Redditfags are having a discussion about "racism in science" tomorrow

Could be prime redpill/triggering territory. As long as you post comments with studies and statistics to back up your claims the mods will usually leave them alone.

Other urls found in this thread:

Archive link:

That there's a record that will need correcting

Are these people retarded? Any theory with a basis in biological science spells out WHY things are unfair, and that's because equality is a myth.

You know what to do lads

The entire scientific industry is ultra cucked. You won't find a single scientific institution or corporation without diversity's cock down their throat.


Some tips from someone who is forced to use reddit for work

I fucking hate reddit and it's userbase. It's like swimming in aids. This is top-tier enemy territory and not like mining for butthurt on twitter. It's a lot less fun and a lot less funny when you realize these are everyday people who honestly believe MSM propaganda and think you are the crazy one with your toxic racist evil facts and links to sources.

Holla Forums thought and science are antithetical to each other

of course user
the truely mentally ill think they are normal

new accounts cant even post without a prerequisite amount of Karma/account age on most subreddits

upvote this comment faggots

scientists are the easiest to redpill. Bring your sources, only talk if you know what you are talking about. Downvote any shills

They'll never allow "racists" to be take part in the discussion. Odds are the thread will be completely locked and/or deleted.

Oh, I'm sure that they're going to have a wonderful and honest discussion. They're announcing that there's going to be a guilt trip tomorrow and they're threatening anyone that might not agree 100%.

top laff

it didnt take long for the 1500 (((mods))) to shut it down


comment got shoaed



They will still pip you even if you use TOR if you don’t wipe them.
I’ve actually not noticed this. I regularly run an “upvote everything on the page” script on each of my alt accounts from each of the other accounts. It takes a while for the system to refresh, but I’ve always seen my numbers increase thanks to that.
That’s far too kind.

All their SJW crap like "white privilege" is just unfalsifiable conspiracy theory, not science.

Any of you closet plebbitors who are looking to stir the pot can use pic related.


Will they discuss the scientific fact that all niggers (except some curryniggers) are borderline fucking retarded?

Just looked at it. It seems they have a rule against anecdotes, but they don't delete comments of invited guests. ;) They also have thousands of mods ready to delete comments they don't like. If you want to take part, you'll have to make lots of accounts to leave comments. Many of the mods will likely temporarily ban your account or delete most of your comments.

No, the guests are just going to show that there are more white male scientists than others.

YO, shitpost as Asians and Indians and how kikes shit on you. They want to have a hugbox session on how evil Whitey is so make it all about Jews.

Is it a coincidence they have a talk about racism after we had this

thread the other day.

It's like they read it, and decided to do some counter to it.

It was the first IAC I watched and they humiliated themselves, they had a woman aggressively ask why Musk wasn't hiring more foreigners…instead of details about his new project Musk had to explain ITAR which anyone even slightly interested in space knows about. So this cunt could have been one of these clueless SJW interlopers they send to events. Musk also probably triggered someone by showing what the company looked like originally.



bla bla rushton is discredit - no reason why
bla bla watson not respected - no reason why

hurrr I is phdum

Shitlib logic in a nutshell.

Translation: We're not saying that white people are evil or anything, but as a white man :^), I think we need to recognize the negative effect the white race has had on society and the world at large, and work to fix those problems!

Beat me to it CIA

Fuck I hate these cunts and their passive aggressive demands for a "discussion", "dialogue", or "conversation" i.e. just admit that you're indirectly responsible for everything wrong with minorities, whitey

I'd say it's true that Whites are responsible for problems with minorities because they imported nignogs in the first place, but even that isn't really true.

lol at the comment further down of some faggot seriously suggesting that social sciences is a "hard" science and totally reproducible because muh random distribution. if you want to know why that's total bullshit check out some of the links in this thread

Good luck user. I visited reddit for a couple weeks and I can understand why anons get so upset when it's mentioned. Bump for those that can stomach the place.

tbf I'm sure there are some subreddits that are pockets of sanity but I expect little from one called r/science

For a second there I thought you were talking about Holla Forums.

Not even meant as a shitpost. Pointing fingers at Reddit for being anti-intellectual retards about science is a little dishonest on a board that regularly has /x/ and /fringe/ threads.

