at 3:19

LOL, what food have you grown, user?

I know someone with a farm. Not even he is self-sufficient. You also need arable land and water. Most of the safe zones are dry desert

Kek for cluster neutron bombing with death tolls in the hundreds of millions

The USA was so obsessed with nukes in everything they developed a nuclear land mine. I'm sure if they hadn't come to their senses they would have invented a nuclear hand grenade.

Sounds fantastic, seems kek is pleased

when i was a kid/early teen my dad used to have a garden on an acre of land, not much but i learned a damn lot, but i wish i helped more/learned more from him. we grew tomatoes, black berries, (tried) jalapenos, cucumbers, potatoes, letuce, and we had a pear tree (there was some other stuff my mom grew, squashes and stuff)

sending a cruise missile or MOAB direclty into the barracks where the fuel trucks are would put some salt in their coffee too

So TL;DR everyone in Burgerland is completely fucked three ways from Sunday even if you have a chance of surviving the nuclear blast?

That could be said for any base of any kind whatsoever. I'm assuming they have some sort of anti-missile defense system

I assume you mean 'murica?
if so, id say no, survival will be *possible*, but very dangerous (no shit) and mortality rates will be extremely low for a long time. (id assume)

dump a radio guided bomb in a sandstorm?

and what a shame they did.

If you live in a city and have nowhere (or no skills) to go innawoods- pretty much it. AKA, kill the cities and you kill all the degenerates.

Nah I'm good. It's good to be in bumfuck nowhere and at the edges of burger. Me and Maine bros.

probably. assuming its any country other than the middle east or the fucking north pole anyways.


Says that I would certainly be injured and likely die for anything likely in the current Russian arsenal. Maybe the hills would help out.

but a lad can dream, user, a lad can dream.

That would be all kinds of difficult, starting on even landing the bomb next to the target in a sandstorm


when the world ends, just find an abandoned base. or warzone, im sure there will be plenty of tanks, new militias, gangs, clans, brotherhoods, etc, etc, that will have weapons we havent even dreamed of yet, not to mention SHITLOADS of new drugs to cope with the new found nightmare we'll call reality.

gps coordinates

forgot gif.




woops wrong gif.

I wonder about that. If it were that easy then everyone would be bombing their opponent to kingdom come each fucking sandstorm
Also if I remember correctly sandstorms interfere with radio signals, so the bomb would be unable to be detonated right away, giving people time to figure out some heavy shit fell from the sky

Im gonna go to a major shipping port like Long Beach,find the automotive dock, fill a truck full of Ferraris that dont catch fire and a mercedes for daily use and drive to area 51, live out of a hangar with the cars and do burnouts on the airstrip until I die from cancer

There are no significant military installations of any kind anywhere near Flint.

What a way to go

internal positioning on the bomb itself, detonates when its on the target at detonation height when its armed

Mercy kill? The map is a little dated, most of the industrial capacity targets have unfortunately been lost overseas. From what I've read the scenario goes like this:
1) Hit the nukes in their silos and bomber bases, sub bases, DC, Norad, significant military targets.
2) Hit all airports with an airstrip large enough to supply bomber aircraft with fuel. Hit the strategic centers (shipping ports, rail-hubs, choke points).
3) Finally, Hold the cities and remaining population centers hostage to deescalate.

That is (of course) if it isn't a full blown MAD situation where everything is launched all at once. Then from the missile subs in the gulf, off the Pacific and Atlantic seaboards- it is 5 or 10 minutes of in flight (if they use a depressed trajectory) to kill the cities on the coast. Then about 30 - 45 mins for the polar coursed missiles to arrive on target.

So one happy thought, it could realistically all be over in an hour or so.

except for all the tank facotries

A sandstorm would fuck up any sensors the bomb has, it'd be impossible for it to calculate height reliably, much less it's actual positioning according to the target. At least that's what I figure

You mean the salt mines? I thought that was in Lasalle on the Canadian side?

Inertial navigation system. Self contained dead reckoning.

some govt locations will either be destroyed or still used by remaining "govt"s aka small platoons trying to maintain order. so i doubt your gunna get into area 51, not to mention all ports would be either a) nuked or b) capitalized upon by organized gangs or clans. not to mention also emp would knock out the equipment necessary to get the Ferrari's off the ship. kek.

havent sensors running off gyorsopes alone been around for decades?

Only real explanation would be severely outdated information; Detroit and to a lesser extent Flint were substantial industrial centers decades ago, but there is no reason to waste 6-10 nukes out of 500 on them today.


if they hand't ((come to their senses)) we would already have bases on titan and mars and be mining the asteroid belt with nuclear pulse vehicles

no one said this was realistic

also, id ask very nicely to get into groom lake, isnt that place disused now anyway?

flint was an economic target in the 60s, those maps are out of date

the only realistic target in michigan is the military base in grayling and the airstrip up there where the interceptors were stationed before ICBMs rendered them useless

map was put out by Fema, they weren't around until april 1st, 1979

The Anglos wanted to preemptively plant nuclear bombs in Germany, in particular in lakes and swamps, where the area could stay irradiated the longest.
Same with the Americans and their nuclear mines, I'm really surprised they didn't actually do it more than anything.

