Imagine seeing this poster at the kinoplex in the early 80s. God I bet it was fucking magical

Imagine seeing this poster at the kinoplex in the early 80s. God I bet it was fucking magical.

Fuck yes it was. Even the negro was treated as a human.

The 80s were a magical time.

Go back to reddit. Niggers walk on 4 legs here at Holla Forums.

Lando is a cool cat though don't be a ignant h8r

Yes it was. No fucking plexes either - single screen with a intermission after the shorts.

What the fuck. Did movies get so expensive that only big theaters by big theater companies get the licenses for showing them? I would even take a drive in theater over my piece of shit theater that crams as many screens into as many rooms as possible. Fuck this generation.

Yep, the monopoly of Hollywood. They raised the prices for companies to show their movies to the point that only a ((chosen few)) could afford showing movies that people wanted to see.

He's actually half pajeet

ayyy we have a newfriend from reddit

Indeed we do friendo…

yep, and we have more than one, judging by all the "omg sameeee XDXD star wars must have be so AWESOME! i was totally born in the wrong generation -.-" kind of posts in this thread

meh, tbh

Remember when you could talk about stuff on imageboards without the discussion degenerating into muh identity politics? Fucking Holla Forums and SJWs ruined everything. It's like nazis and soviets, except this time you can't find allies anywhere. except maybe by going full IRL


Are you like a billion years old?

redditore individuato

please fuck off back to reddit where you belong


Transformers was fucking kino though, I'm serious, look it up Bay put actual thought into the cinematography and angles of the camera in all of them, and editing too, the only thing that made them """"bad"""" was the fact that they were products of their time, the superficial early 2000's.
Transformers is kino and anyone who says otherwise is literally Reddit.

while i would agree that transformers is less shit and reddit than star wars, bay is still a fucking kike and all his movies are still shit

Ridley Scott puts thought into the cinematography and camera angles in all of his movies and everyone calls him a cuck

What is your thought process like? You're like a fucking alien or a literal autist.

yes, as i said, lots of newfriends from reddit in this thread

RotJ was 100% kino


My dad watched it in cinema. Told me he didn't care that much about it.

Empire Strikes Back might be the most overrated film in existence

All of the stuff with Luke and the Emperor is the best stuff in the whole franchise but the ewoks ruin the potential perfect score. I would say 4>6>5 though

It was originally going to be wookies though. That wouldn't have been a battle it would have been a massacre. Ewoks went with the small vs large motif and all the films no matter how they look.

Not him but I would actually also agree in terms of which I like the most, I love some parts of 5 but i would say 4>6>5 too.

The irony

Poor little post-modern contrarian, are you lost?


no, i'm exactly where i should be
it's semi hipster redditors like you who don't belong here and should fuck off back where they came from



that poster is ridiculously shit