Name a right wing board on the internet that isn't anti-intellectual. I can't think of one. MPC, TRS, most blog sections of NRx. All those are pretty similar in their outlook insofar as making use of a very strict set of scientific results (HBD, crime data, biology, etc) while decrying anyone who talks funny or researches anything else as a "faggot nerd" or "da cathedral".

The entire online right is made up of 99% fucking retards who think they are part of the 1% cognitive elite.


I'd like to know why there is blatant anti-white racism in science today.

I wouldn't put it that way but yes, the Right tends to cherry pick just as much as the Left.

Because modern academia is overrun with women in soft sciences who are prone to ideological manipulation.

/r/science mods will delete anything and everything. They are well known for being some of the strictest on the site.

If you can, refute their nonsense, please try to go with peer reviewed shit and not stuff from TRS or right wing blogs because no one will ever see it.

So is a viable strategy to ban someone using many different accounts to upvote only that account's comments?

user, everyone can typify, but when you make these generalizations it seems obvious to every other poster that you're a bothered, inexperienced faggot that's most likely still stuck in his B.A..

Taking shitposts at face value is the mark of an invalid.

Hard sciences have a lot of problems with preconcieved bias too. Especially medicine/biology. If you can't see that you might be part of the problem.

kek no, they're feels not realz in that shithole.
Isaac Newton, Pythagoras and Bill Nye The Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Goy could peer review a study of nigger IQ and they'd still memoryhole it.


The red posts have been deleted.


I don't have a reddit account, but they need to be asked about James Watson, a Nobel Prize winning DNA scientist. He was shunned from public view after claiming that Africa has a gloomy future due to the fact that we assume their intelligence levels are the same as our own - pic related.

Now that's a real shoah

more like fedora tip


Do you honestly think all the "Genes are evil", "Jewish medicine!" and "Ancient Atlantean Aryans" posters are being facetious?

There's a human element that you can't really get rid of. Clique-building is part of that. But hard sciences produce hard data which isn't affected by politics and ideology. The only problem is getting your findings out there.

heh mostly trolls so far

Once I asked a question in /r/AskScience. It was simply:

"Is there any scientific basis for gender studies?"

I didn't get approved.

why the fuck does your job require you to use plebbit?

stay on /newsplus/ you knob goblin
go repost the guardian again too

gender studies is part of sociology which doesn't necessarily (read: will never) use scientific method

Top kek. I'm just wondering if these mods are doing it for free. Wow. Half of all posts deleted in the leadup to the actual discussion. This was all meta "what might happen tomorrow" stuff that steered clear of actual facts. When the facts stop raining the mods are going to be sweating profusely.

The AMA thread is already up. Going to be much moderating.

If you want something to do, what I like doing in these cases is reporting *anything* that remotely disrupts the narrative to see how authoritarian we can get the mods to act.

They have an "army of science", like a group of hundreds of reporters who scour the threads for wrongthink.

It's insane how much work they put into the narrative. And yes, they all do it for free.

They allowed some polite, genuflecting questions to be left up, which will likely be ignored or such.

There's not much to be done to fuck with them, as they will ban/delete without a second thought.

Just report anything that goes against their narrative to see how many comments we can get them to nuke.


oh look, it's been removed, I wonder why that happened

I'd love to know what the lone woman's contribution on that team was. I wouldn't even be surprised if it was a tranny.

She's probably just a weirdo woman who can actually into science but thinking about this I remembered all the bullshit jobs that only exist to forfill women quotas

That shit would piss me off so much if I ran a company. Why the fuck do the (((elites))) allow this to happen? Do the chosen companies have ways around it so it doesn't affect them?

It's entirely possible she's legit, they do exist but I've seen so many that turn out to be men at this point in programming that I refuse to believe it at first glance anymore.

Programming is a special case though. Modern trannyism is an internet cult. And all programmers are heavily immersed in internet culture.

General scientists can be 9gag-tier internet users, they are less likely to catch the tranny bug.

Fuck, I don't know what to say. I'm a newly minted scientist, and I never had to deal with any of this SJW bullshit in uni. Is this the end of science being real, actual science? All of the arts, including philosophy, are totally cucked, as well as Computer Science. I thought this was the one thing we could keep, because mathematics and scientific hypothesis couldn't be swayed by public opinion and Jews. Also, retards, women, nu-males, and niggers are too dumb to get a science degree, so it seemed clear for a while.

