Post ITT red-pilled fictional characters from any popular media. How many are there really?

Post ITT red-pilled fictional characters from any popular media. How many are there really?

Was Kenshiro really redpilled?
all of his enemies were blonde aryans.



Most of the bandits have tumblr hair.

Gutts/Guts from Berserk.



You ever notice that characters liberals create as satire almost always end up being justified a few decades down the line?

Paul Atreides

D from Vampire Hunter D

Bandits arent really his biggest enemies.


Next one. Ryoji Kaji from Neon Genesis Evangelion. A wonderful side character.
Most certainly (spiritually) the equivalent of a Holla Forumslack. Gutts on the other hand is it for the most part physically.


Tyler Durden although some of his viewpoints are pretty degenerate (also he is written by an closet commie).

The Emperor of Mankind.
Or in this case the Tech-Trump.

Now that I think about it, most main bad guys in anime either have blonde hair or white hair.
What's that about?

Raoh in the anime was basically Arab and in the manga his hair was silver not blonde.

In the manga he was blonde, brown in the 80s anime, silver in the later 2000s anime movies.

White/Silver is just blonde pushed to the limit.

Most of them were misguided and wanted to lead the world through strength. Their ideals failed when someone stronger came along.

Hardly. He just wrestled rule for himself from jews. Dune is really weird about space jews and it ends up with space jews possesed by faggot ghost fighting space furries and whores.

Space captain Harlock is probably most redpilled anime ever.

Kenshiro is a moralfag and thus could never be redpilled.

White hair to the Japs means supernatural / mystical origin

What did Kaji ever do to make him redpilled?
What did Kaji ever do, period? Was he an American spy, or just curious about what was going on behind the curtain? We'll never know because he's just a plot device, user.




Despite evil, I'm sure Dio is aware of the jew.

he gets redpilled by the end


I'm disappointed this wasn't the first reply.

Ainu People

The man is a Holla Forumsack through and through.

Kenshiro sounds like a Trump supporter to me.


Unnaturally blonde. Griffith for example has a white tone. Real blonde anime characters are always depicted as kind and so on. Also white hair is supernatural, mystical and so on.

I would say Jesus in the most literal sense of fictional because he is only written in a book which is everything but non-fiction (in the most literal sense).

check'e doddle
No. He is interested in the truth of things. He is by character arc (and i don't mean this negativly) radical populist and like James Bond a tripple agent. Kaworu would be a plot device.

Isn't it usually given to evil or at the very least part-demon characters.



Like this?

Sounds like a typical bland pozzed moralfag to me.


He put down some thieving mongolians who were trying to kill the volk.

Is this not the most red pill movie ever?

People always speculate on that because there's never any proof. You can't say he's redpilled due to head cannon. He may as well just be a curious guy.


No, it's just jewish dribble railing against muh evil capitalism and heteronormative society.

One of them.

Thread theme

Nobody cares how edgy you are. It has nothing to do with virtue protecting me. It has everything to do with me using violence to enforce virtue.

Now get some morality before I kill you.

was directed at

That brief scene always bothered me too, it doesn't fit the rest of the movie. Almost like he threw it in there to make the kikes think it wasnt about them.

More like "characters with hidden motiation/knowledge"

Like this
Also Edward Elric and his brother a natural blondes.

Dude it is like fucking obvious. That is why i said side character. Please watch the anime again.

The people who turn out to be aliens are also all white while the black newspaper salesman for instance was of course just a human.

Touko is the embodiment of Holla Forums-/fringe/ shitposting as a fictional character.


Holla Forums before internet

It's a miracle the film even got made and you're complaining that they couldn't get all the aliens to be played by Jews?

No shit. Why would an alien disguise himself as a lower class nigger?

You both make good points.
Who made the glasses?
Wasnt it an old white man?

Crows anyone?

Tintin fucking rules

I just think that it is an attack on capitalism, not on any form of liberal brainwashing.


I like to think he's an American triple agent myself, but all he did was get Misato to look into things deeper, which got her to pick up Shinji and exposit things to him and the audience. He was a device for that and for the girls' daddy issues.
Nothing about him says he was redpilled. Face it.


Dubs confirm plot device.

Also, it's a shit anime anyways.

No user, did you even watch the fucking movie?

Your head canon.
aka. redpilling people on X
By there further developing his character. He leans towards pessimism like Holla Forums. His dialouge about relations and so on undermines the theme of the anime while not being exposition
A plot device wouldn't have extra dialouge or a philosophy. As i said Kaworu fits this.
Dubs confirm shit taste. You are welcome.

cough filter

REH's barbarian was the antithesis of degenerate civilization.

How the glasses were made is never mentioned. The old white guy you're thinking of is probably the guy in pic related who tries to red pill people through TV hacks.

The aliens as a substitute for Jews/Zionists just fits too well though with how they control the banks, the media and even the military. They also play the role of politicians and even have secret meetings.

And he made peace all of them, since all of them turned out to be misleaded good guys.

Pretty big difference from the "bad goy must burn" cliche.



