Holla Forums the convention

Hows it feel to know this is all you pathetic freaks could ever hope for.
It would be hilarious if you weren't so disgusting. Forever Alone. The bottom feeders of society. Have fun playing with yourselves and humping your pillows Losers

Other urls found in this thread:



It's only bait if you identify with the losers aforementioned




Fuck you>>7701372

Fuck you

Ok so does in the guy in the back has three dolls? What a player. Unfaithful cunt.



Guy in the back has three dolls… what a player…unfaithful bastard.

Women hate me so I fuck my waifu pillow. Theres nothing wrong with this imo

Damn those things look creepy




Funnily enough, those people fucking dolls are also the ones making the computers you post on. One day, when communism arises, people like you will be lined up against a wall and shot, like the filthy sexual bourgeoisie scum you are. I wonder how much good your bullying will do when those men and women who are outcasts of society get fed up with your normalfag bullshit. Perhaps your girlfriend will try saving you by acting as your meat shield, so you don't get shot? Nope. She will give up, and you will die, and she will fuck the aggressors, because they won and you are dead. Fuck off, relationship rightist.

Holy shit I hope this was a larp. Are commies really this insane?

bump for lulz


in communism everything is for the state. Sexbots wouldn't have a place in communism, as they wouldn't do anything for the state.

Jump on over to Holla Forums theyre all about state mandatory homosexuality. Theyre not even thinking about sexbots. They want the state to force dudes to buttfuck
Fucking hilarious

On 4chins this would instantly become a spidey thread, weak ass punks.


Enjoy becoming worthless at 30.

Somehow playing with your dick and fucking lumps of rubber makes you useful to society? Literally what Nigger?


He means that you, presumably a woman, will become obsolete because of sexbots and artificial wombs.

Do you even history?

I think OP wants us to reproduce, that seems to be the point of this post.

But for what reason exactly, how would this benefit me. If the state wants me to have children they'll have to pay me.

By your logic, soviets wouldn't have invented cell phones because those don't seem useful to the state either.

lmao there it is again
I want to look away but I can't. The soul crushing defeat on display is beautiful

Nobody wants you to reproduce faggot. Just die off already

Nah, I think I'd like your children to be my children's slaves one day rather.

Way to go user. That'll show 'em. Really proved the OP wrong didn't ya. Fucking dumbass

The cringe is glorious

this photo is old
the sex dolls they have now look better now

Oh well… It's settled then isn't it?

a few of those aren't too bad tbh

It's not unlikely, most of the people who post here probably come from poor families and most are non-white on top of that.

Well, this goes without saying

Dubs of truth

Do you get the point OP? Your mad because you want to be one of us. You wont be nor will your shitty kids. Your so mad that you "lower yourself" to the "loser level" just to try to feel better about yourself.
So you are a buttmad chad sick of no beta's taking his leftovers so he can stop paying child support or your a fat bitch.

Hence why at the front page it reads: "Holla Forums! The Drakest reaches of the internet." Because this place is full of niggers

settled what faggot
are you implying that waiting for a sexbot, and not going out and being a slave to a 3DPD in order to get at her cunt is bad somehow?

Wow. To use this as your argument and think youve won anything… Holy shit. Wow


Holy shit user you're fucking retarded


Notice how its always the MGTOWs that sperg out in these degeneracy threads?
Really telling

I'm not triggered at all. This is fucking hilarious. I'm comfy sitting here watching you perverts ungulate under the weight of your own derp. I'm having a great time tbh

Really telling

I know you are. Like i said your so upset about what you are in life you come here to try to cheer yourself up. It's funny thats why im responding.

(trips of truth)
MGTOWs are faggots in denial tbh

Funnily enough, IF the socially retarded were even capable of the sort of communal interaction necessary to become a dominant social force, to the extent the somehow managed to take control, the world would have ceased to be the kind of place I would want to live anyway, so I would welcome such a death so eagerly that I would almost surely not bother to wait for you dweebs to gain the courage to learn how to fire a gun efficiently enough to shoot me.

