Coffee is stupid

So I recently got a job that makes use of a cubicle. I was finally got to try out the coffee meme to completion and I am beyond underwhelmed. It's lunch break now and I've been drinking batches of this shit since 8 a.m. I do not feel any more awake than I did yesterday morning. The shit doesn't work. Is it a placebo? Do people just drink it because it makes them feel cool?

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Do you consume any other forms of caffeine or stimulants on a regular basis, user?

No I don't. Why?

Maybe you're drinking decaf. Also drink black coffee sweetened with nothing or artificial sweetners. The difference to your health is massive

I have never felt the effects of caffeinated beverages ever. I read online that some people have natural tolerances to the stuff, but I still drink coffee because I think it tastes good. Not black, but with vanilla and hazelnut creamer. And whipped cream.


Same. It's the same reason I ever started drinking it when I was 12. It smells and tastes good and robust. I just thought that having a typical office job I would somehow feel the effects better. I guess not. I probably do have a natural tolerance . I'm the same way with alcohol.

You drink it because it's tasty, you fucking pleb. If you want stimulation, smoke crak.


who would've guessed?


stop drinking coffee

I-I've never tried this
is it good with just cream? wait, putting it on ordinary coffee makes more sense than putting in on a pile of shaved ice and syrup.
what the fuck is up with frappuccinos? I tried one last week and they taste a lot like a sweet coffee Slurpee, just revolting, and the whipped cream on top only looked nice. by the time you actually get to it it's bedraggled, smeared all over the sides of the cup, and mixed in with ice shavings and milk water… the only alternative is to just eat the whipped puck off the top like a savage. beard makes that a non-option but I'm a man and I have hot blood and I'm living so I'm willing to just pour whipped cream into my mouth

coffee tasts like shit, no matter which one I drink. I heard that people especially love the taste of Turkish Coffee, it's the worst one. It feels like drinking a boiled dirt. I don't know how can anyone like it assuming I don't have different tongue or something. It's obvious that most of them do it for attention and edge, but someone had to start the trend by liking it. Drinking for caffeine? I don't know, it doesn't work for me. My metabolism is pretty fast so I'd expect that it wouldn't affect me at all.

How does it feel to be worshipping a conman, hexnigger?

well there was a caliph who was deposed after trying to ban coffee. (paranoid, thought it fueled revolution…) you can take almost everything from people, but not coffee.

1. dink strong coffee with no sugar or other additives
2. drink cold water in between sips to keep the next taste fresh
3. don't drink more than two cups unless you want to shit out torrents
4. if you smoke cigarettes, have a coffee with your cigarette, it's the best shit.


Come and drink it with us, experience true coffee.

which one? I probably tried all of them except some starbucks shills

starbucks coffee is fucking gross. bitter as shit. you want a light blend

too much work for a cop of fucking coffee
best of the best

italian expresso
We made it the same ways for centuries now and it never changed
can't top perfection i guess

Graaaaaaaaaaass tastes baaaad

it looks like Turkish Coffee, too heavy and bitter and overall shit, they have to give you water next to it. But I will try anyway, thank you dear user I love you

i heard that before, you know?
it is very bitter indeed but if you dislike this you can safely say you simply dislike coffee entirely

cmon at this volume you can know it's diluted to shit

if you want to go coffee go black
turks know how to do that

holy fuck anglos really ruin everyhitng they touch

I'm a tea person anyway tho


nevermind, i googled turkish coffee and they leave the fucking ground coffee powder in, ours is filtrated


turkish is still heavy. i think i heard some add chocolate to it. fucking retards

sounds nasty to me.
if you need to mix shit in your coffee to make it taste better there's something wrong with the coffee you're drinking

t. pedo

totally worth it

what coffee do you recommend with a cigarette?

cafeine is water soluble, which is why percolated coffee sets your heart racing. the aromatic elements of coffee grinds disperse at

I don't drink coffee because it tastes like shit unless you put a bunch of milk and sugar in it - and at that point, you might as well just drink a fucking milkshake. I do like caffeine, so I mix in about 200mg of caffeine into a water bottle and drink that in the morning.


