US 'protecting' jihadist group - Russia

Not surprising

Uh oh. Not exactly surprising but it's a sign that escalation is imminent. Only a matter of time before words become actions.

D.A.K. 16 10 16

Well boys I reckon this is it.
Nookular combat toe-to-toe with the Rooskies

Updated article

It'll still take a while for it to get that bad. I give it about 2, maybe 3 years the moment a direct bombardment of U.S, Chinese or Russian troops/vehicles happens.

So they finally fucking said it. I hope Putin hasn't changed his mind about waiting for Trump.

It has to happen before Nov 8'th or else we'll have deescalation.

So will Syrians be able to sue the USA for state sponsored terrorism?

I know, but I was referring to how long after that moment the worst case scenario happens.

There's likely going to be an key incident around mid/late-October. You'll hear a bunch of U.S/Russian/Chinese troops being killed and the media will try to downplay it as an "accident" at first. Then the reality will hit hard when the retaliation comes. The moment that happens WWIII has not only started, but you may as well count down the doomsday clock.

In that case nuclear war would occur between 2018-2019, U.S most likely be the first to launch. Funnily enough, that's around the time think-tank user predicted ABM systems would be considered "fully functional" I think.

get /comfy/ anons, shit's about to start in a few months or years

good the bbc publishing unbiased coverage of syria for once

This Cuban Missile Crisis tier scaremongering won't happen between China, Russia or the U.S.

Sandniggers are going to be glassed over by those powers long before they use it on each other.

Which happens to be land of major geopolitical importance for all of them. The moment anything is nuked there, retaliation nukes come into play and it escalates into full-blown nuclear war in no time.

D.A.K. 16 10 16

Der Ausbruch des Krieges (the outbreak of war) 16th of October 2016

Cant we just use ridiculous conventional force?
Surely with enough explosives/thermobarics we can achieve the same effect?

One jihadist group couldn't overthrow the regime anyways.

And trump is a russian agent… kids please, they banned soros for a reason, faggots and feminist do a lot more of damage than goat fuckers.

Where did this D.A.K. meme start anyway?
It just strikes me as some BadSelfEater shit, which turned out to be just a bunch of dead babies

This is absolutely mindblowing. After 9/11 I pretty quickly became a hardcore nationalist and wanted nukes launched all over the Middle East.

And now the US is protecting Arab Muslims terrorists.

What the fuck is going on?

The wild card is the Chinese Military. Combined with an Iranian invasion of Syria, America, the Jews and their terrorist friends will get BTFO