Like what? Mgtow are faggots? Sorry to tell you user. Everybody says this about you


MGTOW's are chads that want to just keep fucking around and not support a family, you know this right? Most MGTOW's still have sex. So trying to shame them like that is useless but whatever, you act like a women.

Why are all of you so upset? Listen, us "losers" don't effect you. We will get sexbots and "not breed" and "not have children" so whats bad about it? You hate us so we "die" right? Yet here you are so upset over nothing. You sound like a women screaming about it raining outside and how she dose not want to get wet. No matter what you say it want change the weather and coming storm.

Dont ever call yourself a chad faggot

But it's true, you are the mad chads. Trying to push us to supporting your leftovers wont work anymore. Look, im the only one responding because i find this funny how mad you are all starting to get but the majority of us don't even care to respond because you are nonexistent problem in our lives.


Yea you're right user. You have much bigger problems like your crippling depression and your soul crushing loneliness. Stop pretending you're A-okay with being the dipshit you describe. You're pathetic

Like any of you poorfags will ever be able to afford these things even if they were to make it into this timeline any time in the near future lmfao

I had that when i thought about 3DPD, now i dont.
Meh, i travel alot to visit my old friends so it's not that bad.
Life is not perfect so im not going to get upset about it, why are you?
If being pathetic is allowing me to live the life i have then hell I'll keep being that then.



Only thing im upset about so far is me not getting dubs tbh.

they will be given out for free eventually

When will you find time to fuck robots when you'll be far too busy slaving away in work camps, starving to death and getting shot in the back of the head just cause?


computers were too expensive for normal people have, until they weren't

All the dubs are mine from here on out faggot. You waste them

people to have*

tbh anyone that is against robowaifus is probably a femanon


Alot of chads hate them because it breaks the whole "Betas take leftovers from chads" So they are most likely the ones shitting here right now. They are upset they will have to pay childsupport.


Yes.. Do you not History?

have fun paying child support for your 10 kids. and if you are a female we will find a use for you still, as slaves.

or a beta that gets their self value from 3DPD, and thinks trying to attack men that don't, and want something better then 3DPD will make him feel better, or chads that don't want the 3DPD to come after them for child support due to the 3DPD not be able to find some idiot to help her with his children

you do know that technologies that are a thing now will have people living much longer, in much better health, if not make them ageless

Have you seen women work? They would be the worse slaves ever. Lets just get allt he Chads and women rounded up and put them in Africa where they will be at home.

Keep mumbling future homelessfag

Chads don't hate robowaifus. Chads will rejoice when robowaifus are created. Believe it or not, most chads hate women and think of women as property. If they could just buy a robowaifu, they'll be happier than anyone else, because they cut the middlewoman between them and pussy. Only white knight beta cuck normalfag males hate this technology.

Are you going to sit here all night proving how much of a loser you are/ I sincerely hope so

Get the fuck off our board roastie. Accept that you are obsolete once your vagina is marketed.

Then why do i see so many chads supporting 3DPD? I rent property, housing, commercial and so forth. Every chad that rents from me still supports 3DPD in some way. the "beta provider" renters always pay on time and are clean since no 3DPD are fuckign over their lives. I see most chads being whiteknights.

Why you mad faggot?

you think I care if you take anything I say seriously.
I don't care how much meat 3DPD takes out of your ass, as it isn't my ass.
I am just here to see an idiot reeee about shit that supposedly don't matter to them, and if you're 3DPD, you're just reeeing about something that is a threat to your way of life, and any talking to you will be talking to a leech.

you still have a few years before the technology is mainstream, better go fuck as many guys as possible and have kids while you still can

Not gonna happen user. Keep wet dreaming

It's funny watching them think that shittalking us effects a thing here. They are trying to say their shit is bigger in a sewer full of shit.

I can't get real pussy so I'll hedge my bets on imaginary scifi robopuss. So sad




t. roastie fearing for her future

well doesn't really matter anyway you look at it.
okay, that sucks, but nothing has changed
great, I'll get one and live happily ever after
they'll have to get over the value they put on 3DPD, and their sex, and they will be fine
more 3DPD for them, or they get a sexbot, the only problem is there are less betas to support your leftovers, but that is your problem
who the fuck cares if a parasite losing its host?


