What are the last 3 films you have watched?

What are the last 3 films you have watched?

War Machine 7/10
On the Silver Globe 9/10
The Great Wall 2/10

Other urls found in this thread:


The Blackcoat's Daughter (AKA February) 8/10
AM1200 5/10
Whiplash 9/10

The Survivor (1981) 6/10
The Autopsy of Jane Doe 7/10
Deadly Blessing 8/10

Low standards all around, ain't it

Primer 7/10
Cabin in the Woods 0/10
Splice 5/10

Passion Of The Christ 3/5
Logan 1/5
La La Land 1/5


L'Arrivée d'un train en gare de La Ciotat 0/10
Andy Warhol's Empire 0/10
The Act of Seeing with One's Own Eyes 0/10

the great wall 6/10
john wick 2 3/10
logan 8.5/10

do documentaries count?

Lord of the Flies (1963) - It was okay. The depiction of the kids turning feral was great, but the '90's version shows more violence and bonding between them.

Don't Breathe - It was alright. The twists at the end were good. I wonder if Jane Levy is blacked?

A martfűi rém (dunno what's the English title) - This was good. It had a nice atmosphere, they showed the killings, some actors were great, the recreation of the '50's commie era was great.

John Wick 2 - 6/10
Police Story 2 - 7/10
Jackie Chan's First Strike - 5/10

Also, On the Silver Globe being unfinished and cut to hell by the Soviets will forever sting. Legitimate kino.

Fantastic Beasts (2/10)
Split (5/10)
John Wick 2 (5/10)


time travel is absolute trash as a storytelling concept

If you are a brainlet watching back to the future

fantastic beasts is better than both of those and fb was mediocre

OP here I also recently watched

Lego Batman 3/10
Song to Song 1/10

The Lady From Shanghai - Orson/10
Band of the Hand - 6/10
SFW - 0/10, haven't hated a movie like this one in awhile

Shark Dick
Atomic Shark

I meant Dickshark

Logan and La La Land are both trash that border on 0 so good ratings.

Neck Yourself

Alien Covenant - 6/10
The Covenant - 8/10
Insomnia - 5/10

The Cure for Wellness 6/10, decent but it could've been trimmed.
The Witch 6/10, kind of dull but I like seeing religious people being crazystupid as always. I haven't laughed so hard at an ending in a long time, it's literally The Goat Did It: The Movie.
Sympathy for Mr Vengeance 7/10, way better than Oldboy or Lady Vengeance.


Triggered by facts much, kid?

Brazil - 9/10
Halloween 3: Season of the Witch: 7/10
Holy Mountain: 7/10 (or degenerate jewish artsy shit/10)

Apart from being completely unnecessary as a movie idea, what made this so shitty? The Lego Movie was at least visually interesting and somewhat engaging as kids movies go.

aguillar the wrath of god 5/10
lotr return of the king 8/10
chronicles of riddick 9/10



Not the user you are replying too, but I did see the Lego Batman movie.
It's not as good as the first movie at all because it didn't even have quite the same style of humor and it spent way too much time trying to hammer out Batmans story arc with his "family" as a substitute for the family story arc the first movie had.
In the first Lego movie the Story Arc wasn't so much in the legos themselves, but their story was a proxy in the mechanics that was driving their world. I.E. the conflict between Will Ferrel and his son.
Lego Batman went moreso the Toy Story route and there was no implied force that was driving their world. They emphasized the legos themselves as characters more than the first movie, and it didn't work out too well since the Characters aren't that interesting or well written to begin with. The only good thing was the dynamic between batman and the joker and the humor surrounding those scenes were higher quality than the humor you get concerning other characters other than a few scenes where Batman is alone or its a return to those same jokes they made when he was alone but in the context of other characters.
I'm pirating the first movie again just to revisit it and see if my memory holds.

All the Riddick movies were bad aside from Pitch Black.

Schindler's List 10/10
The Pianist 10/10
Inglorious Basterds 10/10


just look how thin skinned they are, they get angry over the least little thing.

t. assblasted reddicuck memelennial

You do realize the fatfuck in that picture you keep posting is actually a devout catholic spic?


The Mummy (2017) 0/10
Withnail & I 7/10
Noah 7/10


Ebony Kweenz Sucking White Peenz 5 (10/10)

5/5 Best Zombie movie I've seen.
4/5 breddy gud
3/5 Technically Impressive British Cuck Garbage

the holy mountain, 4/5. mind was blown.

snowpiercer, 3/5. cool to see a solid anti-capitalism flick but it was pretty silly all around.

the life of brian, 5/5. klassic komedy kino. tearing apart christian dogma for laughs.

