Science quiz

science quiz

what's wrong with this google doodle?

Dude is drinking DNA out of a test tube with a straw instead of snorting it like a real scientist.

that's a pipette you stupid nigger

try again

The helix isn't twisted?

dude is drinking DNA out of a pipette instead of snorting it like a real scientist
the dna is wrong probably but its been so long since high school I dont remember how its supposed to be

Nigga ain't got no upper lip.


shouldn't it be T instead of U?

I heard it was a good game before they add microtransactions

dubs of truth have been checked
retard scientist is sucking jizz from a pipette, which amazingly enough is the French word for STRAW

That's for an ARN if it's an U

nope, it isn't. Straw is paille in French.
source: I'm French

Do they not have sarcasm in France?
Because was sarcasm.

doesnt say gattaca once.

There's no U in G-C-A-T

It could have been just a bad translation. It could have been pipette for a layman. That's not funny.

Yes, that's why it's RNA.

pipette = small pipe, everyone knows that

Je fume une pipette, car le docteur m'as dit de ralentir mon fromage.
Merde! J'ai pas assez d'argent pour un cigar, je vais prendre une pipette.

is fromage a buzzword in English?

RNA doesn't form a double helix with itself, only with DNA. You can't have a nucleotide double helix with uracil on both sides.


nobody cares about the response to question 2 from your french homework. drown yourself in cum you waste of life

The U is for Uganda. T was renamed to U to show solidarity with Africa.

La cum est sur le table. Suce mon pipette!


Im gonna need that sauce

There are no womyn of color.

pretty sure white men never invented fucking anything you shitlord bigot

the guy in the picture is Indian. did you presume he was white because he was a scientist?

that is a safe bet to make tbh.

I still think this is the best answer.

have you ever traveled in a jet plane? It was invented by Nazi scientists

2 things
1- You dont have two strands of RNA like that , it only has one strand
2- Eating is prohibited in any laboratory , as well as smelling directly and douing shit with your mouth in the tubes so if that would be mustard gas that dude would be fucked up for life , like all those people who took the bait and made crystals.

who cares about jewish science? These are the people who claim black holes exist without providing any empirical evidence.

evidently he was working back when mouth pipettes were still a thing. modern laboratories do not allow using pipettes like that.

it's not DNA, it's RNA you retard.

It actually will form with itself, however it's unstable.

double stranded RNA is a thing though. it's unstable, however it is correct.

Adenine matches with thyonine?

thymine. Unless it's RNA. Then it pairs with Uracil, hence the U.