Like i said, betas is a wrong term to use. Most whiteknights are older chads or cucks from what i have seen. Chads want 3DPD until they shit out a kid to support. 3DPD need a system to take betabucks to support their chadshildren. Betas don't want 3DPD they are the biggest market for companionbots. Chads will want a sexbot only but after they hit a 3DPD. If betas stop paying tax to support chads children programs then you will see a big change.

whats going on in this thread?

pissing off chads and 3DPD with 2D & Robo waifus.

roasties talking shit about sexbots and mgtow defending sexbots

or if betas stop getting good jobs, and just get jobs that pay the bills, due them no longer having to have money for sex

Betas don't have sex. They also don't get women that's why they have alot of bucks. But as you said they do make alot of money and pay high taxes. This must change so they stop supporting 3DPD and chads because of the state taking their cash.


Not whining, just stating the truth. Chads and 3DPD will always want betabucks. So, as things change betas must find ways of cutting the funding. You can't change anything until you understand the problem.

bump for lulz

Aw yes. Demoralize me more~

Sounds like a delusional faggot problem to me faggot tbh

Oh nooo, you got me im beat. Your so edgy you hit me so deep.
Oh wait, lol i don't care because we have robo companion bots soon and sexdolls now.

Reminder that prostitutes shut down a robot brothel because it was competition.
They know they're being phased out.
They are afraid.

*he/she/xir is right
It's only "they're" if it's your contention that multiple people are OP.



Considering that sexbots are probably going to be expensive at first, that's not essentially a bad thing.

They should keep being expensive. I don't want low income chads trying to drive the market to some knockoff that looks more 3DPD. They can have used dolls if they want. You know maybe a charity program for them.

ain't how markets work


Markets come out with new products. But the old products are less attractive unless your a collector.

markets come out with better versions something, in this case sexbots.
the old sexbots will become less expensive due to them not be the best, and thus not worth as much
it isn't going to be like this tho, you're going to go to website, and order it, the better the sexbot, the more it will cost, like it is with dolls now, it is still going to become cheaper, as markets get better at making them, and as they try to under cut each other.

Thing is market development is driven by sales. If the low quality sales hit high index then those will be made. We want robo companionbots to be developed to replace 3DPD and not mimic them. Chads will try to drive the market into a mimic of 3DPD. This is why we must make 3 models. A low class that looks kinda like 3DPD and dose useless shit that 3DPD will do. A mid range one that cooks, cleans and knows many positive qualities "made for the working man". The final high end model must be highly customizable.


sexbots are just another attempt to cripple white and asian families. disenfranchised men from these two civilization-building races will flock to experience a cheap imitation of a happy life, while abandoning their genepool to orc-equivalents of the human variant.

in case anyone still has illusions of human civilization colonizing space at some point, it's time to wake up from your silly dream.

we won't be colonizing space with 3DPD weighing us down


You do realize, don't you, that if a sexbot can do that robots will be able to replace any human below average intelligence at any job?

And that it won't happen for several decades? Any by that time you won't even be able to get it up if you're still alive?


I don't understand how technology advances
- the post

they already have them… It's just that they are good for one job at a time. Like making burgers. So, it seems i can still get it up and i am still alive.

I don't understand why robotics is hard

-the post

We already have sex robots that can do that? Link me to the purchase page then, faggot

nor do I understand AI, even where we're out in its development
-the post

I think I understand things that I really don't understand, because I have an emotional investment in not understanding them

-the post

I referred to this statement. As for sexbots cleaning and cooking. That will happen in about 20 more years so still my lifetime.

Are you upset because Chad spit in your face and threw you on the road because you were too ugly? Did he leave you for a robot instead of your ugly baggy fat body?