You mean a navigational system designed to calculate it's position based only on information previous to the sandstorm?

Good point
Guess I should pass this info to the higher ups for further study

all this talk makes me want nuclear grenades now. goddamnit.

Who said anything about 500?

From Kikepedia:
Nuclear arsenal of Russia[edit]
The exact number of nuclear warheads is a state secret and is therefore a matter of guesswork. The Federation of American Scientists estimates that Russia possesses 4,490 nuclear warheads, while the U.S. has 4,500; Russia has 1,790 active strategic nuclear warheads, compared with 1,750.[2] According to 2016 data from the New START Treaty Aggregate Numbers of Strategic Offensive Arms facts sheet, the United States has fewer operationally deployed strategic warheads than Russia.[11] On the other hand, Russia is estimated to have roughly 1,500 tactical nuclear weapons, all of which are declared to be in central storage.[12]


trips of truth. wooooooooooooooooooooooo we're all gunna dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The OP image lists several nukes on Flint and Detroit in the "500 warhead scenario."

That begs the question though, who will start the bombing first?

What the fuck, there's nothing even out here

its most likely using old out of date data

nuclear information got reclassified in the early 2000s, that map might even be classified considering pants on head retarded people have gotten with making things "classified" somebodys whore bought with government funds is probably more classified than last months launch codes

thats the point

I would love to see a couple of scenario maps that show if China attacks, Russia attacks with an escalation, then a full MAD (close to the 2000 scenario).

9/10 I'd say the US first sadly since we do have a policy of asymmetrical response fuck Clinton said she'd nuke Russia for hacking at the debate for Christ's sake

It's amazing what a detailed map, gyroscopes, and accelerometers can do.

Why is this a gif image when nothing is being animated??

2016 and still believing that nuclear weapons exist. Why change decades old propaganda when it's still effective.

Me three, just I have a mossberg and some .380 pistol.

kek seriously though, there's probably something. or a deemably big enough town to get nuked outta existence.

Change your vpn again. I'll wait.

i wish i knew, it fucking pisses me off too

Your ass will be glass user.

that isnt a neo conservative organization making fake data?

Then you obviously have nothing to fear user and can enjoy the larping. Funny the Russians are still hot on that "propaganda" archive.is/x4OJS while we sit here limp dicked and unprepared because our government believes "it is too big to fail". We certianly wouldn't want to upset the special snowflakes and niggers with sugar plum dreams of nuclear annihilation or give the rest of us the real practical skills to have a significant percentage survive to rebuild

They already get blasted by solar radiation every day

That's an interesting topic. If there was a nuclear war between US and Russia, what would China do?

So to recap, in order to successfully disable the opponent's tanks without resorting to infiltration and sabotage we would need a radio guided bomb and a sandstorm. Using old and proven gyroscopes and accelerometers we would use the base's GPS coordinates as a target, launch the bomb during a sandstorm to minimize the probability of being found out, and using internal positioning of the bomb itself to detonate once it's a set distance from the ground.
It's like we became armchair generals

Have you thought that maybe there is stenographically encoded data on there? And you are holding onto it? Worse, maybe if has some sort of markers used to track you?

This is why you should only post in PNGs and cautiously have JPEGs.


i got it off jewgle, not to mention this isnt even my laptop or wifi.

Compounds or whatever the fuck don't matter, all that matters is how many electrons are between you and the ionizing radiation.

You need either a little bit of dense stuff, or lots of lighter stuff in the way for the radiation to smack into before it reaches you.

That's why they use lead and concrete as radiation shielding, it's dense and inexpensive.

Not so much from what I can tell, but I only read their nuke articles. But consider it does come from kikepedia. Those numbers are fairly corroborated though.

didnt think about it though, can (((they))) actually put shit like that into gifs nowadays?

…..wouldnt we have nuked china 10 years ago? if hacking shitty offices is enough to get glassed, the wed be having lead having lead crystal parties of wine glasses made out of chinks

Nothing. You'd have to be an idiot to willingly get involved in an active nuclear war. China would only get involved if it believed it had no choice; if it could reasonably get away with just sitting back and watching, that's the obvious option.

I think a more interesting question is, what if there is a nuclear war between China and the US- what would Russia do?

But in your scenario I've always seen it kinda in the same way that Japan was in WW2, taking advantage of weakened world powers to establish hegemony in the theater (i.e. bu-bye Japan, Indochina, etc.)

I was referring to density, forgive me for being an autist.

Of course they'd rather sit this one out, but like the cold war they'll be forced to pick a side eventually I say. I wonder who they'd "support"

I have difficulty imagining a limited nuclear exchange. Once the first few start going off, I think that human nature would end up pressing every button it could grab within a very short span of time. A sort of global Samson Option, if you will.

Never would happen, too many US companies rely on Chinese factories and workers to allow such a thing to happen. These said companies influence the decisions in D.C. so their cheap production and labor doesn't get turned into glass.

we can dream user, we can dream. the world needs a damn reboot.

