Channel awesome still butt hurt over brexit

When will those Canadian and American cucks get over brexit?

They'll be eternally screeching.

Don't care about brexit, but Children of Men is pure kino.


/monster/fags, everybody

It might just be my newfaggotry, but I've never bothered to ask, and I've never seen anyone else ask.
Posting an image doesn't bump the thread, therefor the sage isn't negated. So, why is that implication bad?

It just might.

Thanks for the answer, user, I never really got that. One less confused newfag wandering around I guess.


Pure kino involves having a good lead actor
This cannot be considered that

I don't care about reading some polfag plotfags opinions of the film but reminder, Cuaron wanted Emma Watson to be the pregnant chick after working on her with prisoner of azkaban, because of goblet of fire she couldn't, he never intended for it to be le nigger baby, the race actually doesn't matter and has nothing to really do with the story and purpose, which is to mainly show how people have to live in a shitty society and how one man shows courage and humanity despite the climate being a complete shitfest

He loOKs so happy

wrong, the entire point of the movie is that whites destroyed the earth so g*d punished them by making only people of color being able to have babies.

my reddit-o-meter is off scale

Clive's performance was pretty convincing in this tbh.


he isn't even on their list ==reddit==

also, getting skeevy vibes from what you just posted. How old was she in POA?


TOP LEL, Holla Forumsyps are so easy to spot. Fuck off now shrimp dick drumpfcucks.

The pregnant girl in the movie was supposed to be underage.

go back to r/movies please


Race is irrelevant, cuccboi.

thank you merchant, you truly are my greatest ally

The film's message is that Britain must colonize the world again to save it.

t. clive owen

she would have been 14-15 when they filmed it

I fucked that up 14-15 when she filmed children of men, she was 13 when she filmed poa

The proof is in the pudding, he doesnt even register on the reddit scale, they like Villenueve, Chazelle, Nolan, Refn, Inarritu etc.

Stop shitposting Del Toro nobody likes you

Is it just arguing with itself at this point?

you fucking dickhead cuaron is areddit tier hack who's only praised by cancerous hipsters like you who go around sperging shit like "gravity isn't just a special effect jerk off, it actually have some 2deep4u mystical meanings" and other nonsensical bullshit
he even directed a hairy pozzer movie for fuck sake, can you even get more reddit than that
he is shit, your taste is shit and you should kill yourself

how many times are you gonna post the same shit tier arguement familia

as many times as it takes for you cuaronfags to piss off back to reddit

Sounds like you are just a triggered little tumblrina 2.0


They went with a random actor they didn't have to pay much who would go nude, wow. Yea its true.

well, even if that's the case, no one gets shocked by an underage negress getting pregnant

kill me now

You can see her hard big nips through her shirt in beginning of goblet of fire when she fall to the ground after touching the portkey shoe, she wasn't wearing a bra, if that makes it any better.

But yea holy shit that would have been the best scene in cinematic history if it was emma

oh, Holla Forumseddit and their persecution complex

Yeah, commies like to believe they're being constantly put down when in fact they're usually bourgeoisie trust fund kids.
What does that have to do with the quoted post though?

sounds like you are just a triggered redditor


what else should i say about hackuaron?