What's Holla Forums's opinion on Stallman and the free software movement?

What's Holla Forums's opinion on Stallman and the free software movement?
I'm formerly a /g/entooman but support for the FSF has all but died on that board, is this a good place to migrate?

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This is just more of the same. Go to nextchan.

What the fuck that picture op. Also since this is a datamining thread. I personally support the ideas of stallman's movement but not the foundation itself due to legal crap. Like how everything copyrighted under gpl v3+ can be turned into any liscense wanted at the whim of FSF. That's great for fixing issues but horrible should (((state actors))) buy the foundation and its board members and then proceed to change the gpl4 to say a closed liscense.

We have a bunch of idiots here. It's mainly due to the fact that Jim has turned this place into his personal politisperg blog, along with the Infinity Next drama and takeover of Holla Forums.
I dunno where everyone went, or if they're still here, but the quality has declined a lot.

The problem are people like you who don't give a fuck about any sense of community and chose to just tell newcommers to fuck off instead of making quality posts yourselves

Look m8, FSF has died everywhere.
Stallman is way too extreme, and spent more time "activism-ing" than writing code.
Their kernel is a joke.

It's a dying era. Move on.

I like Stallman and the FSF, but I'm afraid that Stallman is too extreme now and then.

Don't take this the wrong way though, I do agree that you should only use free software, and I really don't give a fuck if big companies can make money with creating free software on a level that they can with proprietary. But maybe if Stallman focused a bit more on how to get big companies into free software that would the movement a lot more than being a purist about it. Focus on the things that are easily achieved, and then achieve more; instead of focusing on the end goal.

I do agree with him on the end goal though.

I support most of the ideas of RMS and the FSF about the free/libre software movement, aka proprietary software/hardware, DRMs and software/hardware patents should not exist.
Thankfully RMS is autistic enough to separate the Free/libre software movement from other political movement, but that's something normies can't understand.
Has for the FSf a lot of us are worried about SJWs that are infiltrating part of the hacker community and we are seeing it devolve into shit discussion about things that were never are still isn't relevant of technology.
For what I know the Top people that are a public/known menace for free software are:
-Christopher Allan Webber
-John Hsieh
-Francis Rowe
The knows/public people who are against the madness are:
-John Sullivan
-Stephen Mahood
-Ruben Rodriguez

This board is mostly free/libre software discussion which tends to devolve into free software community discussions and license threads.
So is it a good place ?
Stay for a bit and you'll see if it's to your taste.
If not then try to change it by proposing new subjects.
I think it's still better than 4chan because at least I can post via Tor here (and avoid part of cloudflare too).

Not op.
This pic is one of a IOT fridge that needed an update.
aka pure cancer/botnet.

Wut ?

What ?
The + means that it inherits the more recent license if there's one.
It's also used if the new introduced license brings incompatibility with license who doens't have the +.


No it hasn't it's just overshadowed by opensource people.
Please explain why.
Nothing new he dedicates it's time to activism otherwise only open source would remain.
The last line of code that he did was a decade ago do you think that it would be a wise decision for him to come back ?
Their kernel is the rare ones that proposed a sane architecture and has always open source people use the easy path instead of taking the sane one.
Almost install the hurd it's working now.
t.open source/bsd supporter

Please elaborate.

not him but I think this has to do with his views on pedophilia.

Can't speak for the whole board, but rms has my respect. The man believes in free software and lives by it despite many inconveniences.

Someone has to do it. rms still wrote more useful code than anyone in this board.
The Hurd was necessary before Linux, but with it there's no need for Hurd. That's why the FSF doesn't put more effort in it.

Lack of context has always.
Each time he talk about these subject it in another country were the legislations are different and if you follow closely his views they have changed.
Also like said earlier

But fortunately some people are on it tho.

Haha, that's not actually the case.


Do you mean, RMS doesn't sperg out in a pure wave of emotions every time someone mentions pedophilia like society deems acceptable to do?
RMS knows very well pedophilia is irrelevant to the state of affairs of our society and prefers to focus his passion on fighting other, more urgent problems, such as the war on freedom from the Botnet, or the ecological catastrophe our planet is suffering.

The FSF is mostly leftist bullshit.
The GPL is the best license.

stop tripppfagging

Check em

Nah they're actually dead.

Well, ok.


You're right, it's actually leftist genius. Ignore that poster

I respect RMS. Unlike faggots who say things like "stallman is 2extreme4me". Honestly it seems most people are complete faggots, and that's what makes RMS look good.

worse than 8ch


Use koolkidsklub.tech/hebe for a really Private™ experience. Only text, no bloat.

