Meta thread: Amidoinitright edition

Holla Forums has always been shit, but this is a new low. The divide seems to be between the following sets of rules


I am for the second set of rules, even though it will be a pain to remove the plague that is pedo's, i'm happy to deal with the headache that is goon removal, just like when ponyfags were told to fuck off. My question is, what do you guys want? Here are my proposals for rules, feel free to discuss them and vote for your favorite ITT.

Other urls found in this thread:

More midget threads.

Bring back Hex tbh

At least post white girls

I'll post white girls when you come back tbh

Japs are the white people of asia.

How about a compromise? Post some snowniggers

not white enough.

meep meep pedos back to meadows tbh no homo

Reported for requesting cp.

For the what the 15th time?

Honorary Aryans tbh

4th or 5th, we almost had them gone a few times. The issue is that when the rules get flipped from removing them to allowing them, they come back en masse.

literally no one is in favor of that.

Hitler Did Nothing Wrong


I am

t. spammer


Can you at least spam European girls?


I disagree tbh

Can we put all the little girl threads on a specific board? I'm tired of scrolling through endless laura b midgets. Also, if it's spam, board mods can just delete it.

Honorary Aryans tbh

#3 Remove OX

The same thing is going to happen. The EXACT same thing that happened in December. Different month, same shit.

meep meep what if we have free ice cream tuesdays will that keep the PPH up tbh no homo

What thing would that be?

tbh ox has shitty taste, japs are the superior race

Most anons don't want any of those options, Omlet.
Most anons are posting this shit because what they want is for you fuckers to wake up and realize that what we want is for you to either get rid of Dysnomia or shut this board down.
You can go ahead and try one or more of those options (again), but they have already been tried and they have already failed.
They have failed because you CAN'T get rid of anyone who does not want to be gotten rid of, and you know that. Bans are useless while VPN and Tor are allowed, meaning that all you really can do is delete. You are janitors, and everyone knows it.

I just read this in another thread and am posting it here for relevance, because I don't think many anons understand the real score here and that the situation with Holla Forums is not really the fault of the mods/vols. Here it is:
"What I don't understand at all is why the vols and mods are still here. What can you possibly be getting out of doing this unless you are simply masochists with no self-esteem? How can you tolerate being associated (even by your self) with Dysnomia and his lunacy? I wouldn't be able to live with myself, tbh. And how can you tolerate being expected to do your jobs when the people you are volunteering to help won't give you any decent tools to do the job with? That is not too much to ask, it is a simple thing to provide, and yet it has been years…YEARS…and still no tools. That is nothing short of disrespect and ingratitude for the people who are VOLUNTEERING to do the bulk of the work of running this site. I'm sorry anons, but that is complete bullshit and you are marshmallow patsies for accepting it."

Nobody here is really blaming the mods/vols. We know what is going on. We know that you guys do the best you can with no support and that you here on Holla Forums work for an idiot. But you do so by choice, so you get no sympathy from us.
Choose whatever you want, it won't make a difference. Except I will say that going back to 5 pages will make deletion a lot easier to keep on top of, and it will help limit bumpspamming. But you will never have even 2 pages worth of "quality" posts on Holla Forums again as long as Dysnigger remains a part of 8ch no matter what you do.

pedos can't even manage to not spam this meta thread. mods you know what needs to be done.

t. Ox

i agree. there needs to be a cyclical pedo thread that is kept on page 2 so incompetent antis can't find it and get upset about it



as board owner, you faggot

Dysnomia has tries that. Many times in fact. It doesn't matter what happens. Pedos will be pedos no matter what.

Oh that.


meep meep just let the pedos have a clean thread no CP but they can be free to post midgets like the free range pedos in tibet tbh no homo

get rid of him as board owner, not get rid of him as in ban him

face it user, you can't name one thing that's wrong with dysnomia. you were never able to. in all of your ramblings not a single complaint about him that wasn't vague shit.

I like when ox posts SM

t. hex


You can't get rid of anyone who does not want to be gotten rid of tbh

You're a fool if you think that's ever possible without removing VPN/Proxy. You already tried the containment thread idea and you already tried removing ALL pedo content with the rules just a few weeks ago. Neither worked and the CP spammer was able to still spam. It's futile and you know that.

The only reasonable policy is to allow everything except CP and stop banning people for posting Instagram images.

P. S. CP spammer gets the rope

100% this. They already tried all the other options and they failed

he hasn't put it on page 2

but every time he's tried it, it has worked swimmingly outside of a few bouts of antis spamming the cyclical. the pedo cyclical does its job as a lightning rod for cp posts and everyone else doesn't even notice it unless they intentionally seek it out/neglect to hide it. they won't have to hide if it's on page 2 because no one ever goes to page 2.

No leadership skills
No people skills
He is indecisive.
He is abusive to the users and to his volunteers.
He is inconsiderate of other BO's.
He is incapable of seeing the effect his actions have on the site as a whole, let alone his own board.

Hmm…you are right user…I can't name one thing. I can name several.

now back those claims up with proof.
it looks like sentimental shit to me, are your feelings/opinions hurt?

It's not possible to stick a thread to page 2 unless you sticky every thread on page 1

Let me break this down for you once so it's clear. Everyone besides the faggot pedos want the 2nd option, provided the halfchan spam remains in check. Jim will never let that happen because Dysnomia is ultra-cucked and Jim cares far too much about PPH to let the only people posting be cast away. It would be optimal, but impossible. So this thread serves no real purpose.


option 4: mods help doxx pedos so we can get them arrested

this tbh.

It's Holla Forums. We are Legion. There is no leader to Anonymous.

Same as above

How? Give examples


Give some examples. Get really deep into it. I want to know more about why you feel this way.

Also you really need to take some LSD. You seem like one of those "little old me" self righteous vindictive types.

Who the fuck are you to claim authority over me? I have seen all of this shit with my own eyes. I need no more proof than that. If you haven't been here long enough to see it for yourself then it is YOUR tough shit, not mine. I owe you nothing. If you want proof, just sit here on this shithole board and wait a week or two. You will get all the proof you need.

meep meep well if not free ice cream tuesdays what about mandatory churros wednesdays where everybody gets a free churro would that keep the PPH up tbh no homo

if you post a claim you have to back it up with proof that's how it works

or else nobody cares nobody will listen to you or have a reason to. shame too its really interesting stuff almost like you're dys

do you hate yourself dys?

You are a faggot.

I am mostly a proponent of the removal of duplicate threads, followed by the removal of pedos.

I saw a UFO and I was abducted by Aliens. Also I'm Jesus Christ the Son of God. Bow before me.

>(((I have seen all of this shit with my own eyes. I need no more proof than that.)))

Oy vey goyim you don't need proof! I SEEN'T IT!

Ox Did Nothing Wrong


No, I don't. And I don't give a rat's ass what you accept or don't. The truth is in my post at and you can either accept it or not. It does not matter to me either way.

