Scott Adams buckles over communist tax reforms

"I hereby switch my endorsement from Clinton to Trump. #Trump #Clinton" -Scott Adams


[email protected]/* */

Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert and socio-linguistic analyzer has decided to switch his endorsement after retweeting Trump's comment on Hillary's insane 65% Estate tax promise. What was meant as a clever stand to pivot to the left and gain back the bern-out crowd turned into a catastrophe for Hillary as even die hard Never-Trump'ers now change their minds.

Other urls found in this thread:

65% isn't taxation. It is confiscation.

Was he seriously backing Clinton?

fucking hilarious

He literally came out and said he endorsed Clinton because if he didn't, Clinton supporters would murder him.

Good man

when was that? Got a source?



Yeah, exactly. It was satire. Extremely heavy handed satire at that. The guy has been extremely pro-Trump this whole time, just look at any of his articles about him. Jesus Christ the amount of autists who can't figure this out really grinds my fucking gears.

It was on some of his articles. Sometimes he'd talk good about Trump a lot, then follow up along the lines of "Just a reminder, I endorse Clinton (for my own safety)."

I guess he doesn't see any reason to pretend now.

He backed her because it was the most beneficial thing for him to do economically.

I don't have the tweet, but he wanted to avoid the Clinton Kill List for publicly supporting Trump.

Not sure when it was, but it was at the bottom of all of his articles on the election for a while. He started just before he turned off the comments. Not sure when he stopped.

The exact wording was "I endorse Hillary Clinton for my personal safety."

Apparently this actually did put a dent in the number of death threats and irate comments he was receiving.

I read that but I didn't think it was a real endorsement.

He was never 'extremly' pro-Trump as far as I know. I read his analysis of Trump speeches and the way he conducts himself etc. But he never went out to endorse Trump. There is a difference between analysing a master of linguistic warfare and endorsing said master. Maybe i'm wrong…

He kept banging on that it worked.

His reasoning was that the rabid leftists just cared that he endorsed Hillary over Trump, they didn't actually care about reasoning.

It wasn't. But it was none-the-less official. Strategic. Now he will be going all out.

Seems to be a mostly snarly piece on the militancy of the left wing. But I wouldn't reads this as a clear endorsement of anyone of the two. My view so far was that he was one of those guys that didn't like neither of them

I suppose his back handed endorsement worked because of the throwing out mixed signals meaning it confused people.

Maybe we should really drive this home as a tactic.

e.g. "Why the hell would you vote Trump - Clinton has a proven track record of killing muslims"

Our God-emperor's domain expands. Praise kek

Anyone who publishes for a living kind of have to say this, as per their kike overlords

jesus christ.What is the IQ range of these folks? I cannot believe what im seeing here

He made a joke that he was endorsing Clinton for his personal safety (from crazy Clinton supporters). Clinton people took it at face value and stopped harassing him.

yes, he is a very smart man.
the state of the world is much more dire than this minutiae, but all things considered, as far as i can tell, the probability of a trump presidency being superior is extremely high. it's high enough for endorsement.
dilbert man is very smart in the way he goes about things.
Here it is.

When will Scott Adams commit suicide with 3 shots to the back of his head?


Dilbert man understands more than we could possibly know.


He's mentioned in multiple articles.

He wrote pro-Trump articles, leftists started sending him death threats, he wrote that he was endorsing Clinton for his own personal safety and the death threats stopped. He didn't even try to pretend that it was a sincere endorsement, but apparently it worked.

Lefties don't care about sincerity. They support a vagina who is powered by fabrications.

I suppose the leftists not caring about sincerity shouldn't really surprise us at all.

After all, how many people have we seen them extract insincere "apologies" out of people that they then use to parade around as evidence that that person was an ebil nazi bigot and in the wrong.

It just seems very bizarre to us as we care about that sincerity.

But then, at least for me, the same was true of the apology. I didn't understand why you'd want an insincere apology until I got that it was just used as a bludgeon.

He's just switching sides now that Trump's victory is clear. I still don't really trust him.

Adams' endorsement of Clinton was always pretty clearly tongue-in-cheek. He tended to say things like "I endorse Hillary Clinton for president, because Donald Trump is less likely to have me killed for going against him" and "A reminder: I endorse Hillary Clinton, because Trump's supporters are understanding and forgiving, whereas Hillary's supporters would come after me with torches and pitchforks."

