Hillary will be using paid bots to fluff post-debate polls

If you have money to buy a VPN do it now and make sure to help Trump counterfluff his own polls. We can't let the press lie about who won for people who are watching Monday Night Raw and Football.

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I agree, we ready the harpoons

I expect a poll sticky

For those of you who have AT&T, their towers have static IP addresses, so every time you connect to one your IP changes even if it is the same tower. I get 10+ messages a day every time I log into a site that notifies me when my account is accessed from a new IP - all from the same tower. It seems to change between broking sessions as I've typed lots of 8ch capchas today.

This. I don't want to be wandering around the internet, leaving my fingerprints all over for the echoes to find. Let me click in, post, and click out.

Let's get it going,lads

Browsing sessions

Mullvad engaged.


What are some reliable VPN providers?

With mullvad (and others) you share the IP number with all their other customers. Sure you can switch to another one of their servers, but they only have so many.

TBH using a VPN seems suboptimal if your goal is to use multiple unique IPs.

other than that, +1 for Mullvad.


You will have access to thousands of IPs thought the USA, most of them untarnished in polling.

Not being defeatist but blocking known vpns that vote Trump whilst allowing votes and multiplying them 100fold for Phlemface is a few lines of code for some leftist geek tasked with rigging the poll is it not? Likewise the actual vote.
This is going to be interesting at any rate.

pic for ants

You got the message?

You forget how arrogant they are. Remember Hillary hand picked the vest libdhit techies to secure her shit, look how that's turning out

*best libshit techies
Fucking phone


If you have 4G you can use it to vote multiple times. VPN changes every few minutes
This is how i post to pol despite being banned almost constantly…
…because eating cooked meat is worse than junk food,
and the earth is not a ball. Skip to 0:48 (((they))) are caught using harnesses and green screens: youtu.be/n2JaM86xpqo

Not him but here. Now go and do shit or something.

This is so incorrect I feel like you are CTR

Can we get a source OP? And also giving a bump

Also mods we NEED a poll sticky to assure trump wins all online polls