To think one pedo goon could do all of this. He's doing God's work but maybe less child porn and more cute lgs.

Wait. I understand Holla Forums but why does Holla Forums need leadership and people skills?

Then stop bitching about it. :^)

You vol shills are way too obvious, you do realize that, don't you?

I didn't bitch about it, and I wasn't even directing my comment to you. It was directed to Omlet specifically.

this tbh

keep the midgets faggot, I don't care about cp, but you better keep the midgets.

it is entirely possible, you just don't know how to do it

granted neither do i. hire a web developer.

t. vol shill

also this tbh

you wish tbh

I don't understand why he continues to post it. He must live in a Shithole where they have no laws or something tbh

It's not possible with the current software. I wasn't saying it's not possible at all.

Fuck off ox

I agree


the board doesn't, but the board owner does in order for the board to run well
Hotwheels had great leadership and people skills and he used them to effectively moderate the boards and keep control over all of these issues
anons didn't get carried away with their shit because they liked and respected him

Ox would be a cool guy if he'd post more midgets instead of cp

All these sticky sagers need to kill themselves.

dysnomia did nothing wrong

anons just hate him for no reason tbh


He's fat, ugly, and stupid

Yeah, because irrationality is something that everybody except Dysnomia has.
Ok, sure.

that's not what you said in

you literally just make stuff up

We will find out, ill leave the thread up for a few days, suspected duplicate votes will be deleted/ignored.
What exactly did Dysnomia do?
You are right, and while Holla Forums has many inherent flaws, but we have to make due, unless you want to move to some dead/normie infested/soon to be shut down chan (see: masterchan/freech/mewch/4chan/torchan/16chan/32chan). It is possible to get rid of some people, see the ponyfag infestation that used to exist here. It was a pain to get rid of, but people get tired of posting when their posts get deleted within minutes.

I can't speak for the other hotpockets, but personally I know if I don't attempt to make Holla Forums better, there's not a lot of people that will.

I do it for fun, its a fun hobby dealing with the politics of this board. Past that, we do it for free, meaning we expect nothing in return. Why are we still here? Just to suffer through endless shit threads? Just to sigh at the first page being meta threads, gore and a pedo thread?

I'm not that bothered by it, past the rules changing two-three times a year, I don't know exactly what he did.

I agree, I would encourage people to fill codemonkey or jim's inbox with the same. In my years of cleaning this shithole, the only thank you from the administration i've gotten is the mod.php database leak, but I don't do this for compliments, so whatever. Chan admins have this same issue everywhere (see: Gamergate era 4chan).

That's fine, but if you want to help clean up the place to your idea of what Holla Forums should look like, feel free to vote. We want to do our >jobs but when everything you do is wrong, it gets hard. The idea of this thread is to see what is right, and what we should stick to.

If Holla Forums consists of only pedos, then is it even Holla Forums?

See above reply, spammers get tired, occasionally butthurt, then they quit. Stamina is everything.

Everyone besides the faggot pedos want the 2nd option.
I figured, dysnomia figured but we don't know that. I would feel more comfortable verifying this claim before asking anyone to take action and claiming to know what people want.

This causes one of the following to happen
>Jim/Codemonkey gets involved

This tbh, I have never felt abused by Dysnomia.

Really? Ok, let's say that this is true. If so, then it must also be true that he has done nothing right. Because pedos are still here, spammers are still here, and 2000 former active users are not.

That wasn't me dummy

the SM set is pretty good tbh

You are confusing different anons, genius.

tbh pedos were always here, and they should stay here

hi Ox

no way. they come here specifically to spam because of how easy it must be

Let him keep thinking he's gonna get rid of us. We have indeed always been here, and we will always be here.

We'll find a way, we always do. If it takes a bit of waiting and lurking then so be it.

Yes, sadly.

Want to know the reason they spam? It disrupts normal posting. They need a reason if they want to shit things up, sometimes they claim the reason to be dysnomia, sometimes they claim its related to free speech, sometimes they claim its related to their cool new chan they made.

There is a reason people have such a problem when we delete their posts when their posts violate the board rules, but not the global rules. It's because they:

did you just leak your trip?

I'll PM you an address right now.

Then why should they be allowed to post here, if they don't participate in non-pedo threads.

That's the subject field

Ayy lmao I'm jimmyrustles and I love cock

nah you're just a dumbass

do we get more activity on board

keep pedo
remove spam
isnt repetitive thread a spam?

The pedos are the one making the anti pedo threads. Why do you think they get derailes woth little to no backlash. You're a volunteer you should know this. You're not a new volunteer either. This should be trivial to you.

The pedospam is mostly just one guy why not just delete all his posts

it's a fucking indian shitskin

You are comparing apples and oranges. Ponyfags were driven merely by the desire to be annoying. They already had their own board, and were only posting here to be a pain. So yes, they tired of getting deleted easily and quit. But make no mistake about that, they quit…you didn't stop them. With the pedos it is much, much different. They have no board to go to. We are stuck with them. And with the spammers, well their reasons are bigger than just being pests. Annoyance is just something they are using as a leveraging tool, it is not their goal. So the comparison is not very analogous.

That is not just sad, it is sick.

I am in favor of doing that, but I don't see the point of planning on sticking to anything when you know already that Dysnomia will change the rules in 2 months. And you know he will, you already said as much. See, that is part of why anons are so frustrated and why they are not bothering to post anything but shit. Steering a ship is not the same thing as navigating. Dysnomia steers. Left, then right, then left, then right…but never with any sense of direction or purpose. Never with a clearly defined destination or goal for the board. Never with a knowledgeable and tested plan of how to get there. Just "Well this didn't work, let's go back to that other thing we were doing before" or "Let's try this other random thing I just thought of to do". That wouldn't even be so bad if he would just do something and stick with it, but he doesn't. He is not happy unless he changes everything every few months. So even if you and all the anons here ended up agreeing on a plan it would only be good until Dysnomia got the fidgets again. So you will forgive me if I say that this whole idea seems pointless, even if it is very well intentioned.

That comment was meant to draw discussion, I know very well their habits.

Yes and no, I would consider spam the same text/image throughout a few posts/threads whereas repetitive threads are like the "Guess her age" threads. One is more broad than the other, basically, but I felt it necessary to include both to be specific.

how do i trip

3dpd loli is disgusting


Remove pedo, delete spam, remove repetitive shit, and set a quality standard.

3dpd lolis are life, but I respect your opinion.

what is then?


it's like you want Holla Forums to really die


Butting into someone else's conversation again…used bait.

But I think it's just cause there's no cp there.

I already said. Do try to keep up.

Who the fuck are you to claim authority over me?

That board is more dead than Holla Forums

Nice meme


Stares at dysnomia intently

You are right on the last part, but the intention of this this thread, amongst other things, is to express we want him to turn the fucking ship LEFT and not weave down the river and likely into a rock like a drunken retard.

