Russia And Muslims To Fix Arrogant JewSA And Israel

Russia And Muslims To Fix Arrogant JewSA And Israel at End of Times

Lecture With Sheikh Imran Hosein

Video here

Islam, Christianity, Judaism, all the same Semitic shit

Not really mate.

Reported for intl.

Yeah, but kikes manipulate both insidiously and need to be removed first otherwise we keep getting backstabbed.

This is what Holla Forums has become.

This nigger gets it.

Saged for shit-tier mud/Ivan propaganda.

fuck this gay ass board

All sandniggers must be purged.

Really ahmed ? GTFO here.


All three Abrahamic religions profess to being the one true faith of the one true God. They each claim a desire to rule the world until their messiah comes, or they believe they'll rule it WHEN their messiah comes.

All Jewish garbage.

In fact, I'd like to pose a question to the Christians:

What links you to Judaism aside from the historicity of your religion?

You're swinging from a lamp post, Ackbar.

Reported for intl. It’s pretty simple.

are you saying that islam is semitic also makes me intl?

I’m saying that you should probably educate yourself on a topic before shitposting about it.

White Christians are always so willing to race mix. That is their true weakness.

It's not the "Gospels according to the Hebrews", its not that Joseph was a literal cuck, its not that the crusades were a tool used by the Pope to goad the best warriors in Europe to die in ill thought out, supplied and maintained campaigns while his friends with hooked noses gained power throughout the land, its not that any White Christian here would have a hard time finding a pastor who is redpilled on the Jews and Israel. And even if they are they love them godly negros, so its only a matter of time before they take themselves out of the fight.

The true failing is even if we can avert this Muslim invasion the Jews in time would just send a Peaceful Nigger invasion from West or East Africa of Negro Christians and we would have a much more difficult time keeping our race. Remember the Jews want to kill the white race, they only care for its destruction, even if Christianity/Greeks came close to ending Semites outright in the past a few millennia ago and throughout the medieval ages, they have not done anything in the past few centuries to prevent their spread.

Even Hitler only wanted to send them back to where they came from, not destroy them once and for all as we know now, we must do.

judaism isnt OT fag

You tell him! Praise Abraham!!!

The only interesting thing here, the rest is pure intl crap cause intl is crap, what you call "judaism" was a thing that was born in the same time that islam (not in the same day and hour you trolls) because jews were obliterated at the kitos war and their book told them that they were wrong for rejecting Jesus Christ. If you use a "fedora mindset" there is a mistery here, why both islam and talmudism were created as the bad guys depicted in The Bible, it was on purpose? both muh ham mad and rabbies arent illiterated cunts and they had acces to both the NT and the OT because they were there.

Intl see this please:

Check how balam gave jews whores, its a sin, like catholics worshipping idols, with this explained the rest looks like pure intl crap, try again.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum varius sem eu lacus. Suspendisse eget neque nec justo dignissim laoreet. Curabitur in erat vel risus volutpat auctor. Nunc libero. Cras arcu.
Sed tellus ipsum, egestas sit amet, commodo sit amet, euismod quis, est. Vestibulum tempor lorem in lacus. Nunc molestie iaculis dolor. Mauris et purus vitae nulla lacinia venenatis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos.
Pellentesque luctus diam sit amet ipsum. Aenean fringilla molestie pede. Phasellus nisl augue, rhoncus a, malesuada sit amet, mattis ut, sem. Suspendisse potenti. Integer volutpat.
Integer vitae ipsum. Cras turpis. Etiam mollis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam vel odio ac lacus imperdiet vestibulum. Nunc augue. Donec pulvinar tellus et justo. Sed quis velit.
Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque vestibulum. Cras lorem magna, sagittis vel, mollis vitae, dapibus ut, diam. Phasellus tellus. Nam adipiscing molestie ante. Aenean laoreet euismod est. Sed leo ante, pretium sed, tristique a, iaculis sit amet, leo. Donec dui eros, commodo ut, gravida et, ultricies quis, felis. Donec nisl sem, auctor at, sodales a, consectetuer a, purus. Duis ut arcu.
Mauris non pede. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc nunc magna, hendrerit et, pretium quis, accumsan eget, magna. Pellentesque sagittis. Fusce dictum tellus vitae purus. Vestibulum vulputate, wisi vitae euismod tempus, ante lorem ultrices nulla, vitae dictum eros magna semper nisl. Integer dignissim egestas elit. Suspendisse nunc quam, rutrum eu, consectetuer at, tincidunt vitae, augue.
Sed vestibulum ultricies lacus. Nam feugiat, augue ut tincidunt vehicula, ipsum enim adipiscing wisi, id ornare ipsum orci in ligula. Pellentesque tristique nulla vel nulla. Proin ac lorem sed augue euismod varius. Nunc sed ipsum. Ut turpis. Fusce leo. Ut enim est, placerat ac, fringilla non, varius ac, neque. Fusce facilisis dignissim tellus. Mauris blandit semper ipsum. Phasellus lobortis bibendum tellus. Integer pretium, dolor sed interdum euismod, nibh nulla tristique ligula, a aliquam sem elit sed dui. Maecenas wisi.
Mauris id ipsum. In semper justo. Fusce ut massa. Nam vulputate, nibh in fermentum vestibulum, nisl justo pretium tortor, in lacinia velit lorem sit amet pede. Morbi neque neque, rutrum vel, posuere in, condimentum a, justo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
Suspendisse placerat diam et nisl. Aenean mollis velit ut ipsum. Quisque congue velit non diam. Curabitur dictum. Mauris condimentum fringilla quam.
Pellentesque blandit varius lorem. Proin eu risus ac augue sagittis euismod. Quisque semper diam. Proin urna. Nulla et est. Duis dui.
Vestibulum id tortor. Suspendisse non leo. Sed magna ligula, tempus non, placerat ac, laoreet et, metus. Mauris lobortis convallis velit. Sed condimentum odio in magna. Pellentesque condimentum, orci quis viverra blandit, lectus nibh lacinia nibh, eu commodo sapien libero non nulla. Fusce tempor varius massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Etiam in risus. Phasellus nonummy. Vivamus ac magna eget turpis egestas laoreet. Nunc velit. Aenean sollicitudin metus vel nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas tristique accumsan lorem. In velit. Sed vel odio. Duis sagittis.
Nullam eget tellus nec elit eleifend cursus. Nullam urna tellus, feugiat et, venenatis vel, auctor eu, magna. Duis porttitor, pede vel adipiscing pharetra, turpis eros dapibus nulla, vitae consequat est risus in magna. Vivamus et neque vel dolor tempor egestas. Aliquam volutpat nulla vitae eros. Vivamus adipiscing ipsum nec massa. Nulla egestas nunc sed sem.

Check how balam gave jews whores, its a sin, like catholics worshipping idols, with this explained the rest looks like pure intl crap, try again.

That's right spread the truth!!! Praise be to Moses!!!!!!!

Mec on þissum dagū deadne ofgeafum
fæder modor ne wæs me feorh þa gen
ealdor in innan þa mec ongon
welhold me gewedum weccan
heold freoþode hleosceorpe wrah
snearlice swa hire agen bearn
oþþæt ic under sceate swa min gesceapu wæron
ungesibbum wearð eacen gæste
mec seo friþemæg fedde siþþan
oþþæt ic aweox widdor meahte
siþas asettan heo hæfde swæsra þy læs
suna dohtra þy heo swa dyde

In those first days my father and mother
left me for dead there was no life yet,
no life within me. Then a kindly kinswoman
faithfully covered me with her own clothing,
held me and cherished, kept me warmly,
even as gently as her own children
until beneath her, as my destiny willed,
I waxed into life with my alien fellows.
My friend and protector nourished me then
till I grew and grew able to go forth by myself.
Because of this now her own dear children,
sons and daughters, were fewer, alas.

Sceawendwisan? (Say that which has been described?)
Answer: The Cuckoo

Friendly reminder that if you aren't a Deist,you aren't really redpilled


All Muslims, and Middle Easterners in general exist for one reason: Islam. Every Muslim Organization has at its root the desire to recreate the Caliphate. What stops them isn't Israel, but rather division in ideology. To unite them all against Israel would give them a unified ideology. The Muslim Brotherhood, the Baathists, the Sauds, the Shiites, even the "peaceful" Sufists all promote Pan-Islamicism and Pan-Arabism.

Phasellus ac ante. Morbi dapibus, tellus vel semper ultricies, justo urna lobortis urna, id auctor lorem mi sit amet sem. Nam sit amet eros. Ut ipsum. Integer aliquet. Curabitur imperdiet dignissim erat. Sed libero ligula, hendrerit sed, vehicula in, dapibus in, neque. Nam tortor. Vivamus vel erat vel velit rhoncus blandit.