Yes, my head cannon is that he goes to Japan to spy on NERV, but learns the extent of what's going on with SEELE and HIP and tries to stop it, which gets him killed.
But the show really just says he was curious about the impacts, and explains his curiosity to Misato, which makes her look into things deeper after Kaji gets shot for (presumably) asking too many questions.
That may hint on him being redpilled, but the show never says anything outright. Like I said, he may as well be just a curious employee.
Post some of his philosophy. It's been so long and he's such a minor character that I don't know any of it.

stroheim and the pillar men were the only reason why i liked battle tendency over the other jojos
this nigger shows up during the most crucial fights, and despite being only human/mech still ends up doing the most crucial attacks, like when he blows himself up to kill santana, or when he shoots his arm to stop cars from running away
and then they have the nerve to not include him in some of the games


Slevin is the average Holla Forumsack, but I hear it's a niche movie in America




i'm pretty sure that the movie is more about john milius view on life than it is REH's.

He works for SEELE to spy on NERV. Recieves the Adam/or Key (depending on what iteration. He betrays NERV by working the japanese goverment. Tripple agent. The big revelation he works for none of those institutions because he is doing it for himself. Because he wants to know the truth behind SEELE and those fucking jewish bastards.
No. He sold out Fuyutsuki to SEELE, told them partly about Gendos backround (we must remember that SEELE and Gendos/Yuis plan are fundamentally different and that she is also a relative of SEELE). He uncovers the Marduk fraud and is backstabbed by Ritsuko after finding out. He even goes so far by manipulating the guard around the Chamber of Lilith in E10 or E11. By the end of E19 he is completly fucked because SEELE and NERV both know he is working for each of them. This is stated in the directors cut of Episode 21 i think.
And so is it with every other fictional character who is redpilled. They will never ever outright state this.
It is not outright stated but deeds say alot more than words. His mere introduction is kinda huh. He steels Adam from under SEELE noses (a pun intended) to get good with Gendo. Well this is a curious employee.
Well in the episode where he is alone with Shinji he talks about that people will never understand each other because of X. Even understanding himself is difficult … this indicates a pessimistic view on himself and society. Some might interpret this as realism or existentialism but i think he leans towards a overall pessimistic view because he says in E15 to Misato that she isn't to be blamed for her "taste" in men. This is later undermined during HIP. His last episode onscreen enforces this kind of view. He also tells Shinji that gender/sexes are inherently different and compares it to a river. This is at first glance weird but given the overall meaning females in this show kinda "miso"gynistic. And still he is sleeping with Misato. This undermines the his pessimistic view on society just like Holla Forums is always about the Happening or whatever. But he doesn't sees it as negative and wants to know the truth. He is dead but the truth lives on.
Also the possiblity that he comes back from HIP is pretty high.

The thing about They Live, is it can easily be interpreted as a metaphor against whichever group you believe to be the bad guys in society. A left winger can watch that movie and see in it something completely different to what a right winger would see.

But they weren't truly malicious villain characters, more like tragic characters that are misguided at heart who in the end are eventually redeemed.

And your point about the blonde hair is nonsense because its not like the main character is a le sassy woman of color or something like that. If that was the protag, youd have a point, but its not.

You mean unlike the literally thousands of bandits and soldiers he humiliates, tortures and murders?
Kenshiro is the epitome of the pozzed moralfag you dumb weeb.

This is true. /leftycuck/ fags often cite They Live as a redpilled (or whatever they cann their shit) film. They say it calls out ebil capidalis.

it takes shit taste to be into that garbage. it was written by a bipolar cuck who killed himself. perfect for NEET faggots like yourself.


Damn, who wrote that?

Were they intentionally being red pilled, or was it supposed to be muh-irony?

There are actual Jews in Heretics of Dune who have survived by collaborating with the Bene Gesserit for millennia.

Ancap pls die. In case you didnt get the memo, this is a primarily NS/Fascist/Nationalist board

Don't pretend Kenshiro is exactly the sort of protagonist Holla Forums despises.

Hahaha, hella cash.
Visit a doctor, please.

That pic describes GG perfectly and why it lost breath so soon, only limited itself to vidya and didnt bothered to go deeper into the issue plus the degenerates that were in the mist with reddit.



This. He shows the value of rigorous hard physical training.

The most redpilled of all cartoons my dude.

It's surprising they allowed the movie to be released. The main actor also said the movie's story is pretty much real or something like that.

Guts barely knows what the fuck's going on around him, he serves a redpilled purpose(maybe?) but isn't yet redpilled.
Skull Knight, Flora, and Egg Apostle are the only characters I'd consider redpilled in the sense they're aware of what's going on in the grand scheme of things. Maybe the sandnigger who made behelits sorta counts too since he had the balls to reincarnate twice.

Figures a thread involving the other kind of anime (not loli moeshit) would get anchored before it hits 100 replies.


Kaz "Master of Kosher disaster, making the holy day of the rope come faster" miller

kill those nigger kids and then listen to him.



If you look at the alien text visible inside their bunker, it looks an awful lot like Hebrew.