Worldwide Poll deleting votes!

Yesterday the vote count was well over the 120000 votes. What's happening?
I know it isn't an official poll and the ammount of people isn't representative to the billions of peoplr in the world, but this seems shady

Other urls found in this thread:

Of course they have to. What do you think? You still believe that this is a fair fight?
Go play with anar/k/iddies and lolbergs if you are still that naive.

They are trying to prove a point and when reality doesnt prove the point for them they have to tweak the results

Still looks pretty good to me.
No way can they convincingly rig it.

Dunno what you're looking at because this is a screenshot of what it looks like now.

They keep greying out more countries. wtf.

Oh, western half of south america was grey when I looked during debates. I see where those missing votes came from. Mexico was greyed as well.
Probably just a recalculation then.
Do note, the dutchfag artist behind this is actually (((OSF))) funded/granted.
This is how we're doing on enemy territory so let that sink in.


it doesnt matter how much they delete or skew it, they cant convincingly rig Trump below 70%

It's infuriating to see the degree to which the media is lying to us now. On oversampled, crooked polls Minnesota is now a swing state. In line with the 2012 votes, that means that Trump is taking over between 6-9% of democrat territory. On CROOKED polls, remember. I don't even want to think about the extent to which they'll be rigging them if they want to even come remotely close to their estimates.

That means they're deleting Trump votes and adding Hillary votes.

They wont be able to do it enough to where it would actually matter.
They are just desperately sweating and kvetching.
their parkinsons fingers are all over the map

It might mean that, but you need evidence for such a claim, and there isn't any. More likely, they are throwing this out to leftards on social media and getting all the gibs to click. The overall percentage hasn't changed significantly - 3 or 4 percent.

The whole world is watching this election and we want Trump to win.

If he does, which i believe he will, then our own (((governments))) will have to stop shilling for refugees and all that crap. Europe "far right" parties will win, the tide will turn. It will be a turning point for everybody (although just the beginning of a glorious new era, with or without a WW3)

t. Argentinian

inb4 not white

The only reason for Trump getting in from a European's perspective should be to get the US out of the way for Nationalism to rise up throughout Europe. Clitface gets in the way of that and it will get ugly pretty quickly.

However, a subtler consideration is the economic/debt climate. If we assume that "those conspiracies" are correct, if Trump gets in then there is full reason for them to force the inevitable depression onto the world now. This has an indirect benefit in that Europe collapses even harder still, and Nationalism gets a gigantic boost to its already rapid rise.

And ditching Marxism as a whole, because people are tired of paying gibs while seeing degeneracy getting preached everywhere as gospel with censorship over any dissenting opinion or evoke the importance of moral values.

hey well, to be fair, name one south american country she hasn't fucked up in the past 25 years.
I mean yea, some of them are pure 100% pozzfest gommies, but that's what their cucked populations voted for. And she replaces them all with drug dealers and their (((money launderers)))
It's somewhat of a "silent takeover" of an entire continent because no NA or western europe papers bother to report on it, just calling it generic "Drug-related gang violence" and such.

But all the cartel trails eventually lead to (((people))) like this:

This is the only place I hope Trump does intervene, because they deserve a bit of assistance for damn near two generations of neocon spook fuckery.

You hope…
What if America doesn't want to save anybody else?
What if Trump takes the attitude of "god helps those who uncuck themselves"?
What if we DON'T annex Canada?

We probably will, because bleeding hearts and all that.
But it's something to think about.
What if Trump goes full Isolationist after MAGA?

you stupid fucking cocksucking cuck, this is a sjw honeypot site you dumb fuck.

But isnt this part of his plan all along ?

I wouldn't mind.
It would be less expensive than playing the White demographic security for the world.

It doesn't matter if he does, actually i expect him to do just that.

Going both isolationist and nationalist will give us an example to follow, will allow us to take care of our matters, etc. (We, south american countries, actually listen and imitate to some extent the north, so you now understand where this socialist gibs open borders bullshit came from)

For instance, many of us (regular people) are starting to wonder if we should build a wall to protect our northern border.

Our (((media))) is ridiculing Trump, but what if he wins? what if he actually builds the wall? Will it set a precedent for future walls and nationalistic rises?

My guess is that yes, it will. And it will be glorious to be alive and see this happening.

That time during a rally when Trump said
I died a little inside

All they did was grey out countries with less than 20 votes, you hysteric.

If you think Trump wants to be president of the world you clearly do not listen to him speak or read any of his policy. Hes a nationalist. USA FIRST

Nope, higher up the pecking order. Example of his art
One of those BS money-launderer auction types. 95% likely this is an OSF-funded project, but to maintain a veneer of 'fairness' they haven't botted it yet.
Expect the big shillary push to hit only at the last few days.
Will lol if they forget to VPN and wind up with Bangladesh carrying more votes than the US

Kek has the eye of ra


My bet is that what's shown are just the DAILY results.
Votes with more than 24 hours are deleted.

A new offensive every day

Self awareness nigger, do you have it?

Of course they're removing votes.


Ya'll need to stop actually believing polls that we actively have been deliberately rigging for shits and giggles.

You need to go.

We we're red yesterday, is this rigging. Please tell me so.

Voting is not rigging.

Running a bot to vote over and over and over again is rigging. Changing IP to vote more than once is rigging.

Have you been paying attention at all to the last few weeks? We rig online polls. We do it because fuck you, that's why.

Who is we? Get off your soap box kiddo.

If anyone is rigging polls, it's Marxists and commies.



Every day counts.
Vote again, the system will let you know if it still remembers you voting that day.
Also keep an eye on new changes, because this is new.
They already added gray countries (< 20 votes), chances are they'll keep changing things.

