Holla Forums political Minecraft server

Spending Christmas Alone? Want to chill and get comfy with fellow autists on autismblox? Come join us on Holla Forumsandcraft.

IP: pol-andcraft.com

type: /register password password, to enter the server.

The server is accessible via cracked clients. Here's a link if you don't own the game:

History of Polandcraft: archive.is/gkpcu

Discord channel: discord.gg/VUKfDrn

Other urls found in this thread:


bioman was here


where's the lie tho?

If you want to stalk someone from this server.



Ugh fuck cracked servers, they are absalute shit.

pig balls

Nah this server is actually quality and has a long history.


alright test you do you

does it have anything to do with 8/pol/? because if so, I have to assume it's cancer

video not related, but WLP talked about the kike that Trump just let out of prison nearly 20 years ago, and the kikey mods on Holla Forums bumplocked the thread
starts at 12, this was before he ever went to jew jail

Post on Holla Forums that only spics are austically screeching over this.

speaking of spics, RWDS needed, send help

you madman

Hello and thanks from your friends at civ
Hope your group is doing better than ours

Pic related: The cancer we both shared

too bad it's not minetest. I can't minecraft. fucks up my computer but minetest works fine.

what minecraft version ?
Is there someone from the old Holla Forums server there? We had a blast there before some faggots ruined it. pic relate.

Isn't that Impulca's server? If it had a town called "Jewtown" then I played on it, and was the faggots that ruined it

This was spawn, in case anyone recognizes it

yea impulca server
what was your name?

bump to survive spam wave.


I forgot what name I used, I think it was longdong or something, I also used my alt Shadowed_s0ul before I figured out it was an offline=true server