I always forget the nips have a gigantic pointy stick with their names engraved on it waiting for them when China decides to fuck shit up.
In regards to Russia, it's kind of unknown really. First thing to mind is sitting it out for obvious reasons, but who they'd support might actually be tied to who is in charge of the US when it happens

I got you fam


Makes you wonder though, if we all die and only a few manage to survive, let alone rebuild the human race from the ashes, what's stopping us from going through the same path? Humanity doesn't really pay much attention to history


except theyve been pen testing everything from infrastructure to google itself the past ten years

meanwhile every braindead moron in front of camera calls Russia and fucking North Korea a cyber threat

Ive even heard some ((("expert"))) say eastern Europe does poor quality programming, and that the middle east, India and China do the best work in software, I almost broke my tv

Archive: archive.is/51FLG


What the fuck? For what reason? there's maybe a 40,000 people in my whole county.

Kek, has a strange sense of humor.

probably nothing to be quite honest. but the population will be tiny at best, so itll be easier to manage. i guess thats an improvement.

Nuke scenarios are so 20th century…

Its all about the global racewar now, faggots.

Well, I hope it doesn't come to that really. You don't kill a person to treat his limb infection, you amputate the limb.

more evidence that (((companies))) don't want those braindead morons to poke china, they can't have their income jeopardized by painting china in a bad image. And this in turn allows china to literally do whatever they want like spoiled children.

Forgive my retard-ery I thought about breaking the link but decided not to


Only keep PNGs and cautiously keep JPEGs.

Do not keep gif images if they appear static. You have been warned. Visit Holla Forums for more info.

again, probably either;
a) military base
b) silo
c) they really dont want that extra 40,000 people to live
d) some other govt stuff


but you may kill a person to save the kingdom if he had a deadly infectious disease

spoopy. will do. got any links with info?

The analogy works according to what you'd describe as the system. In my analogy the human race is the person, the limb represents the (((problems))) it currently has. In yours the Kingdom would be humanity, the infected person what I already mentioned

you can steg shit into any image, or anything, that's the whole point. In fact, with PNG it's easier because you can arbitrarily add tags to the image file. Easier to find, sure, but normies won't be able to find it just by fucking around in photoshop.

h ermetic.ch/stpng/stpng.htm

I just googled it. There's a navy base on the county west of us. Might explain why jets fly around every know and then.

i guess so, yeah.

its not that russia is incapable of doing something bad

its that Putin isnt retarded enough to directly fuck with the US, and if he did, he wouldnt do it from a fucking Government Military office like fucking china does

Don't be a faggot and explain the materials used to block those particles. I forgot the order but it's something like: lead, aluminum, paper, gold

OP here, im exhausted. im gunna go sleep for a while, if the thread isnt kill by then ill tty all later. gnight all o/

ITT: People with hundreds of anime girl reaction pics try and figure out ways to make it out alright in a Fallout tier apocalypse

You seem a bit miffed, goon.

…..thanks for all the great info and the even greater conversations btw o/


Please share cap

I'm checking out too, it was fun

Jokes on you, I intend to become the harbinger of that apocalypse :^)

I want the NEET race to survive. They are a vital part of our ecosystem tbh

I'd imagine it would be a lot like this.

Of course Russia is capable of doing something, but to the kikes, they're Red Team so they are automatically the "bad guy". China even though technically on the red team Is a strategic interest to the Kikes due to a shaky, shady alliance in terms of corporate actions.

You're god damn right

Honestly, If I'm in [home] when it happens, I'm pretty fucked. Have supplies, but live right on a known target.

If I'm at [residence #2] I am OK but without supplies other than my jump bag and 20lbs of rice.

If I'm at [friend's cabin in the woods] I'm good, with supplies, and with friends, some deer, some rabbits, some edible plants.

If I'm at [friend's parents' farm] I am safe with friends, and even more well supplied, and with all the delicious deer and cows I can eat.

Reminds me of a thread where me and a bunch of anons made predictions about the future of the human race, how WW3 would be fought with memes and smugs, and how only the chosen ones would inherit the few immortal robot loli bodies to guide the remains of mankind to a prosperous future

Wtf how

Would this be shown to the survivors to guide their memetic faith in the right direction, a glimpse of past efforts?

Hey user, I recommend you checkout the anime "Gall Force". In the third movie 'Stardust War", they talk about that in depth.

If you don't plan on watching it. Here's the clip where they talk about it.

How much warning would we get of a nuclear launch?


link to archive?

Nobody is safe.

Except Oregon kek

Oregon has volcanoes out the ass.


who wants to live with a bunch of California transplants and people who believe in bigfoot

The eastern side of Wisconsin on the western shore of Lake Michigan would have little fallout.

What do you think the Cascade mountains are, bro? VOLCANOES NIGGA.

Same with Washington. Dont you know about Mt. St Helens? Smh you gon die

Same boat, but I have some cash set aside for when (if) my Canadian firearms application comes in the mail in the next millenia. It's also dependent on my references not fucking me, and one of them just might.

I figure I'll get an SKS with a few thousand rounds of ammo, then get food and water stowed away, and then more guns and ammo. Also, antibiotics and shit.

…next to minneapolis?