The fact that Hillary supporters took these as serious endorsements definitely supports his claim that we are not a rational species.

This was an absolutely fascinating read, and it explains a lot about why it's so hard to communicate with the other side - they're actually seeing a completely different reality.

>"wtf i'm a #deplorable now :^)"
Maybe i'm wrong, but I think he always endorsed trump in the 1st place and he just waited for a VERY obvious reason to announce it to not actually suicide himself or his career.

I think you should kill yourself Dilbert

These morons thought his endorsement of Hillary was real?

any more examples of lefty elites throwing shilary under the bus?

You thought it was real too? What the fuck is wrong with you?

And another idiot.

Yeah it was very interesting. In a way, this is what all of his blog posts were building too.

It makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint too. Snap decisions, guided by a bit of instinct are better than careful reasoning for anything time critical.

So for anything time critical, instinct is better than reason, so you'll evolve that.

Given life is limited, I suppose you can even argue everything is time critical.

Read this. Understand.

Although he did say that most of his speaking engagements dried up because of writing about Trump, he has directly stated that he has "fuck you money" so he doesn't need to worry about his "career" at this point.

He almost certainly falls into the top tax bracket for 65% death tax, hence the endorsement change.

just want to harvest salt user

Yeah, explains why he got half the country behind him.

This really is going to be the big issue for most people.

Burt then I suppose Hillary's come after kids now.

As Scot says, 65% isn't a tax, it's confiscation.

I think he has less of a bias than we attribute to him, but any man as intelligent as Scott already knows, deep down, they're voting Trump.

Didn't they try something similar in France a few years back and the only effect was that it got a bunch of rich business owners and actors to change citizenship to Russian?

Why was that note even necessary? The whole piece is editorialized trash. They must know how rock stupid their audience is to need things repeated incessantly.


I'm sad there are people on Holla Forums who read only the subject line before posting like salty faggots. Even when his Shrillary endorsement was as phoney as a $3 bill you still believed it. smh fam. And as usual, Dilbert man wrote an excellent article.

A lot of people here thought it was real.

Estate taxes are horrible. The left hate the fact that people work to make a better life for their children.
Their classification of "rich" is any white person who has a job and isn't on any government handouts.
My state has an estate tax and this is how it works out

Also if the house coast $5500 to build in 1990 and is now valued at 250,000 then you may even be responsible for a capital gains tax.

That note has been at the bottom of every Trump article on HuffPo for about a year now.

It's virtue signalling on steroids

Organisms evolve as a result of selecting for reproductive fitness. A clear recognition of reality is not necessarily one that drives you towards situations of max reproductive fitness.
It's not very complex.

the obvious counter argument is "well, humans evolved rationality and rationality is itself an adaptive trait".
it's really not, though. We know that women, for example, simply look at opinions the dominant forces in their lives (whether family or media) and adopt those, and such behavior is extremely effective.



Probably why the kardashian gremlin flipped to Trump once Hillary said she'd make her poor by grabbing mommy and "daddies" money.

I know this gets mentioned a little bit here but I'd like to point the way a bit.
Read Scott adams books
He talks about a lot of things that are important to the folks here. Ineptitude, corporate power, and memes (he dosen't call it that, he talks about the power of perception and mantras). He really does understand a good deal.

His perspective about perceptions and ideas creating reality is what we're dealing with now. That's whats going on in this election. ( His books not the comics collections) Should be recommend Holla Forums approved reading.

There's still a lot left for a lot of you to learn about the power of perception, mantras, and memes left. Make sure to keep learning.

You're good on some things Scott, but you still go full retard on some topics.

Do another interview with Molyneux and let him straighten out your economic thinking.

Absolute mad man.

I am convinced we have some sort of wizards on the side of good, whom probably groomed us by teaching us meme magic.

which one?

We also need to read cialdinis book to understand the clinton/ctr/soros tactics
also saul alinsky needs to be known to counter him

And CNN got mad at Carson for literally calling Hillary out on this.

I know it's ridiculous

Wait Hillary went full commie?