If they take this from us, what made the white man truly great, all will be lost. I don't even know how to express the sadness I feel.

science literally came out of cuckdom (the enlightenment)

if we had stayed in caves none of this faggy shit would exist

Not for long:

Look at this fucking shit

Holy shit, unbelievable. Mathematics, a branch of applied science/philosophy, has implicit bias. These people all need to be gassed.

This is not true, China is are the forefront of this with almost complete disregard for political correctness. I'll post a bit more on this in a bit.

This isn't true. The reason the West became exceptional above all others is the adoption of philosophical ideas that explicitly defined and promoted reason (rather than dogma) as a means of improving human life. The is the problem with science today. Before, it used to be the religious right that were holding back science with their dogma but now that it has weakened to nothing it is now the regressive left has surpassed them in that are holding back science with their dogma, simply put both religion right and left are nothing more than appeals to emotion rather than evidence, despite being overwhelmingly against their narrative. The modern left now is such an insane joke even compared to the religious right that they do not even acknowledge the science of sex/gender which is firmly established because they believe somehow magically mutilating your privates will make you the opposite gender and that XY chromosomes are a myth. I just want a free and pure science and yes this includes the fact that certain populations are more intelligent than others. I truly wish to debate them on this openly. All criticism of men like Rushton, whose works are peer reviewed, always amount to "it's racist, so it's wrong". It's ridiculous. How do you so disregard all the selective pressures that made us who we are? How do you acknowledge that certain animals within even breeds are more intelligent than others? How do you openly acknowledge that certain races have physical ability beyond others such as the overwhelmingly apparent sprinting ability of African runners found due to their high amount of fast twitch muscle relative to others and deny intellect to other races such as the orientals?

As it stands, I doubt it'll stay here forever. Political correctness in science that is, due almost entirely to the Chinese. They generally choose reason over dogma and that is what will assure their dominance that used to belong to the West. I might even welcome the decline and fall of the West due to that alone. We simply have no right to exist if we keep falling for dogma.

As for the rest, I think he got it right when he wrote.

Modern leftist philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftist philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.

I'll contribute an article I'd like people to read.

Most scientists will tell you that race has no biological basis–it is, in academic-speak, a “social construct.” But a new book by distinguished journalist Nicholas Wade challenges that assumption, concluding that race is real and human social behaviour is subject to natural selection just like everything else.

As the New York Review of Books put it, in its coverage of Wade’s A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History, there is now a “statistical sense” in which races are real. Scientists can tell, based on genetic variance, which continent a DNA sample comes from. That might not sound revolutionary to you, but it’s only recently that we’ve had the computer processing power to do it.

Wade doesn’t shy away from the disquieting implications of his theories: our genes, he says, could explain why some countries are wealthy while others languish in penury. In fact, the more we discover about ourselves from genomics, the more it becomes apparent that science and ideology are on a collision course.

Why? Because it’s totally unacceptable to say in public these days that different races might have different behavioural characteristics, and that those characteristics might be genetically determined… even though that’s the way the science seems to be pointing.

To be fair, it’s easy to understand why researchers get cagey. The all-consuming cult of equality struggles with any suggestion that social behaviours might be genetically determined: that habits and predilections might have diverged along with skin colour. No scientist wants to be responsible for research that justifies crude observations about white sexual mores or black dietary preferences.

It’s one thing to say that tribal cultures have smaller trust circles; quite another to say that science can explain why black people smoke menthol cigarettes, or why Asians are good at maths. (Or, for that matter, why people with ginger hair are less sexually attractive.)

For over a decade, it has been Chinese academics, unencumbered by political correctness, who have embarked upon the race-based research enabled by genomics. The Chinese particularly enjoy IQ-versus-race league tables, because they invariably come out on top. That sort of research makes Westerners squeamish, to put it mildly–which is why today, most research into the genomics of race is still carried out at the Beijing Genomics Institute. By and large, the subject is un-fundable in the West.

Assuming we were to discover biological and behavioural differences attributable to race, does that mean we should start treating different races differently? Could we develop better addiction treatment programs for Native Americans, or more effective medication for Hispanic asthma sufferers?

Unsurprisingly, doctors have already been at this for decades. There are medicines prescribed every day in America targeted at specific racial groups, such as hypertension drug BiDil.

