I don't want to live on this planet anymore

Alright you niggers, i'm tired of this cultural enrichment bs, i feel like everyone around me is a complete retard and there is nothing i can do about it.

i want to move to an island, find me one.

Other urls found in this thread:


why is my trip still on? eh fuck it.

shouldn't you be used to it as a frenchie?

The phrase "island nigger" exists for a reason. You think people around you are retarded now, wait until you interact with some local island niggers. You'll be wishing for the mainland in seconds.

preferably a nigger free island.


I'm tired of you. Just kill yourself.

Island nigger doesn't specifically refer to niggers, user. It refers to the mentality people develop after living on an island for generations. Go visit a tropical island sometime, you'll see what I mean.

Move to glorious Nihon.

i don't mind an island without people

Well you'll be searching for an unmarked island then, and in that case it's highly likely that you'll run into some cannibals if you do find one. Think Papua New Guinea but somehow worse.

not into gooks and i'm tired of people in general, i just want to get away from them.

gas your self you filthy mongrel




Projecting a bit much aren't you leftyfag?
I know it gets your jimmies in a bunch when you see all the Chads on the right getting all that sweet sweet trim. But, let me tell you a secret that most Anons won't tell you. You too can be a normal functional individual and truly be happy with yourself and the world around and even perhaps get yourself a girlfriend finally. All you have to do is drop the lefty faggot mentality, get off your weak low testosterone ass, hit the gym and most importantly stop being a perverted faggot (Dont try to act like you're not) and get your dick out of your hand. I guarantee you your life will be all the more happier and you'll one day look back thinking about this post and say to yourself "Thanks user". You're welcome in advance faggot. Kys

P.S thanks for the webm faggot… Adding it to my collection

They arent retarded in the sense of being retarded, more like herd mentality and adaption.

See your self like helgoland where all the bombshells go to. Fucking frog.

Most importantly stop being a perverted faggot (Dont try to act like you're not) and get your dick out of your hand.


Story of Your Life, i guess he derived his "heptapedes" while being in the shower curling his pubic hair with both hands due to what i suppose is ambidexterity.

plenty of uninhabited small islands in the coastal archipelagos around british columbia or maine/new brunswick/nova scotia - you'd still see people on boats occasionally, and you'd be close enough to civilization if you needed help - but niggers cant into cold so you'd be good there… sorry if these suggestions are too ameri-centric, im a burger and i've been seriously looking at these islands myself…

prepare to defrost your anus twice a year, three days after every meal