I'm also trying to get through as much as I can of the books in the
library. There's a lot of good information in them and they're well compiled and organized.

There's a lot left to learn and we have to use the powers of perception ( memes) to create the reality we want. We've stumbled onto a path where its starting to happen. And while many of us where unaware?

This is magic. And we live in a time where we can create realities and shape new things. We were here at the right time, we need to equate ourselves. This means, you will have to sift through info you disagree with, … but the important thing is gathering the right lessons from what you read.

See we can't just limit ourselves to literature that will be 100 percent in line with what's going on what's happening, we need to absorb it all, and be able to take the good important info in there and sort it out we can't let information go to waste men.

You might want to check out the postman tracker on the i2p network they have alot of torrents in books section about occult mkultra all kinds of stuff, they also have a leaks section.

also this seems relevant

His economic policy aligns with National Socialism though I don't believe he's ever read up on the topic. You can convince humans that they are the best in the entire world and when you do that, they change their actions to reflect that. Nazi Germany made the populous believe in themselves and the government so hard that they went from the possibly worst economy of all time to one of the most efficient ones. People do get cheated all the time and their okay with it because they're convinced to be okay with it.

He used a bad example in the Molyneux interview but his point on hiding shit from people and just convincing them to buy it (see: No Man's Sky) is what his theory supports.

He does not want to be seen as supporting Trump


fuck. Got any more like those videos? Beautiful.

You don't get it, it's about the people who said he was supporting Trump all this time. He clearly states he didnt

for these ppl

sure give me a minute

He originally said he supported clinton for fear of his safety

He endorsed clinton facetiously, it was never serious.


It was never tongue-in-cheek. Death threats were pouring in and he endorsed Hillary so they would stop. It wasn't a joke.

This triggers me. At UF the Jewish fraternity is named after this kike.

No, its pretty obvious that he was a closet Trump supporter.

Which doesnt mean he endorses Trump automatically.

His "support" for Trump isn't political. Just watch the damn video I added.

"My political views don't realy closely align with either one of them

Anyone who didn't pick up on that are maximum retards. Like the people who thought Colbert was a conservative, the joke just flew miles above their head.

What Scott is doing right now is the "fake because" he discussed a while back. He was already going to vote for Trump, but now he has a reason to publicly say it out loud.

Basically everything single thing he talks about he uses on Twitter.


He is a wizard.

I don't really follow his writing outside of Holla Forums because I think he has an overinflated ego and his persuasion tactics are pretty basic stuff.

Only after hanging himself off a 10 story building with razor wire.
Devour this, and keep reading other stuff of his. Pretty sure he has a persuasion reading list that you can check out.

i could watch this all day, every day

Stuff like that's exactly what I'm talking about though. He talks about a basic way to convince people, at least this time he admits a lot of people already knew it. But then he goes on to talk about the birther situation as if it was obviously made up whereas we know that Obama was listed as being born in Kenyan before the birther stuff even became a thing which justifies at least questioning it.

I know it's pretty incredible
I have alot more just waiting for them to convert to webm -taking forever but I'll post them later

No, not seriously

damn, Good stuff. If dubs in the next 8 years of his highness leadership we will see one of these go off in the middle east.


nigga you retarded

Daily reminder that Scott Adams basically said that Democrats are against gun control because most niggers are Democrats and niggers kill people

fuck. If that's kek's will so be it.

Cialdinis book is here

Scotts is here

That idiot jew?

Anyone have the webm of him saying how Clinton's campaign was over after she 9/11ed?

I liked no mang's sky

I think he takes a tone of neutrality whenever something like the birther issue comes up because he can't effectively choose the side of the questioners, like Trump recently did.
Not to suck his cock though, a lot of what he says is pretty basic stuff but whenever he takes a neutral tone or says something supporting leftists it feels a bit disingenuous and he moves on to an issue he can hit on with minimal controversy.
Like me when I have to hide my power level, but still win the argument.

he's le persuasion man, it was all a farce to get leftists to back Trump

Top banter

He made it clear he backed Clinton because he didn't want to get shot in an alley or commit involuntary suicide.