When BiDil was given the nod in 2005, the FDA’s Robert Temple stated plainly: “The information presented to the FDA clearly showed that blacks suffering from heart failure will now have an additional safe and effective option for treating their condition.”

But the pills remain controversial, because they undermine the idea of race as a purely social construct. One female doctor, appalled by the idea of race-based medicine, said in 2005 that she wished BiDil had never been approved, even though she knew it would save lives.

Responses like that are common even today. Nicholas Wade’s résumé is such that critics who find his ideas uncomfortable cannot simply dismiss him as a racist. Indeed, he told the Spectator podcast that only one review of A Troublesome Inheritance so far had done so.


Nonetheless, entrenched hypersensitivities persist. Journalists are often silent–or, worse, resort to name-calling–when they encounter research they find uncomfortable. Ian Steadman, a science writer for the British New Statesman, admitted he had not read Wade’s book when he referred on Twitter to extracts from it as “pretending racism is science.”

“[I’ve] read enough reviews to know what it’s pushing,” he told me later.

Steadman declined to answer further questions, but he did say he has since read A Troublesome Inheritance and intends to review it at some point in the future.

Jason Pontin, publisher of MIT’s Technology Review, wrote yesterday: “I can’t imagine what compelled a science journalist of Nicholas Wade’s stature to take on the subject of race. We don’t know much right now, and while genomics will tell us much more, it can’t yet. For a journalist to go wading speculatively into the subject is asking for career-ending trouble.”

Pontin almost certainly didn’t mean for “career-ending trouble” to sound as sinister or threatening as it does. But his choice of words is instructive: even though the jury is still out on whether race can be said to have any meaningful biological basis, only the social construct side of the argument is considered acceptable in public.

Meanwhile, prejudice may be costing lives: BiDil isn’t selling, even though it works, partly because reporters have made it such a hot potato. And as for attributing cultural habits to race, well. That’s the sort of thing that can get you permanently ostracised from the profession.

These examples serve to illustrate what a touchy subject genomics is, even for the scientists and science writers who in other circumstances–for example, in their crusades against religion–demand that evidence should be followed wherever it may lead.

In other words, although it shouldn’t take courage to write a book that outlines what genetic discoveries might one day be able to tell us about ourselves, in today’s heavily politicised scientific atmosphere, it most certainly does. Which is reason enough, I think, to applaud Nicholas Wade.


And again, I'm making it clear that China is open to this kind of science. Talking and researching about genetics and IQ is not taboo in China. Bruce Lahn had to stop doing research on race and genetics at U of Chicago because he feared for his career. I encourage all researchers in the West interested to go there. They will more than welcome you, I'm not joking. And here's a highly relevant article I encourage you to read,

Scientist's Study Of Brain Genes Sparks a Backlash
Dr. Lahn Connects Evolution In Some Groups to IQ; Debate on Race and DNA

CHICAGO – Last September, Bruce Lahn, a professor of human genetics at the University of Chicago, stood before a packed lecture hall and reported the results of a new DNA analysis: He had found signs of recent evolution in the brains of some people, but not of others. It was a triumphant moment for the young scientist. He was up for tenure and his research was being featured in back-to-back articles in the country's most prestigious… Dr. Lahn had touched a raw nerve in science: race and intelligence. What Dr. Lahn told his audience was that genetic changes over the past several thousand years might be linked to brain size and intelligence. He flashed maps that showed the changes had taken hold and spread widely in Europe, Asia and the Americas, but weren't common in sub-Saharan Africa. Web sites and magazines promoting white "racialism" quickly seized on Dr. Lahn's suggestive scientific snapshot. One magazine that blames black and Hispanic people for social ills hailed his discovery as "the moment the antiracists and egalitarians have dreaded."

The 37-year-old Dr. Lahn says his research papers, published in Science last September, offered no view on race and intelligence. He personally believes it is possible that some populations will have more advantageous intelligence genes than others. And he thinks that "society will have to grapple with some very difficult facts" as scientific data accumulate. Yet Dr. Lahn, who left China after participating in prodemocracy protests,

says intellectual "police" in the U.S. make such questions difficult to pursue.