GJ on the ssl so quickly. (((Let's encrap))) I assume?

literally none of those things are true, but as long as it keeps kids like you out, whatever

Yeah, it's Let's Encrypt!™.
SSL Certificates are a Jewish extorsion mafia anyway like DNS, so I might as well get a free one.

I've written my viewpoint on Open Source vs Free Software here:


Sorry, link correction

millenials bls go

okay go back there then. i dont want to talk to people who think it's normal for web pages to be as slow as twitter and tumblergramwhatever

Blame Web 3.0 cancer for that.

Nice trip there, faggot.

On the clearweb.



GPLv4 would become an additional license, not a replacement. You could still get it as GPLv3 with all the freedoms it provides, that's irrevocable.

The real danger would be an overly permissive GPLv4. Restrictions can't be added, but they can be removed.

Same has GPLv2 and that's why V2 and V3 aren't compatible.
This but I don't think it will happen.
Actually what's worrying is the laws since they are constantly or can evolve.
MS has spent billions into trying to find loophole and change the laws in utah to abuse the GPL software.


it didn't work with JS off (I guess I should have tried enabling cookies or "referer" [sic]), and when I enabled JS it was slow as fuck

FSF is important, but will never reach the mainstream. Open source on the other hand already has. I have a t400 with libreboot and trisquel as my distro. My last piece of non free software I have is my smart phone. Dont know if I can ever go back to a dumb phone though.

I fully support the FSF and the free software movement. Most people in these boards don't.
People here only use "Linux" (notice how they even refuse to call it by it's name: GNU) because it's free and they're too contrarian to use a more mainstream operating system.
Most of them refuse to use distributions endorsed by the FSF (or Debian with no non-free repos) and instead use Arch because it's "harder" and gives them bragging rights (or so they think.)
Discussion? There's very little discussion about free software or software in general. Most threads are petty fights and comparisons of X vs Y (be it browsers, operating systems, companies, programming languages, etc.) Or "the SJW" (whatever the hell that means.)
In fact, just add "cuck" and "(((" to the filter and you will instantly hide over 50 % of replies because there's nothing but buzzwords and shit flinging here.

This is when you know arguing is useless.

Not just leftist bullshit. Leftist (((identity politics))) bullshit.


Pretty sure most people here use Debian or derivatives and Gen/Funtoo.

Stallman is an old autistic Jew who lives in a lefty bubble. This kind of delusions is to be expected. He is not a SJW though, he is consistent in his views. You probably still can red-pill him on some matters.
And some stuff he got right already.

The fucking community in this shithole died two years ago and retards like you are raping the decrepit corpse every time you think you're hilarious for making a shitpost with jewish meme arrows or unironically making a thinly veiled software recommendation thread because you have fewer brain cells than a fucking rodent.

I don't think you can talk him out of anything he's already convinced about. I sent him a mail once and he sounded incredibly stern and stubborn.
He can have some SJW views, and as long as they're few enough, they probably won't be inconsistent.
I mean, his views on straight white males are already pretty illogical.

He is a boomer, the 80s has never ended for him. Back then being a homo could indeed complicate your life a bit and his sentiment would have some point. Nowadays suicide, poverty and college admission statistics disprove his claim completely.

I remember he had defended some Australian anti-abortion organization when they got shutdown by feminists. A SJW would never have done that.

I once asked him his opinion about a license that had a clause against straight white males. He said he didn't like it because it's racist.
He summarizes an article that says straight white males have it easier, but he doesn't extend that to anything particularly SJWy you may associate with that opinion.

Sstt-st-stallman-sama i-i-is t-t-t-t-th-the o-o-o-onnly g-g-g-g-g-g--good j-j-j-j-jew nya!
He m-m-m-m-might have s-s-s-some op-p-p-p-pinions t-th-th-that are o-off b-b-b-b-b-b-but he's a hero! NYA!
B-b-b-but I'm s-s-s-s-s-s--scared of w-w-what w-w-w-w-will hap-p-p-p-p-p-pen t-t-t-to th-th-th-the FSF w-w-when he g-g-g-g-goes. nya -_-

Wait stallman is a kike? No way in fucking hell. Like his views on control of coputer hardware line up with such. But where is the money-changing? And the connections in high places?

The GPL is leftist and the philosophy of the FSF is the same kind of leftism.

It's almost as if people could have their own opinions on things instead of being reactionary idiots following a hivemind. 🤔

I can make the same argument about the GPL being "right" on the economic spectrum and a bastion of libertarian free market ideals.
By your logic, imaginary property is inherently anti-free market and thus leftist. You just lost the argument, btw.
Try fucking off to Holla Forums. You're the very cancer that's talked about in this thread.

