Personality Archetypes


One of the major issues facing young people today is a lack of strong, intelligent, honorable people to look up to. They fall for the lie of the swaggy degenerate nigger gangster because they think it represents strength and success - aka money and hoes. Really, we wouldn't be dealing with this problem if kids had a little perspective/a role model that BTFO nigger culture by merely existing. We need more white badasses. Niggers ain't shit, just supreme braggers. So we need to popularize certain personality archetypes to show that if you want to be a manly man, you don't have to be a stupid nigger. I suggest the knight. I don't mean in a gay "m'lady" kind of a way, I mean a man who has great strength, but also great honor. He has both physical and mental strength, he seeks to help others, but is still capable of fucking up everything in his path.

We need more personality archetypes like this represented. I'm sure there are others that could be revived and given a modern spin to appeal to younger people.

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I'd say they still exist. Its more like the young are presented with sex and materialism as the acceptable rather than the undesirable.

Truthfully, in this age those with intellect have no courage and those with some modicum of physical courage have no intellect. If things are to alter during the next fifty years then we must re-embrace Byron’s ideal: the cultured thug.
Jonathan Bowden

This music video is one of my favorites because it showcases white strength in all it's glory. Intelligence, discipline, innovation, and of course A E S T H E T I C S

Chivalry was cucked as fuck
Chivarly < Magnanimity

I would rather live to become Great than live to become diligent

The pendulum has definitely shifted from rewarding the soul to cheap fleeting physical pleasure this is of course standard skype operating procedure but that's an advantage for us because the pleasures of the soul far outweigh those of the physical plane - for example sex is way better when you're in love than a hollow one night stand with some barslut.

post white badasses if you've got them

for shame anons

the last real men died at stalingrad lads



I Wonder why BABBY


No more wizards and warriors, we need spellswords.

This is one of the primary reasons for the affinity towards anime. Anime commonly has unambiguously good male characters who are driven by genuine motives, and plots that reinforce the idea that holding onto lofty ideals like loyalty to friends, protecting your loved ones, achieving mastery of one kind or another, etc., will pay off in the end and are the only way of conducting yourself that actually makes sense.

inb4 anime male protagonists are feminine/gay seeming/etc.. Some are visually feminine by western standards, some exhibit social traits that are perceived as weak and non-masculine in retard-drunk-american-"man" culture (i.e. "he's smart, well dressed, and not yelling all the time. SO GAY"). This does not negate the overwhelmingly positive presentation of deeper more archetypal masculine, and generally wholesome, characteristics described above, and mostly has to do with mis-reading of normal Japanese social and aesthetic norms as notably feminine/gay.

Kill yourself.

Oy vey

western ideals of masculinity almost always involve nigger worship now. Unless you play hokey but dont tell the jews or they will attack that one to

I'm a knight. We just don't do the captain save-a-hos thing.

Actualy Holla Forums would be considered a grey knight, white knights are literally being a deluded person.


I said western, not (((subverted))) western.

I'm already a romantic and a black knight, black because this world itself is so destitute that the only way to survive is to reserve your love and compassion for those who are undeniably dearest to you which means my waifu and my true comrades and anyone else is neutral or enemy territory if they aren't another noble incarnation fighting a battle parallel to mine own. White knights fell because they were too unconditional, defending trash that didn't deserve to be defended who ended up backstabbing civilization itself. If they were to rise up again in this day, they would quickly be swallowed up and exploited, leading to further ruin.

When I was a young boy I was very quiet and kind. People would easily take advantage of my kindness and I did not mind because I believed it was right to sacrifice in this way. I learned that this world here is where "light" must be shielded within a black shell if it is to survive to illuminate the world again – an even greater sacrifice. I am not evil or heartless, my chivalrous spirit is merely more concentrated now to that which truly deserves it, that which is loyal and thus honourable, and there are very few people alive today worthy of it.