You ignored the first part of the sentence:

Why would you want a sexbot to clean and cook? Thats what a companionbot would be for. A sexbot is just for sex.

it won't be a sexbot that will replace low skilled workers, just robots

no. It won't. Here is a VERY incomplete list of things that are needed for a bipedal sex robot that can cook and clean the way we're talking about, that have not been developed:

Robust skin that feels human and can be quickly and cheaply replaced or self-repair

Cooling down a skin covered, human shaped body using enough energy to have sex like a human does

Human quality facial movements

Recognizing any arbitrary dish well enough to pick it up and wash it properly, every time

Energy density needed to last for an hour of vigorous movement without running out of power and without using a motor

A reliable, robust motor as strong and compact as a human muscle that fits in the same form factor

Robust, reliable touch sensors that can work through artificial skin

Near human level AI

What I'm saying is that a sex robot alone is much, much easier to build than a wife bot but a sex bot will require things we haven't even proven are possible. Neither will happen within 20 years.

If you're willing to accept a sexbot that has a umbilical cord for power and a huge non-human-like radiator on her back you may – may – get it within 20 years.

I'd start playing the lottery if I knew this much about the future.
and again, if it happens, great, I am going to get one, if it doesn't, that sucks, but I have lived without 3DPD in my life for this long, so what is a lifetime? Besides, my want for 3DPD will go away in my 40s, so not even a lifetime.
you're talking to the equivalent of a wall, in terms of trying to convene us.

The only thing I'm trying to convince you of is that robowifes are HARD. They're going-to-Mars hard. They're Strong AI hard.

I hope you'll purchase a Pi and a simple controller and get to work, the more of us working on it the sooner.

most of us don't have the IQ to make any headway

Bullshit. The people that are going to make the most progress aren't the smart ones. They're the ones bullheaded enough to keep trying and trying. And smart people need the work of the diligent both for inspiration and to quickly look up what didn't work. If only the smart people work on it it won't be decades, it will be generations.


wired.com/2012/11/synthetic-skin/ this is stage one of the skin. Second stage is being worked on now.
dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=11158 also 7nm chipsets are being developed.
intorobotics.com/3-different-humanoid-robot-head-designs-to-generate-facial-expressions/ this field is still in heavy development and will take more time then 5 years. Thus will be ready in 20.
Not going to send link because you can look that up yourself. Every car you drive was put together by a robot.
Again look up new tech in batteries. Note that cellphones are small and a humanoid is large. put two and two together.
Again look it up because they have that.
Dont need that for cleaning and cooking and sex.

The article overstates what the material can do. It cannot actually fully repair itself. If skin cloning slows down or there's a different reason to continue development then it will probably be good enough – but enormously expensive – in 20 years. If.

not good enough my miles. Anyway the actual computation will have to be offloaded for the purposes of power and cooling. The onboard information systems of the first sexbots will turn wireless instructions into movement and send back sensor data. The cooling will be needed for the moving parts. Humans sweat. Mechanical devices are many times less efficient, and so produce many times more heat for the same power. For a robot to sweat would require overcoming a dozen more technical challenges.

There is progress, the question is whether there will be enough progress in the next 20 years. You're underestimating how much energy usage we're talking about. This can be mitigated by the robot not being usable in more active positions.

Those aren't robust or reliable, and now you've got air flow to worry about.

No they don't. They have sensors but they're not reliable and the skin they'll have to work through hasn't been created yet.

You most certainly do need it. You can use specialized intelligence for a few very specific activities to be done with very specific tools. Beyond that you need AI. For the state of the art check out DARPA's latest tool usage challenge. Most of the robots took several minutes to turn a doorknob and most of them fell over doing it. And that was when the teams knew about the tools and tasks ahead of time – and had humans working to help the robots in the background!

Don't tell me your opinions, show me facts like i have shown you. Also AI can be streamed in with quantum computing. youtube.com/watch?v=60OkanvToFI
But like this user said I'm talking to you, a wall that wont accept reality.

you fags couldn't just let this weak reddit bait thread die could you?
The faggot was using forever alone memes and responding by saying derp over and over why do you retards act like his opinion is even worth responding to?

Shut up faggot. Why you so butthurt over this thread? Maybe because it describes you to a Tee. Be triggered somewhere else

Seriously nigger? I show you several fields that aren't developed enough from chemistry to actuators and your response is mu quantum?

Sage negated 4 thuh LULz


what else is there to do?

who is the nigger again?