Join us now and share the software!

off yourselves


nice post dude

Says the user who gives no argument.
Your sentence is typical of those who try to win a debate via emotions instead of making an argument.
So please tell why RMS an extremist ?

It's easier for white people to do shit in white countries, and it's easier for black people to do shit in black country etc...
And that's normal, people of having the same language, culture, skin etc... attract themselves and preffer to stay in group.
And that's something that internet communities can completely avoid if wanted.
But we still attract each others in other ways.

Listen m8 the GPL has only one goal provide the user full freedom on ones computing.

False, any business can sell or offer service with software under the GPL.
If dell,HP and all the other companies would use RYF hardware an only 100% free software the only people who would suffer from this is MS and Nvidia (if they don't change) otherwise the whole market would be freed and competitors would have to make true innovations or offer good services.
They just cannot lie without being busted openly.

False, with free software you get true ownership of the hardware that you buy.


You'll be free hackers.

No user is ever forced to share anything. Only when you decide to become a developer or distributor -- when you sell or give away copies of a modified version of GPL software -- are you required to share your modifications with your users. If you never share your modified versions with anyone, you're free to keep your source code modifications to yourself.

The GPL only forces you to share code to those who use your product. You can sell binaries and set up an email/ftp server for those who want to download it.
Then why are Windows and Photoshop the most pirated pieces of software? Proprietary software doesn't stop people from sharing the program, it only stops people from using your code.

If what user says is right, he doesn't have his own opinion. All he does is follow what some fiends of him said back in the 80s. If he bothered to try to form his own opinions nowadays, he'd encounter a very different reality where his old views don't work anymore.

And your ad hominem here is a fallacy.


Still not responding to the question.

You are wrong. Ad hominem is a fallacy when an attack on someone's character is used as an argument for why they are wrong. Neither the mere act of attacking someone's character, nor insulting them constitutes an ad hominem fallacy.

Consider the following two sentences:

The former is clearly fallacious, whereas the latter most certainly is not, in spite of being equally insulting.

For that matter, what you are committing right here is an ad logicam fallacy. Step it up, user-kun.

everything ITT is just normalfags who've never left their home getting weirded out by RMS ("he is le too extreme") and polniggers saying their irrelevant bullshit

I agree that SJW stuff is bullshit, but RMS still has done more than any other for software. I personally hate GNU software because it's insecure and autistic, but it's still better and saner than most of the other crap out there. Meanwhile, you sound like some insufferable redpiller faggot who believes in constructs like "capitalism" as the only way to build technology. Software almost exclusively takes 0 capital to build (if you think otherwise, you're a delusional moron). Arguing that we need capitalism for software to work is like arguing that we need capitalism for paintings to work (not that any painting has been made for the last few centuries, but still). Not only that, but you probably also call any type of free software "communism", which is a whole other layer of retard. You people are as cancerous as any SJW or communist.

I know the specifics of the ad hom. His argument was "you're wrong because you're this typical type of dude who bla bla bla". The argument was built on the personal attack, the personal attack wasn't a bonus. It was certainly a fallacy, anime LARPer brethen.

You're not responding to what I said properly is my point. I'm not even making an argument, you're the one who desperately tried to pick one and acted as if winning was my ultimate goal.
Arguments don't work if both parties aren't willing to concede or at least willing to see the others' end. I'm perfectly fine with you thinking RMS is not an extremist. If you have arguments to back it up, that's great.
What's retarded is that you can't even imagine why someone would think RMS is an extremist. The dude said some pretty crazy shit in the past. If you can't understand why someone would think they're extremist, you're stubborn or autistic, which makes arguing pointless.

Would you give extremist examples of things that Stallman has done to promote the free software movement.

He followed an insult up with an insult, then asked a question. You can't really argue against an insult, that's not how they work. As far as I can see, this has been the series of communication:

I support the Free Software movement, but I do not like GNU, Linux, or any C-based or Unix-based products. Associating software freedom with C and Unix was a very bad idea because it is spreading the Unix virus and killing security and creative hardware and OS design. Stallman should have made a Lisp machine clone, Multics clone, or other "Right Thing" system to base freedom around.

Stallman prefers Lisp and he would have loved a Lisp machine. The reason why he chose Unix as the basis of GNU is for practical reasons: it was a clean and decent OS and it was popular in the universities of the world which would make GNU easy to spread. There's no technical reason why we don't have a free Lisp machine (and Lisp OS) today. We don't have one as a matter of practicality: nobody is interested into developing their effort into a Lisp machine in the same way that Stallman invested his effort into a Unix-based GNU. If you want to take up that burden for yourself, that is all up to you.

stallman doesn't have a Galaxy s9 on his person at all times. he is too extreme

say it with me now:

my nigga

You have a lisp machine. It's emacs. Emacs is shit.