I respect you for respecting my opnion

This… Next thing someone is going to say that dysnomia is the one posting all the anti-dysnomia threads…. Yeah right.


Remembering your name is mental gymnastics to you, so it does not surprise me that you do not see the difference between the contexts of those two statements and the bearing it has on their meaning.

Dysomoniahas barely posted

And you legitimately believe that will happen, even after all the time you have spent on this board? If so, I have to nominate you for the most gullible person on 8ch. No offense intended.

You need some lolis

I asked your permission first, retard. You allowed me to cuck you, kiddo. If you left the board the way it is now, I have no doubt in my mind we would lose more users than we can afford.

Yes, we know you have autism. Among other things. As far as "would you rather" is concerned, we would rather have someone more capable of running a board well. Whether that person is a normie or not is less relevant than their actual skills at being an effective BO.

fuck off, faggot

I'm a pedo and I've made mant anti threads so eat a dick delusional moron.

I'm not talking politically left. Please no dick sucking trap dysnomia.
I said turn ONCE, not twice, not three or four times, ONCE. You played yourself again, dingus.


gosh what a shocking confession

Trips confirm

ur' gay

this board made me a pedo. apologize!



JimmyRustles here and I'm the pedo mod tbh. I'm also the cp spammer

fuck off (((rach poster)))





Or, you know, the doctor himself couldn't be bothered writing the statement to the press and had someone do it for him. I mean, he's probably busy being a doctor and this kinda shit is what nurses are for.

I would also like to come out of the closet and say i'm gay tbh.

ah ya ruined it


a propose we implement a voting system to decide the quality of posts where users can vote on individual threads and posts if it's good or bad. The higher quality threads and posts will be shown up front while the lower quality posts slowly float to the back.

Jimmy is such a fucking retard. If I had to pick which volunteer on Holla Forums was the most incompetent I'd pick Jimmy. Fucking retard.

Aren't you just hilarious.

please stop stealing my name


hahaaahaha what a fucking sad board

We're laughing at you and there's nothinf you can do to stop us.


don't worry, your pal jimdogg will fix it!

welcome to 8ch



I know a site that does that
Its called reddit

you are the goon though

Heh. Sure pal.

Nice try, dysnigger. You always make your shitty sticky threads and anons are always fucking retarded enough to fill them with replies. I won't do it. RIP in pieces Holla Forums

>has to use his Volunteer label

Fuck off back to waifuist faggot


What did he mean by this? What would I gain from being a goon AND using my vol label?

You're a funny guy

This. Idk why there's even a thread about this.

4 u

Mods = Based

The only rule for this board should be:
1) Remove Ox

Just to dispel any doubt, I figured I should make this.

I want to penetrate a trap's esoteric pussy

You ought to be ashamed.

We're open for suggestions nigger

Cute. Would fug

For once, that wasn't the intent :)

that's true

I just made one tbh

Legit guys. The only way to make Holla Forums great again is to meme it into existence. Right now the anti-Holla Forums memes are winning.

We have to stop them!


Ok genius how the fuck do we do that?

Purge those subhuman sodomites


Obviously, delete Holla Forums
Ox can't spam CP if Holla Forums no longer exists


I can't argue with that logic.

We need to ask one important question. What do we want Holla Forums to be? From my perception, it is currently a chaotic shitpit where the disenfranchised and outcasted come to play together because there's no other place where they can go.

why don't you just have the global rules ?

That's what they're suppose to fo. There's no reason for this thread.

This is the way. Putting the Holla Forums back in quality

the what now?


pedos bring no interesting content and can't stay in their own shitty containment threads. gas the pedos

meep meep サンドイッチが必要だ tbh no homo

what containment threads?

There's like 20 pedo threads on the catalog. Buying rune scimmy.

why isn't this bread on /bmeta??????

I vote for ruleset 2 - there are always gonna be boring faggots from cuckchan posting mindnumbingly boring travis threads etc., but these aren't anywhere near as annoying as pedo shit - get rid of em. I don't think you should delete all shit threads since then it wouldn't be Holla Forums anymore. This place is supposed to be shit, just not overrun by mentally ill child or horse fuckers

pedos are the life of Holla Forums

how retarded are you people, honestly?

Rule 2 but what's determined as repetitive needs to be listed. In some cases repetitive threads are just really popular threads that aren't shit.

i sage whatever the fuck i want boy, whether is does shit or not

It doesn't take a scientist to understand that all of them are shit.

Who the fuck are you to claim authority over me?

Ok my idiotic child fucking friend

ur dad


not flat enough tbh


even if they hit the bump limit?

It would take 7 hours of continuous posting in one thread to fill it.

There are 25 pages, each page has 15 threads. It would take 109 days to do that.

What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

I don't know, ask a third time


My name is Jimmy Rustles and I believe pedo posts are of very high quality.

pedos are invulnerable to mod action. the more they are banned, the harder they spam. there is nothing the mods can do but delete the worst cp, which simply provokes more of the same. all talk of solving the pedo problem is wind
quality is a subjective value. if the mods begin to arbitrate between good and bad content, Holla Forums is hostage to their goodwill. very few of the obviously vol created threads these past 2 weeks have made even 20 replies, proof enough that their idea of good content isn't shared by the wider userbase. the vols should be limited to a mop and bucket: it is not their role to shape content


deeply stupid comment, user. it's factually incorrect and adds nothing to the debate

fug u ox

I'm not suggesting the mods should decide on what is good enough content for Holla Forums. They should however get rid of CP and pictures of children in underwear. I know, you'd have to go back to onions to get your child porn fix, but the site would be much better for it.


My name is Jimmy Rustles and I disagree on the underwear part. It's not illegal, and it makes me feel all funny.

My name is Jimmy Rustles and I believe this should be an Honorary Aryans only thread, thank you very much.

t. fag ox


Why do you post gooks in swimsuits?

This is the real Jimmy Rustles and I am Holla Forums's biggest pedophile.

I am Jimmy Rustles and I prefer the term "honorary aryans"

Why do you post ironing board chested honorary Aryans?

Based volunteer.

My pants suddenly get a large bulge whenever I see them, so I can't bring myself to stop. A very strange occurrence indeed.

I can see the cute factor, but I haven't see anything which causes a reaction like that.


The best option would be:

why tho? these fags need to be removed without mercy just like the horsefuckers who infested the place before

Just to throw them a bone. To placate them so they don't feel like they're being ignored and go attention seeking in other threads.


The whole board is dedicated to the pedos. This is their playground and we are nothing but witnesses to their shenanigans. We're letting them fuck our ass and we're telling them 'we like it.' The pedos have won.

Holla Forums is the dedicated pedo board

My name is Jimmy Rustles and I don't want 2D trash in my 3D threads.

I propose that all 3DPD be labeled as 3DPD and thus automatically shit. But not deleted, cuz that would be anti free speech.

she has a cute ass

My name is Jimmy Rustles and I propose that all 2D trash be labeled as 2D trash and thus automatically shit. But not deleted, cuz that would be anti free speech

Sorry, that's my waifu.