95% of the state is covered, retard. Fuck you and fuck Milwaukee.

It's not Oregonian's fault for Portland growing cancer and attracting libshits from San Fran.

If Portland was nuked/attacked/sunk into the sea there would be celebration parties state wide

Most of them are dormant.

You are already dead, you just haven't come to terms with it.

wouldnt fallout there be ridiculous due to weather?

I don't have it sadly, yet I remember a little story:

Of course, a symbol of perseverance and fighting spirit, that against overwhelming odds one can still make a difference, and with kek's blessing even change the course of the world

I'll check it out user, thanks

I recommend watching the whole series from start to finish (youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFBB3728B8D92B5C1 ). The best parts are here if you don't wanna' watch all of it:





speaking personally, all my friends are such social cucks that they wouldn't tell me to fuck off no matter how Holla Forums i act in public
i'd have to steal from them or some shit, something actually substantial

We'll user, it is everyone's duty here that if they survive, their job is to teach as many people the truth. Maybe if enough axons survive in an area they can start a group called "the Path Of Light" who's job it is to ensure that what happened to us, can never happen again.

The groups number one commandment: "Suffer neither a jew nor negro to live. Destroy them at the first opportunity, it will be a mercy."

it is also brick and concrete vs wood i suppose.

You have:

Do you realize how awesome your situation is compared to the majority of Holla Forumsacks stuck in commiefornia or yurop?

If it happens just drive over with supplies. Or somewhere else. You have mountains up north and swamps to the south.

I live in Jew Jersey. The bombs will literally fall on my house.
Fuck it, I'll prepare for the afterlife. When I'm a vengeful spirit, I'll add whatever energy I can to the meme magic you surviving fuckers can put out. Deal?

I'd probably head south with as much ammo, guns, portable water, and food (and booze) as long as I could detour around Warner Robins and stay off the interstate.

Plenty of rural areas down there and I'd barter the extra guns / ammo for a place to stay on a farm somewhere while I waited it out.

Still no telling where the wind would blow the fallout, but I'd feel a lot safer on a farm with about 1000 rounds and 8 mags for my AK.

It's been an honor shitposting with you, lads.

I'm flat broke and live in the cucked netherlands, but one of the most important things I got anyway was a knife for self-defense. We aren't allowed spring-assisted folding knives, but this still feels good enough man.

Who the fuck gave the jews n00ks?

What is that triangle beneath Richmond?
Fort Lee?


look man, i hate to tell you this, but mtech is garbage, its better than nothing, but cheap brands like mtech need to be avoided when youre talking about folding knives if youre using it for anything tougher than whittling.

get a dagger, my man. since youre in netherlands there is more than likely a school near you whom teaches joachim meyer's knightly arts, learn rondel dagger defense, its techniques apply to any knife that can stab and has a guard. If you cannot afford to find a school, use the following:

and of course google and youtube to assist

These techniques have been lost, they will look foreign to fighters, this will be your greatest advantage, look to your past to secure the future.

This random filopino claymation is closer to reality then it lets on but stylizes itself so as not to give the game away. We already live in a post apocalyptic society.

the Bhagavad Gita describes nuclear weapons eerily accurately hence why Oppenheimer infamously quoted Vishnu

“Gurkha, flying a swift and powerful vimana [fast aircraft],
hurled a single projectile [rocket]
charged with the power of the Universe [nuclear device].

An incandescent column of smoke and flame,
as bright as ten thousand suns,
rose with all its splendour.

It was an unknown weapon,
an iron thunderbolt,
a gigantic messenger of death,
which reduced to ashes
the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.

The corpses were so burned
as to be unrecognizable.

Hair and nails fell out;
Pottery broke without apparent cause,
and the birds turned white.

…After a few hours
all foodstuffs were infected…
…to escape from this fire
the soldiers threw themselves in streams
to wash themselves and their equipment.”

Seig Heil for neutron artillery

This. We live in a post WW3 world from the last WW3. Oppenheimer and his fellow scientists drew their theories from esoteric texts like the Vedas.

All of the battles described in the Vedas could very easily have been battles fought with so-called "modern" weapons; all seen through the eyes of the dumb "proles" who lack the pre-requisite knowledge to understand it.

Los Alamos built a nuclear hand grenade, they just realized what an obviously stupid idea going so small was…


Most of us seem like we'd be screwed in either scenario. For me I live near an army base and it's meant to be hit either way. Plus another one to the north

fixed-blade weapons are not legal in the Netherlands. Nor are spring-assisted folding knives. I'm also flat broke. See my predicament? I'm trying to spend my last few remaining (((euros))) on whatever is necessary to help me survive. Plus, I figure mohammed won't have the guts to look too closely at my knife.

Mtech will have to do.

More like knowledge that had to be passed down verbally. Assuming everyone's played the game telephone before, oral traditions lose most meaning after only a few generations.

That had effect too. Also consider the point of view of the various translators. However, the meaning, and even the means themselves are there if you look for them. There are various Sanskrit documents dealing with the construction of Vimanas, that explain it nearly perfectly, IF you comprehend what their descriptions actually mean.

MFW if this whole thing hits the fan on October 23rd.