There is no need for the white knight in this era where man is more undead than truly alive. These times are too desperate for the gallantry of a white knight, only the godly fury burning in our veins will carry us to victory.

Sorry you're so rustled buddy.

This. I am a "grey hat hacker" too whatever that means

trips of somewhat truth.

No. Not just maybe or almost but plain no.

for personality types, our time doesn't need the White Knight. The White Knight is in part defined by his humility and often subservient stance towards women. We now face a time where women being unreasonable, self-overestimating, and generally conditioned to abuse whoever and whenever possible is the norm. Those nu-males who whore their stance out completely for a little positive attention from a woman, those are a perverted modern iteration of the white knight.

What it needs is something not only strong and courageous, but the archetype also needs to be prepared to face off with not only people - both men and women - that cannot be reasoned with, but with people who will feign reason while maliciously plotting against them.

The new, proper archetype is to come with good intentions, but be merciless in his pursuit of them. Whoever opposes him, even after an attempt at persuasion, can only be assumed to have incompatible motives and becomes an obstacle, something to overcome and stomp over, rather than someone to treat with silk gloves.

He must also exactly not share the humility of the White Knight, but instead show pride in what and who he is, and meet attempts at shaming, namecalling and other means of wearing him down first with insults and mockery, then if the attempts come with means that cannot be ignored, with force. If a woman turns on him in the slightest, he shows no hesitation to leave her or to censure her for it. If he is faced with enemies that feign good intentions but put him in danger, he slays them with no remorse.

I propose not the White Knight, but the White Warrior. Or the White Conqueror.

sage because not really Holla Forums related.

no more bumbling idiot dads
no more queers and nigger wannabes
no more subjectivity, no more relativism
no more trends, no more fads
no more gratuitous forgiveness typical of low expectations
no more nihilism, no more hedonism, no more masochism, no more self-destruction, no more degradation, no more degeneration, no more cuckoldry

The real white knights became the dark knights stupid.
The current white knights are evil marxist fucks.

Once you're redpilled you're a dark knight. Just as you can never get blue pilled again, you can never try going back to your shining white armor. We save the righteous and burn the heretics, which includes the monarchs.

That depends on which period you're talking about. Pre-2002 is exactly what you said with masterpieces such as Cowboy Bebob, Dragon Ball, Samurai X and Fist of the North Star. I grew up with those and still have a warm spot for them in my heart.

But today almost everything is pedo-pandering moeshit or otherwise filled with cucked nu-male protagonists and 'stronk independant' females that are more fapbait than anything and this is the reason why I quit anime for good and shit on anyone who currently watches it.

To the OP, I think 40k is the best replacement for cartoons. There is nothing manlier than a khornate Space Marine.

Is this what you think about all day? Masturbating to being a white night "alpha" and getting high off of calling yourself a neo nazi? I wish I could live with your delusions, sounds like fun.

Not really when the mentality is there and you actually believe it enough for it to be manifest.

Today it's about what was lost, not how to get it back. The things you deride are the sweetness of an immaculate world that is now gone but may live on in our hearts. It's the blissful light that has no material analogue; something that comforts us in these dark times.



armor is replaceable so I never cared for that quote


Can confirm. Lost virginity to a drunken slut, am now in a two year relationship with a good woman. Slut left me dissapointed about sex, current woman makes sex amazing. As soon as I can provide for us both I would like to marry her and eventually raise a family.

yeah you cant replace all the fucked up shit you see in combat. its an analogy bro.

It's a mental, emotional, and spiritual connection that changes the aftereffects of that act. The female does not even need to be physical to experience the change.

We need black knights.


The good ones are still out there. They just aren't popular because the fan base are fags who only like pedo slice of life and magical girl shows.