Also, try to contact people from gray countries, it shouldn't be so hard to find someone from there (I'm pretty sure North Korea existed before and had like 17 votes, now it's been blasted from existence. Many other countries just don't exist, like Madagascar, Greenland & Cuba. You can't even click on them; their voices don't matter from their perspective I guess)

This is an interesting new CTR tactic, and it's important that everyone be aware of it.

I noticed this the other day: when the original "vote in the worldwide poll" thread took off (and Trump had a massive lead even before Holla Forums got involved), the desperate CTR shills actually started a SECOND thread with a different OP picture, and the title "Let's rig the vote".

Now they're posting in this thread trying to get us to believe that "we were rigging it".

The idea seems to be to attempt to co-op and redirect things that Holla Forums is doing or discussing, or even to outright change history by presenting a false summary of what we were doing (that they can then doubtless forward to their cronies in the lugenpresse for more "alt-right" hit pieces.)

Constant vigilance!

Nobody here says that.
Off Fuck, gernig

the jig is up, shills
we don't rig anything
we're not (((YOU)))

The media has been vehemently anti-Trump since the start.

Our prime minister initially said that Trump would be a huge disaster as president, and later retracted the statement when Trump won the Republican nomination.

Our political elite is deeply entrenched with European Jewry as well as the American elites.

I'd be rather surprised if we don't have 10 pro-Hillary for every pro-Trump. Only place you can read anything remotely pro-Trump is on Jyllands-posten, and it's not by their writers but in the debate section.

the damn poll website has not opened for me, not yesterday, not today wtf

It's hilarious that you don't realize how painfully obvious it is that you're not from around here.

Just heard Hanity talking about the millions of "Americans" shitposters who voted trump the winner.

So guys now there's tab where you can switch between a 24 hour tally and total votes. It defaults to the 24 hour faggotry, of course.

Actually, it would be best for the rest of the world if Clinton wins. Hillary will keep America losing again and again.

They've added
Do it, faggots!

Just having Trump as President will make it easier for other countries to uncuck themselves.

Shillary bot, pls, go back to rigging polls, it's what you do best.

the kikes came in

That's only the last 24h. The total amount is still pretty bad, though.

it won't let me see the results

Australia had over 4000 votes as of ~24 hours ago.
They've outright deleted an enormous chunk of votes.

oh, nevermind that. I just realized it was on 24hours. I'm a retard.

We're going to annex Canada. We need more white people to pay off our debts.


The kikes actually did come in. I've watched thousands of votes pour in over the past few hours, and they're basically all Hillary votes. Turmp has dropped like 8 points in 4 hours.

Ah the 2 digit IQ posters of Holla Forums have arrived I see… last night a few anons were definitely rigging some of the polls. We're you fags not in the poll threads or did you just not fucking read?

It's not like Trump would have lost all of the polls without our help. There are polls hosted by far left media outlets where trump is around 70%… I know you guys aren't this stupid.



Completely rigged now faggots. Look. Only Russia is for Trump. The Jews did it.

*rips a huge vape cloud*

You know that's the 24 hour tally, right?

Get the fuck out shillbot.

We don't rig votes. We post things we care about and we vote on things we care about.

Yeah, but it's the optics, it means that Clinton votes are being poured into the system en masse.

Trump 2016. Kek

Then we just vote once a day like crazy

Honorary aryans, mirite?

fucking danecucks

Some sort of technical (((coincidence))) happened goys.


You guys realize that there is two different options now, one for 24hrs and one for all-time

Well spread it that this needs to be voted on more than once.
We can't let them win even one day.
It's clear that only leftover hill shills are still voting on this because people from yesterday probably think the poll is over, unless they are here following it.

I voted again so fuck them

Here fixed that for you anyway

Okay I read the thread after reacting. I couldn't find any links to the total vote, so I wrote total instead of day in the URL. "Total number of votes: 150454" total vs. "Total number of votes: 116748" today. 50,000 Russian voted in one day? 2300 Aussies voted in one day? Do those numbers look right to you? I can't see any way to vote for the total vote any longer though.

Same here, I live in Spain, altough if we are not near U.S in the map, we are a colony of the EU, and U.S has lots of influence in the EU therefore in Spain

The world is USA clay

hahaha oh lord.

I accidentally the whole thing.


Why has no one posted a link yet? There are heaps of polls, can't find this one.

Nevermind, just found one.


Just wanted to point something out regarding "trump only gets the non-college educated votes".

Looks like Jew and marxist programming in college IS working…

They started resetting the polls daily so retards keep going back to their site which gives them ad revenue.

I have adblocker so I'm not even loading their ads

dubs confirm my voting m.o.

Vote early and vote often

Sweden is working overtime to reaffirm itself as Supreme Euro-Cuck.


Zionists know which side their bread is buttered on. If you were a TelAvivberg would you be voting for 4 more years of pandering to sandniggers?

I don't need you to uncuck anything,
I need you to stop occupying my country.


Denmark always does the opposite of whatever Sweden does. It's almost a law of nature.

Yes because those sandniggers are jewish footsoldiers

Maybe.. just maybe, they might be seeing the light.

nah, that's just what they want you to think :^)

It's weird how the average Israeli seems to think ISIS is their enemy, yet don't realise the Israeli government connections.

I think they might be having the same issue we have with the public not knowing what's really going on within governments and their diplomatic ties.
This is why lying or hiding the truth is not that good a method to govern.

Entertainingly, even with all the bot brigading, the "total unique votes" view still has Trump with a narrow lead.

Hopefully a sign that the people's enthusiasm for Trump can overcome even the most rigged voting system… which is good, because it'll have to.