What would Holla Forums's ideal school system look like?

In a white ethnostate of your choice, what would the ideal school system look like?

Would you separate the boys from the girls?

Which subjects should be taught?

How would you de-Judaize school books and other materials?

How would the transition from primary to secondary and tertiary education go?

Would you restrict certain career paths to boys/men only?

More education
No indoctrination

Everything they teach nowadays but only until until 8th grade level, if the child has a talent/passion in something academic (or athletic) then develop that as far as possible
Why the fuck not?
women can have a "career" if shes talented/passionate, but in this ideal world propaganda would support motherhood for women above all else

Sorry fam i misread you, but when we destroy the (((parasite))) everything will naturarly occur on its own.
I.e: true history being discovered, biology is stricty scientific….

1: Test for aptitude at an early age. Partly to identify who requires more help, but possibly also so that students with less academic aptitude can focus on developing other skills.

2: Stop compromising standards. A massive issue in the western school system is "nice teachers" who set passing grades on students who have not deserved them. This escalates and postpones the problem. It's better that a student fails at an early age when there is still time to catch up compared to failing in their last year of high school and getting screwed.

3: Fix the toxic anti-effort culture that plagues our schools. Working hard to better yourself should admirable, not the target of ridicule as it is today.

4: Reduce the "special needs" programs. They don't help anyone in the long run. Sooner or later these kids will get out in the real world and they won't get any special treatment then. They simply have to learn to deal with their issues.

5: Yes I would separate boys from girls. Boys open up for entirely different teaching possibilities compared to girls. They are more open with how they feel about pressure, which means you can push them harder with the confidence that they will tell you if you go too hard.

6: Subject wise i would like to see: Typical STEM stuff, Philosophy (focus on propositional logic), history (proper one), economics and then more specific stuff depending on the aims of the student.

School Lunch in Japan - It's Not Just About Eating!
CafCu Media
Published on Apr 19, 2015

i propose, in this thread, presenting and evaluating existing examples of education systems around the world - and its relevance and applicability to our countries.

0:01 / 11:32
Kids Gone Wild: Denmark's Forest Kindergartens
SBS Dateline
Published on Feb 23, 2016

I believe that some studies have shown that boys in boys-only schools are less likely to be bullied than in mixed schools. Instead of trying to pretend that boys and girls are the same, we should adapt education to the needs of both sexes, instead of drugging boys with Ritalin to keep down their energy levels.

When it comes to career paths, it'd probably be better to strongly limit women's opportunities in science and technology. Women bring more problems with them in those fields than they're worth, e.g. donglegate, elevatorgate, etc. Above all else, women should be encouraged to stay at home and take care of their children, but I wouldn't mind some of them working in fields related to healthcare, child care, veterinary sciences and animal/nature conservation, as long as it doesn't lead to higher male unemployment rates.

It's also very important to teach children how Jews and non-whites have negatively affected our societies. The non-kosher version of what happened in WWII should be a very important theme in history classes. Teaching things like cooking, cleaning and wilderness probably wouldn't be a bad thing either.

Suited to the student. Each human has different goals, likes and ambitions. Sticking all in the same mold is basically soul crushing.

Help in the form of money only to the brightest. Rigorous tests with emphasis on natural sciences and classical education. Greek and Latin should have a comeback, so should philosophy(real one, not the merxist shit that is preached now). Overall, connection with nature should be the top priority with meditations sessions. I come from a country with a lot of woods and expeditions into caves/mountains/whatever were always good since it has a good effect on a human.

The same but more suited to the student. The only thing that I would add is kindergartens in nature. That shit does wonders.

In a way. Child caring shout be left to women only since they are better at it. Other jobs that are unfit for the women body(destroying it in the process) should be restricted.

Maybe even experimentation with mind altering drugs such as shrooms, LSD and ayahuasca. Small groups first to see if it's effective.

There's almost a whole chapter about this in Mein Kampf.

the strong must be protected from the weak

everything else follows from the root principle

I agree except for the child care thing. We need men running anything related to education.

I have a question since another user opened up a what would Holla Forums do about x.
How would you reform sociology and psychology. They need a complete makeover the first one might even need deletion

why do so many anons want to have separated school? whats the reason behind this?
what are the pros and cons of separated school?

Thats pretty aryan, and checkem.

Which chapter?


vol. 2 chpt 2 if i remember correctly

I as I think most of us think about this quite a lot. I don’t have much time right now but will throw a couple of my ideas in the pot.

Gender segregated secondary education as a must, same sex primary education is not an issue but neither must (for example in the case of feeder schools it would make sense for them to be same sex from start to finish).

Academic learning’s to only be standard until the age of 14 with workplace apprenticeships to be offered at this age, especially but not exclusively in the trades. From 14 a small weekly wage is to be paid to the apprentice that is placed in a holding account that can not be accessed before 21 (I am not a fan of interest but if it is still a common practice then it can be applied to the savings). Full wage earning to commence at 18 as law but no access to savings account.