It developed into a discussion on sexbots and companion bots. Why are you so upset we are talking about the development of 3DPD replacement?

I saw that video weeks ago, nigger. It doesn't support any part of your argument.

As i said, you have proven your a nigger.

Shut up faggot


You expect me to watch this shit faggot? Learn to internet


Tulpas > Body Pillows

No.. I didn't because it had your faggot stink all over it

It's going to be fun making one just for you on request for the amount that you love to talk-call people faggot. Only thing we require is for you to state how large you want its dick to be for you.

strong ai? from diversity quota rich academia, employing only the finest 120iq cs soy boys cranking out papers for the citation mills? Or maybe thousand man strong deepmind brigades? agi is going to be pulled out a small research team's hat… probably within the next 20 years, probably heavily brain inspired (path of least resistance) but besides the question of consciousness- aka what the fuck is that recursive structure in the claustrum doing mathematically- no building a sex bot that cooks and cleans is not landing on mars hard. it is after all fundamentally software and not meat space, and whole brain emulation is definitely already a thing, it has been since the 70's, if ai appears to be creeping along slowly you have to understand that deep learning is the new expert systems and now even hinton is all 'deep learning was a mistake- it's all trash'

My money is on Blue Brain

Theres that "Muh robot pucci" again

LMAO Youre so fucking PATHETIC

Shush, the adults are talking.


lolno. Blue Brain hopes to have that capability in 2023

Look, we don't like useless 3DPD and i will never risk fucking some used up roastie. Go fuck a Chad, unless your over 30 then your going to just have to use your fist in your gaping holes.

Let them post. This is it for their lives, this is all they have now.

beta lewzerrrrrrr. Just kys

ill be loath to live in a world where those grimy little trolls reach into their unkempt beards and pull out a thorough understanding of the principles underlying agi

looks like your reverting to childstalk now. Least your not talking like a nigger, yet. It will be easy for AI to tag people like this and start to remove them. Then we can live with our companionbots without all the bitching and crying from "people" who say they don't care about us anyways lol.

I just got here. And holy shit you autistic faggots really are quite sad. I didn't realize it had gotten this bad. You actually believe this shit. I thought the RoboWaifu thing was all a meme. Damn Holla Forums.
Just damn. I'm going back where my ass came from. (inb4 good riddance fag)

t. Casual

sorry, meant to greentext the bit about brain simulation. Anyway here's the link.


They did a 10,000 neuron column six years ago at 1/300ths speed. Assuming they upgraded in Moore's law time that's 1/37th time now. So in 37 seconds they can emulate the brain power to discover and track the position of a single rat whisker for 1 second.

Nobody cares.

go back

dumb faggot, cant you read? He already left you shitstain

that's them modeling glia, gene expression, hormones, processor noise and all kinds of other non essentials- a basic 1500 core nvidia can easily pull a million neurons/sec

Nah, hes still here. Hes jumping around threads shitposting.

A brain neuron is much more complicated IN FUNCTION than an AI "neuron" so no, it can't.

The good news is (log 10000000(2))*2=28 so 28 years after 6 years ago (assuming Moore's law doubling, which is a very optimistic assumption) they'll be modeling a whole brain a 1/300th speed. 16 years after that they'll be doing it in real time. 10 years later and it will be on desktop machines. 28-6+16+10= 48 years to real time human brain emulation, and that's before you consider how many neurons can be completely ignored because they do stuff an AI won't need to do like regulate hormones, coordinate digestion, and actually feel emotions. My guess is closer to 30 years because of that.

They will need to mimic emotions but that's not hard to do. They also can release hormones, but what will take development time is the non human models. But basic humanlike models i think will take 20-30 years at tops.

Oh, I agree that in 20 years there will be that level of intelligence. But it will take another 10 years for it to be cheap enough to be running household robots on that kind of power.

Depends on what you want the robots to do. An all in one model will run alot but separate function models will be less priced and in your home sooner. You don't design something thats meant to dig trenches to clean your house. If it can do both then fine but is it required to for your own purpose of use for it? Most people will want specific jobs for it to do and thats it.