What's the significance of October the 23rd?

That's when the bombs dropped in Fallout 4

Fallout universe date of the Great War

Well, fuck. Todd Howard WASN'T telling us sweet little lies this entire time?

Ho Americuck, we Slavs, who are white as the pissed on snow, have long known for survival. Your Jewish masters lied to you about what it means to survive, because they can't stand to not take your money and oppress you. Rise up now and maybe you will live

T. A member of the revolution

a lot of the "why would they nuke my small unimportant city" places are because of National Guard armories and things. anything of military importance and isn't secret that could help resist a subsequent invasion is targeted pretty much.

i'm assuming the 500 scenario is to stop us from retaliating in a meaningful fashion but leave infrastructure intact. 2000 is to wipe out population centers and any means of resisting invasion.
i didn't count the trianges but i assume anything in the 500 scenario is also targeted in the 2000.

hide in basement, make a makeshift leanto "shelter" by piling mattresses and shit in the corner. don't leave the shelter for days, if not weeks.
in general you have about 12-24 hours after detonation to worry about fallout.

keep lots of spare clothes inside the shelter (any shelter). if you have to leave the shelter for any reason, ditch the clothes you wore outside and do NOT bring them into the shelter.;

a nuuuu


The US gov dispersed military infrastructure and made it dual use.
Many things like airports and radio stations are a switch flip or less from being full on military sites.
As well, we use significant quantities of civilian work instead of dedicated military personnel and sign aways.

Yes, And possibly the defense supply center (idk, this map was old even by OPenheimer's reckoning)

Purple triangles are targets that get hit in the retalitory strike; I.e. Things that reduce the ability of the enemy to wage conventional war, since there's no point in bombing empty ICBM silos

Black dot to the west of there is Fort Pickett's long runway, that long range bombers could refuel and earn at


I got a shitty chink steel generic knife from a hardware store for like 9 dollars and didnt need to show ID. I also live in a pretty heavily Democrat state.

I'd love to show off my powerlevel a little and carry around a Karambit or M9 bayonet for fun, but that's simply illegal. As would be any other knife. It's no different here in Europe than the anti-gun laws in Chicago that only serve to worsen the situation; we're just at a whole new level where even knives now need to be taken from Jan Dutchsma but not Mohammed Akbar (since he doesn't give a fuck about our laws to begin with and doesn't mind going to jail anyway)

I live within A targeted city in Ohio so I don't bother prepping.

So how fucked am I if i live like 6 miles north of fort lee and 13 south of Richmond

Would running off to Charles City or New Kent county save me?


Hey user,

I don't usually do this but I would like to thank you very much for taking the time to write this.

I am interested in this sort of stuff beyond belief. May I please got a sauce and more info on this.

Thank you anons. These sort of texts make more sense then all the religious books I have ever heard about or even briefly read. This idea that we are living in a post WW3 world or potential ancient astronaught theory is the closest thing that connects all the religions of the world and the mystery of our past.

I would love to have a separate thread discussing this.

randomly dumping stuff



In SHTF your biggest worry should be water - food and guns are great, but even a day or two without clean water and you're toast.
A few filters (Sawyer/Lifestraw etc) and purification methods (bleach - 1/4 teaspoon/gallon) as well as locating nearby water sources/reservoirs would serve you well.

yeah but a nuclear war would be the end anyway, surviving beyond that is more of a test to see how long you can survive than actually rebuilding the world. my kind of shtf comes with purging shitskins and kikes and after that living on a little self sufficient farm with only family and friends as nearby farmers and a qt blonde wife

I could live with that. Being nuked after purging mudslimes and traitors is not a big deal philosophically speaking.


reminder that nukes are as fake as the famed jewish slewings so called………. suck my dubs

Ok. The posibility of nuclear war is none. The probability it rises to some is 0.

I was born during, and lived the majority of my life in the Cold War. I fucking hate Democrats because of this, and promise you there's a probability of exactly 1 that the US will start Civil War 2: Gassified Niggerjew long before We The People decide dropping nukes on other Whites is a solution to anything other than the Jewish Question: "How do we get rid of all the goyim?"


Yeah, having a naval blockade put up around your little island cluster full of clueless rich people with no skills sounds like fun. Nothing like being put under siege and watching your family raped while your neighbor tells you how vibrate the culture is of your conquerors.

The best part is that the invaders don't even need to build any ovens, they can just chuck you into the volcano your house is built on.

Progressive/10 strategy

Where can I read more about this?

Just bought a gun the other day. First gun ever. Never thought I'd have a gun. Maverick Mossberg 88. Buying 2 ammo cans today gonna fill one with buckshot and the other with slugs. Gonna get a rifle next paycheck. Gonna steadily increase my armory / ammo stockpile. I have enough water filters to last me a year. Dunno what to do about food really…

I'm fucked if they decide to hit Chicago with anything. I'm close enough to that shit hole that even the smallest nuke is guaranteed death and no matter which direction I drive, it appears I'm headed for many other nukezones.

our city planners were designing cities based on selling cars and maximizing profit, your city planners were minimizing space and maximizing survivability

see you in the wasteland brothers

You should be worried about the 50% chance of a political SHTF

Think about operating in hillary's America and what that would look like.

