What are some movies about falling hopelessly in love with an actress?

What are some movies about falling hopelessly in love with an actress?

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OP said actress not tranny


O I am laffin

_he's too busy sucking small kosher dicks for movie roles to reward you unfortunately

You might as well say, "I have no idea what I'm talking about because I'm a polfag"


Dont see the problem

I got you covered, fam.


Year One

A terrible (((MOVIE)))

Nobody said the movie had to be any good. It is terrible, yes, but Juno Temple looks like an angel in it, and if you don't fall in love with her, then you are the faggot




Notting Hill

all of Holla Forums is this movie, op. it's pretty pathetic too.

sigurney weaver is ugly

that's more like it

Not only does it fulfill op's criteria, it is also kino.

The entire premise of Borat, when you think about it.

Not a tranny.


what are the lighting bolts for

Every thread forever and ever.

Shocking display.

Can someone explain the breakfast club to me?

I've watched it 3 times now and I still don't get it or why its so well known.

Because there is only Zuul.

Charismatic and iconic characters, and it was from a time when high school cliques still existed but besides that the movie isn't dated it's just an overrated movie. The director's cut added a substantial amount of characterization but it's rotting away in Hughes' mansion somewhere and will never be released, youtube.com/watch?v=Y3WY6LkX_SE&t.


because its a shitty flick like people praise spring breakers tday

they make it go faster.

Who's this whore?