Hi reddit! Nice to have you, but try to blend in a little better.

wow definitely not a butthurt samefag hahahahaaaaaa-


reddit is fedora central, kid
you'd find yourself well among them


fite me

Its not that I hated it, I'm just not willing to give it a high score, it succumbed to the same old same old stuff, watchable but completely forgettable. Visually it was almost as good as the first one i think,.

Do you realize, let me put it a different way- do you have no self awareness to see you responding to him in a fit proves him right, The vvitch was mediocre garbage and it is funny to laugh at religious idiots

OP here again I've been watching a lot of movies
Kill the Messenger 5/10
Voyage of Time 7/10
Prisoner of Azkaban 9/10

plebiest of plebs

Does that mean you hated War Machine or loved it? Let me put it to you this way, I've seen so many shitty films from the last couple years it was decent and I think Pitt made the movie imo, he was actually acting.

>>>/tumblr/ is that way

OP will always be a fag

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street 7.5/10
The Pianist kike/10
Split 4/10

I had to watch the Pianist for a class and Split because my ex wanted to watch it, and I didn't know it was a Shyamalamadingdong movie. Since I didn't want to watch either of those, here are the last few movies I remember watching that I actually wanted to watch:

Spongebob: Sponge Out Of Water whyamilaughing/10
12 Angry Men 7.5/10
Super Duper Alice Cooper 9/10 (Documentary)

Inglorious Bastards is, at least, enjoyable because it presents the Germans as well-spoken, well-dressed family men and the American Jews as psychotic, murderous nutjobs with only killing and torture on their minds.

Go back to playing with your action figures

Sweeney todd was pretty good, split never intrigued me and looked like nothing special

When certain movies are better than a majority of other movies you watch and if they are significantly better they tend to be higher rated, just a pro tip.

It wasn't really. Shyamalamadingdong fans and comicbookfags creamed their bloomers over it, because Bruce Willis had a 2 minute cameo at the very end. It was one of the better Shyamalamadingdong flicks I've seen, though.

Doctor Zhivago
A Brief Encounter
The Bridge on the River Kwai

Go back to prepping bulls.

Welcome friend, you seem lost. >>>/reddit/ is over there.

You have to stop posting all the time you get triggered buddy

You have to stop drinking cum you get cucked buddy.

Ladykillers: 7/10
It Comes at Night: 8/10
John Wick 2: 7/10



how does it feel being a religicuck



it wasn't good, amy adams sucks

bretty good friendo

The crusades is like the Holohoax for fedoras. I don't get why they always talk about it. Its like they don't know half of Europe had been taken over by muslims and they were raping, enslaving, and slaughtering innocent Europeans. Wouldn't it make more sense, if your target really was religion as a whole to focus on Islam promoting such behavior?

But then I remember that the fedora meme isn't anti-religion, it's just anti-christian, and exist to subvert western religious and social traditions.

I find it interesting is how they return to nature or self worship (which is blatant Satanism, which is still a religion even if it's not christian). I lot of people consider themselves anti-religious, but they're always worshiping/idolizing something or themselves, and practicing values from another religion without them knowing it.

I should mention that some of the pictures in are done as a joke, some aren't. The worship is still the same, even if it's done ironically.

The fedora meme is anti-christian because it's a bunch of assmad christ-cucks making all of them, you drooling fucktard.

You are retarded.

Apple fanboyism is a great example of how people fill the void of spirituality. Steve Jobs is still being spoken of as the messiah of modern technology.
What I hate the most is the "catholics are pederasts" meme. If it weren't for those pedophiles to raise orphanages those children would have died in the streets and nobody would have cared.


OH, so hes the angry one here? lol

no, it exists because fat greasy redditors like yourself fell for the atheism (aka anti-christianity, i've never seen a fedora attacking islam in my life) and we like to poke fun at their cringyness


People have an inherent need to be a part of something larger than themselves. That's how communities and societies maintain their existences, and why people follow religions: so they can be part of something greater than themselves, and gives them purpose, a reason to exist. Instead of worshiping God, fedoras worship """"science"""" and instead of Jesus they worship Bill Nye and Neil deNigger Tyson. Religions, however, present a moral guideline and, thus, tend to create better functioning societies that are organized enough to build sprawling cities and create beautiful art. As Yuri Bezmenov said: "The moment we turn into 2 by 2 is 4 and make it the guiding principle of our life, our existence, we die. Even though this [2x2=4] is true, and this [God] we cannot prove."

