Is blockchain technology a manifestation of Kek?

Is blockchain technology a manifestation of Kek?

What if it's going to take away money from the jews, similar to the motivation Carl Lundström had to invest in the Pirate Bay?

Other themes are there too


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The only currency worth having is bars of gold…just like in Looney Tunes. Grow up and leave this crypto faggotry behind

Cryptocurrency, barring subversion and false imitation ("permissioned blockchains"), IS the Jew Killer.

It strikes at the heart of their shiny shekel makers (International Banks), effectively cutting off the blood supply that supports their subversive propaganda.

Pray to Kek that it scales in time and gains adoptance.

Also, buy some while it's still cheap.

Crypto currencies are still in meme territory, but the blockchain technology itself is cool. You guys should check out ZeroNet, p2p internet without centralized servers, impervious to censorship.
github com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet
The guy who set up 0chan there posts on Holla Forums now and then, the community is small but always growing.

When they have a market cap of almost $10B, I don't think it's entirely fair to classify them as being in "meme territory".

They're already a practical means of exchange. The problem is that they cannot yet scale to support the global population yet.

Except it's not really. The problems with real decentralization have not been solved, just postponed and ignored. Example is bitcoin, and how the growth of the blockchain, mining only being profitable in huge organizations and practicality is making it less and less centralized every day.

Somewhat anonymous in theory, in practice less than even paper monopoly monies. Every year bitjews promise some system for making it actually anonymous, every year it doesn't happen. Also, blockjew technology is inextricably tied to the greatest surveillance network known in history.

Also meaning 'of uncertain security.'

More like a manifestation of Jew.

More and more. I'm drunk.

Probably why your post wasn't very well thought out.

You're correct, partially. Security will only come from non-monopolized mining and, for Bitcoin, this might already be screwed because of ASICs. It takes significant capital to buy and cheap electricity to run.
The capital problem becomes less severe with CPU-limited mining, but electricity argument remains valid. However, if a network became utilized enough, there would probably be many people (and organisations… and possibly nations) willing to expend electricity in order to disallow monopolization of mining (and thus a 51% attack).

Bitcoin only really loses anonymity when a wallet is associated with an identity (or an output uses an input that is associated with an identity). This is usually not the case.
Some of the alternative cryptos (e.g. Monero) are almost completely anonymous. In Monero's case, each wallet has an address, a view key and a spend key. It is pretty much impossible to track.

I don't understand what you meant here by "of uncertain security". If encryption was easily crackable I doubt nations would be trying to outlaw it. At present, it would take more than the entire life of the Universe with all current computing power to crack most modern encryption.
That said, if Quantum Computing ever becomes feasible it could become a problem for present cryptos. However, this can be mitigated in future using Quantum-Proof algos.

This is mostly bullshit. Jews have bought into Bitcoin as a safe measure, definitely. However, cryptos take away their power to coin currency at will. They no longer have an infinite supply of shekels and if they gain monopoly over one, another will take its place.

What makes a jew is it the shekels in his hands?

Is it the kikery?

Or is it the way he fasts every day?

No, it's probably the kikery

Now you're a jew!

A jew, jew, jew

Now you're a jew! jew!

Jew, jew, jew, jew, jew!

Now you're a jew!

J-E-W jew jew, jew jew jew!

Now you're a jew.

Oooh, that stings m8. Still checking those dubs.

No, it only changes the type of resource someone needs to organize a shitload of.

Putting us right back to where we are today.

Well, it is if you want to spend your bitshekels in the real world. Try to envision it in actual normalfag use, not in some theoretical utopian sense.

I don't know about monero, perhaps they've actually solved this problem and if so that's cool. I'd have to read up on it. Still, bitjew has to die before any other cryptocurrency can see any widespread adoption. Bitjew doesn't even have widespread adoption.

True, most people don't understand cryptography at all. I'm not saying it's 'easily crackable,' I say it's security is uncertain. Which it is.

Only true if the premises are true, which we don't know. Actually ask some official mainstream high level crypto-autist, and much to your surprise he'll tell you I'm right. The premise here is that the P vs NP problem can't be solved, which is unproven and unknown.

And that's not even going into the aspect of implementation. Only a handful of super autists are able to actually review high level cryptographic implementations. In effect it's a sort of security by obscurity.

Note again that I'm not actually saying common cryptographic algorithms of today ARE unsafe, I'm saying it's unknown whether they are.

The thing is that you are right in theory, not in practice. The powers of our societies love the idea of blockchains because when implemented by them it's a fucking surveillance and control nightmare. And that's what they're going to do. Make their own repressive StateCoins.

All in all, there is nothing wrong with cryptocurrencies as a fringe element for crime and suchlike, if they get to a point where it's actually anonymous (maybe this is happening as you've said) and decentralized (I haven't seen anything but vague promises about this.)

But as a societal panacea, it falls way off the mark.

Catchy. Checked!

I suppose one can say it is chaotic and anonymous, so yes,

Bitcoin is a great tool. It allows me to make purchases (while not anonymously, I hope Monero will do that soon) without using the all seeing fiat credit card. It is Kekworthy because it will, eventually, allow the once bank controlled money streams to now flow freely through the internet.

Wrong way around. Blockchain technology is a meme. Buzzword bullshit. You have to have value associated with transactions or there's no reason to mine. "Blockchain" is just a shitty distributed database.

Well you can trade rare pepes over bitcoin now

Ask yourself what value there is to bitcoin…

Nothing but trust. Just like the current monetary system. Hitler made money be given out to those who worked, to represent their labor. Money was not spontaneously created without some real sweat going into it. Is that the same as today? Same as bitcoin?

Plus what about bitcoin security? If there is a quantum computer being utilized for decryption, it is not secure.

fuck reddit to hell


terminal autism

it is the backbone of our cashless financial future. block chain is being bought up by jewy banks as we speak so they can move money around the world as they please.

This is probably the wrong place to post about crypto (after all, the majority of the people here are fucking retards and don't understand that Nazi's are national SOCIALISTS).

Crypto is the silver bullet for the Jew central banking system. Money is the means by which kikes are able to control all other aspects of civilization. Whether it be media, hollywood, banking, military, political or whatever, it is all made possible by central banking.

Crypto is the key to making the Jew obsolete, but no one here will get it because all they can say is muh bitcoin because they are so fucking ignorant about economics.