The accuracy of Dr. Lahn's work and his views on race came up in his tenure review last fall, says a person familiar with it. After debate, his department voted unanimously in his favor, according to another faculty member. A more senior committee agreed and awarded Dr. Lahn the post of full professor, although it wasn't unanimous, this person says. Dr. Lahn stands by his work but says that because of the controversy he is moving into other projects. . . .

Dr. Lahn says he isn't as eager as he once was to continue studying brain differences. . . . The university's patent office is also having second thoughts. Its director, Alan Thomas, says his office is dropping a patent application filed last year that would cover using Dr. Lahn's work as a DNA-based intelligence test. "We really don't want to end up on the front page…for doing eugenics," Mr. Thomas says.

As you can see, this is just one example of many many examples where political correctness ruins science. You can see his colleagues agree with him by vote but they also know that it would bring them too much attention. I'm sure at this point the vast majority of geneticists, especially among the most prestigious, know the truth but do not dare speak out publicly for obvious reasons.

Here's another example tied to something interesting, read the article

Oh course there's the funny article many of you have seen recently where the national French IQ was on serious decline due to "biological reasons". This is one of many ways to skirt political correctness in science.

I want everyone to know that as bad as political correctness is in science (in the West), mainstream science already accepts certain facts.

First being, that IQ is highly inheritable. This is proven in every single study whether they be twin studies or simply studies on any person. Your IQ will almost always be the mean IQ of your parents. This isn't even up for debate anymore but you're not allowed to say anything involving race (for obvious reasons) but it's not hard to figure out it does no matter what. This is how scientists skirt political correctness. You do research in a bunch of seemingly harmless areas, submit it to the pretentious peer reviewed journal, and anyone intelligent enough to put it all together will find out the overwhelming truth. Even with that single piece, it's not hard to figure out the conclusion. Remember what "race" is. A population of people who are closely related and share a group of common traits that are physically identifiable that descended from a common ancestor. The white race for example has light skin and the most diverse set of hair and eye colour of any race. These traits are NOT all cosmetic as leftist creationists would like you to believe. They serve a real purpose, as whites evolved in a climate that received little sunlight so naturally they adapted lighter skin so that they may more easily naturally produce vitamin D from sunlight. People with dark skin are far more likely to have vitamin D deficiency Naturally, the same is applied to intellect. You'll quickly realise that Europeans and East Asians had to survive in a similar climate, one that was very cold and harsh. If you were not intelligent enough to plan ahead, you'd simply die. The ones that survived inherited their ancestors intellect that was necessary for their survival and so on until the present day.

Second being, IQ has the highest correlation to future success in life than any other variable and even though correlation does not equal causation the correlation is so high that even significantly surpasses economic background which only has a weak moderate correlation while IQ is very strong. It obvious why intelligence is an important from an evolutionary standpoint now, because the ability to plan or think ahead makes it easier to gather, acquire, and hold onto resources. Almost no scientist even argues about the IQ success correlation anymore, just as to what causes it.

Loony absolute egalitarianism from leftist creationists has no place in science. Reason must always trump feelings.

Most of the questions are pure cancer. I've only found 3 that arent shit so far.

The case of Watson was a sad one.

When he said he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really". He was absolutely correct and this is despite no matter how hard we tried in every single measure, even the most progressive scientists failed.

When I saw the reaction to his statement, I realised how powerful political correctness was, and how even as pure as science is not exempt from its scrutiny.

Even more shocking is when I witnessed E.O. Wilson of all people, a man who utterly despises Watson at his core, defended him.

But looking at history, I suppose that might be because the leftists are so utterly insane that when his research even remotely implied their delusional egalitarianism, they go and dump water over a scientist as respected as E.O. Wilson, just because his research destroyed their delusional leftist worldview, despite it not even being his intention. This is the kind of leftist creationist loonies you're dealing with.

Oh and something to entertain you, a Program from Norwegian TV that helped do great things for academia and science like getting a feminist "scientist" professor fired because she genuinely believed that the reason women were smaller than men was because women don't get enough food as men and women should be equal to men in physical ability and height if they ate as much as men did as well as outright denying the science of sexual dimorphism.

Both race deniers and race believers are interviewed and their views are matched against one another

Subjects covered: Reality of Race, Racial IQ Differences
Please watch it.