Every catholic I know gets pissed at the pedo priest meme. It's not inaccurate, and those priests don't belong in the church, but it's way too overblown. There were a few hundred, maybe thousand, priests that got their rocks off on alter boys and orphans, throughout the past century, all around the world. There are over 400 thousand priests in the U.S. alone, and the number of sexual deviant priests out there is dwarfed by the number of priests who do not partake in such action.

The Sting 8/10
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 4/10 (women unironically ruin everything)
Chinatown 6/10 (overrated 2bh)

OP again

They Live 5/10 Fine but overall meh
John Wick 2 0/10 Dropped
Three Colors Blue 7/10 overrated but decent, performances by Binoche and the other lead and the direction was lacking.



The Dark Knight Rises, The Dark Knight Rises, and The Dark Knight Rises.


I legit want to blow my load inside she-Vlad's face

Sophist Fallacies: The Post

Plato pls go

Your fedora seems a bit tight.


Troy 2/10
Blade Runner 8/10

Lego Batman 3/10
Event Horizon 9/10
Pirates 5 8/10

Hypernormalisation 5.5
The Putin Interviews 9
Sleepaway Camp 8


I wanted to give Event Horizon an 8 and Pirates a 7 but I quite enjoyed Pirates.

Pirates 5 2/5 - absolutely forgettable, but I had fun with my family
The Thing 5/5 - best horror, true КИНО
Jesus Christ Superstar '73 4/5 - good musical, the album was better

Anyone know any good recent documentaries like "Get Me Roger Stone"? Watched that one recently. Interested in learning more about how the rich 1% dominate the world with their lies.
I can't believe they actually got Stone & Trump & several others to interview, and they actually come right out & admit "yea we spend billions to trick stupid people into voting for us, we don't care if you hate us, we don't care if we destroy the world, we're rich". They can just admit it publicly & no one cares. The doublethink in the USA is incredible.

I know, right? We totally should've voted for Her.

Yeah I'll be missing this episode, this show sucks.

A Lean night.

Master and Commander 8/10
The Fifth Wave 6/10
Lazer Team 7/10

Jurassic Park III 3/10
Philosopher's Stone Extended Edition 10/10
The Lobster 8/10


Les aventures de Rabbi Jacob: 6/10
fun but dragged in places

Kong Skull Island: 7/10
really fun but brought down by terrible Tom Hiddleston and Brie Larson, feels like it could have been so much better

The Ornithologist: 3/10
almost insultingly shit, fuck me for trying to expand my horizons, right?

event horizon was kino

Greasy Strangler 7/10, but would be 8.5/10 if the ending wasn't so ambiguous and nonsensical.
The Elephant Man 9/10, would tear up again
Fire Walk With Me 7.5/10. Better than most of season 1 of Twin Peaks and better than all of season 2.

fwwm is so good. are you enjoying the new season?

Ocean's Eleven 9/10
The Martian 7/10
Slumdog Millionaire 8/10

The Silician Clan 8/10
Yojimbo 9/10
The Vanishing 6/10

raj pls, it was pretentious and overrated, 5/10 at best

But what do you score them as?

New World 4/10
The Martian 4/10 - got worse as it went along
Gattaca 6/10 - he probably had a heart attack the next month
Chronicle 3/10
Rosemary's Baby 5/10
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 3/10 - the ride goes on for too long
The Fountain 6/10 - points for trying hard
Braveheart 3/10
They Live 6/10 - the soundtrack carried it
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me 8/10 - stronger than the show
Prince of Darkness 4/10
Aliens 6/10
Logan 3/10
Perfect Blue 9/10
Arrival 6/10 - slightly homosexual, but thats fine
Predator 7/10
The Duellists 7/10
I Spit on Your Grave (78) 5/10 -
Roar 5/10 - the scene were they ride around with two tigers in the backseat was excellent
Doctor Strange 3/10
Ponyo 5/10 - nice enough animation to be worth watching
The Jungle Book (67) 5/10
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory 4/10 - Veruca stole the show
The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ 6/10 - beautiful to look at, someone should make a c93 video from it
The Dark Knight 4/10
Demolition Man 4/10
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring 6/10
Deadpool 2/10 - one part standard marvel formula and one part the mask, why
The Angry Birds Movie 4/10 - surprisingly non painful
Silence of the Lambs 5/10

you are way to fucking generous

damn man you watched a lot of crapola recently stay strong

Horns 1/10
God that was horrible, not because of radcliffe but it was just fucking bad


I just really like heist films fam

Them what should we rate them on, post number? If thats so, the Star War prequels are my post #/10

i like a 10 point scale with some commentary, that way you can get the gist in just a glance and if you're interested you can read why they felt that way.