Should I be paranoid about signing up for voting? I'm an American voting for trump by the way. I want to vote...

Should I be paranoid about signing up for voting? I'm an American voting for trump by the way. I want to vote, but I'm worried I'll be put on some list somewhere. Is this justified?


you are too paranoid

Signing up for voting is to sign up for a list. Just don't go around with a hat shouting TRUMP 4 GOD EMPEROR if you want to be inconspicious and that;'s it.
Don't be afraid.

I never said I didn't want vote, actually literally the opposite.

I guess I am. I shouldn't be though, right?

They would put 60% of voters to the list. Your name is like a fish in the ocean.

just kill yourself

Nah, paranoia is healthy. Always better be cautious, especially when we are pretty controversial to say the least.

No, your post has an underlying subtone of seeding fear into paranoid anons. I see right through you kike.



Oh I'm not afraid of some retards passive aggressively harassing me in the voting place. But I am worried about being put on some gov list, but I suppose it's pretty unfounded. I'm paranoid by nature. Just wanted to see what Holla Forums thought about it.

Yeah you're probably right.

No lists you aren't already on.


Posting here, you're already on a list. Don't be a pussy.

You're already on a list if you post here

If you're posting here, you're on some list anyway.
Half the country is voting for Trump, let's see alphabets make a list for that.

If you don't register, you can't vote.

I'm literally paranoid about the people you are referring to, the people who would do those things.

I was never not gonna vote. Just wanted to see what Holla Forums thought. Thanks guys, it was a stupid question.

user, I…

Please. In Columbus Ohio. An ex con named Chris Sherman has lied and has been voting ballots and erecting entire Jewish led faggotry and parades and projects in the city. Meanwhile I am an ex con whom was sentenced for ag Rob over $20. When I was released for good behavior the Columbus Police department sent me a letter stating I could come down to the property room and pick up that same 20.00 bill. I was so distraught I couldn't even. And no I won't go vote for Trump. I'll be voting from a roofto. You all deserve what judgement is about to get handed down on America. I alone will smash it to pieces and the entire world will burn. Not a single life will escape the wrath to come.

If you are so easily scared that some authority or alphabet person merely writing your name down is enough to make you submit you should seriously kill yourself, or fix your nearly fatal low-test problems.

Nice blogpost FBI

Fuck off Mason scum


But don't forget to buy a gun before the election,just in case…


I didn't register to vote for 12 years since 2004, until this year.

My goal is to fly under the radar. I have NEVER used my real name in any social media or email account since 1997.

My driver's license has an old address on it, and I maintain a PO BOX to receives mail from a forwarding address.

You need to have a healthy balance between hiding in the open and being stealthy, otherwise you begin to delve into tinfoil paranoid schizophrenic territory, unhealthy territory.

Unless you are a legit hacker, engage in computer fraud, real illegal activity, you are not on any radar. Using TOR and a VPN puts you on a radar, and if some go-getter alphabet sees that you don't show up anywhere - then you get looked at harder for a longer time.

For the most part, voting doesn't matter, but if we keep pushing back against the kikes, apathy and laziness - one day it will.

you should not be

Are you fucking stupid?