I think by personal safety he meant threats from random fans, not clinton's people.

that was the millionaire's tax, which is not an estate tax

it was a tax of 75% every year on everything you earned starting at 1 million euros

as expected, top earners found ways around it and it was dropped last year


Can you imagine how "disappointed" lefties must be feeling constantly? At least around here, right-leaning people tend not to give a shit about celebrities and only see it as a "oh, that's nice" whenever one of them comes out in support of Don. Lefties though, they idolize Hollywood. And like we saw at last week's Oscar's, the kikes aren't even hiding their mass support of Hillary. On social media you constantly see these people saying things like "well X feminist celebrity said trump is a bad man so it must be true!" When one of their own steps out of line, they act like they've been betrayed by their own family. As if it's some big fucking deal that people have differing opinions. Now that I think about it, I'd say a good amount of hate for Don is because he used to be one of theirs. A prime time reality TV star who spawned the "you're fired" meme. And now he's in open rebellion.

I wonder what it must feel like to be made increasingly aware that you are outnumbered, and that the day of the rope is coming for you.

What's even more sickening is that these libshit cunts who say that stuff generally hate living around non-whites.

White neighborhoods for me, not for thee!

This is truly death by a thousand cuts.

It's pretty stupid tbh. Kim Kardashian has people with four figure hourly rates doing her taxes and laws like these pretty much always are designed to fuck over the (upper) middle class not the cosmopolitan rich.

'>Cause I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman



Ranch…or Cool Ranch?


I guess persuasion really does work if there are still faggots on Holla Forums lapping this shit up. Just watch filterman blow Cialdini-lite's mind when he drops a couple of truth bombs on him.

You stupid bitch…I can't believe how dumb you are

Anyway it'll be interesting to see how this election winds down by election day. Let's see what trickery the globalists have in store this time around.



I've always had the feeling that leftists are in a constant state of assuming that everybody who is not an obvious republican is a liberal by default. So often they will announce their political feelings as if everybody in the room already agreed with them.

Any time they find out that X person or celebrity is voting Trump, it shatters that reality for them.

I've never believed that I'm alone.

Kike propaganda that paints an image that conflicts with reality is easy to recognize.

Not really, France has a special tax on wealth that if you hears millionaires and jews is murder.

Beyond a certain amount of estate you get to pay a special tax.

Current level is beyond 800.000 Euros of estate you get to pay 0,5% to 1,5% in tax per year.

It doesn't mean that if you have 800k you pay 4k in tax it's BEYOND that. So if you have 1M in estate you pay 1M-800k = 200k. So 0.5% of 200k (1k). There is a progression (but the rates are by levels too).

So that's actually a 0.1% tax on wealth… per year.

So basically with a 10M estate it's 0,98 % per year…

Of course are excluded from estate calculation: home residence, farm exploitations (if active), art of course, businesses, etc…

The thing that Sarkozy did was to put a 50% max on all taxes regarding income, meaning if you payed more than 50% of your income in taxes (which is actually the basic level for taxes in France if you count everything, it's way beyond that for the middle class and around 60% if you include VAT).

The thing is if you have a 10M€ estate, guess what, your income is already non-taxable… because most of it is stocks sales, dividends, companies participation, trust funds, etc…

Which don't (or barely) count as income for calculation taxes (since it's "working money", that old hoax), meaning it's very frequent for extra rich people to have the wealth tax (the 1% on their estate) be well above their official income (I.E. after the countless deduction and exemption they get).

Meaning that said thing from Sarkozy was mainly paying back taxes… to people that were already not paying nowhere near what they should if they had regular revenues (=a paycheck from a boss).

It's "oy vey muh shekels".


it's a numbers game.
not only is it harder to persuade smart people, there just aren't that many of them.

He also said it during one video chat with Molynucks. The estate tax thing must've really pissed him off for him to disregard his safety like this.

You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time

Oh and would you fucking look at that Joss Whedon released a video with all of the Avengers actors saying "don't forget to vote… unless you're voting for Trump".


Checked. Goebbels-tier calling the Jew out.

Thanks for uploading it. Classic.

the whole kike cabal got it's instructions from a 200 page book by a failed marxist kike?

as a /gsg/, i'm quite dissapointed
and Trump must also be

Lel. This is the best definition of pilpul and kike mental gymnastics I've ever seen.