I stand in a suit of black steel armor before a hellish castle. Its walls are black, the monstrous towers blood-red. White flames flare up like blazing columns before the gates. I trudge through, cross the castle's courtyard, and climb the stairs. Hall after hall, one after another, opens up before me. The ring of my footsteps reverberates on the stone-block walls, otherwise it is dead silent. At last I step into a cricular tower room, above whose door a red snail has been chiseled in the stone. It is windowless, yet one senses the immense thickness of the walls; no light burns, yet a shadowless luster illuminates the space.
Two girls are sitting around a table, one black-haired, the other blonde, and also a woman. Though the three do not resemble each other, they must be mothers and daughters. On the table in front of the black-haired girl lies a pile of long, glittering horseshoe nails. With great care, she takes them one after another into her hands, tests their points, and then stabs them into the blond's face, limbs, and chest. The blonde does not move, utters not a sound. At one point, the black-haired girl brushes the other's skirt aside and I see that her lacerated abdomen are no more than a single bloody wound. A profound slowness clings to these noiseless movements, as if some hidden device is slowing down the flow of time.
The woman sitting across from these two also keeps quiet and still. Like in rustic pictures of saints, she wears a large heart cut out of red paper on her breast, which it almost entirely masks. With terror, I notice that with each nail thrust the blonde receives, this heart turns snow-white, like white-hot iron. I lurch toward the exit, with a sense of being inadequte to the test. Door after door flies by, each sealed with steel locks. There I realize: behind every one of these doors, from the deepest dungeon to the highest tower chamber, endless tortures are playing out, which no one will ever come to know of. I have penetrated into the secert castle of pain, but even its first model was too much for me.




ENFP philosopher-king here.

All you need is a righteous path to follow and the will to follow it. Choose your ideal, and pursue it. If it is good, then you will meet other righteous men on your way, for all righteous paths converge.

Harden your will in order to never be deterred. When you fall, humbly return to the path with the wisdom earned through your suffering.

Heed me, or do not. I have only a spark of the Divine yet it illuminates all who listen. My wisdom was earned, not given.

I took the path of a Guardian, and I will never feel doubt again.

The knight is the master, the logos, the spirit which prevails over the mount (that is, over matter). But this is possible only after a lengthy period of apprenticeship, which may be seen, as a real attempt to create in the knight a human type superior to all others. [The] education of the knight was directed in part to strengthening him physically, but in particular to developing his affections (that is, his morals) and his mind (that is, his reason) in order to prepare him adequately for the task of directing and controlling the real world…

In alchemy, the rising scale of colours is: black, white, red (corresponding to prime matter, mercury, sulphur)… [Black] is associated with sin, penitence, the withdrawal of the recluse, the hidden, rebirth in seclusion, and sorrow: white with innocence, illumination, openheartedness, gladness: and red with passion (moral or material - love or pain), blood, wounds, sublimation and ecstasy… [The] Black Knight stands for… the tribulations of sin, expiation and obscurity in order to attain immortality by way of earthly glory and heavenly beautitude; the White Knight is the natural conqueror, the 'chosen one' of the Evangelists, or the 'illumined one'…; the Red Knight is the knight sublimated by every possible trial, bloodied from every possible sacrifice, supremely virile, the conqueror of all that is base, who, having completed his life's work, is fully deserving of gold in its ultimate transmutation.

[The knight's] practical exertions led eventually to the inversion of the world of desire through ascetic denial of physical pleasure… the wandering of the knight implies at intermediate position between the 'saved' knight and the accursed hunter, with the difference that the knight errant is striving to master [his desires].

The concept of chivalry seems essential for high civilization.

Some of the villains are Nazis because this was written during the war itself.

Knights are simply dogmatic warriors , We need leaders whoare free from the the jewish chains and are able to withstand the corruption of the modern world . Not idealistic ideals taken from the romanticism era but knowledge and self determination

I appreciate the idea OP but a white knight in this day and age is anti-racist.

