Imagine liking green bananas while people are telling you the yellow ones are the only acceptable kind

Imagine liking green bananas while people are telling you the yellow ones are the only acceptable kind.

Especially when they're old enough to have spots on them.

It's more fun to break the unripe green ones with your mouth. It's fun to break the crisp peel and force it down. Green bananas are more stimulating and I dare you to tell me to stick to ones that are already ripe and disgusting.

Green bananas fucking blow. The indigestion is so real. You may as well swallow a knife you wild animal. Were you raised by a gorilla?

Indigestion is like a little secret. You're not supposed to make a big deal about it. That's what makes it so fun. Look at how pure and firm the green skin is. I deliberately prowl the super market looking for fresh greenies, tbh.

there is literally nothing wrong with plantains

Goddamned Dole shills trying to tell us green bananas are the best because it's cheaper to sell them that way. I know how it is. I used to work in a grocery store. Ripe bananas cost $$$ because half of them get thrown away before anyone buys them in time.

personally I like bananas of all types on that chart, but my favorite is 4, when its at peak yellowness with no black and just a hint of green
when they get really black I can still enjoy them, but in a totally different way(bananabread)

I don't trust anyone who eat bananas with spots…

Could they be people that outgrew being picky little faggots? There's a term for people afraid to eat spotted bananas because they look yucky: skinny jeans-wearing hipster millennial germaphobic leftist. I bet you don't eat dry food that gracefully touches the ground once either and have OCD, don't you girly man?

itt OP likes hard, firm bananas in his mouth

I like the way you talk daddy

Depends what you're doing with them. 7 is perfect for banana bread.

Violating them before they're ready to be eaten.

"If I hurt your tummy, don't tell mummy."


I just like the green ones because they're firmer and don't bend and crack going in.

banana 5 is best banana.

6 is ideal. 7 tastes good but is a bit mushy and 5 is just a little too unripe.


absolutely disgusting.

Reminds me of females. A lot of people say ripe bananas are the best but I tend to only want the ones that are a bit unripe by a few years

None of those bananas are ripe yet. 7 is close but has obviously been exposed to a ripe banana to help it along. If your bananas aren't ripe yet, and you have a ripe/over-ripe banana, put a ripe banana in a paper bag with the unripe bunch and they'll ripen real fast. Spots are a sign of higher sugar content.

You disgust me. Banana #1 is perfectly ripe

i'm gonna be sick

this is penis inspection day-tier trolling tbh

It's okay to be retarded

4 is best for eating it as-is, if you want to make a milkshake or some other dessert use 6 or even 7 though. If you are an absolute madman cooking non-desserts with bananas I guess you can use 1-3 too if it synergizes with the taste.

Is this a metaphor of some kind?

#1 is good to cook with anchovies and cacao powder

Like how? Fried? Boiled? Steamed?

I only eat 7, and even 8 and 9.
At some point they get way to mushy and brown inside.
I absolutely hate green bananas.
Wouldn't approach a 4 for a week.

banana in oven
mush banana with anchovies
sprinkle mush with raw cacao powder

Someone try this and report. Sounds insane. Do it for science.

four and a half.

Depends. Does a banana bunch do a headcount or do they not notice when you snatch a greenie from them?

I prefer the extra sugar in the ripe ones.

Stores would throw less away if they didn't keep them all in massive piles. If it were a big deal you could have like a bunch of small cubbies.

Not a single post in this thread explained the correct way to prepare a banana. You ignorant degenerate plebs actually wait for it to decompose enough that it becomes mushy enough to eat it. Absolutely pathetic.

The ideal banana is #1. Green. You peel it the same way you peel a carrot or a potato. Using a knife. Next you slice it into cubes and then boil it in a pot of water for 30-60 minutes. Drain it, then toss the boiled banana cubes on a frying pan with butter for 5 minutes.


no u

the ripest a banana will get is pre-spot yellow. anyone who tells you different is wrong

plantain is awesome but those are not bananas

that reminds me: does anyone refrigerate bread and bananas?

u pedo pos trying to be clever

you taste the skin with rotten bananers
green gives that tangy sweet sour taste that everyone with good taste loves

penis inspection day is serious

How many STRONGEST RACE in this thread?