This guy's a gold medalist.

youtube .com/watch?v=NNJS8Ihctbc
at 11:00

Caldini went on book tour apparently so Hillary advertising has become crap again.

thinking any amount of persuasion, propaganda or politicking can save that witch.


on the one hand the 65% tax is only for people with over like 10 million so it does not affect me and never will so i can not relate to the hysteria surrounding the plan on the other hand i dont like the principle.

In Scott Adams defense he's writing for normies so he can't do advance stuff inside the blog which is what the reading list is for when you want to do advanced shit.

Of course this was the last straw, have you seen the mansion this guy lives in ?

its simple, 1st you endore hillary for your own personal safety, painting yourself as a coward with no spine sarcastically so considering he said crystal clear it was for his own safety.
then when Hillary made a policy this retarded, ya switch camp, making it appear that she is so lunatic you now place your own personnal safety 2nd to the greater good. effectively putting hillarys policy as worse than keeping your own life


He never supported Hillary.

He is an advanced meme magician, NLP is just a branch of memetic magic. By saying that he has "switched" his support to Trump he's making people think Hillary has gone too far.

This guy's job is to write quips for 3 panel cartoons 24/7

Does any faggot think they can take this man on in a medium that limits your responses to less than 140 characters, liberals are delusional

He expands on it in this periscope, which he recorded like 2h after writing the article:

He only talks about it in the first half or so though.


Of course they are. This is the reality you have to break out of in order to accept the red pill.

For those of you hard on math, this works out to 70% of the value of the home going directly to the state, because you have to pay the inheritance tax and the sales tax. The fact that it used to be owned free and clear doesn't matter.

Holy fucking shit, no wonder he switched over to being pro-Trump, I know people that get taxed 40% of their taxes that are extremely pissed at the government but this takes the cake.


*taxed 40% of their wages

Careful lad, you were a single digit away from dubs.

Scott Adams has not-so-secretly despised the left for a long time.
He endorsed Hillary ironically, and made ruthless cricisisms of liberals in that article.

This is now his excuse to about face. He did this on the same day Cruz endorsed her. That's telling. He's sure Trump will win.

If Hillary wins the SJWs will get a huge boost of power and influence, and take revenge on everyone who supported Trump. Adams had no interest in being at the receiving end of smear campaign.

I think he's smart enough to notice it's ogre for Hillary, if the early polling in 50/50 split swing state like Florida is showing a landslide it's done (STILL FUCKING VOTE YOU NIGGERS!!!)

He's dropping the charade.

No, what both of you should do is find the NPR person's twitter. Tell him you agree that different realities are seen by different people. Then tell him that Hitler did nothing wrong.

It being a pleasure to out meme this fuckers, even when they try to meme around this parts


It started after the riots where a bunch of Trump supporters were beaten by niggers.

Don't overestimate him too much, he has some very bluepilled views on many things.

People project too much onto him because he says what they want to hear (Landslide and Trump being smart - which is true of course).

Sick Beatles song. How pozzed were the Beatles anyways? I know John Lennon was a degenerate. I think they all were probably

So it turns out we aren't the only one with the power to alter reality.

Read article before the spoiler:
though now I'm wondering if our meme magic would be stronger or if they would be able to stop us.

(((They))) cant stop us, user.
(((They))) are more likely to opt for the coward route and wait for us to die out, like they always did

The song "Get Back" is an anti-immigration song, the original unchanged version was more straight forward, called "No Pakistanis" on bootleg.

Kikes like to pretend that it's "satire" because of course a universally beloved band couldn't be guilty of thought-crimes.

Any real lefty went 3rd party or opted out after the nomination was stolen from Bernie. Democrats have been following Republicans further and further to the right for decades. Hillary's chances are merely an amusement, I know she's a sellout and deserves everything she gets for all those convenient assassinations.

This. Cuckservative's have let them win the culture wars for more than 10 years straight, and they have had full hegemony over culture and social capital for a while, after they got cocky and bit off more than they could chew with SJWs there was backlash and overton window shifting rightwards with a lot of momentum. The hugbox effect on social media and such exaggerates this and the leftists don't realize how far up their own ass they really are until it is too late.

I don't why I laugh so hard at that.

I swear, I forget that "crippling autism" isn't a joke.