Hey Holla Forumsies
Former /g/entooman here, I just discovered this board which is apparently its counterpart in 8ch.net
and it seems to be a balance between memes and actually computer-related stuff. My main complain about /g/ might be Holla Forums starting to lose its shit and spreading to other boards, is it sane here? for a Holla Forums lurker like myself


Fuck off, commie.

This is Holla Forums, Holla Forums thinks every board is its hugbox and the existence of leftypol enrages them beyond belief.
its not as bad as /g/ in other ways though. less mac/winfaggotry.
t. gommie

Go back to >>>Holla Forums.
you retards are the reason why pic related exists.

Thanls guys I think I'll like this board

A)I came here before Holla Forums, so no.
B)Nah cunt.

fuck off retard

Hackers, you will be free

Leftism is hating white people and watching BLACKED videos. Also getting paid by israel to promote them to everyone else. I cant go or else I wouldnt get my check. Capitalism, eh, as long as it doesnt go back to being racist and sexist.

You say that when Holla Forums exists because commies got upset Holla Forums wasn't their hugbox.


You did not ask a question.
The whole problem lies here.
Diverting attention from the initial initial question that you refuse to respond, question which is

Pretty much this.

Here's what happened.

Affirmative sentence without anything to back it up.


I didn't make any insult. Not initially, at least.
I said that his stance on Stallman meant that arguing was pointless. "Extremism" is subjective and depends on the morals and culture of the era and location you're on. If you're Stallman or an extreme fanboy, you're not going to think you're an extremist and there's no convincing you otherwise.

You're not going to agree that anything he said was extremist, even to other people, because you can't put yourself on someone else's shoes. Explaining something subjective requires empathy.

But yeah, if you're that desperate, I can think of one. Go ahead and disagree: he went on a podcast once and said that if your only skill in life is programming, you have children to feed, and all the available programming jobs are on proprietary software, then you shouldn't work as a dev at all. You should only work on free software. If you can't find anything, find a job cleaning or something. Doesn't matter if you contribute to the Linux kernel on your free time, and you need the money because your kids are sick, he said there's no excuse to work on proprietary software.

For those of you who remember that podcast, I'm not in favor of the guy who argued with Stallman either. He brought Stallman as a guest, knowing he had extremist views on free software, and cornered him for no fucking reason. It was unprofessional. But that doesn't mean Stallman didn't have irrational stances.


Don't do it user. The cnniggers that killed ian and his family and then replaced most of debians devs with cnniggers wouldn't want you to.

Also go fuck yourself.

that isn't extreme or extremism. fuck off you stupid USAniggers. you're free to be a pussy ass bitch and suck cock for a living if you want, nobody is stopping you

What does 'bonded out' mean?

>>Holla Forums

you pay money so you don't sit in jail. you get it back when you go to court. is a CIA Nigger btw

He made the right choice.

The reason why the FSF use Debian is because they themselves are able to distinguish between the free and non-free software: they will simply refuse to install the non-free software. However, they won't endorse it to other people because Debian officially maintains a list of proprietary software that users can choose to install. There's no point in endorsing a project that promotes its users to install proprietary software.

Without capital there's no intensive to work hard, retard.

Programming takes time and labor and I'm not going to give away my time and labor for free.

the movement is shit and full of pussy bitches.
the concept of free software is pretty gud/10 tho.

Which is fine since you're most likely an incompetent faggot who couldn't write three production lines if he tried.

Debian does not promote proprietary software, though. The base install is 100% FLOSS. It merely gives the choice to people who might need proprietary software for reasons to use it.

No they don't.
They support it by making non-free software work the the distro.
They support it by making manuals or helping people install the said botnet.
Debian driven community is kill since a long time unfortunately.

It's not my fault that the only way for your indiascript program to be willingly used by someone else involves making it free and throwing an autistic shitfit the moment someone else decides to sell or buy software.

So don't give away your time and labor for free. When you write free software with the intent of selling it, you should sell it at a profit.

It doesn't matter that the Debian strongly recommends for their basic install system that is free. The fact of the matter is that Debian officially maintains a list of non-free software for users to install. If this list was not an official part of the Debian project, then that would be a different matter. If this list was a blacklist that will actively prevent users from (intentionally or accidentally) installing the non-free software titles, then that would be a different matter.