I also strongly encourage everyone to watch a great PBS/NOVA documentary called Lord of the Ants, it centers around E.O. Wilson, most certainly one of the greatest, most famous, and influential scientists in the world. At a point, it goes a bit into the political correctness and insanity that is ruining science and the lunatics of the left that are trying to censor any science they deem would challenge their insane delusional views. Putnam (whose thorough research proved diversity is a disaster) being another example along with E.O. Wilson and Watson and numerous others.

Here's a link

Yes, even Julian Assange decried the censorship at Reddit in his AMA.

It really is hopeless over there as if reasoning with fundamentalist Christians.

>Redditor calls them out on their nonsense albeit obliquely

Also notice his username and all of the downboats by Reddit cucks

that "grad student" is trying so, so hard to sound smart and official.

"Hello there!"

He didn't even bring up the mirror test.

It's a woman.

What is the source on the university (4th) image?

Yeah, I'm laughing too reading this. Why on earth is this individual of all people acting like the authority on this issue considering when in reality they aren't? It's pure hilarity.

The mirror test is bs, google "cats self awareness" or "cats mirrors".

Fuck the moment where he gets to the Africans hit me hard. Spot on comedic timing,

oh no! we must come up with some explanation because we are all equal!

Holy moly that video.
So he says that it's simply the non-western culture that is keeping these dindus not self aware… because they "value being a part of a large social group." nice, because Chimps, dolphins, elephants, etc aren't social creatures? God, I hate cucks.
I bet gooks pass the test with flying colors.
haha, liberal logic at its finest.

I think it's safe to say this discussion will not go as they plan.

i watched that iac video. all those questions at the end kekmao.
>elon i was at burning man and there were 70,000 people,… and… and…and the shitting at burning man was a problem and…
>burning man guy: what are you gonna do with all the shit on mars?
it was just one after another, that whole questions session was a complete clusterfuck of sjw's embarrassing themselves. kekmao, kekmao.

with the power that comes with being rich also comes golddiggers and self-promoting faggots who want to attach themselves to you. they do this all the time.

i read an article on and of course it was shit. i go to read about the author:
dude has no degree relevant to aerospace / rocketry / or space travel, evolutionary biology or just biology could be relevant to space travel but you look at his experience and he only writes. dude is a writer, knows nothing about space from a technical aspect that should allow him to comment on it yet he's a senior writer for

sjw's infiltrating stem also mean sjw's attempting to infiltrate spacex and spread beyond earth. tbh, that questions session was just a flashlight in a dark room and you can see the creep of sjw into space. get these san francisco faggots the fuck out of space please remove.

It's started. Just a bunch of Marxism that assumes that white people are evil.

it's not just soft sciences, i've known plenty of women in hard sciences as well that are like this, they have their society of women engineers swe(den) that gets them into a lot of feminist shit, and they go out and cuck for it for high school girls. they'll do shit like sponsor (not in name, but in practice) effectively women only scholarships, when running a first robotics team for high schoolers they'll try to turn it into an all-girl team, or failing that they'll try to start their own and get resources allocated away from the original team.

the biggest differentiator isn't soft science vs hard science or even humanities vs science. it's the amount of time required by the job. and with hard science the jobs tend to require more time and dedication. still in hard sciences if they can find a way to, they will, especially if it overlaps with work in a way that allows them to spend work time on their socjus bullshit.

all women in the sciences are shit. they're either ugly or they're committed to a career and don't care about family. usually they're also cutthroat "would sacrifice their grandmother for an 'A' in a class" types. and unless they are in the ugly category they inevitably, always always, always are full socjus. 3 women i met in college in engineering and every one of them is doing a phd today. both women in science and the education system as a whole are a joke.

Are the ugly ones not SJWs?

Holy shit, I never thought about that until now. We really do live in 1984, with memory holes, unpersons, newspeak, authoritarian policing by libcucks, double-think; it's fucking sad and disgusting.

shit, I somehow highlighted part of my comment and it was included

Thank you for correcting the record

So the discussion is about cognitive dissonance?

That's what is so funny about this. The most nationalistic, hive-mind people on earth are the Asians; they all pass the mirror test equally as well as whites. That shatters the (((researcher))) who said it was "cultural differences." They really want to destroy science, don't they?