So many people have such intense Asperger's that they couldn't tell that his endorsement of Hillary was tongue-in-cheek. It blows my mind.


They add that note on every article about Trump for months now. Even before/during the primaries.

It wasn't though. If you have reading comprehension you know that the theme of Dilbert's blog is that hypnosis works even if you know someone is doing it to you. Even though his endorsement was "tongue-in-cheek" it wasn't because it has the effect of mitigating the Trump hater's response to him.

Yeah because he wasn't for Trump all along already, right?

You need to look beyond his words, he's always been for Trump. Generally he'd rather claim to be a leftist just so that people leave him alone, all the while dropping redpills like a mad man.

It's still as worthy subject for a thread and an appropriate and amusing title. Anyone who took him 100℅ seriously will be just as clueless now as before. The rest of us with at least two brain cells to rub together will continue to enjoy Dilbert merchant's based bantz, even if he is still a purple pilled faggot.


his comic is just okay but his bants are fucking savage

You'd be wrong, pal.


Of course he was a Trump supporter. He even jokingly noted during an interview a couple of weeks ago that he was a Hillary supporter in name only so as to protect himself (he lives in Commiefornia).

If it's the same estate tax we're talking about, it only applies if you have over 5 million to pass on. Personally fuck the rich, class warfare now. This is possibly the only thing cunton has ever done that I might like. Still ain't a chance in hell I'm voting for that corrupt bitch though.

What fucking mooks, show me one fucking thing Trump ever did that was racist or sexist, and no, enforcing laws that apply to everyone is neither. Boy who cried wolf…you keep calling everyone racist you meme it into reality. Keep talking shitlibs, you dig your own grave.

Here he reiterates and reinforces his endorcement.

entertaining interview

The real issue is that the wealthy don't pay estate taxes, they get around them with no issue
This would simply destroy the upper middle class and lower upper class/small business owners who can't afford the same loop holes the very wealthy
I'd rather the government put some effort into enforcing the laws already on the books than make up new ones to fuck people with

That's a very regal Kek.


Cool video but the sound effects are a bit ridiculous.

That Wally looks suspiciously like a Gondola.

This is what Americans actually believe.

Does anyone have the "we're hitting persuasion levels that shouldn't even be possible" meme?

You have a warped impression of how much money is worth in the current year. 5 million is small farm territory. Local small-town contractors can easily have businesses worth that much, or much more.

5 million is a lot to jobless niggers and lower-middle corporate wage slaves.

I can't stand this combination of snobbery and humility.

Aren't inheritance taxes straight out of the communist manifesto?

I guess it's also some Agenda 21 shit if it's making it impossible for small farmers to survive

The man doesn't want that wealth to trickle down in your pockets because he doesn't want you buying water filters.

Hillary wants to gut our communities, confiscating the wealth of small family businesses who keep communities self-sufficient.
Pull your head out of your ass and gain some perspective. If you confiscate the wealth of small business owners across America, the only employers of laborers will be massive corporations and the government. That's the America Hillary wants.

Your high time preference is showing.

These are the 10 planks of the communist manifesto.
1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly
6. Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the state
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan
8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

literally only affects 200 people. all of whom can afford to avoid it

fucking meaningless

y-yes goyim, fight for me.. er.. I mean capitalism!

Revealing that level of Autism in so few words… impressive. Someone get this faggot a Twitter account.

You must come from a long line of failures if you think 6.5m is a lot of money to have accumulated over a lifetime. There are farms, worth much more.

Starts at that and in a few years, it's 2-3m which is what you need for a comfy but no frills retirement at 65 with current life spans.

As for avoiding it, you REALLY have no fucking idea what you're talking about but I encourage you to try and fuck the IRS out of one Shekel.

You're meaningless, so go sit in the corner and shut up.

The estate tax should be ZERO. These cockroaches steal at least 50% of your money your entire life then come at you when dead, for whatever you were able to retain.

Not because it makes some difference to the Treasury, but so your heirs CAN'T BE INDEPENDENT FROM THE SYSTEM.

You already pay into Social Security your entire working life and on average, DIE before collecting more then 75% of it. They keep the rest, it doesn't transfer to your spouse or anything and that's how you know it's a Ponzi scheme.

