I know the following thing...

I know the following thing, which anyone who has observed the American political scene surely also knows: A subset of American Jews — a subset, a minority, I doubt even as many as a half — suffer from a kind of psychological deformation that keeps them trapped in a particular, strangely atavistic type of paranoia, of victim mentality.

In this mentality, it’s always 1881 and we’re still in Russia. The Jews are cowering behind their doors in fear as the Cossacks rampage through the town, or Christian peasants with pitchforks and flaming brands march on the Jewish quarter.

One side effect of this mentality is an unblinking vigilance, a hyper-sensitivity, towards the slightest tendency of the Gentile majority to drift Cossack-wards. This easily and often slops over into — and I am speaking of a subset of a subset of American Jews — into a generalized dislike, a prejudice, against white Christians.

Another side effect is the feeling that, for an oppressed minority — we’re still in 1881, remember: it’s always 1881 — for an oppressed minority there is safety in courting and joining with other outsider groups for solidarity against the dangerous, dominant Goyim. The great dream of this mentality, in fact, is to get enough of a coalition of outsiders together to outnumber the Goyim, the white Christians. That’s why so many Jews are so passionately committed to mass Third World immigration.

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It’s not hard to find evidence of this. As an example I’ll offer one of the series of debates called “Intelligence Squared.” This one took place September 13th. The motion to be debated was, quote: “Blame the Elites for the Trump Phenomenon.” You can watch the debate yourself at their website — google “intelligence squared.” It lasts an hour and 44 minutes.

All four debaters were bigfoot American journalists. Both sides of the debate were anti-Trump; the debate was over whose fault it was that Trump had gotten the GOP nomination. For the motion, arguing that it was the fault of the elites, were Ben Domenech and Timothy Carney, both Gentiles. Against the motion, arguing that it was not the fault of the elites, were Jennifer Rubin and Bret Stephens, both Jewish.

That tells you something by itself. That atavistic style of Jewish paranoia that I spoke about, when it hears the word “elites,” at once flies to the thought: They’re talking about US! … and the hoofbeats of the Cossacks are heard drumming in the distance. At some mental level Rubin and Stephens read the title of the debate as: “Blame the Jews for the Trump Phenomenon.” That’s why they’re arguing against the motion. No, no, it’s not our fault — it’s those damn peasants!

This put them on edge. You can see it in the debate. Stephens actually plays the Holocaust Card at 1h22m, brandishing the print-out of an antisemitic tweet he got. Earlier, at 56m, the whole debate had almost veered into a straightforward Christians versus Jews joust. Dealing with Mrs Clinton’s use of the word “irredeemable,” Jay Carney and Jennifer Rubin clashed lances thus

[Clip: (Carney) I disagree with Bret Stephens and with Hillary Clinton that a quarter of the population is unredeemable. And my bias, on the table, is, I’m a Christian and I think everyone is redeemable …

(Rubin) We Jews just believe in good and evil. We don’t think everyone is redeemable.]

It’s been a while since I saw the atavistic paranoia of Jews, that subset of them, so starkly presented. The last time was, in fact, when I saw that Sacha Baron Cohen movie Borat, where it’s likewise hard to miss.

If I’m right about Rubin and Stephens, the result of the debate did nothing to soothe their paranoia. Part of the format for these Intelligence Squared debates is, that the studio audience is polled at the beginning — how many for, how many against, how many undecided. The debate takes place, then at the end the audience is polled again, to see how many of the undecideds were persuaded which way.

Result: The audience percentage favoring the motion, that our elites were to blame for the rise of Trump, shot up 26 percent, from 32 to 58. The percentage blaming the peasants went up only six percent, 27 to 33. Uh-oh, here come the Cossacks. [Hoofbeat sounds.]

Why are you copy pasting this you kike?

Because it's a good primer you faggot and you're too stupid to subscribe to radio derb

Radio Derb is by far the best Holla Forums esque podcast. Why isn't it more popular here?

Because the Derb is a race mixer, or may it's the lack of memes.

He is a race-mixing philosemitic traitor who will be killed on the day of the rope.

There's no need to overly complicate jewish motivations. I don't think it's so much that they're delusional but merely ruthless and self-serving. Jews living in America/England/Germany/etc will always be a minority so they push for mass immigration and diversity so that they will blend in amongst many conflicting minority groups. In Israel where they constitute the majority, they are suddenly ultra-conservative and anti-immigrant because they want to preserve their homogeneity.

It's simple group survival strategies and is perfectly comprehensible but absolutely catastrophic for our white societies.

Here's where you're absolutely wrong though

Not even close, more like 99.99% have the world's biggest victim complex. You will never meet a kike who doesn't support open borders in the West.

Lol he's addressed this. It's a matter of how you salt your stew. A certain, small amount of race mixing is fine for the eccentric–but highly valuable–members of society. But it's reserved for the odd few. He is a weirdo and he knows it. As it should be.

A 1% racemix with others is fine. Hell, whites and Asian are 3% Neanderthal.

It's when things go over 5% that everything goes to shit. And we are way past that.

Include a link to the source you goddamn fuckwad. Everyone here knows you're too fucking stupid to come up with this shit on your own.

This time, none can be spared.

Fine in what sense? The end goal of this movement is the complete extermination of all non-whites from this planet. Derb's gooklets are going straight into the oven.

I feel this could be used against them.

No, it isn't.

Yep, Derp, his chink wife, and his little Elliot Rodgers will need to be exterminated.

This can't even be a cooking method because they took the dog off the pot only right after it had died. Fucking subhumans laughing at a screaming animal.

the sounds…. don't know why i watched that… fucking sickening

well, as with many values, human populations regard nature/animals with different approaches. arabs are known to be especially cruel with animals

just one of many things europeans are superior in

I'm from New Jersey and I know a lot of Jews. I know quite a few who are based.


Until they are 23-25.

That's when the genetics and family pressure kicks in.

I can't count the number of "based" jews who were anti-nigger, dude-weed gym-bros who graduated college and immidiately cut their hair, went to work in finance in their uncle's cousin's friend's bank or applied to law school.

You have no idea the family pressure and money jews use to keep their little neshamas in line.

Their entire religion and culture revolves around persecution AND superiority.

Jews become jews like whites start out leaning liberal than morph into conservatives when they start making money, life experience and in-group preference.

I did have once jewish friend for a decade, but it took him longer to go full jew when he hit 40 and his daughter turned 5. We no longer associate and he attend Temple once a month now. He also now works for his father's business, like clockwork.

It was a damn good article.

Link to your source, faggot.

It's from a transcript of his latest podcast episode.



You can't perturb the Derb.

This is the cuckchan exodus.

Radio Derb is the patrician's choice of podcasts.