Those comments. So many straw-mans

Those comments. So many straw-mans.

You know, I used to just hate lolberts and Ayncraps before. Now I'm just disappointing in them. Their thinking is just a few, albeit huge, steps away from being hardcore socialists.

Thanks Red Scare, Stalin, Soros, and the Koch brothers!

Other urls found in this thread:

By golly by gumption, I ain't no tankie but I resent this assumption!

The idea around property, the meaning of the word communism and libertarian, markets, democracy, and many others, are constructed by the rulling ideology for us to project some kind of idea which is inaccurate in terms of their etymology. Our freedom is constricted by the kind of socialization we get, since we are born, which enforces the ideology to a deep level in us.

Being a communist requires constant studying to unlearn the ideology. That's why we should always keep reading a fucking book.

The problem with modern YT, is that most commenters are either 'Murican or their only source of politics is pol.

The vid pretty much shows how there's no hope in America. The genuine anger and resentment is deflected on to /tinfoil/ and Holla Forums spooks. We're fucked.

It's wonderful, isn't it?

Nod really.
I wanted nice things. Also, I can't have serious discussions because everyone in my life is a retard.
Life is suffering.

If they support worker coops then I wouldn't lose hope.

Then again, Murrika can't be 'in charge' forever.

I was thinking they might be DeFood from ancrapdom into mutualism or market socialism. I've seen some anti-labor propaganda among the 'libertarian' right, so we'll see.

We don't deserve nice things, user. Not anymore.

I'm sure your life will seem like an idyllic fairytale to the humans of the far future. Be thankful that you were born in a time that you didn't need an oxygen supply to go outside.

I-I know.
You're implying that we'll be around in a few centuries.
I just thought of what life will be like after runaway global warming fucks us.
"Ali Jones stepped out of the airlock and waded through the hellscape. He glanced at a desiccated tree and reflected on the holovids he saw of the old times. At the base of the tree he saw the dessicated corpse of what he assumed to be a squirrel. He had become quite good at identifying the remains of animals. He pondered what a desperate, futile struggle its life was, and indeed the futility of all life. He took off his helmet and embraced the ultimate fate of all life on earth."

Another frustrating aspect about lolberts is that their more likely to acknowledged eco fuckers then typical right wingers. They just think 'muh free marghet' will fix it.

When you relegate capitalism to just being about mere exchange, and call private property literally everything people have, of course their going to be classcucks.

And that's where you engage them.
This is the breach we must pass into.



This is the reason I still hate them. I won't blame victims for being brainwashed, but they choose to embrace it.

They assume everyone who disagrees with them on anything lacks a basic understanding of how supply and demand works. It's so arrogant as to not even make sense.

I would argue that the type of competition they worship is violently enforced and artificial. Real compettion comes from wanting to better yourself to impress others, not simply to get profit. Companies also force their workers to compete with each other to increase productivity without having to pay more in wages, or rather mere slivers of what workers actually make.

If they realize that we aren't about simply taxing people, and just want to abolish bosses and CEOs and shareholders, most of them wont even have arguments. Their 'free exchange' will still exist. The only difference is workers of these institutions have a say, not just a boss that does fuck all and makes most of the money.

I have a question, and I'm keeping it in here:

Has anyone been pondering the mudpie argument? Could one argue that value is subjective, but not in capitalism?

Also, there's the fact that scarcity, use value, and exchange also factor in whether or not the work will actually create sell-able commodities. Mud is literally one of the most common things out there, nevermind the fact that it is bought, including mud pies that are bought in Haiti.



What does "by golly by gumption" mean?