No one will believe a good person could hate niggers or kill injuns. And even if you have a person who is a great guy, everyone loves him, as soon as he falls out of line then he is worst than Charlie AIDS Sheen or Michael Pedo Jackson, or Mike Rapist Tyson.

The world has become to knowledgeable and therefore Jaded to believe in heroes. That's why the Joker rules…

What we need is the Overman!

And that's what my work will be dedicated to.

Agree thinking chivalry is going to accomplish something is like thinking a non-white religion from ancient middle east is going to save europea and the white race

Fucking /fringe/ you always do bad research. This is what esoterics leads to, beta-tier philosophy.

Logos = flux

flux = cause and effect

cause and effect = reason

Logos is the fire (energy) of reason in the universe… literally the Tao without all the wishy washy Asian shit installed.

There is 300,000,000 in the US. That means that 9 out of 10 people worship the kike on the stick. That's complete bullshit, even in the 30,000,000 Mexican community as only the old ladies do (not even the old men really).

Your country is 60% white including spics idiot

Logos is nothing like the tao and I have no idea where you're getting the equation with "flux". The Tao is the primordial substance beyond duality and is explicitly differentiated from anything that could be described as intellectual. The logos is a Greek concept that made it's way into Christianity and Gnosticism. In Christian mysticism the Logos is the mind of God, a divine intellect (explicitly not what the Tao is), and if the Tao had any place in Christian cosmology (it doesn't actually fit but if you wanted to force it) it would be "the waters". In Gnosticism the Logos is the mind of the higher gods within the Pleroma, technically different from the Christian Logos (which the Gnostics would say was the intellect of the demiurge), but also just the concept of the highest possible divine intellect, and once again clearly different from the Tao which is explicitly non-intellectual. In Gnosticism there are various places where you could put something like the Tao (though once again, only by forcing the metaphor) but the Logos isn't one of those places.

Your post is shit user.

No that's actually without spics

Jews have deliberately excised from the culture all positive role-models for young white men. I have been hearing that white schoolboys have taken to emulating Trump, he is the first strong white man to enter our mass-culture since Schwarzenegger.

You sound like a fag and this comes from someone who enjoys moeshit.

NIgger I told you shut the fuck up and stay off /fringe/

The fucking logos concept doesn't come from your douchebag esoterics. It comes from Heraclitus who defined it how I just did.

Don't ever question me again. You're a /fringe/ beta, you're lucky we even allow you here.

Moe peaked with azumanga daioh. So right off the bat. All downhill after that.

tbh fam if we could agree upon what makes a person "white" (like manners, education etc), then we could all just do those things and just be called "white." otherwise we take away the dignity of being white and replace it with the dignity of being a knight or whatever else.

No it isn't. There are a lot of spics who identify as white and answer that on the census. Real white population is 50% at best.

Maybe you're the fag here.

Jesus Kike you're a massive fucking NuMale faggot. Stop watching cartoon and thinking feminized japanese traits are masculine. In Japan, you have to dress like a faggot because faggots dress masculine. Everything is reversed. And they're all drunk bastards.

Agreed. Honorary Aryans (not that there aren't cucked Japs) are our allies. I just see anime as an intriguing art form from another culture that also places a very high value of honour and other real virtues.

The beta-association comes from cucks who spend their lives obsessing over it and/or watching hours of TV every day in general. Appreciate anime, but remember it's just a cartoon and real men shouldn't be wasting too much time on it.

That never existed, knights in medieval times were the thug gangsters of their day. They'd execute peasants just for looking at them the wrong way or not showing them the proper deference that a noble was "due."

