Hey, Holla Forums, help me decide what to eat?

Hey, Holla Forums, help me decide what to eat?


Chicken fried pork steak. Then invite your semitic friend over and give him your special chicken dinner.


Cat semen

I'm fucking lonely and hungry. I didn't want all these dumb replies

My ass.

Only if you're a boy

toast sandwich

We eat that everyday where im at

Cat semen? really?

Ur mom


Ur mom eats cat semen?
I am confuse.


., quinoa , roasted corn , black beans , and some fresh salsa on top , easy to make with boxes and caned ingredient items ,.


now i m hungry!

Nice to meet you. I am Romania.

I like home made ramen, because it's so easy to make a delicious meal fast.

My cock. no seriously, kys


Option 1
- Take 1 chicken breast. Cook it. Cut it up in to bite size pieces.

- Boil Macaroni.

- When done, add chicken to Macaroni with butter + parmesan cheese and pepper.

Option 2
- Download Nikki Fatale's Cum Eating Instructions. She'll give you directions to satisfy your hunger.


I bet the guy who wrote this is a kike. I tried searching to confirm but he's a bit too obscure. Which also makes me think he's a kike, because every Z-list YouTube "celeb" has their own wiki page at this point.

This is second book, third if you count the fact that his first book had a first and second edition.

Oh yeah forgot to mention, his friends sampled every thing he made in both books.

Only the purest connesoir would be aware of such fine details.
Sir: I detect a so-called "faggot"!

eat shit

What? Don't you know it gives you super powers, just like trying to touch your head to your asshole, and binuarl beats!
