1.5 billion dead weights by 2050

How do we solve this?

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education or something tbh. if you look at the UN statistics and compare population growth/gdp/all the things they account for in their global analysis that i think they do every year - the lesser educated and poorer countries are the ones who procreate more. i think there's specifically a statistically significant categorization placed on female education, as it were.
that or just wait until an inevitable malthusian catastrophe happens due to population going over the carrying capacity of the earth. famine, pestilence, war, death, etc.

That makes no sense tbh, Chinks still breed like rabbits and China is one of the most educated countries on Earth when you account for average IQ and one of the most rapidly developing

Niggers are inferior, that's why they can't emulate the chinks. Also the chinks have already taken over africa with "cultural development projects". They help out developing african nations by giving them "unlimited loans" however they are restricted to buying ONLY from chinese suppliers and ONLY having chinese managers. The Chinese have jewed africa harder than the jews have jewed the western world.

one second and i'll show you the resource i'm referring to. i might be misremembering some thing


don't have time to go through to back up my claim as i'm working on something - but these are some resources you can use to compare countries. i just linked afghanistan cuz it was the first one, but you can go to others from there

Niggers are inferior, which is why its so terrifying that they're breeding so fast. This shit surely will stop long before 2050 I hope

I'm pretty sure their Chinese Overlords will keep them as a slave class or purge them at will once they become a problem.

Damn that Chink dropping major fucking redpills on that nigger

I think once China is done with them they'll just pack up and leave, or maybe start a new colonial rule and all the chinks will just pour into Africa and displace the niggers. Surely that would be a more preferable future for Africa than as it stands

Looks more like 2.5 billion user

Malthusian catastrophe soon

So in other words we're even more fucked. Thanks

stop feeding the niggers tbh

poverty just makes them breed even more though, the answer is simple, we must nuke Nigeria and Ethiopia, taking just those two down will ease a lot of burden tbh

it's the missionaries, peace loving hippies, and bleeding heart liberals causing the problem. make sure they're all there when the solution goes into place

I don't understand why China doesn't just invade and insert themselves onto the continent already. They pretty much already run most East African nations.

Regardless, Evangelicals already have a foothold to the point where Africa is pretty much 40 percent Christian 40 percent Islam and 20 percent native tribal religion. The problem mainly right now is Lagos and Nigeria, a major port city where the niggers pretend like they're playing World City Simulator with projections that it will become the largest city on Earth in the 2050s even though its full of poverty

China has never been expansionary, nationalism is extremely strong and they believe their country is the best ever, so there is no need.

Its like China was able to just sit back for the past couple of centuries while whites asserted themselves as a race of political experimentation, from Colonism, to Nationalism, to Socialism and Communism, and just take what works and leave out what doesn't. I mean for fucks sake, China is more openly racist than any other country right now and they are able to just fucking get away with it because they don't let kike media in on their shit. The few times we do hear about it are edge cases like in the far Western Provinces where they were profiling the areas Arab and Muslim populations to deny them access to inner provinces. I fucking envy China sometimes

The US massively overproduces food and then dumps it. It's kept out of the mouths of American children by burning it as fuel, and the rest is sold to Africa and our farmers are paid by the taxpayers for it. So while you complain raising children is too expensive and avoid doing so, you're paying to raise 5 billion African nigger children.
The surprise you're going to have is if you try to stop this, what you likely think of as "traditional America", the farmers, are going to fight you to keep it going as it is not only a huge amount of their money, but also represents almost all the anticipated growth in their industry. This shouldn't be a surprise as it was the farmers who pushed for illegal immigration and to wipe out whites in California but people didn't seem to get that message and still think of them as red-state Christian defenders of faith and country.

War, end welfare and stop exporting the foods to the world.

And Ice age

Immigrants in California have always been a meme. Native births have been the main driving factor for population growth in California for the past 7 years now as immigration, both legal and illegal, have plummeted, good news is nigger population in both California and the US as a whole is actually dropping. And even though European whites are now a minority in California, there are still more of them in California than any other fucking state. not even considering that the main racial group of Mexicans coming to America are white Latinos so the white population of California is still 75 percent. (Its almost exclusively Hispanic whites coming from Latin America to the United States, Hispanic blacks coming to America are nearly nonexistent as are the pure native Latinos)

On Muslims I recall a case of Ugyr insurgence taking over some border town for a week a while ago, the Chinks just sent over their equivalence of special forces and killed them all over night. I think the UN complained about it and the Chinks just said fuck you. I wish our politicians weren't so cucked, just kill all the fucking muslims already.

Trump has effectively stopped all Muslim immigration to the United States with his recent policies. The number of Muslims coming here are now negligible. It's not fucking killing them and we still have a small tumor of them making up 1 percent of our population but its a step in the right direction. Basically the biggest thing keeping Islam relevant right now is fucking Europe

lol "native births". Yeah, of Hispanics, swelling the ranks of La Raza. They have more loyalty to "Aztlan" than they do to the U.S.

No, he hasn't, you fucking retard. Only a handful of countries are in the travel ban, which doesn't include Saudi Arabia, the country that supplied 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers, or any of the other countries where 9/11 hijackers came from. It also doesn't include Pakistan, where the San Bernardino attackers came from. Or Afghanistan, where Omar Mateen came from. Or Indonesia, the most populous Muslim county on the planet. It's a stunt to convince morons–like you–that he fulfilled his campaign promise to institute a Muslim ban.