Where's the jerking off to whatever with your bros thread?

>>>/cuckchan/ tbh fam

The one there is just full of fags, trapfags and niggerfags.


Sounds like just the place for you.

Trading fap material and independently fapping, no gay shit.

Sounds like just the place for you.

irrelevant to the fact she has a cute ass, faggot

I'll fap to you, faggot.

That's gay, faggot.

what's the point of making rules you cannot enforce?
if you make a rule that kids in panties are not allowed, you get a spamstorm of kids in panties and socks, ban that and you get panties, socks and a hat. mods could limit the number of obvious pedofap threads by deletion and there'd be 25 pages of blocks your path followed by a board wipe, every fucking day. what's the point of that?
Dys tried this outreach bollocks when he first got the board. there will never be a consensus amongst users on anything here and there will always be users who set out to attack the board by testing any rules to destruction
mods should respect global rules and do destructive spam mitigation. Holla Forums sinks or swims on user created content alone

This has already been tried multiple times before! Jesus Christ, I feel like this place is trapped in a cycle!

it wasn't REAL socialism, user

Remove the following:



Fuck off virped faggot.























I'm 19 and my gf is 17. Am I a pedo?

More spamming like this, and less spamming child porn ox.

You're not going to remove pedos. They will ironically out shitpost the mods for forever. Pedos are and always have been a part of ebin "chan culture".

Sure, but no. It's Holla Forums that is literally the spirit of Holla Forums - shitposting

Why? Make cyclical threads that remake themselves for that Trevor nigger etc.

fuck wit child rapist

Those all fit the definition of CP to a federal prosecutor who wants them to.

I haven't raped her yet. I have no interest in raping her until she becomes a roastie.

It's sad that this is true.

Impossible, she should be grateful


depends on the state / country you live in… my ex is 16 and I'm 19 and that's perfectly legal in my country… the youngest gf I've ever had was 13 and I was 14 back then, and it was still legal in my country because the law says that sexual intercourse between children under the age of consent is legal.

Hey anons.
How much do jews like money?
Like if a jew had to sacrifice all of his money or his wife which would he keep?

He's going to spam cheese pizza now that you've deleted legal photos of children.

That wasn't the point. He was shitting up the thread with spam.

That was probably his point and you took his bait like the blabbering idiot you are.


That has always been bullshit. It continues to be bullshit. It will continue to be disregarded.

That is why most people hide all sagefag posts.

That post made my pants fit funny.

Yep…tried and failed, but why did he fail? He failed because the one thing that anons here *do* agree on is that he is unliked and not respected by the users. HW respected the users and had their respect. When he did outreach like that they responded to it as a result. Dysnomia treats the users as his personal playthings. So they treat him the same way. As long as he remains here the users who also remain here will do whatever it takes to continue to ruin whatever he tries to do. You think this shit is all about pedos? SPAM?? No, those are symptoms of a problem, but not the problem itself. So you can address the symptoms if you want, but until you address the problem the symptoms will return, and it will get worse every time they do.

There is no saving Holla Forums. To do so would involve either disallowing VPN/Tor, which just isn't going to happen, or having Dysnomia quit, which I believe is equally unlikely. If you don't do the former, you have no enforceable rules. Which you only need because nobody respects the BO, who won't leave because he doesn't respect anyone else. It is a huge vicious circle, that can only be broken two possible ways.
So yes, in a lot of ways this is a waste of a thread.

Why does it have to be one set of the rules or the other? Pedos aren't really all that annoying. It's the spam and forced memes that reduce this place to garbage. It should be:
One thing pedos like to do is post their content 'fucking everywhere' but that already falls under spam.

t. pedo


fucking everywhere*


Mods have one job to do: ban faggots.

If they can't tell that someone posting NATURAL AND ORGANIC MEME and that picture of two anime girls dabbing in every thread is a faggot unworthy of posting on Holla Forums then they're not qualified to run this place.

yes…if you give pedos an inch they will take a mile. the only thing that will work is a zero tolerance policy

Punish the behavior not the person. No wonder you morons can't keep an obscure imageboard functional. You lack basic management skills.





spam is the best thing about Holla Forums

The fuck are you smoking? The person acts out the behavior. The person gets punished for acting like a pedospamming faggot. Simple.


You forgot spacechan

He forgot 4chan - the best chan - too! =P

In the since that a fire that spreads through the house and burns everything is the best fire


No. You see everything will be better because I'm not a cockroach.

turkroach kek



You really need to understand that the word "ban" has no meaning here.

Leave pedos alone

Punished HOW?
There is no ban. There is only delete. Deletion is not a punishment to them, it is an encouragement.
So you are left with nothing to defend yourself.
No tools = no improvement.
You can not make bread without applying heat to the dough. There is nothing here that produces heat anymore. Mods are scrambling to put the dough in the sun, anons are busy moving it back into the shade, even though it wouldn't bake in the sun anyway. It is a totally pointless exercise in futility. I have no idea why Jim even bothers keeping it going, because I know he is losing money on it. I vote for total shutdown. I'd rather see it gone than see it continue getting worse, and there is no way to make it any better at this point.

Why dont you faggots let Holla Forums, be itself?

Kinda this, tried to spam the stupid stealth pedo thread and got zero help , then got the spam deleted even after Dysnig said he wouldn't delet spam. This board is 99% pedos. Including the vols.

Because that is what it is now, and nobody likes it.

But Holla Forums has always been like that, for as long as i can reember. You faggots are the ones being triggerred and wanting to change/b/, becaus «e you dont like it.

Then that is your problem…newness. Believe it or not, unlike 4chan/b/, there was a time when this Holla Forums was good. It was very good, as a matter of fact.

Except i've been around since 2014, user and i dont rememeber Holla Forums ever not being pedo or autistic for that matter.

Yes, it has always been both. But those things never kept Holla Forums from being good until Jim stole the place from HW and started wiping his ass with it instead of treating it like it was worth something. People don't appreciate being treated like shit. Doing so has consequences. That is really all this is.

I remember it always being spammed to death with either parrots or ponies or little girls. The autism was always here. Hoesntly the pedos outlasted everyone. They deserve the medal of autistic superiority and Holla Forums

Dysnomia has come a long way in the last 2yrs. It's hard to believe it's the same fag who picked up the board by pure fluke after the jimmening. It's not his fault that baph were v& or that jim screwed the turnip or that nugger et al and most oldfags went to twitter and private fb. The site lost its soul long before Dys became BO and if he died tomorrow (I'd laugh my ass off) his replacement would almost certainly be worse

Likely, yes. But it depends on who it was. It would have to be someone all the anons would respect, meaning it couldn't be a promotion of anyone already here. It is silly to bother even going down that line if exploration though, because that isn't going to happen. We are stuck with Dys and he is stuck with us, neither can stand each other, and neither is going to back down. So unless something fundamental about the site changes, Holla Forums won't be changing either. This shitstorm is the future.