At 21 with (hopefully) financial maturity access is given to the apprentice earnings. Should this money be spent on property then the Government is to assist with via financial means with the acquisition of a low interest mortgage for which the savings will act as a deposit/ payment.

This way you have skilled workers who are homeowners (with direction and who are invested in the community NOT fresh out of university with no job and piles of debt) at the age of 21 and that equals more white children that we desperately need.


Making Kevin MacDonald's works required reading material would be a good start.

I'd allow only a part to be released at 21, so the person can experiment with how finance works. Many people I know, myself included, started to truly reach financial maturity around 25.

Something I'd add is that it would need something akin to Rabbis but for white people. Instructors who are simply there to cultivate disgust and contempt for lesser races all the more then others of course towards kikes, as well as desensitizing the students to the notion of acts of cruelty towards those of other races and creating a climate where it is not only normal and acceptable, but obligatory to be as cruel and merciless to outsiders as possible.

First of all, stop trying desperately to 'hold' students in school like a daycare just so that the parents can continue to work for Schlomo. Time with family must be encouraged and protected.
Children who don't want to be in school shouldn't be there since they tend to distract serious students and cause problems.

I think this guy has a good solution for apprenticeships etc. as this could REALLY give people a good head start if they are ready to work.
Why hold them back in schools until college-age when they could be already learning their trade and becoming responsible, independent human beans?
The focus must also be moved away from creating good little job-doers and towards cultivating strong, moral and independent thought. A truly just and moral government has nothing to fear from honest and logical criticism, in fact it stands to gain.

Absolutely, from kindergarten all the way through university. Boys and girls learn differently, and would be best served by schools that cater to their learning styles. However, schools would also be expected to coordinate with each other and arrange a large number of chaperoned recreational activities that involved both boys and girls in order to teach them to relate to the opposite sex in a proper, respectful, and positive fashion.

Boys and Girls would be taught an identical curriculum for the first ten years focused on math, science, physical education, and a social studies education that glorifies the cultural and material accomplishments of western civilization.

15 year olds would take a series of tests to determine scholastic, vocational, and physical aptitude. Boys who did poorly on these exams would be sent to a vocational high school to learn whatever trade they would be best at. Physically gifted boys could either go to the vocational school or attend a military-style academy focused around sports and discipline, with the ultimate goal of producing superior soldiers, police, and professional athletes. Boys who did well on the scholastic part of the test could attend vocational school, go to the military school as long as they met certain physical minimums, or could attend an exclusive university prep school, which would endeavor to give them a complete high school education but also allow them to specialize in certain subjects to an extent. Universities would only be open to graduates of these schools.

Girls would take the same aptitude tests. Those who received high scores could attend a university prep school similar to the boys. All the rest would be sent to a school focused on teaching domestic skills, instilling them with a good cultural education, and keeping them strong and healthy.

Men's and Women's universities would teach similar curricula with the intent of instilling students with a true classical liberal arts education. The first two years would focus exclusively on math, philosophy, music, rhetoric, history and a few introductory science classes. After that, students would specialize, with the expectation being that most would focus on STEM, medicine, or law. Degrees in history, physical anthropology, music, and philosophy would also be available, however the student would have to pass a murderously difficult entry exam to prove that they actually have something worthwhile to offer their field and aren't just going after an "easy" degree.

By putting all the kikes in the oven along with their books, of course. Really though, I think that if schools focused on providing a rigorous classical education, the problem would basically solve itself. There's nothing the Jew fears more than the classics, because they remind the white man just how noble, wise, and beautiful his birthright is.

Already covered.

The military will be exclusively male, as it should be. There will be no other explicit prohibitions, but children will be taught proper gender roles from a very young age, so most jobs will likely become de facto segregated as well.

Women are the niggers of gender.

20. The State must consider a thorough reconstruction of our national system of education (with the aim of opening up to every able and hard-working German the possibility of higher education and of thus obtaining advancement). The curricula of all educational establishments must be brought into line with the requirements of practical life. The aim of the school must be to give the pupil, beginning with the first sign of intelligence, a grasp of the nation of the State (through the study of civic affairs). We demand the education of gifted children of poor parents, whatever their class or occupation, at the expense of the State

goes normally up to highschool, then women's education focuses more on homemaking and childcare
For men, colleges should be fairly specialized and attached to apprenticeships in the field they want to enter


Boys learn best through hands on lessons, something modern public schools fail to cater to, and they are thrown into artificial social structures that are backwards and pathetic. Massive spending on sports stadiums and fields and equipment alongside idol-worship of athletes isn't encouraging anyone to do well. I went to a high school of 4,000 students and the massive Commons area was lined with TV screens, I'm guessing used to pad out the budget one year, that serve literally no function besides scrolling through a photo reel of school athletes. It's the most retarded cult imaginable, but public schools make it happen.

