Let Holla Forums die

Let Holla Forums die

Mods endorsing the cp spamming of other boards… Its official. Holla Forums needs to die its natural death. Fuck you dysnomia
Been keeping this shithole alive too long. Not any more

butt mad Holla Forums tard

Cuck mods deleted a thread were user's where duiscussing the AoC and the pedos were winning

Yea, I've tried to keep Holla Forums alive in hopes it would get better. But mods have stepped over the line. I don't surf pol, but I respect each boards ability to function unmolested on fullchan. This cp raid endorsed by mods was the last straw for me. Its only a matter of time all of Holla Forums is subject to this shit. RIP Holla Forums

what? when

CaptainEaver had to get rid of all the harmful Instagram photos

The thread is still pinned. Happened about an hour ago

nah, he's a few posts down, look for the post with DELETED next to some salty faux-smug text

how normalfag are you?


You obviously didnt see all the pizza that was posted



You're doing gods work user

I only just went there like 5 seconds ago to see if it was legit and didnt see anything so you're probably right

he's a nigger faggot yes

check again tbh

Yeah i saw the 1 crappy video

fuck pedos and fuck Holla Forums


I hope they reassign this board soon.

I don't know why this comes as a surprise to anyone. Dysnigger has been deliberately trying to get this board deleted for months now. Not reassigned, but deleted. He doesn't want it to go to anyone else, he wants it dead so that anons can't talk about his failure afterwards like they could if it got reassigned.

But yes, the point is that nothing would make him happier than to piss of Ron/Jim in just the right way to get them to delete Holla Forums. Unfortunately for him, he has failed at everything he has ever tried…meaning that at some point Ron and Jim are going to be as sick of his shit as the rest of us (and the rest of the board owners) and send his fat ass packing.

Raids are the spirit of imageboards

Amen user. Wtf are Ron and Jim waiting for?

They don't have a problem with dysnigger. It's just you.

I can assure you user. It's not "Just me"

Holla Forums's been dead for ages. Even with the shill settings as they are the pph is still shit. I agree. Let it die already. All the good posters went to the other boards anyway