Hi, spic. I was born in southern California in the '70s and I've watched it go from entirely white to entirely brown. The town I grew up in went from being a community where no one locked their doors to a gang hellhole known internationally for an ISIS attack. I lived through those years when tens of millions of them were pouring across the border. And they're still coming. More than half of the driver's licenses California issues yearly are the "undocumented" AB-60 licenses. And Obama to make the claim that there was no "net" migration deported nearly 3 million of them that broke in during his term, at incredible expense both in cost to remove and human cost from all the rape and murder.
You aren't white and never will be. And when we're gone you'll be living in the same shithole you created in Mexico as you're incapable of building communities.

Sorry to tell you mate but you're suffering from mega cognitive bias.

where is this clip from?

Soylent Green can solve this.


Muslim immigration to the United States has effectively stopped m8. I know Trump didn't ban everything fucking mudshit country but reports everywhere are stating that Muslims straight up aren't coming to the US anymore. Even before the Travel Ban it was notoriously difficult for anyone from any Middle Eastern country to get to the US and numbers were negligible. Now its even more difficult. Its effectively stopped.

What are Spanish people? What are the Germans who escaped persecution from the Allies post WW2 to settle in Argentina and Mexico? You're not a shill but someone who is deeply affected by the mestizos and shitskins destroying your home.

Fell for the

What? No forced 56% meme? Did you also post dat boi too? Be honest.

No dat boi.
We too white down here for his greenness.

Bullshit. Not only did the "Muslim" ban not block immigration from most major Muslim countries, there's actually no way to assess Muslim immigration, because it's not like religious affiliation is listed on their passports, or that they have to register when they enter the country.

Muslims from the UK? Still coming.
Muslims from France/the rest of the EU? Still coming.
Those don't require any kind of a visa for a short stay, either.
Muslims from Saudi Arabia? Egypt? Malaysia? Indonesia? India? Pakistan? The Balkans? Russia? Central Asia? Still coming. Every single day.

Show me a report from ICE, and not from some Trump cheerleading "news" source, that says that

You could reconstruct any of those charts to illustrate the top kikes keeping getting richer and the gdp keeps falling; seize all kike estates, make it illegal to pass along generational wealth.


There was a thread on Holla Forums recently talking about it

Also not sure what Europe has to do with the United States, Muslim NEVER came to the US even during the height of the Migrant crisis, you know why? Because the US never adopted a fully open border policy like the EU dis. There are more Muslim in Europe right now than the entirety of the USA. Europe fucked itself

Sorry faggot, US census data actually tracks ethnic groups and religious affiliation, Europe doesn't because >muh racism! Going as vague as to say 2 percent of the population of Europe is "Non European" which could mean a lot of fucking things since nonwhites born in Europe are classified as European so that number is meaningless and possibly underrepresented. Muslim immigration to Europe has always been significantly higher than the United States. I read stories from these places and they all say its been damn near impossible to get to the US since 9/11 and Trumps new security policies are making it completely out of the question now. Meanwhile you can straight up travel from Saudi Arabia through the Levant to Europe and nobody is going to give a fuck. The worst America has to worry about are Mexicans who are basically white and Christian anyways, I'll take those over Muslims anyday. I don't think you realize just how little Muslims are in America vs Europe right now

End globalization
Bomb Nigeria

The US literally outspends every.other.country. on earth combined for our public education system. How's that Burger High School experience working out for you user?

What? China has more uneducated serfs than any other country on the planet. More than everywhere else but India combined.


What the fuck does that even mean? The fact that Asians have moderately better visual-spatial ability than niggers makes up for the fact that 99% of Chinese are literal dirt farmers and wage slaves?

So you're saying Chinks breed like rabbits because even the most intelligent ones live in poverty? You think their government realizes this and intentionally keeps parts of the country as shitholes to prevent social stagnation?

Trump is a smart guy. Use up the environment now, you don't want to go through all this hassle of going green and then giving all the benefits to shitskins. By the end of the century, this planet should be unlivable, and then all the undesirables won't get their cake and eat it too.

kys tbh fam. You don't have to be a 200 IQ hypergenius to own a sweat shop and enslave thousands of people.

The US's education system is infested with Jews so we're being robbed and they're using the money to turn our kids into communist trannies.

The US education system doesn't work because it's defective by design. It's an adaptation of a Prussian system praised at the time for its effectiveness at producing well-disciplined and compliant graduates (rather than knowledgeable and independent), that has then had (nearly) all of the men removed through a combination of the draft, pedo hysteria, and the fact that it doesn't pay enough to support a family. It doesn't matter how many billions you throw at it; it's always going to be a system that punishes leadership and critical thinking.

Documetry called "Empire of Dust" full thing is on youtube. It's all about the Chinese jewing the shit out of Africa.


Well, that settles it!

Europe is full of Muslims, and any Muslim with a passport from an EU nation can get in to the US extremely easily. Put 2 and 2 together here, user.

Bullshit. Muslims have been coming to the US for decades, since the immigration changes of the 1960s.

There hasn't been a census since Trump took office, you goddamn retard.

Pick one.

None of those groups are the ones pouring over the border. It's all 80 IQ brown mongoloids.

g N*@&yt892K@L^y./h8797@&^[79UJ

with gas chambers and ovens

1 word, eugenics


We have to let the Asians take care of this. They need to inherit the Earth. I'll be happy if they do, at least humanity will survive with dignity. They will have by far the largest regional economy. India and China will both outcompete America by the end of the century.

We need to genocide all niggers, not a joke, not trying to be edgy, it's the only solution.
Sadly, normalfags think they are human so it will never happen.

Perish the thought.

The Chinese are soulless ant people who show no mercy to anyone, not even their own people and Indians don't mind living in their own shit.
Japs can be okay but they are an autistic bunch with very poor communication skills and can only succeed in society if they feel shame for not doing so, they will probably end up with the same fate as white people someday.

Stop giving Africans free food. Charitable organizations have been the worst thing to ever happen to Africa.