All Posts On Holla Forums Are Samefagging


Yeah, ever since ids were scrapped, I get the feeling every fucking thread is just the same person.

isnt it just a meme at this point tho
like how can you even tell

right bro its so tru

The vols talking to themselves in an effort to boost the PPH is quite amusing

With the board being dead and all, any two posts within the same hour od each other are just samefagging at this point.

oh the irony

This is based.
It is why IDs were shitcanned, tbh.
There is no purpose to IDs when there are only 12 anons posting on the whole site. So KYSnomia killed IDs and told the vols to shillpost as much as possible with the most idiotic shit simply in order to generate responses and get the pph up.

Wrong again volfag

It's not like any worthwhile posters will look at their shit and think "dam i should join that"
Why do they even bother?

No u

Well, it's more direct to just give me your email and just chat there then. Come on. It's only you and me here

They bother because if the board activity falls too low, KYSnomia will get replaced.

then is this entire board just his little vanity project at this point?
is he so worthless that his ownership of this place is the only thing keeping him from necking himself?

I would, but if the two of us stop posting, this thread will never 404, and I'd rather not have my inbox spammed with cp. Already have too much as it is.

There are 4 posters on Holla Forums:
prove me wrong.

I'm here too BB

there is also me. and yes I did samefag a thread yesterday but any prudent individual could see that and it was for humor and to troll the RIDF and SVR that are paid to post here.

Literally this.
Not even the "Holla Forums is dead woe is me" ops are unique. Half of the threads are mine and since there's nobody else here I guess the others are yours.


Wrong again volfag

These are me

And this faggot
is (((You)))

You missed my one other post here, and six or so of your own ones.
samefagging never wins

actually it's part of a sinister plot of dysnomia and I to keep the board dead for good.
There's a lot of money on destroying imageboard culture right now.

newfig here, what's all this drama all about, and what are vols?
I take it fullchan doesn't really have a random board like /reddit central/'s

A larp. But true. It wouldn't suprise me one bit if Dysnigger and Jim are sucking that sweet sweet money dick. It's already well known that nerve centers and shill shacks popped up all over as soon as that 18billion Soros cash got dumped


They are not. What makes you think that.

I agree with this user. Nobody is samefagging.

Both these anons are right. There is no samefagging going on.

Well said, anons. We all know that nobody is samefagging.

this is how you samefag

Nice get, user.


Awesome double dubs.


that's the shittiest version of that gif ive ever seen





All me :^)



You got a few of mine in there user. Dont steal my samefags