So when you see some dumb, little Bernie Sanders type dick suck saying it's good that White people's money go to fucking nigger gibs instead of their family who could then do something for Whites, just hit that faggot in his dick sucking mouth.

Only envious, punk ass cowards would advocate that the State steal their neighbours wealth. This is some Obongo, you didn't build that/Jon Stewart, you don't own anything goy, bullshit.

Just fuck you with a board covered in rusty nails. You're no different from a dindu looter.

That's an interesting way of saying, THEY LEFT and moved to London.

Hey have you ever considered your poverty is related to your dishonesty and that, it's really yourself and not the rich you hate? Because you should, faggot.

Anyway fuck cartoon boy and any old, failed cunts trying to poison young anons with their defeatist bullshit.

This autist is going to keep hiding behind

On The Rubin Report (google it) he admitted he didn't get a promotion in 2 banking jobs he worked at because, the boss told him, "you're white and we need diverstiy." This was in 1979.

This guy hates browns and women as much as we do, the rest is mental gymnastics to make him appear, both to audience and himself, as a decent person.

The only problem with not having a form of estate tax is you will in time get landed nobility.

dilbert man back at it again


get taxed
pay no tax

No thanks, I'm not a cuck.

You want me to act in the interests of billionaire kikes instead of my own, go lick the floor of the temple clean.

Profit margins on farming are razor thin, many farms are worth millions but the majority of that is tied up in productive capital and the farmer only makes like $40k a year or so. Not to mention the appraisal of business assets for estate tax or to sell is subjective, like anything. It is possible, but unlikely that a business with only $100k profit a year would be purchased for $5 million if the investor had a low enough time preference and didn't mind waiting decades to turn a profit. Considering the valuation of estate assets are going to be done by the same type crooked fucks in the Federal government that tried to seize the Hammon Ranch to sell to the Chinese, the valuation of estates is going to be completely arbitrary and divorced from any reasonable market pricing, meaning that some Fed cocksucker can declare a Business that you could sell for at most $1 million to be worth $10 million, with 65 percent tax, and confiscate literally everything of value you worked for you entire life. Anyone who would put that kind of kikery past our government is naive. Secondly, even if you get a fair valuation on estate taxes, if the business owner/patriarch dies from sudden causes such as car crash or something, the estate taxes are due right after, meaning the time preference for the sale is really high and there is no way to get a fair price from it, but not to fear goyim, Mergers and Acquisitions man from Hooknose Multinational Inc. is willing to buy your family business today so you can pay those pesky estate taxes, at a very generous 75 percent of its actual worth so you even have an extra shekel or two to keep after paying those estate taxes! Great deal right?
Estate taxes are a scheme for economic centralization as megacorps and multinationals who are exempt from any tax via tax inversions not available to small or medium business owners can now buy up all the filthy goys assets at fire sale prices. Same thing with farming, this kind of estate tax absolutely fucks small farmers and after a generation or two of this all the food will be controlled by a single conglomerate and Agenda 21 is achieved. All the bitching about "rich people who don't like estate taxes are just stingy!" is completely missing the point and the actual agenda of these estate taxes which have absolutely nothing to to with rich folk "paying their fair share" and everything to do with the 0.01 percent seizing the assets of the 1 percent.

Scott Adams tells us why he's endorsing Trump

John Lennon was killed partly due to this song in particular.

That reminds me of how the kike Howard Levey aka Anton LaVey popularized "Satanism" and made himself famous.

Did that wife-beating twat Lennon ever work a day in his life?

This thread is severely lacking "Persuasion Level" Scott Adams memes. Pls start posting them if you have them, thx

Is she fucking retarded? 65% for what?

Can't it go directly to the child ?

By the way, can't you just sell the house to some friend for 1k and then buy it back for 1.1k?

I watched the interview he did with Molyneux about Trump.

He said he was impartial to both, but had endorsed Clinton purely out of fear of violence from the left. He said he didn't like her or her policies, but it stopped leftists from turning rabid on him by endorsing her.

I just found out he questions the holocaust too. (He deleted the post, but here's the archive)

Shove a Dilberito in her ass and tell her it's time to go.

If you want to be taxed twice…

With what we know now about Scott and persuasion, really puts that blogpost into perspective.