That is true. He used to listen to people. He didn't used to go out of his way to deliberately piss off the userbase. He has come a long way. Just not in the right direction.

Dysnomia Did Nothing Wrong
Jim Did Nothing Wrong
God Bless the Mod Community

Make Holla Forums Great Again - Remove Pedo

Spam and repetitive threads aren't breaking US laws, and Holla Forums is supposed to be the most free board on Holla Forums, so I'm unironically in favor of both spam and repetitive threads.

Literally Hitler. Nazi mod won't allow cheese pizza posts.
Rip Holla Forums

Also here, have some ponies.

degenerates out


if your intent is to get the site down it sure is

In the real of leaglity, of course



Remove mods, basically

Outside of the obvious illegal shit, ignore everything. Literally everything. Ignore the whiners, ignore the complaints, ignore the babies.

This is fucking Holla Forums, not /hugbox/. It's not supposed to be good. It's not supposed to cater to special snowflake needs. Most of all it's not supposed to make sense. Never let anyone know your reasons for anything. Your only answer to all questions should be "Fuck off. It's Holla Forums."

If they can't handle that, then they don't belong on Holla Forums.

this is where people come because you don't have to be pc here. everyone's voice is exactly equal, there's no system in place to allow mob mentality to take over (like upvotes or followers or whatever). i'm fine with trying to reduce the amount of spam, but if you get rid of pedo threads, it's the same as getting rid of gore or trap threads. they are there because some people are into that shit, but they're also important to those of us that aren't. they serve as a deterrent for delicate snowflake normies who can't handle seeing things they don't like. don't make this place mainstream.

on another note, what do you hope to accomplish by getting rid of pedo threads? do you think that will help get rid of the people who post cp? you do realize that people can post cp in other threads, right?

Are you going to set up a poll or what?

Fuck off cuck, 4/b/ was never good but that doesn't mean we can't try and make this board decent

Are you new to the internet?



I'm a pedo and to be honest i don't care for the CP being posted on Holla Forums because it brings the cops, and i do not want the cops on Holla Forums. As far as the little girl model threads they are okay so long as they are kept to a minimum. To be honest i don't see why we even have them here. We have at least three pedo boards where people can post their child models, there is no need to bring this shit here.

I would love to get rid of the spam, but i don't actually see much of it here. What do you guys call spam around here? Some guy who posts a thread with a picture of two guys having anal sex? Not spam. Spam is someone advertising a site or some idea like the dumbass in /news+/ who keeps invading every thread with some post about needing to fix Holla Forums because it won't let white people meet up or something. And the gore, yeah get rid of that or keep it contained to one thread please. I know this is Holla Forums, but we don't need to be sickos.

yeah kill that shit too. There does not need to be 15 threads about pedos, lolis, gore, and the gay community. This includes 15 fucking porn threads as well.

Finally you guys need to remember to respect all the mods, vols, and janitors here. You regulars here constantly complain about them not doing their jobs and then shit on them when they do their jobs, no wonder they don't seem to care. I'd have a hard time caring about a board where people treat me like shit day in and day out. So try to be a bit more respectful.

In the end i really think the problem Holla Forums has is you have too many assholes who want this board to be some form of chaos incarnate 24/7 and when they get it then they bitch and moan because it isn't the type of chaos they wanted. I know most of you think this board is some kind of personal hug box for you to post on, but it ain't. Try acting a little more mature and maybe the damn board won't be such a shit hole.

Personally after so many years on image boards i have just given up on caring about the random board especially. Its just filled with a lot of self-destructive trolls with nothing better to do. And i know that's how most people treat this board.

You're an idiot.

t. Modnigger

This. Pedos have their own board on the chan and they need to use it. If that means getting more vols to contain the insanity, then do it. Holla Forums has become a cancer eating away at the rest of fullchan just as is has halfchan

Insert picture of naked loli here

What I don't understand is, pedos go on and on about how they want to be accepted in society. Yet, they go out of their way to be a malicious cancer

when did we do that?

Allow pedos
Remove blatant, persistent, and extreme flooding
Remove botspam

But who am I kidding? You only listed those three sets so you could justify your intent to target pedos

Allow anything legal
remove pussy bitches

Ah, but I'll agree with you there.

He breaks his own rules.
He bans people because he's butthurt.
He changed his mind about important shit on a weekly basis.
He's too afraid to stand up to Jim.
When he's inactive the board has a higher organic post count.

Pedos aren't the ones spamming CP, faggot

t. LH

The very definition of a rapefugee

Are you suggesting the ones posting CP are antis because I'm sure the guy posting them is, without question a pedophile.

I vote for 1. As if votes mean something but it's the though that counts.

If that bothers them they signed up for the wrong job tbh.

When he first got the board? Not really. dys has been here for 2 years and only recently (like July 2017 or so) has all the hate started about him. I never saw a reason for it, it just kind of spread like a forced meme.


I'm starting to understand a little more about how moot felt after 2009.

Maybe you should stop bullying him then.

so basically keep Holla Forums how it is and tone down the moderation so you fags can spam meta threads and cry boo hoo muh spam

Not when yours is drowned out due to spam.



This ni🅱🅱er gets it.

Pedos are SJW.

that's horrifying


t. Ox

I don't need to treat anyone differently just because of their "power of position." The janitors here are the bottom of the retard/newfag barrel. They have no clue what they're doing and they haven't tried hiding that since day one.
I know it's a lot to ask for but can the volunteers be 'more' consistent with their bans. This isn't just about the pedophiles and their instagram pictures, this is about overall board quality. Face it we're stuck here with the pedos; they're not stuck here with us because they have the darknet and MANY other clearnet pedophile havens. That is, they choose to stay here and they'll choose when to leave too. Be more consistent about dost, ban lengths and what is considered spam. I know it's a lot to ask but these are the things that are angering everyone. The pedos are tired too, they're tired of going through this cycle. It's obvious everyone else is tired of their shit too but we're stuck with them until they choose to leave. We are all tired.
Respect is earned not just given because they think they're above the users. A shitty capcode doesn't change shit. If that were the case then everyone would respect Jim but like I said earlier, respect is earned not given.


Mods do 90% of the dirtywork keeping this site alive. That earns my respect. How about you try to earn theirs?

t. mod


t. hex

I wonder how you would know that.
It's always good to have some self respect.
I'm open for suggestions on how to earn theirs, not implying that I want it just want to see how you're going to rationalize wanting the respect of someone you don't already respect. Their respect is worthless but I'll humor you.
Attention whoring volunteer confirmed.

But I'm correct aren't I? You are a mod, and you are shilling for yourself in the least transparent way possible.


Because I sure as fuck am not the one cleaning up CP and keeping the site up for Jim boy. It's the volunteers.


are you just rusing me


wrong pic

Where are you suggestions? I asked for suggestions. I humored you.
Wow they're so good at being janitors. Let's give them some respect because they got it right this one time; let's just ignore their 20 fuck ups because that doesn't matter. They haven't learnt a single thing and it's been 2 months since they got their 'jobs.'