Let us look to the ancients. To the Greeks and the Romans; the Ancient Chinese; the noble ideals, altruistic sacrifice and worthy men and people ancient and recent. Mythical or documented. We should each strive for no less strength than that of Heracles, no less Wisdom than that of Athena, knowledge than that of Apollo, courage than that of Prometheus. Yet do not be so vain as to think we can approach Kek unburdened by mortal humility. For we are men. We are but men, are we not? And what can a man do when he is loyal to his true Lord? Anything the magick permits his, will be. For Kek is the light, Kek is the decree of chas. Kek is the force of balance in an unbalanced realm. In these dark times, there is light from the past to guide us. Some of these torches were lit milennia ago. Others may have burned for mere days. History alone is not our salvation. We must draw our own powerful magick. We are all infused with magick. Dark and evil forces want to hide this. It terrifies them. Beholden to Kek and with Magick at our behest, we can begin. It is true that you will see nothing in this world greater than Rome - so isn't it time we built Rome again?


White knight faggotry is counterproductive for the time, now is a time of cleansing, chaos and destruction.

The shedding of old, scarred skin cannot be done when you have white knight faggots impeding the whole process.


We can't save what is already in a terminal phase of dying.

We can have enough courage and necessary hard-mindedness to put it out of its misery and and force something new to grow in its place.

Enjoy the oven, kike, no one will miss you.

This code is not adapted to our today society, therefore it's useless for now.


Reminds me of Bushido. Even a drone salaryman will tell you if they have even a bit of Samurai heritage in their family so they haven't been entirely cucked yet, though something has to be done about their NEETS. If they had a real emperor rather than a figurehead this wouldn't be allowed to happen.

Chivilary isn't dead because it never existed

It was a way to trick people into slave morality and fighting for Jews/catholics in the middle east

“Because the behavior of a race takes on its specific character from its underlying images, we can speak of an archetype ‘Wotan’.” –Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, Wotan

“One form of Odin is dead, that is, the Odin who was the highest of the many gods who appeared as the embodiment of a generation still given up to natural symbolisms. But Odin as the eternal mirrored image of the primal spiritual powers of Nordic man lives today just as he did over 5,000 years ago.” –Dr. Alfred Rosenberg

“There is no question but that Hitler belongs in the category of the truly mystic medicine man. As somebody commented about him at the last Nürnberg party congress, since the time of Mohammed nothing like it has been seen in this world. His body does not suggest strength. The outstanding characteristic of his physiognomy is its dreamy look. I was especially struck by that when I saw pictures taken of him in the Czechoslovakian crisis; there was in his eyes the look of a seer. This markedly mystic characteristic of Hitler’s is what makes him do things which seem to us illogical, inexplicable, and unreasonable. … So you see, Hitler is a medicine man, a spiritual vessel, a demi-deity or, even better, a myth.” –Dr. Carl Gustav Jung

“We are always convinced that the modern world is a reasonable world, basing our opinion on economic, political, and psychological factors. […] In fact, I venture the heretical suggestion that the unfathomable depths of Wotan’s character explain more of National Socialism than all three reasonable factors put together.” –Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, Wotan

“When, for instance, the belief in the God Wotan vanished and nobody thought of him anymore, the phenomenon originally called Wotan remained; nothing changed but its name, as National Socialism has demonstrated on a grand scale. A collective movement consists of millions of individuals, each of whom shows the symptoms of Wotanism and proves thereby that Wotan in reality never died, but has retained his original vitality and autonomy. Our consciousness only imagines that it has lost its Gods; in reality they are still there and it only needs a certain general condition in order to bring them back in full force.” –Dr. Carl Gustav Jung in a letter to Miguel Serrano



Wow that sentence had more memes then words

That man of loneliness and mystery,
Scarce seen to smile, and seldom heard to sigh— (I, VIII)


He knew himself a villain—but he deem'd
The rest no better than the thing he seem'd;
And scorn'd the best as hypocrites who hid
Those deeds the bolder spirit plainly did.
He knew himself detested, but he knew
The hearts that loath'd him, crouch'd and dreaded too.
Lone, wild, and strange, he stood alike exempt
From all affection and from all contempt:

Wow, the Byronic Hero is pretty much the typical shitposter here.