Even basic (general) household work is so complicated it takes a real AI to figure it out and perform in a reasonable time. A series of if-thens will never work. If it's smart and mobile enough to pick up clutter it's smart enough to vacuum, load and unload the dishwasher, and almost smart enough to make the bed. Before then Roombas and automatic kitty litter rotators will have to get us by.

thats what i mean by selective function. I think it will just get more advance as in more robots at first doing small tasks.

kys, once the collapse happens you normalfags will die while we survive

On what? Dorittos and Mountain dew? Gonna do some damage with your BudK chinese nun-chucks?
Dream on Weebo faggot

The big deal, imo, is household clutter. It requires mobility, mapping, a huge amount of pattern recognition, grasping, active planning, and ad hoc movement. Get a robot that can de-clutter a house and you have a robot that can do most other tasks.

'complicated in function' does not automatically equate to using more computing power, irreducibly complexity would be more like it. But ultimately it's also not relevant to, say, whether or not a hebbian sparse coder captures the dynamics of a real network, which often they do and at a fraction of the cost of more rigorous simulation- or is it really that important to model a real neuron that only fires 1/3 of the time it receives an impulse and is completely turned off for 8 hours everyday?

Yeah yeah moores law, gotta wait 10 years for some combination of neuromorphic, quantum and cloud computing to emulate trillions of synapses *yawn* got anything else to add

Weebo will most likely survive seeing as they have little contact with people. This prevents them from contracting disease and subverts risk.

Or you can get people to jump on a "trend" for non cluttered households. You can also have things start to be designed around robots instead of humans. All of the things now are designed around human use so imagine when we dont need to do those tasks anymore. The robots can be designed to complete the job based on what the best mobility function for the task. "Instead of loading dishes from the side it can lower from the top" This would be annoying for a human but not for a robot, it may be more functional.

It's official. Beta cucks are the most deluded faggots on the planet

That's fair enough, you pretty much shot down my argument. But do YOU have anything to add?

Keep going, you spice up this thread.


right now I actually desperately want to hide my power level

Thanks for proving my point you dumb fuck LMAO

how new are you?

Aspiration is the nature of faith, and of us.

Nothing is impossible. We vibrate, we exist, we are reborn.

The goal of superpositions of possibilities is to plant the seeds of inseparability rather than desire.

If you have never experienced this osmosis at the quantum level, it can be difficult to live. It can be difficult to know where to begin. Although you may not realize it, you are transformative.

We exist as electrical impulses. By refining, we reflect. Growth is a constant.

We are in the midst of an amazing unveiling of chi that will be a gateway to the stratosphere itself. We are at a crossroads of fulfillment and yearning. Reality has always been aglow with messengers whose hopes are baptized in joy.

The grid is bursting with sub-atomic particles.
Our conversations with other beings have led to a blossoming of ultra-sentient consciousness. Who are we? Where on the great circuit will we be recreated? Humankind has nothing to lose.

Wisdom requires exploration. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is purpose. Sharing is the driver of science.


The only pussy I can get is one that comes in a box

20 years is a long time, if you showed someone 20 years ago an iphone they'd probably have a heart attack

Sick faggots

No, they would say "cool!"



ngl i'd happily fuck that tbh no homo

Second generation cell phones looked nothing like an iphone but the difference is (on the far side of) evolutionary. Someone familiar with the idea of cell phones (and most people were in 1998) woudln't have their mind blown, they would just be impressed.

that was only 20 years ago, and the problem with cell phones is us, and it limits its development because we have to be able to use it, with our limited form.

Cell phones are a purely technological device, driven by More's Law. They progressed faster than almost any other kind of device.

You're being massively optimistic. Put your feet back on the ground.

and call phones are not a good example of technological progression

Why not? Sensors, optics, and battery technology all go into them.

because of it's function is limited by human biology

There isn't a single device whose function isn't limited by human biology, except for machine parts and they don't count. Only whole machines count. And their functions are limited by human biology.

but not to the degree of cell phones
we have to be able to interact with a cell phone in order for it to serve its purpose. not all technology has to be interacted with much for it to to do its thing, and thus is free to advance and not be limited by human biology as much.