Best Korea Did Nothing Wrong

He obviously meant that everything exept CP should be deleted.

















Just fucking delete the board.




Just FYI I vote for

Was meant for
K for Kool.

kys fatty

Missed this one.

Mirin' triceps. ngl.

If we could stop being primarily a porn board that'd be great, /wx/ exists for a reason. I get that "random" includes porn, but when it's crowding out other, more interesting threads it gets pretty irritating.

Also getting the pedos to fuck off would be nice. I mean, they don't even have to totally fuck off, but if they could stop using Holla Forums to swap pics I'd appreciate it. I know there's no way we can ever stop them completely, but I travel internationally decently often and I'd like to stop feeling paranoid about how well I've wiped my browser cache. There are a variety of .onion chans that they would find more hospitable. Just get it the fuck away from me.

It is really hard to take someone seriously when they are accusing an user of self-shilling while they themselves are tripfagging.

What's wrong with you?

Awww look, Dysnomia's mom showed up to defend her precious little (!) bundle of joy…or whatever. How adorable. :P

Fuck off, SJW. This isn't elementary school.

You keep using that word as if it means something here. It doesn't. That is something that Dys and the Mods need to accept. Advancing technology has rendered the ban tool useless as long as the site allows VPNs and Tor.

I do, but that has fuckall to do with my browser cache.

Plus some sites break and send you 403s when you try to connect with VPN.

and you faggots will be the ones to take that from us when the feds come down on the site

Bring back Hex tbh

Go back to >>>/cuckchan/ if you want VPNs and Tor banned tbh

Not our fault that you don't know how to cache.
Still not our fault nor our problem.

You're right, it's not your fault other sites disallow VPN traffic. It's your fault you share kiddie porn on a clearnet site, jeopardizing it for all of us who don't want to fuck eight year olds.

Just because me being a pedo fits your narrative doesn't make it true. Stop being childish and accept it's your fault for not being tech literate and/or competent enough to fix YOUR problem. This isn't our problem, this is yours. One free google search just for you. Please use it wisely.

I didn't say I wanted VPN and Tor banned.
I just said that as long as they are allowed, the ban tool is useless. Hyperdefensive much, pedro?

I have never posted CP to Holla Forums.

t. pedo

ox cool guy. doesn't afraid anything


good thanks

based ox

I don't care for 3dpd, but I at least want the option to post lolis so a slightly altered version of Ruleset-1.






never do this

WAIT you do realise what will happen right if you enforce the first set of rules? Holla Forums Holla Forums will just become a slower version of 4chan Holla Forums without exsessive porn. That will kill all trafic since everyone would migrate to the faster version of it. I say allow pedo posts to a small limit, Get rid of spam. Allow repetitive threads to a limit if posted more than twice.

Isn't the whole point of 8 Holla Forums to be more free and different from 4 /b?



>>>Holla Forums


ban me tbh

give me mod so i can ban this guy tbh

you left, move on



This tbh

reported for cp

This tbh

I judt false reported this and this



kys pedoscum

child photography is illegal, you degenerate. Reported for cp

this tbh

Why aint'chu uh Mod again nigga?
Deze niggas stupid.

Mod dis muh'fugga!


i's not mod becuz they tryna keep a nigga down and shiiet. de whyte man tryna keep me from gettin my powas back

we wuz kangz and shiiiiet nigga

key phrase: if it was legal


It is, stop denying who you are

i don't think she's 13 tbh

too young






aww shiiiet


aW SHEEIT NIGGA!!. you Quick Meyng!

Her favorite game is make believe

t. cp spammer


9999 mine nigguh!!



Tripfags should have no place on Holla Forums anywhere. Tripfags are to be reviled, antagonized, and bullied until they kill themselves. All tripfags must die. They are 100% pure, grade-A cancer.

Quads, d9x4

Quads, d0x4

We are getying so close to that (dx)7 get, 7777777, omg!

hex isn't a tripfag tbh

this tbh





is this a pedo thread?

pedo discussion

i don't see ox posting SM yet i don't think this is a pedo discussion

i think so. the 100+ images of little girls probably speaks volumes


t. ox

last i heard mailman was ox.

true tbh


It's a meme you dip

remedy hidden 29 seconds Holla Forums Dismissed 1 local report(s) for post #7710038
remedy hidden 33 seconds Holla Forums Dismissed 1 local report(s) for post #7710039
remedy hidden 40 seconds Holla Forums Dismissed 2 local report(s) for post #7709775
remedy hidden 44 seconds Holla Forums Dismissed 2 local report(s) for post #7709940


t. mailman

t. Ox




if this is a pedo thread why is it so slow


good point. maybe because it's stickied, and doesn't garner as much attention?

saved tbh

could be tbh


ban the spastic mormon
blacklist his trip
kill his mom

Damn you got me.

t. butthurt user

wheres the mailfag?

My name is Jimmy Rustles and I suggest we bring back Hex.

Can you stop posting that fucking whore?


Thank you Jimmy. I didn't know you were such a based mod tbh. :^)



how old is she

23. but you can't do anything lewd, mormon

I got your back bruh


kys salty pedofag

based tbh

im no pedo, rookie

t. pedo

she is not, actually

Wow ,that's pretty not shit of you. I'm quite impressed.



Y u mad bruh?



I hate this meme.

t. hitler youth

t. Jim

Bitch, I ain't implying shit! I just didn't expect him to vote for 1. Fuck outta here with the accusations!



t. Hex

i wanna fug that lil mouse tbh

fucking siberian rodents ?


ITT: Mod circle jerking

Give me 9/10 y.o mousey and I'll be happy for life.


9/10 year? That's pretty young user she can't even walk yet silly! 😆

take the hex pill, kid

t. Hex

ebin. saved tbh

still going to fug.

but i'm not a mod yet

top fucking kek

Y U no Mod hex yet Senpai?

they obviously haven't taken teh hex pill tbh



Ich liebe meine Freunde am Holla Forums.

Guten nacht


Guten nacht

Hey whos the new guy here? He seems friendly, maybe I should get him to babysit my little sister.



for shame

more photos of that place/set please.

Can we trim the WEBM cyclical thread down to 500 posts instead of 750? It takes for fucking EVER to load at 750.


I'd do her


That was the point, when it was started. The point since Jim took over has been to keep traffic up high enough to sell ads, but not high enough to make money. And to keep the law far enough away to not be able to get proof of his money laundering.

You still have an account, log into it and ban him. But please stop tripcoding like a colossal faggot. It makes you look as arrogant as Dysnomia.

Tripcoding should be reserved for mods/admins who are posting in an official capacity, and only used for that purpose. There is no other legitimate reason for them on an anonymous board.