That's what they are telling you keep the panic down.

this is badass. Renaissance + Sci-Fi should be the new steampunk.

I have been waiting patiently for the second artistic/cultural Renaissance, but it doesn't seem to be getting here fast enough :(.



Chivalry was, honestly, a code of conduct for a class of men who did nothing but fight, and hunt while not fighting on the land they owned. It was supposed to help those type of men behave in normal society, because turns out dedicating your entire life to warfare and servitude is kinda weird.

The truth must be told. Nearly all Knights were members of a religious order - such as the Templars or the Hospitalers - and took vows of chastity.

OP just wants a world full of perma-virgins so he doesn't feel alone.

Relevant video about how the heroic has been hijacked

This is really good. Thanks.

It does not do well to search for higher meaning and tradition outside of the western world.

As Evola said in Ride the Tiger, yes they may currently have a more traditionalist society that appeals to those of us stuck with the absolutely degenerate and materialistic western morality, but ultimately, they've merely not had time to reach our level of degeneracy.

Because of the worship of capital and the abandonment of moral truth for natural truth and the focus on the material world above the spiritual, everyone's gonna go full degenerate until shit changes globally. While the world worships Enlightenment ideals and that which came after it, nothing's going to change. Japan is no different, they'll reach our level eventually, unfortunately.

We need to ready ourselves and change our own society. We have role models and a good enough moral code to follow, we just have to look further into the past to find it, and then bring it back into the contemporary world.

This is America, not England. And swords are obsolete. If you want a role model, then use American militiamen and cowboys.

Nigger he is not talking about weaponry but ideals.and standards.

I'm making my 16 yo cousin read Berserk in order to not be pussified by modern manga and anime. Am I being a good cousin?

Dude I watched Animatrix on my 15 and the homicidal robot scene where he splits the guy`s head hit me pretty hard, your call tho

He should. Just look at the news.

The ideals and standards of knights are also obsolete. Chivalry was never real. It was pure fiction from literature. Like the tales of Camelot.

What was real was feudalism. A very brutal system of control with fat lords at the top, knights in the middle acting as enforcers and serfs on the bottom working as slaves. Fuck feudalism.

Degenerate please go.


There is beauty in tragedy. There is even strength there. Today, the tragic path is emblazoned with the swastika. It is kindling.

If you aren't already Jewish, you should look into converting.

Dependence is an issue. Women were "liberated" in the West, and thus cannot really appreciate a man. Whether you like it or not, there used to be a scenario where a woman either had to win a man to take care of her (when she'd leave her parents), or else she'd turn to whoring or go to a nunnery, because she wasn't allowed into the workforce.

The moment women were allowed to vote, allowed into the workforce, and given all of these other means to not need men, was the moment man became what he is today: something to supplement her personal income in the case of relationships (the beta bucks), or a toy for amusement (the alpha fucks).

You're deluding yourself if you think otherwise. It's as simple as this. Women and men have no true binding polarity anymore that facilitates appreciation.

We could really exaggerate this notion and think back to times when women were fearing being raped by invading neighbor tribes, and just how much then they really appreciated having a man. Night and day compared to now.

MGTOW is full of bitter males who couldn't get laid in a women's prison, but a lot of their logic and social critique/commentary in relation to modern relationships and critiquing of the racket that is family law, is refreshing and spot on.

TL:DR; the only thing you can be today to a woman in this system is her entertainment, and you will get boring, and when she decides she doesn't want to deal with you, there is no longer religion constraining her, nor an economic/survival constraint; on the contrary, she has all the means in the world to absolutely fucking wreck you, with Mr. Steinberg, Attorney at Law.

Angelina Jolie dumped Brad Pitt, and she's going to take their rainbow trio of adopted niglets, and their natural born daughter, turn Brad's daughter into a male with hormone therapy as a celebrity trans, and she'll also be fucking young chads with her titless mastectomied torso.

Women are out of fucking control.

