I'm sorry

If any wealthier anons are about & feeling the christmas spirit an exeptional amount this year, I hate to be the nigger but I could really use some help. I've been declined autismbux & unemployment and the local office is taking their sweet time with my EBT application

It's been a rough season. Any little bit would help me so much. Thanks for taking the time to read either way!


people can paypal you 1 cent and then get your billing address attached to your account, just a headsup, OP

Here's another way to donate to my cause. Love yall

bitcoin: 1MdjAjJHamWtKsrd4XuE5haNcpDgU7MMSF

I figured as much but honestly I don't have anything anyone could steal even with that info. If someone came to my door and blew my head off that'd be the best christmas gift I've ever gotten

I'd donate but i'm a fucking loser with no money to spare, living on autism bux

ok man if you insist; but you don't need people sending you pizzas that you have to pay for at the door (and you'd have to awkwardly tell the pizzaman why you can't pay given you're broke and then tell all local places to ignore orders to your residence or some shit). getting SWATTED isn't fun, etc etc.

i'd say just delete your thread and remake it only with your bitcoin wallet. the only people here on 8/b/ who might even remotely consider giving you something are those who have made good money off crypto so it makes more sense anyway tbh

inb4 swatted on christmas

also, sorry it's going so bad for you. having trouble myself too, goodluck

lol make it happen


I swear, the local commissary hires me for the mandatory minimum 6 months just because I'm the son of a vet, then fires me for not being "socially capable" (despite being formally diagnosed with social phobia), now all my savings have been depleted just trying to pay rent and eat in a town whose only claim to fame is having a penitentiary where Michael Vick and Chelsea Manning spent some time, just trying to keep to myself from all the loudmouthed nigs who get out of prison and never leave.
Somehow they qualify for gibmedats but not me. I don't even have military base access or dependent rights anymore since getting fired.
Can't even afford a decent rope on amazon ffs, no car to get one from home depot or money for a cab there

Maybe I am just weak. I'll fuck off now, thanks again for even reading if you did

Hope better times come to you too

Maybe get shanked, I'll take that too

Talking to people here is my only means of socializing really, don't know where else to go but do feel free to roast me. If I get reincarnated as a joo this will all have been worth it

get a job at mcdonalds

There actually was one less than 2 miles away that I worked at before the last job, got fired after a month for not being able to keep up fast enough no matter what shift they put me on. If I would have applied for unemployment then I probably would have gotten it ironically enough, since its not a federal employer.
The system is fucked.

Go earn some bitcoin you dumb goym

Also i have autistbux hahaa normalfag kys tbh

I try to mine when I can but I have no cpu of my own to dedicate it to which you need from what I understand, & free wifi gets me like 1 satoshi an hour lmao. Any tips?

I have a meeting at 11 tomorrow where I'm expected to plead my case for not having my NEETbux cut off after violating my participation agreement for the fifth time in a row. What is it with you burgers and having a seemingly limitless access to NEETbux with no caveats or conditions. I thought we were supposed to be the socialist shithole?

From my experience trying/failing to get it I think a lot of anons are either e-peening or I just had a hardass of an interviewer cause even diagnosed social phobia wasn't good enough, & I get visible jitters & can't hold eye contact to save my life

Maybe different cities/counties here have different selection requirements too, fuck if I know. I was literally spending days in a library & nights in a homeless shelter before finding a couch to crash on (for now)

Good luck tho hope you manage to keep it, don't know how badly you guys get taxed but I know I've had enough taken out of every check I got in the past that those who need it should get it, not these layabout drunk monkeys I see walking up & down the street every day

it sounds like you don't really want to live. there's actually some bare minimum effort you need to put in to live. you get jobs then get fired for "not keep up fast enough" or not being "socially capable" because you hate being there so much but everyone has to do things that hate otherwise we'll starve and be homeless. quit thinking you can make the world bend to your preferences. unless you wish to be homeless and hungry most of your sad life up until you die.

I really don't want to live. If I could afford a gun I'd blow my brains out right now. But what I do know is that before my pops died he raised me to have an ethic and take pride in my work. The way I see it, not wanting to sit around and pretend to give a fuck about the walking dead or football is a bullshit reason to fire someone when they outwork the vets regularly. I don't evem have the balls to be mean to people, I just try to keep to myself and mind my business

Message me at [email protected]

I give experience to NEETs for free. You can be as discreet as possible if you want to protect your anonymity.

Altho I will admit with the mcdonalds job I just couldn't get the patterns and rhythms down fast enough to be effective, maybe my brain is busted. in that case I wasn't outworking the vets at all but at least tried not to sandbag and would do the bitchwork or cleanup no one else wanted to do

What do you mean by experience?

get some pills or jump off of a bridge or building? i want to die too everyday but i'm too scared to do it, so i guess that means i don't want to die that much. i work and do shit i hate so i don't become homeless and poor. that's life for 95% of the population. just do it.

I'll buy you a rope off amazon. Whats your address so i can send it

Suck dick for better wifi?

Put my company in your resume (Mr chief financial officer) and get a job.

I've literally exhausted all the possible work options around within feasible distamce without a car. I want to do a small relocation & start over but I don't know when or how that will be possible

Not gonna literally put my address on here but I guess was on to something

I would literally suck a dick for the first time in my life right now if it meant getting another month in my old apartment to be honest

Nothing shady will come up if an employer searches it? I feel like this is a ruseā€¦ But I'll shoot you an email before the nights over anyways

Explain yourself.

Do your fucking homework before you put a natural and organic esoteric contact on a resume.

Most of the time they don't even check up with the past employers or at the very least it's a superficial search.

Okay really fucking off this time, bumping with my btc wallet info again for anyone who really wants to be a saint. Wish everyone well & to have a comfy christmas as possible


It was nice chatting and getting some shit off my chest anyways.

I'll email you tomorrow if I can cause I gotta go now, sounds like a better idea than just making up contact info since on the offchance that they do play detective you could at least bullshit them. I have no friends who could do that for me as it is so its cool of you