Oh, and sagefagging is pointless as well. Get rid of that too. Anons too stupid to know how to tripcode are using that as their retard version of ID'ing themselves.

t. ox

Get better internet retard

We've already got the best internet retard.
He owns the board.

Looks like you're a retard and a schmuck too. I'm going to hazard a guess that you're also a shit skin too.

pic related.
All this talk is pointless. The tools don't support anything that involves controlling what gets posted and what doesn't. The tools don't support anything but cleaning up the shit after it happens. So talking about what is going to be "allowed" is talking about a situation which can not exist. EVERYTHING is allowed to be posted here, and that isn't going to change. The only thing that can change is what gets deleted. So any suggestions about not allowing pedos, or spam, or CP, or deliberate shitposts, or banning people, is nothing more than ignorance or denial. Those things can not happen here no matter how much we wish they could.
Mods are janitors. The question in this thread can only be "which kinds of shit do you want them to clean up, and which kinds of shit do you want to stay?"
Because that is all the tools allow them to do.

If all of this shit is going to be landing here for everyone to see anyway, and it is, you might as well not bother pretending that it isn't raining shit and allow it all to stay except that which you are legally required to remove. CP. And restrict it to obvious CP. Artistic nude children is legal in the US, btw. Hardcore CP should not stay, obviously. And given the volume of pedo posts here, that alone should keep the mods plenty busy with their mops and buckets. No need to drown them in delete work for things that they don't need to be worrying about from a legal standpoint.
Bottom line is that nobody can control what gets posted here, so you should all stop pretending that you can. Pretending that you can by making threads like this to discuss doing things that are impossible only makes the situation worse.


That's considered child porn to janitors here, along with Instagram pictures because damn do those pedos like to shill their Instagram waifus.
Stop deleting the pedos' Instagram pictures and maybe they'd stop going out of their way to shit up EVERY single thread. Stop poking the hibernating bear. Delete CP and illegal shit but stop being faggots about OBVIOUSLY legal shit. Why the fuck do we have to repeat this every single meta thread?

I just loaded up the webm thread in less than 15 seconds and I know for a fact our flat doesn't have the best internet.
This retard is definitely a shit skin.


Wonder how many kbs he gets

That is part of the problem, dumbass. What an individual "considers" is not valid criteria for jack-shit, especially if that individual is a moron. Put multiple different individual considerations into the mix and you end up with the shitstorm we have now. What is needed are standards. Clearly defined boundaries that eliminate the need for judgment on anyone's part. Rule #1 provides that. If it IS legal in the US (not if anyone considers it to be legal) it stays up.
You may not like it, I may not like it, a lot of anons may not like it, but realistically that is the only way this board, and this site tbh, is going to be able to continue unless the mods get better tools.

That's why I pointed it out you pretentious faggot.

takes 15 seconds for a thread to load? surely i'm not the only one who has a problem with that. that's a long assed time

jim disagrees with you. for moar info see:
muh dost

I'm not impatient like that shit skin that claims to have the 'best internet.' Surely people here are patient because at these times the board is slow, really slow and on 8/b/ I usually expect a reply after 5-10 minutes has elapsed, so I don't know what difference a few seconds makes when we're all wasting our time here.


Patience is a virtue, you impatient faggot.

nice deflection, faggot

Good one.

To someone who jacks off to completion in only 8 seconds, 15 seconds *is* a long assed time.

Damn! Quickest I've ever done it was about 20. Congratulations?

this tbh

make a
board and
everyone that
posts on
that board
gets there
IP codes


Sounds perfect. Endless repetitions of the same thing aren't random and those kinds of threads tend to be circlejerks anyway.

Getty Spaghetti

So close =(

Sad and bad.

fugggg ;DDDDD




why is this even a question

and why is it still a question?

this shit a has been pedalled, for months / years. surely we should have arrived at answer by now

i propose that the only reason we havent is because the mods are deliberately using the pedo / spam "debate" as a means to troll the community, in the same vein as flags and ids are constantly being removed and reintroduced

if pedo shit is allowed, then this board is not only pro pedo, it becomes a pedo board and therefore not random. the pedo community can not coexist with any other type of poster because anyone who tolerates pedo shit is automatically a pedo in the same way that anyone who tolerates feminism is a feminist


you can't censor the truth. YOU CAN'T SHUT DOWN THE SPIRITS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE! people deserve to know that the corruption is real. justice is truth.
save this before it's taken down. they don't want you to find out what is going on

TOR IS NOW BANNED ON Holla Forums as a result of posting this there!

Not sure if retarded or baiting but fuck you retard just in case.

tfw posts started getting deleted from this thread and this is the thread thats supposed to decide if the posts are to be deleted…

Holy shit more lgs please

calm down alex jones your pizza is almost here




8/b/ was great during the brief golden era when it was a textboard the game

The thread will be up until Friday 19, 23:59 UTC
After that, rules will be changed in accordance with the winning set, which will be counted at the time of locking the thread. They will not be changed again for at least 6 months. unless dysnomia forgets what a ruckus we could cause and changes them again :^)

I have two issues with your post. One, why the fuck didn't you just upload the image as you normally would, instead of linking to it? Two, you mention Holla Forums once, making me question the relevance of your post. What exactly is your goal here? You aren't going to affect the Holla Forums meta by posting on Holla Forums.


Nigga dats naht how'yoo git gets nigga


This tbh

t. pedofag

That means you have ~21 hours to save all the midgets ITT.

Remove Pedos

Other than that keep everything else. Just death to pedos

ruleset 2 obviously


remove pedos, keep the midgets

fuck this dead board with shit post quality; im unironically fucking off to mewch. its just as dead as this shitty board but at least the posts arent all spam and retardation

Wait a minute…


*blocks your motor vehicle*
What do?




1. Can you enable early 404 for threads with low amounts of posts? I think it'll make it harder for the spammer.
Why hasn't anyone suggested this?
2. You should have created a for this.
3. The main problem with pedos is that they're repetitive and they like to spam. This is already covered under 2 frankly.
create a word filter to fuck with them


The pedos have actually been behaving believe it or not but at the cost of the whole board being spammed with non pedoshit. It's like we can never win because there's always a few faggots taking turns shitting on our board.

1. nobody has suggested that because you'd have to be severely mentally deficient to suggest such a thing. you think it'll make it harder for the SPAMMER? think about this for a second. a spammer is a problem because they post the same thing many times over in rapid succession. they do this to attempt to drown out any voices they don't like. on a site like Holla Forums, this means they are either spamming an existing thread, or spamming the board in general with many different threads. in the case of the individual thread, the spammer is, again, spamming, which means that the thread will receive a high amount of posts very rapidly. in the case of the whole board, they will be constantly bumping their own threads to try to keep them on the front page(s), or they will be incompetent and irrelevant.

2. i don't see any problem with a poll, but i think they wanted to read what people had to say instead of just majority rules.