I believe most children do better in alternative schooling, and sold short by public schools. Small-group programs that can be organized at community levels are much more beneficial, teaching as a profession becomes more competitive as they have to elicit business from the parents, home schooling is fine as well, but sibject to the quality of the parent (one parent works, another takes care of the home and schools the children), public school is reserved for society's waste, the children of single parents or degenerates deemed otherwise unteachable.

Also, the university system needs to cleaned out with separation of teaching and research

Aside from proper academia, education in gun safety and operations. Make it like drivers ed but more thorough and through the years

Agreed. Women suddenly entering the workforce en masse in the 1960s has had disastrous economic consequences. Low male unemployment rates and birthrates that are at or above a replacement level are much more important than women having some worthless career that nobody will care about in 100 years.

No, but I would separate races. (reason being so that they can have bf's and gf's)
Everything they teach nowadays but only until until 9th grade level, if the child has a talent/passion in something academic (or athletic) then develop that as far as possible (credit to for the answer)
Government jobs would be white men only. motherhood would be standard for women but they can get another job if they want.

Do you have any question to which you don't already have the answer?

Before middle school I would want them taught together, humans do not start showing huge splits in gender development until they reach the very early of puberty, and nothing about needing to learn how to do arithmetic, reading or any other basic skills is locked from one gender. At least getting boys and girls aware of each others existence and teaching basic skills isn't bad. Once sexual differences start however, I would recommend splitting, however, creating two schools for everything is a waste of resources, create one school with one wing devoted to females, one to males with library, lunch and recreational activities being gender neutral areas for those friendships and courting rituals to start. I don't want them getting pregnant but like any other skill finding and understanding and wooing a woman is something that is learned through experience, you can't expect these men to court women having never been around them. Starting with high school, vocational splits should be made determined by prior testing. If you can't do well academically, off to a vocational or trade school and apprenticeship. Compensated but not allowed to be accessed until the child is 25.

On the note of gender, I believe arranged marriages should be the standard, but I won't go further unless asked.

Vocational hands on training for those who are never going to benefit from higher education. Much higher focus on STEM and less on soft sciences. History and philosophy from helping them develop national identity and good logic and ethics.

Women should be on average taught all of those important home making skills, cooking, child heath, design, small repairs, how to keep your legs closed etc.

Kill the Juden and the rest does itself.

I suppose I already answered this but, primary is basic skills and 100% mixed gender, secondary starts first with a focuses split on gender but with interaction between the two. Tertiary would be full split except for the rare women that tests out and goes into other careers.

Heavily encouraged for them to go their respective ways but not forbidden.

For any woman who wants to go into a hard career, she must forsake her fertility permanently or at least until she quits. A woman who is going into a man's world of work loses her femininity, and thus the price paid for that decision is having her tubes tied. A female that is not fertile and known to not be fertile will not distract man as much as otherwise. She might whore herself out, or other things of that type. She reduces her value voluntarily and lost her right to complain.

imagine niggers doing that. could you? wouldy you?

No, a man should be able to cook like a woman should be able to fire a gun. Children should be brought up to be self sufficient, men need to know how to cook more than a packet of hotpockets if there isn't a woman around, and a woman needs to be able to defend herself when a man isn't around.

Subjects are mostly fine today, just the content of them that needs severe reworking and reshaping, I think you can guess what most changes are without me stating them. Also add quite a lot of physical excercise, none of that pussy shit where fatty sits on the bench and everyone else runs slowly in a circle for 10 minutes. Add firearm training and basic warfare knowledge, by 14 children should at the very least be able to safely and efficiently operate a firearm, both male and female. Also add survival (e.g. finding your way through a forest with only a map and a compass) and such.

No, but people need to fit standards, rather than standards fitting people. The problem doesn't even exist if standards are kept and not lessened for diversity. With proper education without brainwashing most will gravitate towards separation anyway.

Same thing with race really, having a class with mixed races isn't an issue until standards start getting dropped to favour those who can't make it.

Biggest de-pozzing would be the arts and humanities, basically the last 100 years or more of "art" has to be rigorously shaped into form. Teach classical art aiming for beauty, rather than shock and disgust.

My ideal system would be forced homeschooling, with community organized field trips to supplement and ensure children are socializing with ALL age groups.

Socializing only with your own age group insulates you and makes you socially awkward. It also keeps older kids from learning how to be parents that can deal with younger kids.

Women stay home. They get free homeschooling curricula, with offerings from religious and secular groups. Online classes for older kids. Tutors available cheap for learning languages that parents don't know. City-wide field trips. Yearly state-wide field trips. Country-wide field trips for high achieving students.

Sports like football and soccer clubs should be city-wide. Larger cities could, of course, have more than one club per sport.

To test for academic achievement, perhaps state tests once or twice a year. Aside from that, no meddling.

Free access for children to museums, libraries, science centers etc.

Reminder that homeschooled children finish their daily schoolwork in half the time as those in "normal" schools. This means that homeschooled kids have more time to play outside, socialize with friends, and explore hobbies. This means that parents have to be less stressed about finding the time to get their daughter to ballet and their son to soccer.