Are there any britfags or cuckada people in the thread? How is science funded, taught, and thought of in your country? I have a feeling science as we know it won't exits in the US very soon.

it varies. in my experience if you're at a smaller school the ugly girls in sciences will tend to be much more technical, much less socjus. at larger schools ugly ones will usually be just as socjus. but ugly girls also tend to differ from "not-ugly" in the way that they're socjus. "not-ugly" girls will adopt whatever socjus ideals are being pushed on the normie masses. essentially they're trying to fit in with the crowd. ugly girls have a communist tint to them.

my guess is the larger schools tend to have more commie clubs / political clubs vs smaller schools. so ugly girls wind up at those clubs and they're accepted there and commie guys also tend to be ugly so there's a chance for the ugly girls to hook up through the commie clubs. so they tend to be more socjus at larger schools and less-so at smaller schools. only a theory anyway.

This almost makes me pick up H4cking for dummies.

My goal is to make the doctors aee that even though biological race differences affect the patient's health, doctors SHOULD NOT take race into account.
It's 2016 and we as a society have to move beyond racist medical practice! Racism has no place in the modern medical field.


[-]Hersheyx 1 points 19 hours ago [removed]
They're still doing it for free. No onr said they're doing it for us.
The quality modding is the important part


I would tell you to kill yourself, but you medical cultists do that better than anyone else outside of Jonestown.

Medicine is not science, it is a religion, with all its hospitals run by churches & synagogues, wirh its medical "miracles," it's a religion based on drug pushing and insurance scams, a religion that by its own admission is the third-leading cause of death in USA.

Medicine makes gender studies look like physics.

t. gender studies major

Reddit is the worst site on the internet to have a discussion, holy shit.

They censor legitimate science questions (is climate change real?) on a fucking subreddit that is all about science. Science is about questioning everything, and anything


meant for


Buy Goy, if you have a university degree, you get a super-duper good Goy flair for being an "expert!"

Someone jump on Reddit with hatefacts

That's because (((someone)) bought the Pharma and bribed the medical boards



Stronk womyn in the (((science))) field is doing an AMA about racial bias in science.

You guys already know what to do. Go in early and set a precedent. At the very least mine of delusional liberal tears and drop a fact link or two while you are at it.


Why the fuck should we care about reddit ?

Then make an account (takes two seconds) and drop some facts on the bitch.

For every SJW spreading jewish lies there are about 5 normies lurking just soaking it all up. Do you want to drop some redpills or not?

Reddit is easy to manipulate, I suggest everyone does the same.

Good luck, I hope at least 1 person besides the mod will read your comment before its removed.

I have launched my question missile. She's gonna have to answer a lot of simple stuff that will wind up drowning her kek.

Bump. Let's gas this reddit event.


They always come back to this. The brainwashing makes them think "racism is only skin deep" automatically.


"Why aren't Europeans able to be born black then?"

Yeah I'm not really trying to hide. I'm actually surprised she is biting at all, so I'm going to be gentle with the redpills.

Comment on prevalence of censorship censored. Top kek.

Here is some material.

Don't forget to mention the frontal lobe.

Thanks. In my case I'm just going to leave some hints to read up on our dear fuhrer

If you even get a response before your account is banned and the post is deleted, they’ll just say, “it’s old, therefore it’s wrong”. Nothing you do can change their minds.


You gotta be subtle, otherwise reddit will purge you and your message.

Holy kek, that's a terrible idea. Best case, the cops would be forced to pull over white men and pretend to have thought they were speeding just to fill their quotas.

Link her to Larry, maybe.

Be careful, reddit would likely purge that and ban you.


So do you think it was her dad or her boyfriend who raped her?

If they did this, wouldn't they end up hiring 99% white males?

I'd be amazed if that doesn't get removed and banned

I have a Jewish, female friend who is getting a PhD. in psychology and lives and a niggerzone and believes this nonsense 100%.


That just hasn't been researched because it would be difficult to get the right data. I certainly never considered a career in law enforcement before i became comfortable with my racism.

'we need to talk'

those dread words

I just died.

r/science modmail leaks

IKR? She is having a rather nice conversation… with Hitler. Let that sink in. A SJW and a nazi having a nice chat over bias. This is very entertaining.

How stupid do they have to be to hide his name when HIS FLAIR IDENTIFIES HIM. Fuck’s sake.

The confusion of an obvious troll playing nice is very delicious. And she continues the slow decline into my trap.


Is "haha" a punctuation?


This "scientist" linked a BuzzFeedYellow video about privilege.