Bhagavad Gita is a good place to start, user. A lot of it is probably worthless for your investigation, but there is still plenty in it worthy of your attention.

are you me
break in your gun first with cheap shit, get used to using it

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."

You use the gun to get food

Thank you user.

I thought you autists hated all Jews.

what is up with this place?

I have a pretty cool shotgun and maybe 100 shells. Hope I get to shoot some raiders someday.

I assumed so but what do I do while I'm not out raiding degenerate villages for food?

I got a couple dogs and a son to feed.

Ivy League graduate(BS/MS) and Civil Engineer here,

I recently purchased an old missile silo in the Midwest that I'm converting to a bunker.

The entire thing is underground, has a comm tower, a sturdy fence, a 50,000 gallon water tank, a freight elevator rated at 10 tons, blast doors and ~8000 sq. ft. of space. I already packed in about 1500 lbs of various dried foods, cleaned and disinfected the water tank and filled it with clean water.

I have various first aid and survival tools inside, and only 2 guns - most likely getting more for other people to use. In case SHTF, I'm taking my family and a few other families that I am close with. One of my good friends is a doctor so I will need his help to procure a good amount of medications for various things.

I also need to install a generator inside and solar panels on the outside to provide a reliable source of energy. Ideally the generator should be able to run on diesel as well, but if that option is too expensive, I'll just get a smaller diesel separately. One of my long term goals is to buy an old oil truck with a tank that I can use to haul fuel and water.

First goal is defense capability, user. Don't think you'll be able to hide behind those doors forever. If you can't defend you sweet base and all your goodies, they won't be yours for long. Get more guns, learn how to use them, make good friends who are also competent with guns.

How much that silo cost you?


Massfag here, should I just microwave myself already?

Is this guy the latest meme or something? I loved Atlantis.

Get a wood-gas generator bro. Its never gonna run out of fuel.



Thanks user


everyone go to bed.

Is there a map like this except for Russia? A map of where the U.S. will strike in Russia?

NP I'm looking for more ones that will get me v& though, already have anarchist's cookbook. Feel free to share any makeshift pipebombs and shit like that.

They want lefty reporters to balance out Holla Forums but they don't like the Holla Forums folks much either which doesn't leave a big pool of left-but-not-communist folks on 8ch.

If Putin goes through with it Or more likely Obama where will the surviving anons meet up to make a fash settlement?

I've got a Mikov switchblade. Pls no bully

I have no idea. I vote for somewhere in the southwest, the valleys in Arizona.

I was thinking Montana or Alberta. It's not like civilisation will be gone, but it will give an opportunity for innawoods scenarios, and excuses to hunt degenerates

Getting really sick of that defeatist oswald faggot

It looks comfy but a nuke aimed at Yellowstone would be catastrophic

Thanks! The first one is great. Could you replace some grains with rice?

You should make an infograph. I agree water is underlooked in these threads. pic related is all I have on filtration, but I'd like to know more about your bleach method. I know from experience that small amounts of iodine will purify fresh water

So where are the bombs going to hit?

The first one is utter shit.

You should replace many of the grains with rice. Rice and beans together contain all essential amino acids.

dont post that pic

Cool. Thanks user. I still like that it's an actual picture over some MS paint garbage.
Also, I learned recently that peanut butter and jelly also form a complete protein as well


That's a decently accurate map for a protocol surrounding priority targets in a nuclear attack. The triangle targets being that of population density and military bases, or important area for production. Which are indeed critical if you had to choose which to aim for. You'd also need to assume that in any such attack, a much smaller percentage would make it through. Hence why so many are targeted around the most important areas.

In a Nuclear War:

Critical Targets

Important Targets after initial exchange

Least Important Targets

The most important and most populated cities will be the first to go. Then literally, move outward by most critical from there. Game-theorists don't see the reason behind a nation targeting each-other nuclear arsenal in the initial blow.

Think of it this way, you get to punch your enemy once before he punches you. Where would you hit him?
In the spot that would weaken him, cause the most damage, and make his reactions weaker from the blow – setting yourself up for a combat advantage (eyes, nose, face, stomach - i.e. stunning or disabling blows)

You wouldn't use your 1st, or 2nd attacks against a person by punching or kicking their hands/feet. You would after the 1st or 2nd blow, after they attempted to strike back that is.

The point being, that this map accurately reflects highest priority targets.

mfw, New Jersey, New York, Los Angeles, San Fran, and Chicago become glass.

My dad think that Trump is a Russian puppet and is now preparing for nuclear winter in Europe. We have a house on an island out in the Atlantic ocean so that we can get clean food from fishing. We probably have enough equipment out there to start trading fish on a large scale. I travel out there a lot just for recreation. The place is really far out, so I have started to grow potatoes to be able to be live there comfortably for longer periods. It is pretty cool to go out there during the winter hurricanes just to survive while all communication is shut down.

You wanna survive the nuclear exchange/attack?

Go innawoods, underground, least populated rural areas during and right after the initial wake of fallout BUT, also make sure there is a sustainable water source nearby. Then, go Wolverines and recon military bases to assist any combatants against the attacking agency/nation.