I get panic attacks when I drink coffee now. High blood pressure sucks

Fascinating, please tell us more about it.


it works for me and i like the taste

but military does that to you

I don't smoke.

Well it should go without saying english is my second language.

That still doesn't make sense, considering "espresso" in english is literally just taken from the italian phrase "caffè espresso".

I was once on a business trip, and the hotel I stayed in didn't have a coffee maker in the room. They did, however, have a Starbucks in the lobby.

I walked in and asked for a "small black coffee," and the young lady at the counter looked at me like I had swastikas tattooed on my eyeballs. I realize that they have their silly little names for different cup sizes, but come on: she knew what I meant.

After clarifying my order (yes, m'am, the smallest size you have; no, thank you, just the coffee with nothing else in it) and receiving my coffee, all the while receiving odd looks from her, I took a sip and found it to be repulsive.

It goes beyond "dark roast." It's fucking equator-dwelling-gorilla roast.

tl;dr I agree

A nice light roast or "breakfast blend," or pretty much anything cold-brewed. You'll find that darker and/or more acidic coffee will vastly overpower the subtle flavors of a cigarette, leaving you with just the taste of smoke.

Past that recommendation, it really depends on what you smoke: a fruitier, more aromatic tobacco will tolerate a more acidic coffee, but will be lost in a dark roast. Smokes with hints of caramel will tolerate a dark roast, but not acid.

Adding milk or sugar to the coffee (or my favorite, a dash of bitters) will totally de-rail these recommendations, and you'll have to experiment.

You shut your dirty mouth, barbarian. Ελληνικός καφές is sacred. It's bold, robust and full of heritage.

I know but I'm self taught through trial and error and that's one of the flaws I guess.

t. Mormon?

Did you really become a Mormon to get a woman?

[Una faccia, una razza intensifies]

stop drinking that watered down shit and drink some espesso

That's an odd way of spelling Turkish coffee m8

I am triggered. If I knew how to embed YouTube videos, I would post one of Greek country music with the intention of arousing patriotism.

You probably have ADD ADHD.


You are American so why do you need the greek music to be patriotic to Greece?

The idea that everything "artificial" is less healthy is truthy, but wrong.

Might be one of those muh heritage Greek Americans. They're all over the place in Astoria, Queens. Flying Golden Dawn flags while living in one of the most multi culti cities in the States as an immigrant lel

They put a lot of shit in so the coffee has to have the flavor concentration of a neutron star.


In my country they are very nationalistic and support Australian nationalists.

You should try the Aussie coffee shops because they are very good at making the coffee.

As long as we're pretending an actual Italian would call it "expresso", no, you actually haven't.

Caffeine is powerful and changes your neurochemistry over time. Caffeine blocks receptors in your brain that take in chemicals that make you feel tired. Eventually your brain compensates by making more receptors, rendering your coffee useless. Not only that, but if you go cold turkey, you'll feel like shit.

i can give up smoking for long term health, but i'll be damned if i give up my coffee

coca cola coffee?

they have to add all the extra bullshit flavors into their coffee to HIDE the taste of their coffee

I don't know anyone who goes there for anything other than a coffee flavored milkshake tbh

Yes it is.

I like the tatse of coffee so I don't see what is wrong with the taste.

i like the taste of coffee also, user - just not starbucks coffee

You can't even post a fucking photo on the internet without fucking it up sideways, and you have the audacity to call coffee stupid?

OP, there are ROCKS smarter than you. You have no right to call anyone or anything stupid.

What's the difference?

What is the point in drinking the coffee if they put so much shit in it to make the coffee taste like lollies? They should just grab the coffee pills instead because they don't need to drink so much shits within it. Am I right?

Coffee is delicious. Add deliciousness to coffee and you get more delicious. I eat coffee ice cream every night.

As long as you can taste the real coffe then that is good. Just don't let the coffee taste become nothing.

It does work, for me it works too well.. I have caffeine sensitivity. if I have a cup of that shit my anxiety goes through the roof for 24 hours. definitely not placebo

my brothers gf has that too. and she's part kike, so you take the standard neurosis and mental angst associated with that, and ramp it up on a logarithmic scale




anyone here try cold brewing coffee? it's pretty good, it just takes more time.