3. there is spam of all kinds on Holla Forums, it's not just pedos. as far as them being repetitive, you might want to think a little bit before you diarrhea all over your keyboard. generally speaking, pedos talk about pedo shit in pedo threads. nigger haters talk about nigger hate in nigger hate threads. if you're still confused, allow me to enlighten you. when a thread is created about a specific subject, generally speaking, the posts contained within said thread will be about that specific subject. if you really want to vastly over-generalize and call that repetition, and use it as a reason to get rid of pedos, then by that logic, all of Holla Forums should be removed completely. if that's your stance, then the solution to your problem would be to get the fuck out and never come back.

Pedos need to hang


if we go, you guys go too. It's gonna be 18+ dummy.

Early 404 definitely helped in either 2016 or 2017 against a spammer. It make him have to post at least 5 time as much to clear the board of threads.
Spamming a thread is much less effective then creating new threads with no new posts.
< generally speaking, pedos talk about pedo shit in pedo threads. nigger haters talk about nigger hate in nigger hate threads.
They wouldn't be as bad if they stuck to their own threads, but they don't. And even if they did, posting "blocks your path" and some fraction of the same pool of images you have is pretty repetitive. That's what people used to complain about with the daily pedo thread.
You seem pissed

So basically your gripe is that Holla Forums doesn't allow (((mods))) to get full a full dox on everyone they don't like, regardless of whether or not they're posting CP?
Did we really need more evidence that mods and volunteers across all boards are trying to cuck this site into becoming another FBI honeypot (and are succeeding at it)?

Pedo here. I don't like spam. Even pedo spam. I would be fine with removal of ALL duplicate threads, even duplicate pedo threads OR removal of only obvious cases of catalogue flooding regardless of the topic

Spammer here. I don't like pedos. Even when they spam. I would be fine with removal of ALL pedo threads, even pedo spam threads OR removal of only obvious cases of pedophilia regardless of the quantity of posts.

going to 5 pages just makes it easier for the spammer to nuke the entire catalog

which makes it literally halfchan

DELETE pedos
ALLOW shit threads (so things stay natural)


I am also for the second set of rules. I hate pedos, they're like furfags but even more self righteous.

Remove both.

how to deal with it:

make a system where users need to have a tripcode to post.
only mods can see this tripcode
but the post made in Holla Forums is still anonimous

unless the user puts a name or a tripcode alongside the name

make these tripcodes separate from name tripcodes

put these indentification tripcodes to be available to creation only certain days of the week, in other days they are not available, and new users cannot post


remove tor
ban vpns
ban pedos
ban spamming
ban dysnomia

and turn userflags back on

The point, which you're deliberately avoiding, is that people are conflating pedo spam with pedos in general. Most of the spam is done by anti's, and their intent is to get pedos kicked off of Holla Forums.

When we had cyclical threads for common topics there weren't five pedo threads in the catalogue at once and everything was fine. We had the occasional CP dump, but that's not a solvable problem. Then someone, probably Jim, decided to undo the cyclical thread thing and at the same time start sometimes, but not always, delete pedo threads and ban pedos who didn't post CP. So the pedos not only didn't have an easily found thread to post in, but they became partially disenfranchised. And at the same time a small group of goons started spamming CP and shitposts.

This is not coincidence. They smelled blood in the water. If sane moderation decisions were kept to the goons would have been easily dealt with. But Dysnomia played right into their hands with his continuous arbitrary hot pocketry.

a majority of users itt want to gas the pedos but none suggests a means of achieving this. the grounded anons pointed out that bans are ineffective and that pedos reply to cp bans with more cp. it's fair to assume that they cannot really be forced out, but will only go of their own free will.
so, the question is: can the non pedos make Holla Forums so unattractive to pedo posters that they go elsewhere by choice?

gas this idiot. anonymity on the board should be forced including for mods. disable tripcodes permanently, reintroduce board specific ip hashes sitewide (or better still, remove ip hashes completely at board mod level) and remove 'inspect post history' from mod php

ITT: ballot stuffing, probably by mods


Allow pedo remove spam

This is how we can easily remove the pedos:
1. We will infest Holla Forums with normalfags
2. The normalfags will be annoyed by the CP: They will put extreme pressure on Jim Watkins.
3. Jim Watkins will disable the onion service and globally ban VPNs. This will make CP spamming much harder (Note: The onion service already blocks images, but sometimes they get through anyway, which is odd.
4. Now we can drive the normalfags out by spamming the board with gore constantly.
5. The pedos and normalfags have been removed.

Goon detected

never used sa a day in my life

you missed out

the internet used to be shitty and fun instead of just shitty



You missed the point

was making.

weren't a vote for 2.

specifically said to allow some pedo threads

But you know this. Do what you're going to do, just don't pretend you're being democratic about it.


keep pedos.
remove spam.
10 pages.

But you aren't either of those people, so you aren't going to change their votes. If they want to change them, they are welcome to, past that, when I see "remove pedo" I don't see some obfuscated point about something else, I see "remove pedo".

Looks like a vote for 2, without removal of spam and dupe threads.

There's always something wrong, always one little imperfection that, for some reason, always means there is some conspiracy. If I didn't want this to be democratic, I wouldn't have made the thread. Go put your tinfoil hat on, retard.

I vote for scapegoat ruleset:

If we're to remove pedos, we need to ensure the following:
-Absolutely not tolerated.
-Deleted as quickly as possible.
-Never go back on decision (As Omlet points out, they were almost removed in the past, but they returned in droves)

that sounds like a lot of work for nothing. the pedos like this place because they are not wanted. it stiffens their cock to piss non-pedos off. there is no solution to the pedo posters.
Holla Forums doesn't need rules, it needs an operating policy. i.e. cp will be deleted. spam will be deleted. bans may apply. if you don't like it, fuck off.


I am for the first ruleset. Stop rulecucking Holla Forums




sage tbh

ITT: Pedos say 'remove pedos' to trigger Ox.

or Ox saying remove pedos to trigger himself? Let's go with the former.

This user gets it.
We can't ever win.
Advancing VPN technology in conjunction with the way this site is designed and operated mean control of what does and does not get posted is entirely in the hands of the users. All anyone on the admin side can do is delete whatever they don't want up. So without an actual army of mods, we are stuck with whatever the anons who hang out here decide to post.
That is the reality of the situation here, and nobody is denying it.
I don't think anyone seriously wants to prohibit VPN/Tor use, so what other measures could *realistically* be used?
One that has not yet been mentioned is screening posts before they go live. Again, this would be very mod-intensive, but with the pph as low as it has been, it is at least doable from a logistical standpoint if you have enough mods. Something to consider, anyway.
Short of adding many, many more mods or blocking VPN/Tor however, there is really nothing that can be done. The inmates are in charge of the asylum.

i really liked the remove pedos kick we had a few weeks ago
how about something like:
spam is allowed
repetitive threads are allowed
but not even pictures of children
maybe a containment thread?
might get the pph up if people aren't constantly bombarded with pedo threads tbh