In semper lorem nec ipsum porttitor varius. Quisque porta mi non lacus. Aliquam at mi. Quisque bibendum facilisis odio. Duis aliquam, urna sed rutrum tempor, elit magna auctor massa, ut scelerisque nulla risus ac quam. Nam suscipit, enim vel ornare varius, orci augue facilisis urna, quis euismod metus wisi ac ipsum. Maecenas adipiscing faucibus magna. Aenean magna tellus, volutpat nec, lobortis semper, luctus non, metus. Cras mauris. Donec in lectus. Nam est. Fusce semper ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc elementum. Suspendisse sit amet felis. Curabitur lobortis commodo sapien. Etiam sollicitudin. Nam consectetuer nisl semper ligula. Aliquam vestibulum feugiat quam. Sed tempus consequat elit. Morbi sit amet erat. Morbi rhoncus erat nec ipsum. Vivamus eget eros. Integer quis lorem eget lectus molestie iaculis. Aliquam lacinia congue neque. Nulla neque dolor, porttitor id, faucibus vitae, consequat vel, enim. Aliquam eget tortor sit amet nisl congue lobortis. In ornare nulla semper wisi. Donec fringilla faucibus orci. Quisque venenatis orci in mi. Aenean ornare tempus elit. Donec in pede non justo ullamcorper varius.

Phasellus dui nulla, elementum eu, tempus ut, adipiscing semper, tortor. Vivamus quis turpis et ante interdum adipiscing. In felis. Vivamus pede. Praesent venenatis, mi at tincidunt dapibus, arcu nunc ultrices purus, quis condimentum leo libero eu velit. Proin viverra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In tincidunt lacus vitae leo. Morbi sed purus. Nam accumsan nunc a justo. Aenean auctor aliquam nisl. Ut eros orci, pulvinar eget, ornare in, venenatis et, justo. Donec non enim vel urna consectetuer fermentum. Donec eleifend commodo orci. Curabitur tincidunt, turpis a laoreet interdum, enim dolor tincidunt ante, eu congue sem quam semper mi. Nulla facilisi. Ut iaculis ultrices leo. Praesent tincidunt imperdiet urna. Curabitur ut metus. Suspendisse blandit. Suspendisse potenti.

Proin dui. Mauris euismod. Donec interdum. Vivamus adipiscing mi quis ipsum. Fusce id eros. Donec eu sem. In semper arcu nec orci condimentum laoreet. Proin mi sapien, tristique quis, vulputate vel, vestibulum eu, ipsum. Donec felis. Nullam vel quam a quam accumsan pretium. Etiam risus. Mauris non nunc. Donec sodales congue massa. Donec eu lectus. Curabitur tristique imperdiet magna. Vestibulum egestas elementum lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent sem. Vestibulum rutrum mi non orci. Sed scelerisque convallis metus. Proin porta ultrices urna. Morbi leo orci, nonummy sed, cursus eu, luctus ac, erat. Praesent viverra sagittis tellus. Proin pellentesque, justo eu blandit commodo, est justo ornare lorem, id nonummy diam ligula semper nibh. Fusce a justo et velit porttitor elementum. Integer varius dictum metus. Cras venenatis mattis ligula. Aliquam enim sem, nonummy sit amet, feugiat vitae, ornare et, urna. Duis interdum leo a orci. Ut ornare. Cras ut nunc. Nullam eget augue. Mauris scelerisque leo vel nibh. Morbi faucibus lacus vel dolor. Nullam elementum. Integer lectus arcu, imperdiet id, posuere id, varius et, elit. Donec vitae lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec dolor nulla, sollicitudin sit amet, vestibulum vel, pellentesque sed, enim. Integer wisi nibh, sodales sit amet, tempus quis, sodales ut, turpis. Nullam vel mi et eros faucibus commodo. Ut at erat vitae erat accumsan volutpat. Quisque fringilla nonummy wisi. Vivamus elit felis, sodales vitae, ultricies vitae, ultricies id, ante.

Giving praise to the profits is a adhom???

You have to won the argument before that sir.

Need tl;dr

Also maybe some fucking time codes for fucking OP. I am not going to listen to an hour of crazy bearded dude rants. No wonder this got bumplocked