Best ways to counter invaders

Guerrilla warfare

Once you make it nearly impossible for an invading force to function without supplies/communication, is when you can make greater attempts to seize territory or actually beat them in combat.

HOWEVER - The point of a nuclear attack, may not be followed with conventional warfare, or an invading force. It may just come down to wiping the others ability to do anything what-so-ever by removing their technology/sustainability… pretty much returning them to the stone age.

All out war is a very scary thought. But. this is the scariest possibility when thinking about it. Genocide and destroying the land with radiation/poison.


My dad works for Nintendo too.

I dont thiink living off of that many carbs during the nuclear holocaust is that smart



pics related

That's true. I've been to Washington/Oregon. The cancer areas are Seattle/Portland… the rest of the states are actually amazing with really decent human beings.

Portland and Seattle are Cancer

Because you don't believe my story? Sucks to be you.

how pleb can an user get?


Fuck yo waifu, faggot.

Vestal New York 4Oct2016 10:31pm Firebal

Was this a warning shot?

Forgot to attach: rt.com/usa/361735-fireball-east-coast-asteroid/

That's a softball sized space rock.


i have 1,000,000 rounds of hollow point ammo, 25 guns, 36 months of food stock ready, 4 ATV's and 3 2000w generators. i also have a dungeon for whores and a burn pit for niggers.

Nice. I just started my whore dungeon, any tips for a beginner?

So ummmm, from my understanding of the nuke maps…. There aren't gonna be any woods left to go inna….

Where were you when?


God damn I hate you fucking ancient astronaut /x/ migrant niggers. Nuclear weapon usage would leave incredibly easy to detect, there'd be worldwide scattering of rare isotopes in recent soil layers. It'd be as much a flag for "catastrophic shit happened" as the KT Boundary is.


The once fertile Indus Valley is now the Thar desert and a site of radioactive ash west of Jodhpar is around there. birth defects and cancer are also common to the area to the point the Indian government had to cordon it off.

there is also a giant crater near Bombay, the Lonar. located 400 miles Northeast of Mumbai and aged less the 50000 years old could be related to nuclear weapon activity. No trace of meteoric material at the crater or in the vicinity and this is the worlds only know impact crater in basalt. Indications of great shock and intense, abrupt heat (indicated by basalt glass sepherules) can be ascertained from the site.

Sorry for slow response
You live further away from it than I do

Unless they have a bunch of stuff in fort Lee far underground that we don't know of but the Russians do, then we're both probably gonna be fine.

If they don't have to carve out a quarter mile of earth, like they would for nuke silos or WashD.C., then they can just use 1 to 4 regular sized bombs in airburst mode to wipe out anything on the fort

200 to 500 kiloton yields (or less), not a lot of fallout to worry about after the initial inevitable rainstorm the night of the bombing and a few days after

Things would get a bit warm and windy for the two of us, but nothing we wouldn't survive if indoors at the time


Fucking pleb




The pigs confiscated my Leatherman which was in my backpack. A nigress and a hipster cop did it. The NL is fucked.

Order of importance:


Bottled water, hardtack biscuits and opportunistic scavenging. Move to a safe zone. Real valuables become (salt, soap, spirits, condoms, lighters, filters).

Consider buying a heavy duty security flashlight which can serve as a weapon if carrying a knife is illegal where you live and you feel uncomfortable having it anyway.

Your mental and physical fitness is what will make the difference. Survival is about patience, determination, a positive attitude and common sense.

kanker i didn't know it happened here as well, why do they confiscate leathermans? leathermen are really innocent knives

Might head to Switzerland before this happens. Thank God for dual citizenship, I'll shit post asking for pics and statuses after the nukes drop from my second home. Feels comfy.

Is this it?


Floridafag here. I thank you. I was just about to look up a YouTube downloader so I could horde all my shitty prog rock favorites.

Cody is a huge faggot.

Nutrino. So small and fast that they pass through you literally all the time. They, in fact are passing through the earth and then through you without colliding with either.
However, this means they are small enough to directly hit you in the dna on a lucky shot. The chances of that are nonexistant unless the dose is large enough.

Tl;dr: nutrinos are harmless unless you're near a supernova.

The thing you want to wear to protect yourself against "the stink" is LEAD. You want to put as many heavy atoms between yourself and radiation as possible.




A Remington 870 Shotgun with about 50 target rounds, a 38 special with about 50 target rounds and 50 "good" rounds, shelter, little food, a raccoon trap, an armory of melee weapons, cast iron skillit

I consider myself not nearly prepared enough, this month I am scrambling to stock up.

The nukes are ALREADY INSIDE the cities!!!

Cheney Outed Plame to Protect Illegal Nuclear Smuggling


Just wanted to point out that display is set up in a Mormon church, the painting in the background is a classic for Mormons.
Honestly some of the most prepared and ready to go innawoods people I know are Mormon, and they're always hyped and ready to ditch "Babylon" and survive when SHTF. Join the Mormon places of refuge when the time comes.

t. Mormon.

