ITT: kino music videos

ITT: kino music videos

I think it's absolutely brilliant the way this video deconstructs the heteronormativity of the standard high school setting

I liked the performance of "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" in Green Room. Classic pro-freedom kino.


Really gets the neurons firing

how is it not?


its a shitty music video


thanks, capitalism

ikr, comrade

Are you fucking brain dead?

top lel m8


Needs more BBC if you ask me

Of course he is, he's a poledditor.


What does Holla Forums think of this one?

Weak troll OP, but we might as well not let a good topic go to waste.

Here's an actual good music video. Probably the closest thing there is to a live-action Akira movie.


can we get the .webm of this

dancing chickens

This one should be an obvious one.

If it isn't Portal it isn't kino, period.

Holla Forums is poleddit, since they advertise on reddit

t. Holla Forums


dancing elephant man skeleton

I didn't know Portal had other songs besides Still Alive

Isn't it a school night? Where are your parents?



Care to provide a concise synopsis?

Now THIS is kino!




Well good thing nobody did. :)

Yeah, they went to heavy metal after Portal 2.

well, you posted that so it should have been a given




It's pretty catchy tbh…no homo


words change meaning over time, gramps


Okay drumpfold


This one features John Carpenter

Doesn't make any goddamn sense.

the setting feels sort of unique in this one

good taste

So now it means anyone who disagrees with me?

I'd let her handle the shifter, if you know what I mean