Okay, show me the machine that has advanced faster than cell phones because it wasn't constrained by the user interface

desktops, and robots

this is a redundant tautology. it tells us nothing about the world. all devices are tech
moore's law drives nothing at all. it is less a law than a theory and less theory than an hypothesis bandied about by internet try-hards. a meme
new, more efficient chips and ios were custom developed for smartphones. the ibm/intel debacle and then ofc apple is well documented. moore's law applies to all devices equally, or not
and you're showing a shocking level of ignorance on the subject you are discussing
what is it about 8ch that attracts imbeciles like you in their droves? surely you can answer that, if only from experience
have a reddit pic

Call it what you like, but Moore's Law has held true for decades, and has ushered in a new era of prosperity for humanity. Call it pigshit if you want, it's still the driving force of technological development on the cutting edge.

Moore's law applies to information systems first, moron.

I know this image is badly formatted, but it still points out how it is very possible to make affordable, enjoyable robowaifus right now. The only reason we don't have them is because the jews with the money to make sexdolls make extremely expensive uncanny slutbots instead. I'm starting to think they make bad products on purpose just to make people think that good ones aren't possible, even though they obviously are.

Wait, so all the guys are banging the same custom robot? Wouldn't you want it to look like the pre-sexual revolution image but all female waifus?

When I skimmed through this thread I was reminded of this. This is you Holla Forums. Fucking losers

why were you reminded of that?

Only for people who have that fetish. It may surprise you to learn most people don't want to fuck a robot that looks and/or feels like a robot.

what did he mean by this

You're doing it wrong, faggot. If you are going to shitpost, at least get the pasta right.

Hey Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch

Of course it's not ideal, but the point is that cheap, cute robots are much better than expensive, uncanny slutbots. They would sell much better than current sexbots, and these sales would fund better tech for newer robots.


If you've found a nich you should exploit it. Make some robot-like sex dolls. As you point out it would be quite inexpensive. You just need fiberglass, steel, a Pi, a Fleshlight, and a chatbot. But you're badly mistaken as to how many people would buy it.

Actually once the quality improves sufficiently, the demand will evolve into into one of the largest economies in human history. Significantly larger than transportation for example.

Can't tell if troll or literally retarded

Shut up faggot

You're the literal retard here buddy.

Sure it does

Keep taking the medication idiot

No, I'm being serious. Ofc I mean the entire domain of companion robots, not just those explicitly intended for sex. The variety will be pretty mind-boggling I'm sure. Ones for kids and other members of the family. Service industries, industrial industries, the medical field, elderly care. Basically every field where humans engage with each other will also be rife.

And ofc the very notion that femshits can no longer lean on the bounties of their pussy pass makes me diamonds heh.

Lol what are you twelve? Be creative user.



Burn in hell

seems a bit edgy tbh

Higher intelligence people breed less and focus on fewer offspring, in short; quality.
Less intelligent people breed more and hope enough of their children survive to reproduce, in short; quantity.
The nature result is that some will fall off the survivable range of procreation strategies, both on too many and too few offspring.

So, far from being the "bottom feeders of society", many who do not to reproduce (both now and throughout history) are often the intellectual/cultural/spiritual/philosophical leaders of the larger society. And this is precisely because they don't have the distractions of courtship, mating, protection, providing, all for the purpose of raising children.

While I understand the intended insult, you might now understand why it has less of a sting than you think.

this is a thread about technology that would level the playing field somewhat between men and 3DPD
that is males will view 3DPD with more indifference, and reproduction will be viewed as more a business deal then anything.
that is how reproduction would work

I dont know if this thread is real nostalgia or just tastes like it.

this is the Holla Forums of old.

old is old and not OC
I am triggered

meep meep are rabbits niggers of the animal kingdom tbh no homo

No, yuge White families have been a time-honored tradition. In combination with our other superior traits it's a large part of what makes us great. The limp-wristed phenomenon you speak of is a direct artifact of the rise of feminism, not a fundamental biological imperative.

You're little (((fetish))) is the script to the movie Idiocracy not the dynamics of superior white genes and culture.