As far as I can tell it was`t a legal seizure. I was in an area where having a knife ready to use is illegal (certain zones are declared "knife free" by the Mayor). However the knife was in my backpack which the law states is legal (It`s a literal example given on the website of the police).
I did go to the police station the next day, but off course no-one knew a thing.
I work quite a lot with the police, in the 15 years I`ve been working with them I have seen a steady decline in quality of officers.
Corruption, incompetence on all levels and total lack of motivation seem to be the modern police force.

The hidden danger from neutron radiation is neutron activation. Simply blocking it isn't enough because it will make the material it strikes intrinsically radioactive itself. For a neutron proof shelter you either need a neutron moderator (water being one of the easiest to come by) or a neutron mirror (which functionally means graphite for anyone trying to make a home built shelter).

No the symbol for neutrino is v. They are harmless though. It's a good thing too because it takes a solid lightyear thickness of lead to completely block neutrino emissions.

Calm down, Francis E Dec, or we'll take you out with a sneak undetectable extermination!

Thar Desert has never been cordoned off, and is the desert with the highest population on the planet.

Nuclear Weapons would also not result in desertification, and most radioactive fission products that are actually harmful to humans (Strontium 90, Iodine 131, Cesium 137) would have decayed by now. Longer term isotopes would be easily detectable, but not harmful to humans.

Lonar has numerous indicators of "meteoric materials", or more precisely, materials produced by impacts. adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1978LPSC....9.2713M It's the only known crater in basalt because basalt doesn't cover much of the planet. It's only prevalent in areas where basaltic traps occurred, such as in central India and Siberia. Hell, there's some thought that basaltic traps are the Result of large impact events. And yeah, great shock and intense heat, sounds like a fuckin meteor.

Not to mention when used for military purposes, nuclear weapons are detonated well above ground, which doesn't make craters anywhere near that geometry.

but do go on believing your we wuz tier fantasies, might want to tie it into the history of Yakub too.

not an argument :^)

10/10 spot on generalization

That map is outdated, I live on the black dot on the tip of Nevada, the power plant that was there has been decommissioned and destroyed since like 2008.

Best post. Everyone else is silly. If major nuking happened, you're all fucked, including governments. All they did was build more nukes. In the Cold War, it was estimated that everyone would have to dig in at a rate of about 5 ft/year to keep from dying if all the nukes went off.

Well, what's it been? 50 years, and everyone's on the surface. Yeah, we would all be fucked.

The fact is all the nukes won't go off, if we get to a point of nuclear exchange the military deepstate will take out clinton immediately because they largely oppose nuclear exchange.

So did i but i dont know if meme or not. Still, gonna go watch that now

Sounds like a decent plan. Find someone with a farm that knows you (before SHTF) and offer to defend their livestock with them. Stick together, form a group. The farmer is not the only one who wants steaks, so you'll have to be prepared to work.

I'm actually working on a guide to forming small groups in such a scenario. Wish it was done in time for this thread.

That's not true, the very concept of the "suburbs" in the US was heavily influenced by the need for dispersed cities in the case of nuclear war.

Don't ask. Some things are better left unspoken, and as consistency is the hobgoblin, as they say, of little minds, so the seed needs a dark place to grow.

I'll be at the third debate, any hope for las vegas? SHTF is already bad enough because no water. Dont see how locals could do much besides hide and wait for chaos to die down and GTFO


I'm glad right now the silo 5 miles away is defunct and the russians know it.

Also, 2 water well masterrace reporting in

Hey user i live in vegas too. Any chance you might score a brother a ticket? will suck your dick for it tbh no homo

Been playing alot of new vegas recently. Think the best bet is to head east into utah near zion actually. The nearest nuke near Zion is the vegas ones and on the boarder of utah and arizona. I did a double check on where that is on this map here
and it seems to be something called
which is a reservoir dam for the colorado before it enters Grand Canyon. Someone might say that you should go into south dakota, oregon, wyoming, or idaho but i would say not. Looking at those heavy clusters in montana, north dakota, and wyoming/colorado makes me think that the resulting fallout would make everything inhospitable for most of the state. The area around wyoming and idaho might look promising but remember thats where Yellowstone is. Dont want to be anywhere near that thing when nukes start flying. The safest places seem to be Eureka and lander counties in NV but there is literally nothing in there of use outside of being the most isolated parts of US.

been a while since the last september happening thread; what was the calling card again?
8 of diamonds or some shit?
path of light?

Something tells me I won't be just fine.

Yea 8 of diamonds with
written on it

there's also a few pointed at the san andreas fault line


is that elgintensity?


If there is nuclear war, it will happen too quickly for you to prepare. And unless you are already living innawoods (aka isolated and self-sufficient), you will not survive. And even if you did, you will probably wish you hadn't. But what do I know I'm a Florida fag with no basement.

Embed is the best nuke song btw

There's no hope for me to survive a nuclear attack, is there?

Wondering why Tyler would be hit as well. All of the hospitals?


her labia isn't particularly thick

Yeah but what caliber?

i reallly don't get this one, i don't see the swastika, i do however recognise an inguz rune so

I hear ya, I live near DC so at least I'll die quickly.

whats this for?