Stop lying using green text, knave.

If you want to Larp as an Englishman from medieval times, then go do so. Just know that you are closer to a helpless peasant digging in the dirt, than a knight on horseback.

Aristotle said something to the effect of this:

All drama is an imitation of real life. Comedy is a where the characters are worse than in real life. Tragedy is where the characters are better than in real life.

Be strong, like Kenshiro!

The knight turned into the gentleman, who split into Chad and Carl the cuck, both of which are wholly deficient for the purposes of character building.

The one thing I don't like about anime is that the main male character is always such a pussified cunt.

Watch older, better anime user. Fist of the North Star is best. Kenshiro is a great ideal to strive for, as well as some of the aspects of his foes, such as his brother Raoh.

Stop watching the faggy moe shit.


Romantic tragedy being the highest form there is with Tristan and Isolde being a prevailing archetype for that.

Oh you're a redditfag. I apologize for including you in my post since it went right over your head.

Precisely the reason "the black pill" type mentalities come about: they deduce that you live in a world now where you're either "gaming bitches" or just avoiding the "game" altogether.

The problem with the latter is that no decent man would be content fucking whores, but whether you pay for them today or "game" them, they're all whores, because you know you are giving time or money for temporary affection, and there is no binding or long-lasting possibility of permanent union and symbiosis anymore.

The choice of a mate today is as banal and shallow as deciding you're in the mood for pizza and choosing Pizza Hut for dinner, but eventually you'll get sick of that, probably within an evening or two, you'll want "the next restaurant."

It generally goes both ways, but men have more of a sense of loyalty and a desire for something greater than transient amusement, which is what the sex of shopaholic shallowness - women - epitomize.

It took religious shackles (a fear of god if you divorce) and economic constraints (you can't work, you need me) to keep women from fucking every Chad in town. Now, those are both gone, and they have Tinder when you piss her off. She can text you a pic of her blowing Tyrone and you really have no recourse in today's world for "adultery."

At this point, I want to dehumanize myself and face to bloodshed, memes aside.

Mike Levy is a Jew?

Maybe my Jewdar is broken, but my guess is no, he's a French house artist, looks French, has a very French sound, very French A E S T H E T I C

He's too good-looking and well-proportioned to be a kike.

Bullshit, women have always worked, even during the middle ages, even back in ancient egypt. It was a different kind of work, but it was work. Most women were poor (as most people in general) and worked in the fields in different ways. You're thinking of nobles and most of all the bourgeois, but as for the workforce women did work.

The fundamental shift is this: individualism. Men and women don't see each other as complementary, but as complete individuals in themselves, supposedly equal in all ways. They also know that this is false, from experience. Cognitive dissonance ensues.

Levy is a Jewish name.

You know it's possible to forge new archetypes as well.


I watched the berserk anime when I was 12. It was the only time fiction was traumatic for me, if only bcause of the ending.

I'm talking about a 16 yo teen, not 12.


Your request has been denied.

Honor should only be extended to fellow whites, which are the only race with a concept of honor. If you encounter Tyrone just tell him his Jordans are untied and sucker punch him.


Note that not every Greek god was an aryan god.

Gods like Dionysus and Mithra were foreign, and were corrupting influences.

Athena, Apollo, and Zeus are the rock solid foundation of a Mediterranean-centric worldview.

Definitely sounds like me

Jews have blended in well since the revolution in france, they've had 200 years to improve their genes and there are many more than you would imagine (cryptos and half jews)
Oh, and the day you find someone called "levy" who is NOT a jew is the day you should by a lottery ticket, the odds are about the same.

Stop reading there, OP is obviously a faggot

OP here, I don't mean white as in the pathetic beta way.

Also anons are saying chivalry is dead, it pretty much is - and women killed it. More important than chivalry is honor and discipline.

You're still a cuck
and always will be

I understood you OP. Your thread deserved more of a chance imo