The reason why coffee gives you an increased level of alertness is because it makes your body create adrenaline and stress hormones. Its fake energy and only drains you mentally. A cold shower is way more effective.

Cold brewing is terrible

A cold shower works because it makes your body create adrenaline and stress hormones. You stupid fuck.

Starbucks coffee is usually shit because they use the most bland and simple blend for their mixed drinks, as it won't interfere with the other flavors. But provided you know what you like, they DO have decent single-origin coffees. Personally, I'm a fan of the Sumatra because it's as smooth as fucking silk and with nice herbal hints like a green tea. Fuck whatever Charlie Sheen said; this stuff is the REAL tiger's blood.


maximum flavor extraction occurs at 177 degrees F, you fuckstick. why do you think Bunn coffee pots keep the water tank at that temp?

What about using both?

Yes. I brew concentrate in a French press all night, and I have an electric kettle rolling all morning and afternoon.

I usually drink it black, but when I want to give it a little kick I'll add a dash of Angostura bitters. Good shit.

I often do. just poor a bit of amphetamine into your coffee! doesnt really affect the taste.
Well. i used to, until i got that ever lasting brainfog. Fuckinghell i miss amphetamine.

better off without it, user. i know that feel too. the best coffee was made using a coffee filter leftover from making a batch of meth. so good

That's why I always have coffee with plenty of sugar like you're supposed to. Caffeine works like thyroid hormone.

The best coffee is black as the night, no sugar
If you kill it with sugar you might as well say you like sugar beverages instead

A cold shower works because in addition to all the painkilling chemicals your brain produces, it trains your body to pump blood more efficiently and improves your cardiovascular ability and promotes fat burn. Coffee compared to that is complete dogshit and has no real benefits.

Drink one cup and no more. If you need more to feel more awake, you need more sleep. Trust me, I work with this.

Is that a new filter for nigger?

i used to do 4am-noon shifts all the time and sometimes work on very little sleep. never drank caffeine during that job since it would've made things worse. it basically keeps you from going from 98% asleep to 100% asleep, and prevents you from being 0% asleep, in my experience

if it's fat burning that you want, then you mix ephedra into your coffee. caffeine + ephedra now illegal to sell in burgerland because muh methamphetamine is the superior weight loss substitute because it forces ketogenesis. coffee by itself doesn't do the trick. ephedra by itself doesn't work either. when you mix the two, it's an amazing fat burner

How about not being a degenerate lazy junkie?

how about learning about the fat burning process so that being active and trying to get /fit/ can be the most efficient as possible?

proof that this works?

how about not being such a fat fuck you resort to drugs
if you let yourself go that far to begin with you'll probably do it again

research moar tbh

just run a search for caffeine plus ephedrine, user. it's been known to work for ages. the only reason people don't know about it today is because of stupid lawsuits

try nicotine

also, be highly skeptical of USA based products claiming to use ephedra. they've had the vital compounds stripped out. buy the plant. that's not illegal

Why were people so fucking sweaty in the 90s

and why did people in the 90s look so rubbery.

Rubber sweat monster decade.

Genetics determines how affected you are by caffeine. Some people are basically immune to the affects of coffee.

If you're like me, then at best you'll notice the ability to focus better for a short time while driving, but the sleepy feeling never goes away. Also of note is that things like painkillers also seem to barely work on me as well, though I'm not sure if that's actually related or something different. I need to take a full dose of two different kinds to get an effect.

I've bought ephedra based products in the US before, you cant just buy a ton of them and they are behind the counter. Just ask the pharmacist, people still use them for asthma attacks and shit.

yes, maybe i should have clarified. over-the-counter ephedra based items have been stripped of the vital compounds

I find that in small doses (a cup or two of coffee; 100-ish mg) I don't get a "boost" of any kind. It can sometimes even make me sleepy. It does, however, seem to help me focus.

In higher doses (200+ mg) it gives me a small boost or at least prevents me from getting tired, but it often makes me jittery.

Here comes the soccer mom.

Can we get some organic bananas on the way home? They taste better because they're "real".

It's as much of a placebo as breathing

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